Esempio n. 1
        protected LedCube(byte size, Cpu.Pin[] levelPins, Cpu.Pin[] ledPins, CubeOrientations orientation = CubeOrientations.ZPos )
            Size = size;
            Orientation = orientation;
            Levels = new OutputPort[Size];
            Leds = new OutputPort[Size*Size];

            // Make sure we have the correct number of level pins.
            if(levelPins.Length != size)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("levelPins", "You must define " + Size + " level pins.");

            // Make sure we have the correct number of LED pins.
            if (ledPins.Length != size * size)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("ledPins", "You must define " + Size*Size + " led pins.");

            // Create level ports.
            for (byte lvl = 0; lvl < Size; lvl++ )
                Levels[lvl] = new OutputPort(levelPins[lvl], false);

            // Create LED ports.
            for (byte led = 0; led < Size*Size; led++)
                Leds[led] = new OutputPort(ledPins[led], false);
Esempio n. 2
 public LedCube3( byte size, Cpu.Pin[] levelPins, Cpu.Pin[] ledPins, CubeOrientations orientation = CubeOrientations.ZPos)
     : base(size, levelPins, ledPins, orientation)
Esempio n. 3
 public LedCube3(IO60P16Module parentModule, byte size, IOPin[] levelPins, IOPin[] ledPins, CubeOrientations orientation = CubeOrientations.ZPos)
     : base(parentModule, size, levelPins, ledPins, orientation)