IEnumerator ReloadRoutine() { hasAttackInterruptReload = false; if (!isReloading && CurrentEquippedWeapon.CanReload()) { isReloading = true; if (WeaponData != null) { reloadDuration = WeaponData.reloadDuration; startReloadTime = Time.unscaledTime; if (WeaponData.clipOutFx != null && AudioManager.Singleton != null) { AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(WeaponData.clipOutFx, TempTransform.position, AudioManager.Singleton.sfxVolumeSetting.Level); } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(reloadDuration)); if (isServer) { var equippedWeapon = CurrentEquippedWeapon; equippedWeapon.Reload(); equippedWeapons[selectWeaponIndex] = equippedWeapon; equippedWeapons.Dirty(selectWeaponIndex); } if (WeaponData.clipInFx != null && AudioManager.Singleton != null) { AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(WeaponData.clipInFx, TempTransform.position, AudioManager.Singleton.sfxVolumeSetting.Level); } } // If player still attacking, random new attacking action id if (isServer && attackingActionId >= 0 && WeaponData != null) { attackingActionId = WeaponData.GetRandomAttackAnimation().actionId; } yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); isReloading = false; if (isLocalPlayer) { // If weapon is reload one ammo at a time (like as shotgun), automatically reload more bullets // When there is no attack interrupt while reload if (WeaponData != null && WeaponData.reloadOneAmmoAtATime && CurrentEquippedWeapon.CanReload()) { if (!hasAttackInterruptReload) { Reload(); } else { Attack(); } } } } }
protected void Reload() { if (isPlayingAttackAnim || isReloading || !CurrentEquippedWeapon.CanReload()) { return; } if (isLocalPlayer) { CmdReload(); } }
protected void Attack() { if (isLocalPlayer) { // If attacking while reloading, determines that it is reload interrupting if (isReloading && FinishReloadTimeRate > 0.8f) { hasAttackInterruptReload = true; } } if (isPlayingAttackAnim || isReloading || !CurrentEquippedWeapon.CanShoot()) { return; } if (attackingActionId < 0 && isLocalPlayer) { CmdAttack(); } }
IEnumerator AttackRoutine(int actionId) { if (!isPlayingAttackAnim && !isReloading && CurrentEquippedWeapon.CanShoot() && Hp > 0 && characterModel != null && characterModel.TempAnimator != null) { isPlayingAttackAnim = true; var animator = characterModel.TempAnimator; AttackAnimation attackAnimation; if (WeaponData != null && WeaponData.AttackAnimations.TryGetValue(actionId, out attackAnimation)) { // Play attack animation animator.SetBool("DoAction", false); yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); animator.SetBool("DoAction", true); animator.SetInteger("ActionID", attackAnimation.actionId); // Wait to launch damage entity var speed = attackAnimation.speed; var animationDuration = attackAnimation.animationDuration; var launchDuration = attackAnimation.launchDuration; if (launchDuration > animationDuration) { launchDuration = animationDuration; } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(launchDuration / speed)); // Launch damage entity on server only if (isServer) { WeaponData.Launch(this, attackAnimation.isAnimationForLeftHandWeapon); var equippedWeapon = CurrentEquippedWeapon; equippedWeapon.DecreaseAmmo(); equippedWeapons[selectWeaponIndex] = equippedWeapon; equippedWeapons.Dirty(selectWeaponIndex); } // Random play shoot sounds if (WeaponData.attackFx != null && WeaponData.attackFx.Length > 0 && AudioManager.Singleton != null) { AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(WeaponData.attackFx[Random.Range(0, WeaponData.attackFx.Length - 1)], TempTransform.position, AudioManager.Singleton.sfxVolumeSetting.Level); } // Wait till animation end yield return(new WaitForSeconds((animationDuration - launchDuration) / speed)); } // If player still attacking, random new attacking action id if (isServer && attackingActionId >= 0 && WeaponData != null) { attackingActionId = WeaponData.GetRandomAttackAnimation().actionId; } yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); // Attack animation ended animator.SetBool("DoAction", false); isPlayingAttackAnim = false; } }
protected virtual void UpdateInput() { if (!isLocalPlayer || Hp <= 0) { return; } bool canControl = true; var fields = FindObjectsOfType <InputField>(); foreach (var field in fields) { if (field.isFocused) { canControl = false; break; } } isMobileInput = Application.isMobilePlatform; #if UNITY_EDITOR isMobileInput = GameInstance.Singleton.showJoystickInEditor; #endif InputManager.useMobileInputOnNonMobile = isMobileInput; var canAttack = isMobileInput || !EventSystem.current.IsPointerOverGameObject(); inputMove =; inputDirection =; inputAttack = false; if (canControl) { inputMove = new Vector2(InputManager.GetAxis("Horizontal", false), InputManager.GetAxis("Vertical", false)); // Jump if (!inputJump) { inputJump = InputManager.GetButtonDown("Jump") && isGround && !isDashing; } // Attack, Can attack while not dashing if (!isDashing) { if (isMobileInput) { inputDirection = new Vector2(InputManager.GetAxis("Mouse X", false), InputManager.GetAxis("Mouse Y", false)); if (canAttack) { inputAttack = inputDirection.magnitude != 0; } } else { inputDirection = (InputManager.MousePosition() - targetCamera.WorldToScreenPoint(TempTransform.position)).normalized; if (canAttack) { inputAttack = InputManager.GetButton("Fire1"); } } if (InputManager.GetButtonDown("Reload")) { Reload(); } if (GameplayManager.Singleton.autoReload && CurrentEquippedWeapon.currentAmmo == 0 && CurrentEquippedWeapon.CanReload()) { Reload(); } } // Dash if (!isDashing) { isDashing = InputManager.GetButtonDown("Dash") && isGround; if (isDashing) { inputAttack = false; dashInputMove = new Vector2(TempTransform.forward.x, TempTransform.forward.z).normalized; dashingTime = Time.unscaledTime; CmdDash(); } } } }