Esempio n. 1
 // Generate a random key value.
 public override void GenerateKey()
     byte[] key = new byte [8];
         CryptoMethods.GenerateRandom(key, 0, 8);
     }while(CryptoMethods.IsSemiWeakKey(key, 0) ||
            CryptoMethods.IsWeakKey(key, 0));
     if (KeyValue != null)
         // Clear the previous key value.
         Array.Clear(KeyValue, 0, KeyValue.Length);
     KeyValue = key;
Esempio n. 2
        // Get non-zero random data.
        public override void GetNonZeroBytes(byte[] data)
            int index;

            // Get the initial random data.
            CryptoMethods.GenerateRandom(data, 0, data.Length);

            // Replace zero bytes with new random data.
            for (index = 0; index < data.Length; ++index)
                while (data[index] == 0)
                    CryptoMethods.GenerateRandom(data, index, 1);
Esempio n. 3
        // Finalize the hash and return the final hash value.
        protected override byte[] HashFinal()
            // Bail out if the runtime engine does not have a provider.
            if (state == IntPtr.Zero)
                throw new CryptographicException
                          (_("Crypto_NoProvider"), "RIPEMD160");

            // Compute the hash and return it.
            byte[] hash = new byte [64];
            lock (this)
                CryptoMethods.HashFinal(state, hash);
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Save a refresh token
        /// Returns the refresh token id
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="refreshToken"></param>
        /// <returns>Refresh token id</returns>
        public async Task <String> SaveRefreshTokenAsync(RefreshTokenModel refreshToken)
            var refreshTokenId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("n");

            _context.RefreshTokens.Add(new RefreshTokens
                ClientId        = "notneeded",
                ExpiresUtc      = refreshToken.ExpiresUtc,
                IssuedUtc       = refreshToken.IssuedUtc,
                ProtectedTicket = refreshToken.AccessToken,
                Subject         = refreshToken.Subject,
                TokenIdHash     = CryptoMethods.GetSHA512Hash(refreshTokenId)
            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

Esempio n. 5
 // Determine if a TripleDES key value is "weak".
 public static bool IsWeakKey(byte[] rgbKey)
     if (rgbKey == null ||
         (rgbKey.Length != 16 && rgbKey.Length != 24))
         throw new CryptographicException
                   ((rgbKey == null) ? 0 : rgbKey.Length).ToString());
     if (rgbKey.Length == 16)
         return(CryptoMethods.SameKey(rgbKey, 0, rgbKey, 8));
         return(CryptoMethods.SameKey(rgbKey, 0, rgbKey, 8) ||
                CryptoMethods.SameKey(rgbKey, 8, rgbKey, 16));
Esempio n. 6
 // Dispose this object.
 protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
     if (disposing)
         lock (this)
             if (state != IntPtr.Zero)
                 state = IntPtr.Zero;
     else if (state != IntPtr.Zero)
         state = IntPtr.Zero;
Esempio n. 7
        // Transform an input block into an output block.
        public static int TransformBlock(CryptoAPITransform transform,
                                         byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset,
                                         int inputCount, byte[] outputBuffer,
                                         int outputOffset)
            int blockSize    = transform.blockSize;
            int feedbackSize = transform.feedbackBlockSize;

            byte[] iv     = transform.iv;
            IntPtr state  = transform.state;
            int    offset = outputOffset;

            byte[] tempBuffer = transform.tempBuffer;
            int    tempSize   = transform.tempSize;

            // Process all of the bytes in the input.
            while (inputCount > 0)
                // Encrypt the queue if we need more keystream data.
                if (tempSize >= feedbackSize)
                    CryptoMethods.Encrypt(state, tempBuffer,
                                          feedbackSize, tempBuffer, 0);
                    tempSize = 0;

                // XOR the plaintext byte with the next keystream byte.
                outputBuffer[offset++] =
                    (byte)(tempBuffer[tempSize] ^

                // Feed the keystream byte back into the queue.
                tempBuffer[tempSize + blockSize] = tempBuffer[tempSize];
            transform.tempSize = tempSize;

            // Finished.
            return(offset - outputOffset);
        /// <summary>
        /// Authenticate an admin
        /// Returns the admin with roles if successful, otherwise null
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="username"></param>
        /// <param name="password"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <Admins> AuthenticateAsync(String username, String password)
            var admin = await _context.Admins.Include(m => m.Roles).SingleOrDefaultAsync(o => (o.Username == username || o.Email == username) && o.Status == 1);

            if (admin != null)
                var result = CryptoMethods.VerifyHashedPassword(admin.Password, password);
                if (result == PasswordVerificationResult.Success)
                else if (result == PasswordVerificationResult.SuccessRehashNeeded)
                    admin.Password = new PasswordHasher <Admins>().HashPassword(null, password);
                    await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

Esempio n. 9
        // Apply the private key to a value.
        private byte[] ApplyPrivate(byte[] value)
            if (rsaParams.P != null)
                // Use the Chinese Remainder Theorem exponents.
                // Based on the description in PKCS #1.
                byte[] m1 = CryptoMethods.NumPow(value, rsaParams.DP,
                byte[] m2 = CryptoMethods.NumPow(value, rsaParams.DQ,
                byte[] diff = CryptoMethods.NumSub(m1, m2, null);
                byte[] h    = CryptoMethods.NumMul(diff,
                byte[] prod = CryptoMethods.NumMul(rsaParams.Q, h, null);
                byte[] m    = CryptoMethods.NumAdd(m2, prod, null);

                // Clear all temporary values.
                Array.Clear(m1, 0, m1.Length);
                Array.Clear(m2, 0, m2.Length);
                Array.Clear(diff, 0, diff.Length);
                Array.Clear(h, 0, h.Length);
                Array.Clear(prod, 0, prod.Length);

                // Return the decrypted message.
            else if (rsaParams.D != null)
                // Use the private exponent directly.
                return(CryptoMethods.NumPow(value, rsaParams.D,
                // Insufficient parameters for private key operations.
                throw new CryptographicException
Esempio n. 10
        public RSACryptoServiceProvider(int dwKeySize, CspParameters parameters)
            byte[] key;
            int    result;

            // See "DSACryptoServiceProvider" for explainatory comments.
            if (parameters != null && parameters.KeyContainerName != null)
                // Attempt to get an RSA key from the user's keychain.
                key = CryptoMethods.GetKey(CryptoMethods.RSAEncrypt,
                                           out result);
                if (key != null)
                    // The "ASN1ToPublic" method will determine if
                    // the key is X.509, bare public, or private.
                    rsaParams.ASN1ToPublic(key, 0, key.Length);
                    Array.Clear(key, 0, key.Length);
                    persistKey = true;
                else if (result == CryptoMethods.UnknownKey)
                    throw new CryptographicException
                else if (result == CryptoMethods.NotPermitted)
                    throw new CryptographicException
                else if (result == CryptoMethods.GenerateKey)
                    // Generate a new key for the user.
                    // TODO
Esempio n. 11
        // Transform an input block into an output block.
        public static int TransformBlock(CryptoAPITransform transform,
                                         byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset,
                                         int inputCount, byte[] outputBuffer,
                                         int outputOffset)
            int    blockSize = transform.blockSize;
            IntPtr state     = transform.state;
            int    offset    = outputOffset;

            // Process all of the blocks in the input.
            while (inputCount >= blockSize)
                CryptoMethods.Encrypt(state, inputBuffer, inputOffset,
                                      outputBuffer, offset);
                inputOffset += blockSize;
                inputCount  -= blockSize;
                offset      += blockSize;

            // Finished.
            return(offset - outputOffset);
Esempio n. 12
 private void Dispose(bool disposing)
     if (state != IntPtr.Zero)
         state = IntPtr.Zero;
     if (state2 != IntPtr.Zero)
         state2 = IntPtr.Zero;
     if (tempBuffer != null)
         Array.Clear(tempBuffer, 0, tempBuffer.Length);
     tempSize = 0;
     if (iv != null)
         // Usually not sensitive, but let's be paranoid anyway.
         Array.Clear(iv, 0, iv.Length);
Esempio n. 13
        public void BasicEnumerateStores()
            string localMachineName =
                @"\\" + Environment.MachineName;
                // Haven't found an easy way to find the local machine name in a portable assembly. You can get the environment variable,
                // but that only works if you run on desktop, not as a Windows Store App. All of the suggested alternatives for WinRT aren't available
                // in the PCL surface area. Manually putting the machine name in works.

            var localMachine = CryptoMethods.EnumerateSystemStores(SystemStoreLocation.CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_LOCAL_MACHINE);

            var localMachineByName = CryptoMethods.EnumerateSystemStores(SystemStoreLocation.CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_LOCAL_MACHINE, localMachineName);

            if (localMachineName != null)
                localMachineByName.Should().OnlyContain(x => x.Name.StartsWith(localMachineName, StringComparison.Ordinal), "when specifying the machine name they should come back with the name");

            localMachineByName.Should().Equal(localMachine, (s1, s2) => s1.Name.EndsWith(s2.Name, StringComparison.Ordinal), "names should be the same whether or not we get local by name");
Esempio n. 14
        // Transform an input block into an output block.
        public static int TransformBlock(CryptoAPITransform transform,
                                         byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset,
                                         int inputCount, byte[] outputBuffer,
                                         int outputOffset)
            int blockSize = transform.blockSize;

            byte[] iv    = transform.iv;
            IntPtr state = transform.state;

            byte[] tempBuffer = transform.tempBuffer;
            int    offset     = outputOffset;
            int    index;

            // Process a left-over block from last time.
            if (transform.tempSize > 0 && inputCount > 0)
                // Decrypt the ciphertext to get the plaintext
                // xor'ed with the IV.
                CryptoMethods.Decrypt(state, tempBuffer, blockSize,
                                      tempBuffer, 0);

                // XOR the IV with the temporary buffer to get plaintext.
                for (index = blockSize - 1; index >= 0; --index)
                    outputBuffer[offset + index] =
                        (byte)(iv[index] ^ tempBuffer[index]);

                // Copy the original ciphertext to the IV.
                Array.Copy(tempBuffer, blockSize, iv, 0, blockSize);

                // Advance to the next block and clear the temporary block.
                offset            += blockSize;
                transform.tempSize = 0;
                for (index = 2 * blockSize - 1; index >= blockSize; --index)
                    tempBuffer[index] = (byte)0x00;

            // Process all of the blocks in the input, minus one.
            while (inputCount > blockSize)
                // Decrypt the ciphertext to get the plaintext
                // xor'ed with the IV.
                CryptoMethods.Decrypt(state, inputBuffer, inputOffset,
                                      tempBuffer, 0);

                // XOR the IV with the temporary buffer to get plaintext.
                for (index = blockSize - 1; index >= 0; --index)
                    outputBuffer[offset + index] =
                        (byte)(iv[index] ^ tempBuffer[index]);

                // Copy the original ciphertext to the IV.
                Array.Copy(inputBuffer, inputOffset, iv, 0, blockSize);

                // Advance to the next block.
                inputOffset += blockSize;
                inputCount  -= blockSize;
                offset      += blockSize;

            // Save the last block for next time.
            if (inputCount > 0)
                Array.Copy(inputBuffer, inputOffset,
                           tempBuffer, blockSize, inputCount);
                transform.tempSize = inputCount;

            // Clear the temporary buffer to protect sensitive data.
            for (index = blockSize - 1; index >= 0; --index)
                tempBuffer[index] = (byte)0x00;

            // Finished.
            return(offset - outputOffset);
Esempio n. 15
 // Generate a random initialization vector.
 public override void GenerateIV()
     byte[] iv = new byte [16];
     CryptoMethods.GenerateRandom(iv, 0, 16);
     IVValue = iv;
Esempio n. 16
        // Constructor.
        internal CryptoAPITransform(int algorithm, byte[] iv, byte[] key,
                                    int blockSize, int feedbackBlockSize,
                                    CipherMode mode, PaddingMode padding,
                                    bool encrypt)
            // Initialize the common state.
            if (iv != null)
                this.iv = (byte[])(iv.Clone());
                this.iv = null;
            this.blockSize         = blockSize / 8;
            this.feedbackBlockSize = feedbackBlockSize / 8;
            this.padding           = padding;
            this.mode = mode;

            // Determine which processing methods to use based on the
            // mode and the encrypt/decrypt flag.
            switch (mode)
            case CipherMode.CBC:
                // Cipher Block Chaining Mode.
                if (encrypt)
                    state        = CryptoMethods.EncryptCreate(algorithm, key);
                    processBlock = new ProcessBlock
                    processFinal = new ProcessFinal
                    state        = CryptoMethods.DecryptCreate(algorithm, key);
                    processBlock = new ProcessBlock
                    processFinal = new ProcessFinal

            case CipherMode.ECB:
                // Electronic Code Book Mode.
                if (encrypt)
                    state        = CryptoMethods.EncryptCreate(algorithm, key);
                    processBlock = new ProcessBlock
                    processFinal = new ProcessFinal
                    state        = CryptoMethods.DecryptCreate(algorithm, key);
                    processBlock = new ProcessBlock
                    processFinal = new ProcessFinal

            case CipherMode.OFB:
                // Output Feed Back Mode.
                state        = CryptoMethods.EncryptCreate(algorithm, key);
                processBlock = new ProcessBlock
                processFinal = new ProcessFinal

            case CipherMode.CFB:
                // Cipher Feed Back Mode.
                if (encrypt)
                    state        = CryptoMethods.EncryptCreate(algorithm, key);
                    processBlock = new ProcessBlock
                    processFinal = new ProcessFinal
                    state        = CryptoMethods.EncryptCreate(algorithm, key);
                    processBlock = new ProcessBlock
                    processFinal = new ProcessFinal

            case CipherMode.CTS:
                // Cipher Text Stealing Mode.
                if (encrypt)
                    state        = CryptoMethods.EncryptCreate(algorithm, key);
                    processBlock = new ProcessBlock
                    processFinal = new ProcessFinal
                    // We need an encryptor as well to handle
                    // streams with only a single block in them.
                    state  = CryptoMethods.DecryptCreate(algorithm, key);
                    state2 = CryptoMethods.EncryptCreate
                                 (algorithm, key);
                    processBlock = new ProcessBlock
                    processFinal = new ProcessFinal
Esempio n. 17
        // Transform the final input block.
        public static byte[] TransformFinalBlock(CryptoAPITransform transform,
                                                 byte[] inputBuffer,
                                                 int inputOffset,
                                                 int inputCount)
            int blockSize = transform.blockSize;

            byte[] iv    = transform.iv;
            IntPtr state = transform.state;
            int    offset;

            byte[] tempBuffer = transform.tempBuffer;
            byte[] outputBuffer;
            int    tempSize;
            int    index;

            // Allocate the output buffer.
            outputBuffer = new byte [inputCount + transform.tempSize];

            // Process as many full blocks as possible.
            index  = inputCount - (inputCount % blockSize);
            offset = TransformBlock(transform, inputBuffer,
                                    inputOffset, index,
                                    outputBuffer, 0);
            inputOffset += index;
            inputCount  -= index;

            // Flush the first block if we need the extra space.
            tempSize = transform.tempSize;
            if (tempSize > blockSize && inputCount > 0)
                // Decrypt the ciphertext block and XOR with the IV.
                CryptoMethods.Decrypt(state, tempBuffer, blockSize,
                                      tempBuffer, 0);
                for (index = blockSize - 1; index >= 0; --index)
                    tempBuffer[index] ^= iv[index];

                // Copy the original ciphertext to the IV.
                Array.Copy(tempBuffer, blockSize, iv, 0, blockSize);

                // Copy the plaintext into place.
                Array.Copy(tempBuffer, 0, outputBuffer,
                           offset, blockSize);

                // Advance to the next output block.
                offset += blockSize;

                // Shift the second block down to the first position.
                Array.Copy(tempBuffer, blockSize * 2,
                           tempBuffer, blockSize, blockSize);
                tempSize -= blockSize;

            // Copy the remainder of the data into the temporary buffer.
            Array.Copy(inputBuffer, inputOffset,
                       tempBuffer, tempSize + blockSize, inputCount);
            tempSize += inputCount;

            // "Applied Cryptography" describes Cipher Text Stealing
            // as taking two blocks to generate the short end-point.
            // If we less than one block, then use CFB instead.
            if (tempSize < blockSize)
                // Decrypt the single block in CFB mode.
                CryptoMethods.Encrypt(transform.state2, iv, 0, iv, 0);
                for (index = 0; index < tempSize; ++index)
                    outputBuffer[offset + index] =
                        (byte)(iv[index] ^ tempBuffer[index + blockSize]);
                // Decrypt the second last ciphertext block.
                CryptoMethods.Decrypt(state, tempBuffer, blockSize,
                                      tempBuffer, blockSize);

                // Rebuild the ciphertext for the last block.
                for (index = inputCount; index < blockSize; ++index)
                    tempBuffer[blockSize * 2 + index] =
                        tempBuffer[blockSize + index];

                // Get the last plaintext block from the second
                // last ciphertext block.
                for (index = inputCount - 1; index >= 0; --index)
                    outputBuffer[offset + blockSize + index] =
                        (byte)(tempBuffer[blockSize + index] ^
                               tempBuffer[blockSize * 2 + index]);

                // Decrypt the last ciphertext block that we rebuilt.
                CryptoMethods.Decrypt(state, tempBuffer, blockSize * 2,
                                      tempBuffer, 0);

                // XOR the block with the IV to get the second
                // last plaintext block.
                for (index = blockSize - 1; index >= 0; --index)
                    outputBuffer[offset + index] =
                        (byte)(iv[index] ^ tempBuffer[index]);

            // Finished.
Esempio n. 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="refreshTokenId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <RefreshTokenModel> GetRefreshTokenAsync(String refreshTokenId)
            var token = await _context.RefreshTokens.SingleOrDefaultAsync(o => o.TokenIdHash == CryptoMethods.GetSHA512Hash(refreshTokenId) && o.ExpiresUtc >= DateTime.UtcNow);

            return(token != null ? new RefreshTokenModel
                ExpiresUtc = token.ExpiresUtc,
                IssuedUtc = token.IssuedUtc,
                AccessToken = token.ProtectedTicket,
                Subject = token.Subject
            } : null);
Esempio n. 19
 // Get random data.
 public override void GetBytes(byte[] data)
     CryptoMethods.GenerateRandom(data, 0, data.Length);
Esempio n. 20
        // Verify a DSA signature.
        public override bool VerifySignature(byte[] rgbHash, byte[] rgbSignature)
            // Validate the parameters.
            if (rgbHash == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("rgbHash");
            if (rgbSignature == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("rgbSignature");

            // Make sure that we have sufficient parameters to verify.
            if (dsaParams.G == null)
                throw new CryptographicException

            // Unpack the signature blob to get R and S.
            ASN1Parser parser;

            parser = (new ASN1Parser(rgbSignature)).GetSequence();
            byte[] R = parser.GetBigInt();
            byte[] S = parser.GetBigInt();

            // Compute W = (S^-1 mod Q)
            byte[] W = CryptoMethods.NumInv(S, dsaParams.Q);

            // Compute U1 = ((hash * W) mod Q)
            byte[] U1 = CryptoMethods.NumMul(rgbHash, W, dsaParams.Q);

            // Compute U2 = ((R * W) mod Q)
            byte[] U2 = CryptoMethods.NumMul(R, W, dsaParams.Q);

            // Compute V = (((G^U1 * Y^U2) mod P) mod Q)
            byte[] temp1 = CryptoMethods.NumPow
                               (dsaParams.G, U1, dsaParams.P);
            byte[] temp2 = CryptoMethods.NumPow
                               (dsaParams.Y, U2, dsaParams.P);
            byte[] temp3 = CryptoMethods.NumMul(temp1, temp2, dsaParams.P);
            byte[] V     = CryptoMethods.NumMod(temp3, dsaParams.Q);

            // Determine if we have a signature match.
            bool result = CryptoMethods.NumEq(V, R);

            // Clear sensitive values.
            Array.Clear(R, 0, R.Length);
            Array.Clear(S, 0, S.Length);
            Array.Clear(W, 0, W.Length);
            Array.Clear(U1, 0, U1.Length);
            Array.Clear(U2, 0, U2.Length);
            Array.Clear(temp1, 0, temp1.Length);
            Array.Clear(temp2, 0, temp2.Length);
            Array.Clear(temp3, 0, temp3.Length);
            Array.Clear(V, 0, V.Length);

            // Done.
Esempio n. 21
        // Transform the final input block.
        public static byte[] TransformFinalBlock(CryptoAPITransform transform,
                                                 byte[] inputBuffer,
                                                 int inputOffset,
                                                 int inputCount)
            int    blockSize = transform.blockSize;
            IntPtr state = transform.state;
            int    offset = 0;
            int    size, index, pad;

            byte[] outputBuffer;

            // Allocate space for the final block.
            if (transform.padding == PaddingMode.PKCS7)
                size = inputCount + blockSize - (inputCount % blockSize);
                size = inputCount;
                if ((size % blockSize) != 0)
                    size += blockSize - (inputCount % blockSize);
            outputBuffer = new byte [size];

            // Process full blocks in the input.
            while (inputCount >= blockSize)
                CryptoMethods.Encrypt(state, inputBuffer, inputOffset,
                                      outputBuffer, offset);
                inputOffset += blockSize;
                inputCount  -= blockSize;
                offset      += blockSize;

            // Format and encrypt the final partial block.
            if (transform.padding == PaddingMode.PKCS7)
                // Pad the block according to PKCS #7.
                for (index = 0; index < inputCount; ++index)
                    outputBuffer[offset + index] =
                        inputBuffer[inputOffset + index];
                pad = blockSize - (inputCount % blockSize);
                while (index < blockSize)
                    outputBuffer[offset + index] = (byte)pad;

                // Encrypt the block.
                CryptoMethods.Encrypt(state, outputBuffer,
                                      offset + index - blockSize,
                                      offset + index - blockSize);
            else if (inputCount > 0)
                // Pad the block with zero bytes.
                for (index = 0; index < inputCount; ++index)
                    outputBuffer[offset + index] =
                        inputBuffer[inputOffset + index];
                while (index < blockSize)
                    outputBuffer[offset + index] = (byte)0x00;

                // Encrypt the block.
                CryptoMethods.Encrypt(state, outputBuffer,
                                      offset + index - blockSize,
                                      offset + index - blockSize);

            // Finished.
Esempio n. 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Remove a token
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="refreshTokenId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task RemoveTokenAsync(String refreshTokenId)
            using (var transaction = await _context.Database.BeginTransactionAsync())
                var token = await _context.RefreshTokens.SingleOrDefaultAsync(o => o.TokenIdHash == CryptoMethods.GetSHA512Hash(refreshTokenId));

                if (token != null)
                    await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

Esempio n. 23
        // Transform the final input block.
        public static byte[] TransformFinalBlock(CryptoAPITransform transform,
                                                 byte[] inputBuffer,
                                                 int inputOffset,
                                                 int inputCount)
            int blockSize = transform.blockSize;

            byte[] iv = transform.iv;
            IntPtr state = transform.state;
            int    offset = 0;
            int    size, pad, index;

            byte[] outputBuffer;

            // Allocate space for the final block.
            if (transform.padding == PaddingMode.PKCS7)
                size = inputCount + blockSize - (inputCount % blockSize);
                size = inputCount;
                if ((size % blockSize) != 0)
                    size += blockSize - (inputCount % blockSize);
            outputBuffer = new byte [size];

            // Process full blocks in the input.
            while (inputCount >= blockSize)
                // XOR the plaintext with the IV.
                for (index = blockSize - 1; index >= 0; --index)
                    iv[index] ^= inputBuffer[inputOffset + index];

                // Encrypt the IV to get the ciphertext and the next IV.
                CryptoMethods.Encrypt(state, iv, 0, iv, 0);
                Array.Copy(iv, 0, outputBuffer, offset, blockSize);

                // Advance to the next block.
                inputOffset += blockSize;
                inputCount  -= blockSize;
                offset      += blockSize;

            // Format and encrypt the final partial block.
            if (transform.padding == PaddingMode.PKCS7)
                // Pad the block according to PKCS #7 and XOR with the IV.
                for (index = 0; index < inputCount; ++index)
                    iv[index] ^= inputBuffer[inputOffset + index];
                pad = blockSize - (inputCount % blockSize);
                while (index < blockSize)
                    iv[index] ^= (byte)pad;

                // Encrypt the IV to get the ciphertext and the next IV.
                CryptoMethods.Encrypt(state, iv, 0, iv, 0);
                Array.Copy(iv, 0, outputBuffer, offset, blockSize);
            else if (inputCount > 0)
                // Pad the block with zero bytes and XOR with the IV.
                // The zero padding is implicit.
                for (index = 0; index < inputCount; ++index)
                    iv[index] ^= inputBuffer[inputOffset + index];

                // Encrypt the IV to get the ciphertext and the next IV.
                CryptoMethods.Encrypt(state, iv, 0, iv, 0);
                Array.Copy(iv, 0, outputBuffer, offset, blockSize);

            // Finished.
Esempio n. 24
 public void OpenSystemStore(StoreName store)
Esempio n. 25
        // Create a DSA signature for the specified data.
        public override byte[] CreateSignature(byte[] rgbHash)
            // Validate the parameter.
            if (rgbHash == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("rgbHash");

            // Check that we have sufficient DSA parameters to sign.
            if (dsaParams.G == null)
                throw new CryptographicException
            else if (dsaParams.X == null)
                throw new CryptographicException

            // Generate a random K less than Q to use in
            // signature generation.  We guarantee less than
            // by setting the high byte of K to at least one
            // less than the high byte of Q.
            int len = dsaParams.Q.Length;

            byte[] K = new byte [len];
            CryptoMethods.GenerateRandom(K, 1, K.Length - 1);
            int index = 0;

            while (index < len && K[index] >= dsaParams.Q[index])
                if (dsaParams.Q[index] == 0)
                    K[index] = (byte)0;
                    K[index] = (byte)(dsaParams.Q[index] - 1);

            // Compute R = ((G^K mod P) mod Q)
            byte[] temp1 = CryptoMethods.NumPow
                               (dsaParams.G, K, dsaParams.P);
            byte[] R = CryptoMethods.NumMod(temp1, dsaParams.Q);
            Array.Clear(temp1, 0, temp1.Length);

            // Compute S = ((K^-1 * (hash + X * R)) mod Q)
            temp1 = CryptoMethods.NumInv(K, dsaParams.Q);
            byte[] temp2 = CryptoMethods.NumMul
                               (dsaParams.X, R, dsaParams.Q);
            byte[] temp3 = CryptoMethods.NumAdd
                               (rgbHash, temp2, dsaParams.Q);
            byte[] S = CryptoMethods.NumMul(temp1, temp3, dsaParams.Q);
            Array.Clear(temp1, 0, temp1.Length);
            Array.Clear(temp2, 0, temp2.Length);
            Array.Clear(temp3, 0, temp3.Length);
            Array.Clear(K, 0, K.Length);

            // Pack R and S into a signature blob and return it.
            ASN1Builder builder = new ASN1Builder();

            byte[] sig = builder.ToByteArray();
            Array.Clear(R, 0, R.Length);
            Array.Clear(S, 0, S.Length);
Esempio n. 26
        // Transform the final input block.
        public static byte[] TransformFinalBlock(CryptoAPITransform transform,
                                                 byte[] inputBuffer,
                                                 int inputOffset,
                                                 int inputCount)
            int    blockSize = transform.blockSize;
            IntPtr state     = transform.state;

            byte[] tempBuffer = transform.tempBuffer;
            byte[] outputBuffer;
            int    offset, index, pad;

            // Allocate a temporary output buffer.
            outputBuffer = new byte [inputCount + blockSize];

            // Push the remaining bytes through the decryptor.  The
            // final block will end up in "transform.tempBuffer".
            offset = TransformBlock(transform, inputBuffer, inputOffset,
                                    inputCount, outputBuffer, 0);

            // Decrypt the final block in "tempBuffer".
            if (transform.tempSize > 0)
                // Decrypt the ciphertext to get the plaintext.
                CryptoMethods.Decrypt(state, tempBuffer, 0,
                                      tempBuffer, 0);

                // Remove padding.
                if (transform.padding == PaddingMode.PKCS7)
                    // Use PKCS #7 padding.
                    pad = tempBuffer[blockSize - 1];
                    if (pad == 0 || pad > blockSize)
                        pad = blockSize;
                    Array.Copy(tempBuffer, 0, outputBuffer,
                               offset, blockSize - pad);
                    offset += blockSize - pad;
                    pad     = 0;
                else if (transform.padding == PaddingMode.Zeros)
                    // Strip zeroes from the end of the block.
                    index = blockSize;
                    while (index > 0 && tempBuffer[index - 1] == 0)
                    Array.Copy(tempBuffer, 0, outputBuffer,
                               offset, index);
                    offset += index;
                    // No padding, so return the whole block.
                    Array.Copy(tempBuffer, 0, outputBuffer,
                               offset, blockSize);
                    offset += blockSize;

            // Reduce the output buffer size to the final length.
            if (offset != outputBuffer.Length)
                byte[] newout = new byte [offset];
                if (offset != 0)
                    Array.Copy(outputBuffer, 0, newout, 0, offset);
                Array.Clear(outputBuffer, 0, outputBuffer.Length);
                outputBuffer = newout;

            // Finished.