Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// This function will be called before removing
        /// </summary>

        public override void Complete()
            var grafico = CurrentChart.GetChartControl();

            grafico.MouseMove  -= ProcessMouseMove;
            grafico.MouseWheel -= ProcessMouseMove;
Esempio n. 2
        public override void OnPaintChart(object sender, PaintChartEventArgs args)
            var barWidth = CurrentChart.GetChartPoint(CurrentData.Time(), 0).X - CurrentChart.GetChartPoint(CurrentData.Time(1), 0).X;
            var obj      = new object();

            lock (obj)
                foreach (Marker marker in _markers)
                    if (CurrentChart.GetTimePrice(args.Rectangle.X, args.Rectangle.Y).Time <= marker.TimePosition && CurrentChart.GetTimePrice(args.Rectangle.X + args.Rectangle.Width, args.Rectangle.Y).Time > marker.TimePosition)
                        // determina a Cor do Candle de acordo com regra "OnQuote" e cores definidas na configuração
                        // CorBarraCompra, CorBarraVenda
                        // Logica para cor da barra
                        // se estiver dentro da tendencia, colore com as CorBarra, e estiver fora da tendencia colore com as CorBarraPadrao
                        // var pen = new Pen(new SolidBrush(marker.side == Side.Sell ? CorBarraVenda : CorBarraCompra), barWidth / 20);  linha original
                        var pen = new Pen(new SolidBrush(marker.side == Side.Sell ? CorBarraVenda : (marker.side == Side.Buy ? CorBarraCompra : CorBarraCompraPadrao)), barWidth / 20);

                        var startPos  = CurrentChart.GetChartPoint(marker.TimePosition, marker.Close >= marker.Open ? marker.Open : marker.Close);
                        var finishPos = CurrentChart.GetChartPoint(marker.TimePosition, marker.Close >= marker.Open ? marker.Close : marker.Open);
                        var height    = Math.Abs(startPos.Y - finishPos.Y + 1);
                        //var rect = new RectangleF(startPos.X + barWidth / 20, finishPos.Y - 1, barWidth - barWidth / 10, height);    original
                        //var rect = new RectangleF(startPos.X + barWidth / 4, finishPos.Y - 1, barWidth-4, height);
                        var rect = new RectangleF(startPos.X + barWidth / 5, finishPos.Y - 1, barWidth - 5, height);

                        args.Graphics.FillRectangle(pen.Brush, rect);
                        var highPos = CurrentChart.GetChartPoint(marker.TimePosition, marker.High);
                        var lowPos  = CurrentChart.GetChartPoint(marker.TimePosition, marker.Low);
                        args.Graphics.DrawLine(pen, new PointF(rect.X + rect.Width / 2, highPos.Y - 1), new PointF(rect.X + rect.Width / 2, lowPos.Y));
                base.OnPaintChart(sender, args);
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows previous chart.
        /// </summary>
        private void ShowPreviousChart()
            if (_currentChartNumber < 0)
                _currentChartNumber = TableReport.Length - 1;

            CurrentChart.Parent = this;
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows next chart.
        /// </summary>
        private void ShowNextChart()
            if (_currentChartNumber >= TableReport.Length)
                _currentChartNumber = 0;

            CurrentChart.Parent = this;
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// This function will be called after creating
        /// </summary>
        public override void Init()
            // Inicialização da linha rapida
            SMA10  = Indicators.iMA(CurrentData, LineFastPeriod, 0);              // 2=SMMA MAMode
            TMA10_ = Indicators.iMA((x) => { return(SMA10.GetValue(0, x)); }, LineFastPeriod, 0);

            // Inicialização da linha media
            SMA20  = Indicators.iMA(CurrentData, LineMedPeriod, 0);              // 2=SMMA MAMode
            TMA20_ = Indicators.iMA((x) => { return(SMA20.GetValue(0, x)); }, LineMedPeriod, 0);

            // Inicialização da linha lenta
            SMA200  = Indicators.iMA(CurrentData, LineLowPeriod, 0);              // 2=SMMA MAMode
            TMA200_ = Indicators.iMA((x) => { return(SMA200.GetValue(0, x)); }, LineLowPeriod, 0);

            // Inicializacao dos controles das cores dos candles
            candle   = CurrentData as BarData;
            _markers = new List <Marker>();

            var grafico = CurrentChart.GetChartControl();

            grafico.MouseMove  += ProcessMouseMove;
            grafico.MouseWheel += ProcessMouseMove;
Esempio n. 6
 void ProcessMouseMove(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)