Esempio n. 1
        public override void Trigger(EditableView.ClickPosition.Sources source, EditableView pnlView, Transaction transaction)
            Document document = new Document(false);             // must be before IF below for first branch

            document.Page(0).SetSize(Globals.Root.CurrentConfig.ReadSize(Config.Page_Size, Config.Page_Size_Default));
            if (CurrentDocument != null)
                document.ActivityID = CurrentDocument.ActivityID;
                document.Page(0).SetSize(CurrentDocument.Page(0).PhysicalSize, CurrentDocument.Page(0).Margin);
            if (CurrentDocument.UserSettings != null && (CurrentDocument.UserSettings.Values.Count > 0) ||
                CurrentDocument.BothSettings != null && (CurrentDocument.BothSettings.Values.Count > 0))
                if (GUIUtilities.QuestionBox(Strings.Item("NewDocument_CopySettings"), MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes)
                    Transaction objTransaction = new Transaction();                     // settings methods below require a transaction, but we won't store this for undo
                    if (CurrentDocument.UserSettings != null)
                        document.GetCreateUserSettings(objTransaction).CopyFrom(CurrentDocument.UserSettings, Datum.CopyDepth.Duplicate, Mapping.Ignore);
                    if (CurrentDocument.BothSettings != null)
                        document.GetCreateBothSettings(objTransaction).CopyFrom(CurrentDocument.BothSettings, Datum.CopyDepth.Duplicate, Mapping.Ignore);
            if (Globals.Root.CurrentConfig.ReadBoolean(Config.Multiple_Documents) && !CurrentDocument.IsEmpty)
                // create new index - current doc kept even if saved, as long as not totally empty
                if (!Globals.Root.Editor.CheckDiscardCurrent(false))
                Globals.Root.CurrentDocument = document;
            Document.NextUntitledIndex += 1;
Esempio n. 2
        public static void SaveFile(EditableView pnlView)
            Bitmap thumbnail = CurrentDocument.Page(0).GenerateThumbnail2(Page.FILEDOCUMENTTHUMBNAILSIZE, CurrentDocument.ApproxUnitScale, 96);

                using (DataWriter writer = new DataWriter(CurrentDocument.Filename, FileMarkers.Splash, thumbnail: thumbnail))
            catch (Exception ex) when(!Globals.Root.IsDebug)
                MessageBox.Show(Strings.Item("Save_Failed").Replace("%0", ex.Message), Strings.Item("App"), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                return;                 // functions can detect this failed (e.g. save before close)by detecting now m_Document.Changed is still True
            CurrentDocument.Changed = false;
            Editor.SetWindowTitle();             // in case filename was changed
Esempio n. 3
        public void PrintDocument_PrintPage(object sender, PrintPageEventArgs e)
            // we do not use the buffers when printing (the printer is probably higher-resolution!)
            Graphics gr   = e.Graphics;
            Page     page = CurrentDocument.Page(m_PrintPageIndex);

            e.PageSettings.Landscape = page.IsLandscape;
            gr.PageUnit = GraphicsUnit.Pixel;                                                    // GraphicsUnit.Millimeter ' it shows 600 DPI which makes the usual scaling conversion for mono impossible

            SizeF printable = e.PageSettings.PrintableArea.Size.MultiplyBy(Geometry.INCH / 100); // in mm.  Apparently e.MarginBounds or e.PageSettings.PrintableArea is in hundredths of an inch  (?)

            if (page.IsLandscape)
                printable = printable.Flip();                 // But sadly e.PageSettings.PrintableArea does not account for orientation
            var pageSize = page.Size;
            // max scale that will fit:
            var scale = Math.Min(printable.Width / pageSize.Width, printable.Height / pageSize.Height);

            if (scale > 0.97f)             // will not fit at full size (allow a bit <1 in case of slight margin issues)
                scale = 1;                 // don't shrink
                pageSize.Width  *= scale;                // update page size for centreing below
                pageSize.Height *= scale;

            gr.ScaleTransform(scale * gr.DpiX / Geometry.INCH, scale * gr.DpiY / Geometry.INCH);
            gr.TranslateTransform(0, page.Size.Height - 1);
            // centre it
            gr.TranslateTransform(scale * (pageSize.Width - pageSize.Width) / 2, scale * (pageSize.Height - pageSize.Height) / 2);
            // No need to take account of the margins if we are centring it anyway
            //gr.TranslateTransform(m_objPage.Margin - INCH * e.PageSettings.HardMarginX / 100, m_objPage.Margin - INCH * e.PageSettings.HardMarginY / 100)
            gr.SmoothingMode     = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
            gr.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias;             // otherwise text on transparent buffer is naff

            using (NetCanvas canvas = new NetCanvas(gr, true))
                page.DrawBackground(canvas, scale * gr.DpiX / Geometry.INCH, page.Paper.PrintBackground, false);
                if (page != CurrentPage)
                    page.BackgroundImage?.Release();                     // avoid overload if document has masses of large pages
                if (e.PageSettings.PrinterSettings.PrintRange == PrintRange.Selection)
                    page.DrawSelected(canvas, null, scale, gr.DpiX / Geometry.INCH, true);
                    page.DrawShapes(canvas, scale, gr.DpiX / Geometry.INCH, null, !PrintMeasures);

            m_PrintPageIndex += 1;
            switch (m_PrintDocument.PrinterSettings.PrintRange)
            case PrintRange.CurrentPage:
            case PrintRange.Selection:
                e.HasMorePages = false;

                e.HasMorePages = m_PrintPageIndex + 1 <= m_PrintDocument.PrinterSettings.ToPage;                         // +1 is the conversion from 0-based to 1-based