internal static global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef getCPtr(CubicBSplinesFitting obj) { return (obj == null) ? new global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef(null, global::System.IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr; }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { DateTime timer = DateTime.Now; int numberOfBonds = 15; double[] cleanPrice = new double[numberOfBonds]; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfBonds; i++) { cleanPrice[i] = 100.0; } List <SimpleQuote> quote = new List <SimpleQuote>(); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfBonds; i++) { SimpleQuote cp = new SimpleQuote(cleanPrice[i]); quote.Add(cp); } RelinkableHandle <Quote>[] quoteHandle = new RelinkableHandle <Quote> [numberOfBonds]; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfBonds; i++) { quoteHandle[i] = new RelinkableHandle <Quote>(); quoteHandle[i].linkTo(quote[i]); } int[] lengths = { 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30 }; double[] coupons = { 0.0200, 0.0225, 0.0250, 0.0275, 0.0300, 0.0325, 0.0350, 0.0375, 0.0400, 0.0425, 0.0450, 0.0475, 0.0500, 0.0525, 0.0550 }; Frequency frequency = Frequency.Annual; DayCounter dc = new SimpleDayCounter(); BusinessDayConvention accrualConvention = BusinessDayConvention.ModifiedFollowing; BusinessDayConvention convention = BusinessDayConvention.ModifiedFollowing; double redemption = 100.0; Calendar calendar = new TARGET(); Date today = calendar.adjust(Date.Today); Date origToday = today; Settings.setEvaluationDate(today); // changing bondSettlementDays=3 increases calculation // time of exponentialsplines fitting method int bondSettlementDays = 0; int curveSettlementDays = 0; Date bondSettlementDate = calendar.advance(today, new Period(bondSettlementDays, TimeUnit.Days)); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Today's date: " + today); Console.WriteLine("Bonds' settlement date: " + bondSettlementDate); Console.WriteLine("Calculating fit for 15 bonds.....\n"); List <BondHelper> instrumentsA = new List <BondHelper>(); List <RateHelper> instrumentsB = new List <RateHelper>(); for (int j = 0; j < lengths.Length; j++) { Date maturity = calendar.advance(bondSettlementDate, new Period(lengths[j], TimeUnit.Years)); Schedule schedule = new Schedule(bondSettlementDate, maturity, new Period(frequency), calendar, accrualConvention, accrualConvention, DateGeneration.Rule.Backward, false); BondHelper helperA = new FixedRateBondHelper(quoteHandle[j], bondSettlementDays, 100.0, schedule, new InitializedList <double>(1, coupons[j]), dc, convention, redemption); RateHelper helperB = new FixedRateBondHelper(quoteHandle[j], bondSettlementDays, 100.0, schedule, new InitializedList <double>(1, coupons[j]), dc, convention, redemption); instrumentsA.Add(helperA); instrumentsB.Add(helperB); } bool constrainAtZero = true; double tolerance = 1.0e-10; int max = 5000; YieldTermStructure ts0 = new PiecewiseYieldCurve <Discount, LogLinear>(curveSettlementDays, calendar, instrumentsB, dc); ExponentialSplinesFitting exponentialSplines = new ExponentialSplinesFitting(constrainAtZero); FittedBondDiscountCurve ts1 = new FittedBondDiscountCurve(curveSettlementDays, calendar, instrumentsA, dc, exponentialSplines, tolerance, max); printOutput("(a) exponential splines", ts1); SimplePolynomialFitting simplePolynomial = new SimplePolynomialFitting(3, constrainAtZero); FittedBondDiscountCurve ts2 = new FittedBondDiscountCurve(curveSettlementDays, calendar, instrumentsA, dc, simplePolynomial, tolerance, max); printOutput("(b) simple polynomial", ts2); NelsonSiegelFitting nelsonSiegel = new NelsonSiegelFitting(); FittedBondDiscountCurve ts3 = new FittedBondDiscountCurve(curveSettlementDays, calendar, instrumentsA, dc, nelsonSiegel, tolerance, max); printOutput("(c) Nelson-Siegel", ts3); // a cubic bspline curve with 11 knot points, implies // n=6 (constrained problem) basis functions double[] knots = { -30.0, -20.0, 0.0, 5.0, 10.0, 15.0, 20.0, 25.0, 30.0, 40.0, 50.0 }; List <double> knotVector = new List <double>(); for (int i = 0; i < knots.Length; i++) { knotVector.Add(knots[i]); } CubicBSplinesFitting cubicBSplines = new CubicBSplinesFitting(knotVector, constrainAtZero); FittedBondDiscountCurve ts4 = new FittedBondDiscountCurve(curveSettlementDays, calendar, instrumentsA, dc, cubicBSplines, tolerance, max); printOutput("(d) cubic B-splines", ts4); SvenssonFitting svensson = new SvenssonFitting(); FittedBondDiscountCurve ts5 = new FittedBondDiscountCurve(curveSettlementDays, calendar, instrumentsA, dc, svensson, tolerance, max); printOutput("(e) Svensson", ts5); Handle <YieldTermStructure> discountCurve = new Handle <YieldTermStructure>( new FlatForward(curveSettlementDays, calendar, 0.01, dc)); SpreadFittingMethod nelsonSiegelSpread = new SpreadFittingMethod(new NelsonSiegelFitting(), discountCurve); FittedBondDiscountCurve ts6 = new FittedBondDiscountCurve(curveSettlementDays, calendar, instrumentsA, dc, nelsonSiegelSpread, tolerance, max); printOutput("(f) Nelson-Siegel spreaded", ts6); Console.WriteLine("Output par rates for each curve. In this case, "); Console.WriteLine("par rates should equal coupons for these par bonds.\n"); Console.WriteLine(" tenor" + " | " + "coupon" + " | " + "bstrap" + " | " + " (a)" + " | " + " (b)" + " | " + " (c)" + " | " + " (d)" + " | " + " (e)" + " | " + " (f)"); for (int i = 0; i < instrumentsA.Count; i++) { List <CashFlow> cfs = instrumentsA[i].bond().cashflows(); int cfSize = instrumentsA[i].bond().cashflows().Count; List <Date> keyDates = new List <Date>(); keyDates.Add(bondSettlementDate); for (int j = 0; j < cfSize - 1; j++) { if (!cfs[j].hasOccurred(bondSettlementDate, false)) { Date myDate = cfs[j].date(); keyDates.Add(myDate); } } double tenor = dc.yearFraction(today, cfs[cfSize - 1].date()); double test = parRate(ts0, keyDates, dc); Console.WriteLine(tenor.ToString("##.000").PadLeft(6) + " | " + (100.0 * coupons[i]).ToString("##.000").PadLeft(6) + " | " // piecewise bootstrap + (100.0 * parRate(ts0, keyDates, dc)).ToString("##.000").PadLeft(6) + " | " // exponential splines + (100.0 * parRate(ts1, keyDates, dc)).ToString("##.000").PadLeft(6) + " | " // simple polynomial + (100.0 * parRate(ts2, keyDates, dc)).ToString("##.000").PadLeft(6) + " | " // Nelson-Siegel + (100.0 * parRate(ts3, keyDates, dc)).ToString("##.000").PadLeft(6) + " | " // cubic bsplines + (100.0 * parRate(ts4, keyDates, dc)).ToString("##.000").PadLeft(6) + " | " // Svensson + (100.0 * parRate(ts5, keyDates, dc)).ToString("##.000").PadLeft(6) + " | " // Nelson-Siegel Spreaded + (100.0 * parRate(ts6, keyDates, dc)).ToString("##.000").PadLeft(6)); } Console.WriteLine("\n\n"); Console.WriteLine("Now add 23 months to today. Par rates should be "); Console.WriteLine("automatically recalculated because today's date "); Console.WriteLine("changes. Par rates will NOT equal coupons (YTM "); Console.WriteLine("will, with the correct compounding), but the "); Console.WriteLine("piecewise yield curve par rates can be used as "); Console.WriteLine("a benchmark for correct par rates."); Console.WriteLine(); today = calendar.advance(origToday, 23, TimeUnit.Months, convention); Settings.setEvaluationDate(today); bondSettlementDate = calendar.advance(today, new Period(bondSettlementDays, TimeUnit.Days)); printOutput("(a) exponential splines", ts1); printOutput("(b) simple polynomial", ts2); printOutput("(c) Nelson-Siegel", ts3); printOutput("(d) cubic B-splines", ts4); printOutput("(e) Svensson", ts5); printOutput("(f) Nelson-Siegel spreaded", ts6); Console.WriteLine("\n"); Console.WriteLine(" tenor" + " | " + "coupon" + " | " + "bstrap" + " | " + " (a)" + " | " + " (b)" + " | " + " (c)" + " | " + " (d)" + " | " + " (e)" + " | " + " (f)"); for (int i = 0; i < instrumentsA.Count; i++) { List <CashFlow> cfs = instrumentsA[i].bond().cashflows(); int cfSize = instrumentsA[i].bond().cashflows().Count; List <Date> keyDates = new List <Date>(); keyDates.Add(bondSettlementDate); for (int j = 0; j < cfSize - 1; j++) { if (!cfs[j].hasOccurred(bondSettlementDate, false)) { Date myDate = cfs[j].date(); keyDates.Add(myDate); } } double tenor = dc.yearFraction(today, cfs[cfSize - 1].date()); double test = parRate(ts0, keyDates, dc); Console.WriteLine(tenor.ToString("##.000").PadLeft(6) + " | " + (100.0 * coupons[i]).ToString("#.000").PadLeft(6) + " | " // piecewise bootstrap + (100.0 * parRate(ts0, keyDates, dc)).ToString("##.000").PadLeft(6) + " | " // exponential splines + (100.0 * parRate(ts1, keyDates, dc)).ToString("##.000").PadLeft(6) + " | " // simple polynomial + (100.0 * parRate(ts2, keyDates, dc)).ToString("##.000").PadLeft(6) + " | " // Nelson-Siegel + (100.0 * parRate(ts3, keyDates, dc)).ToString("##.000").PadLeft(6) + " | " // cubic bsplines + (100.0 * parRate(ts4, keyDates, dc)).ToString("##.000").PadLeft(6) + " | " // Svensson + (100.0 * parRate(ts5, keyDates, dc)).ToString("##.000").PadLeft(6) + " | " // Nelson-Siegel Spreaded + (100.0 * parRate(ts6, keyDates, dc)).ToString("##.000").PadLeft(6)); } Console.WriteLine("\n\n"); Console.WriteLine("Now add one more month, for a total of two years "); Console.WriteLine("from the original date. The first instrument is "); Console.WriteLine("now expired and par rates should again equal "); Console.WriteLine("coupon values, since clean prices did not change."); Console.WriteLine("\n"); instrumentsA.RemoveRange(0, 1); // TODO instrumentsB.RemoveRange(0, 1); // TODO today = calendar.advance(origToday, 24, TimeUnit.Months, convention); Settings.setEvaluationDate(today); bondSettlementDate = calendar.advance(today, new Period(bondSettlementDays, TimeUnit.Days)); YieldTermStructure ts00 = new PiecewiseYieldCurve <Discount, LogLinear>(curveSettlementDays, calendar, instrumentsB, dc); FittedBondDiscountCurve ts11 = new FittedBondDiscountCurve(curveSettlementDays, calendar, instrumentsA, dc, exponentialSplines, tolerance, max); printOutput("(a) exponential splines", ts11); FittedBondDiscountCurve ts22 = new FittedBondDiscountCurve(curveSettlementDays, calendar, instrumentsA, dc, simplePolynomial, tolerance, max); printOutput("(b) simple polynomial", ts22); FittedBondDiscountCurve ts33 = new FittedBondDiscountCurve(curveSettlementDays, calendar, instrumentsA, dc, nelsonSiegel, tolerance, max); printOutput("(c) Nelson-Siegel", ts33); FittedBondDiscountCurve ts44 = new FittedBondDiscountCurve(curveSettlementDays, calendar, instrumentsA, dc, cubicBSplines, tolerance, max); printOutput("(d) cubic B-splines", ts44); FittedBondDiscountCurve ts55 = new FittedBondDiscountCurve(curveSettlementDays, calendar, instrumentsA, dc, svensson, tolerance, max); printOutput("(e) Svensson", ts55); FittedBondDiscountCurve ts66 = new FittedBondDiscountCurve(curveSettlementDays, calendar, instrumentsA, dc, nelsonSiegelSpread, tolerance, max); printOutput("(f) Nelson-Siegel spreaded", ts66); Console.WriteLine(" tenor" + " | " + "coupon" + " | " + "bstrap" + " | " + " (a)" + " | " + " (b)" + " | " + " (c)" + " | " + " (d)" + " | " + " (e)" + " | " + " (f)"); for (int i = 0; i < instrumentsA.Count; i++) { List <CashFlow> cfs = instrumentsA[i].bond().cashflows(); int cfSize = instrumentsA[i].bond().cashflows().Count; List <Date> keyDates = new List <Date>(); keyDates.Add(bondSettlementDate); for (int j = 0; j < cfSize - 1; j++) { if (!cfs[j].hasOccurred(bondSettlementDate, false)) { Date myDate = cfs[j].date(); keyDates.Add(myDate); } } double tenor = dc.yearFraction(today, cfs[cfSize - 1].date()); Console.WriteLine(tenor.ToString("##.000").PadLeft(6) + " | " + (100.0 * coupons[i + 1]).ToString("##.000").PadLeft(6) + " | " // piecewise bootstrap + (100.0 * parRate(ts00, keyDates, dc)).ToString("##.000").PadLeft(6) + " | " // exponential splines + (100.0 * parRate(ts11, keyDates, dc)).ToString("##.000").PadLeft(6) + " | " // simple polynomial + (100.0 * parRate(ts22, keyDates, dc)).ToString("##.000").PadLeft(6) + " | " // Nelson-Siegel + (100.0 * parRate(ts33, keyDates, dc)).ToString("##.000").PadLeft(6) + " | " // cubic bsplines + (100.0 * parRate(ts44, keyDates, dc)).ToString("##.000").PadLeft(6) + " | " // Svensson + (100.0 * parRate(ts55, keyDates, dc)).ToString("##.000").PadLeft(6) + " | " // Nelson-Siegel Spreaded + (100.0 * parRate(ts66, keyDates, dc)).ToString("##.000").PadLeft(6)); } Console.WriteLine("\n\n"); Console.WriteLine("Now decrease prices by a small amount, corresponding"); Console.WriteLine("to a theoretical five basis point parallel + shift of"); Console.WriteLine("the yield curve. Because bond quotes change, the new "); Console.WriteLine("par rates should be recalculated automatically."); Console.WriteLine("\n"); for (int k = 0; k < lengths.Length - 1; k++) { double P = instrumentsA[k].quote().link.value(); Bond b = instrumentsA[k].bond(); double ytm = BondFunctions.yield(b, P, dc, Compounding.Compounded, frequency, today); double dur = BondFunctions.duration(b, ytm, dc, Compounding.Compounded, frequency, Duration.Type.Modified, today); const double bpsChange = 5.0; // dP = -dur * P * dY double deltaP = -dur * P * (bpsChange / 10000.0); quote[k + 1].setValue(P + deltaP); } Console.WriteLine(" tenor" + " | " + "coupon" + " | " + "bstrap" + " | " + " (a)" + " | " + " (b)" + " | " + " (c)" + " | " + " (d)" + " | " + " (e)" + " | " + " (f)"); for (int i = 0; i < instrumentsA.Count; i++) { List <CashFlow> cfs = instrumentsA[i].bond().cashflows(); int cfSize = instrumentsA[i].bond().cashflows().Count; List <Date> keyDates = new List <Date>(); keyDates.Add(bondSettlementDate); for (int j = 0; j < cfSize - 1; j++) { if (!cfs[j].hasOccurred(bondSettlementDate, false)) { Date myDate = cfs[j].date(); keyDates.Add(myDate); } } double tenor = dc.yearFraction(today, cfs[cfSize - 1].date()); Console.WriteLine(tenor.ToString("##.000").PadLeft(6) + " | " + (100.0 * coupons[i + 1]).ToString("##.000").PadLeft(6) + " | " // piecewise bootstrap + (100.0 * parRate(ts00, keyDates, dc)).ToString("##.000").PadLeft(6) + " | " // exponential splines + (100.0 * parRate(ts11, keyDates, dc)).ToString("##.000").PadLeft(6) + " | " // simple polynomial + (100.0 * parRate(ts22, keyDates, dc)).ToString("##.000").PadLeft(6) + " | " // Nelson-Siegel + (100.0 * parRate(ts33, keyDates, dc)).ToString("##.000").PadLeft(6) + " | " // cubic bsplines + (100.0 * parRate(ts44, keyDates, dc)).ToString("##.000").PadLeft(6) + " | " // Svensson + (100.0 * parRate(ts55, keyDates, dc)).ToString("##.000").PadLeft(6) + " | " // Nelson-Siegel Spreaded + (100.0 * parRate(ts66, keyDates, dc)).ToString("##.000").PadLeft(6)); } Console.WriteLine(" \nRun completed in {0}", DateTime.Now - timer); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("Press any key to continue ..."); Console.ReadKey(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); return; } }
internal static global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef getCPtr(CubicBSplinesFitting obj) { return((obj == null) ? new global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef(null, global::System.IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr); }