Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends the user registered notification.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userName">The user.</param>
        public static void SendUserRegisteredNotification(string userName)
            if (userName == "")
                throw new ArgumentNullException("userName");

            var user = GetUser(userName);

            if (user.ProviderUserKey == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("userName");

            // TODO - create this via dependency injection at some point.
            IMailDeliveryService mailService = new SmtpMailDeliveryService();

            var          emailFormatType = HostSettingManager.Get(HostSettingNames.SMTPEMailFormat, EmailFormatType.Text);
            var          emailFormatKey  = (emailFormatType == EmailFormatType.Text) ? "" : "HTML";
            const string subjectKey      = "UserRegisteredSubject";
            var          bodyKey         = string.Concat("UserRegistered", emailFormatKey);
            var          profile         = new WebProfile().GetProfile(user.UserName);

            var nc = new CultureNotificationContent().LoadContent(profile.PreferredLocale, subjectKey, bodyKey);

            var notificationUser = new NotificationUser
                Id           = (Guid)user.ProviderUserKey,
                CreationDate = user.CreationDate,
                Email        = user.Email,
                UserName     = user.UserName,
                DisplayName  = profile.DisplayName,
                FirstName    = profile.FirstName,
                LastName     = profile.LastName,
                IsApproved   = user.IsApproved

            var data = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                { "User", notificationUser }

            var emailSubject = nc.CultureContents
                               .First(p => p.ContentKey == subjectKey)

            var bodyContent = nc.CultureContents
                              .First(p => p.ContentKey == bodyKey)

            var message = new MailMessage
                Subject    = emailSubject,
                Body       = bodyContent,
                IsBodyHtml = true

            mailService.Send(user.Email, message, null);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends the forgot password email.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="user">The user.</param>
        /// <param name="token">The token.</param>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">
        /// user
        /// or
        /// user
        /// </exception>
        public static void SendForgotPasswordEmail(MembershipUser user, string token)
            if (user == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("user");
            if (user.ProviderUserKey == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("user");

            IMailDeliveryService mailService = new SmtpMailDeliveryService();

            var          emailFormatType = HostSettingManager.Get(HostSettingNames.SMTPEMailFormat, EmailFormatType.Text);
            var          emailFormatKey  = (emailFormatType == EmailFormatType.Text) ? "" : "HTML";
            const string subjectKey      = "ForgotPasswordSubject";
            var          bodyKey         = string.Concat("ForgotPassword", emailFormatKey);
            var          profile         = new WebProfile().GetProfile(user.UserName);

            var nc = new CultureNotificationContent().LoadContent(profile.PreferredLocale, subjectKey, bodyKey);

            var notificationUser = new NotificationUser
                Id           = (Guid)user.ProviderUserKey,
                CreationDate = user.CreationDate,
                Email        = user.Email,
                UserName     = user.UserName,
                DisplayName  = profile.DisplayName,
                FirstName    = profile.FirstName,
                LastName     = profile.LastName,
                IsApproved   = user.IsApproved

            var data = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "Token", token }

            var emailSubject = nc.CultureContents
                               .First(p => p.ContentKey == subjectKey)

            var bodyContent = nc.CultureContents
                              .First(p => p.ContentKey == bodyKey)

            var message = new MailMessage
                Subject    = emailSubject,
                Body       = bodyContent,
                IsBodyHtml = true

            mailService.Send(user.Email, message, null);
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends an email to the user that is assigned to the issue
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="notification"></param>
        public static void SendNewAssigneeNotification(IssueNotification notification)
            if (notification == null)
                throw (new ArgumentNullException("notification"));
            if (notification.IssueId <= Globals.NEW_ID)
                throw (new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("notification", "The issue id is not valid for this notification"));

            // TODO - create this via dependency injection at some point.
            IMailDeliveryService mailService = new SmtpMailDeliveryService();

            var issue           = DataProviderManager.Provider.GetIssueById(notification.IssueId);
            var emailFormatType = HostSettingManager.Get(HostSettingNames.SMTPEMailFormat, EmailFormatType.Text);

            // data for template
            var data = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                { "Issue", issue }
            var          emailFormatKey = (emailFormatType == EmailFormatType.Text) ? "" : "HTML";
            const string subjectKey     = "NewAssigneeSubject";
            var          bodyKey        = string.Concat("NewAssignee", emailFormatKey);

            var nc = new CultureNotificationContent().LoadContent(notification.NotificationCulture, subjectKey, bodyKey);

                //send notifications to everyone except who changed it.
                if (notification.NotificationUsername.ToLower() == Security.GetUserName().ToLower())

                var user = UserManager.GetUser(notification.NotificationUsername);

                // skip to the next user if this user is not approved
                if (!user.IsApproved)
                // skip to next user if this user doesn't have notifications enabled.
                if (!new WebProfile().GetProfile(user.UserName).ReceiveEmailNotifications)

                var emailSubject = nc.CultureContents
                                   .First(p => p.ContentKey == subjectKey)

                var bodyContent = nc.CultureContents
                                  .First(p => p.ContentKey == bodyKey)

                var message = new MailMessage
                    Subject    = emailSubject,
                    Body       = bodyContent,
                    IsBodyHtml = true

                mailService.Send(user.Email, message);
            catch (Exception ex)