protected async System.Threading.Tasks.Task Load() { var monthlyStatsResult = MonthlyStats(); monthlyStats = monthlyStatsResult; var revenueByCompanyResult = RevenueByCompany(); revenueByCompany = revenueByCompanyResult; var revenueByEmployeeResult = RevenueByEmployee(); revenueByEmployee = revenueByEmployeeResult; var revenueByMonthResult = RevenueByMonth(); revenueByMonth = revenueByMonthResult; var crmGetOpportunitiesResult = await Crm.GetOpportunities(new Query() { OrderBy = $"CloseDate desc" }); getOpportunitiesResult = crmGetOpportunitiesResult; var crmGetTasksResult = await Crm.GetTasks(new Query() { OrderBy = $"DueDate desc" }); getTasksResult = crmGetTasksResult; }
private static void BorrarPrueba(Crm crm) { var q = new QueryExpression("account"); q.Criteria.Conditions.AddRange( new ConditionExpression("createdon", ConditionOperator.Today) ); var terceros = new EntityCollection(); while (true) { var res = crm.GetIOS().RetrieveMultiple(q); terceros.Entities.AddRange(res.Entities); if (res.MoreRecords) { q.PageInfo.PageNumber++; q.PageInfo.PagingCookie = res.PagingCookie; } else { break; } } foreach (var t in terceros.Entities) { crm.AnadirElementoEmr(new DeleteRequest() { Target = new EntityReference("account", t.Id) }); } crm.ProcesarUltimosEmr(); }
public MonkeyFactory(Workspace workspace, IInfrastructureEnvironment environment) { System = workspace.Model.AddSoftwareSystem( Location.Internal, "Monkey Factory", "Azure cloud based backend for processing data created during production of monkeys"); KeyVault = new MonkeyKeyVault(this, environment); Hub = new MonkeyHub(this, environment); CrmConnector = new MonkeyCrmConnector(this, environment); EventStore = new MonkeyEventStore(this, environment); UI = new MonkeyUI(this, EventStore, environment); MessageProcessor = new MonkeyMessageProcessor(this, Hub, CrmConnector, EventStore, environment); DPS = new MonkeyDeviceProvisioningService(this, Hub, environment); TechnicalSupportUser = workspace.Model.AddPerson("Technical support user", "Responds to incidents during monkey production"); TechnicalSupportUser.Uses(UI, "Gather information about system failures"); ProductionShiftLead = workspace.Model.AddPerson("Production Shift leader", "Monitors monkey production"); ProductionShiftLead.Uses(UI, "Monitor load on production systems"); MonkeyProductionLine = workspace.Model.AddSoftwareSystem(Location.External, "Production Line", "Produces the actual monkeys"); MonkeyProductionLine.Uses(Hub, "Send production telemetry data and failure events", "MQTT"); MonkeyProductionLine.Uses(DPS, "Provision device that produces monkeys", "HTTPS"); Crm = workspace.Model.AddSoftwareSystem(Location.External, "CRM", ""); Crm.Uses(CrmConnector, "Process failure events in order to create support tickets", "AMQP"); StoreSecretsInKeyVault(); }
private static void BorrarPruebas(Crm crm, Comun co) { #region BORRAR PRODUCTOS var queprod = new QueryExpression("product"); //quece.TopCount = 5000; var prods = new EntityCollection(); while (true) { var res1 = crm.GetIOS().RetrieveMultiple(queprod); prods.Entities.AddRange(res1.Entities); if (res1.MoreRecords) { queprod.PageInfo.PageNumber++; queprod.PageInfo.PagingCookie = res1.PagingCookie; } else { break; } } foreach (var ce in prods.Entities) { crm.AnadirElementoEmr(new DeleteRequest() { Target = new EntityReference("product", ce.Id) }); } crm.ProcesarUltimosEmr(); #endregion BORRAR PRODuCTOS co.LogText("\n=============================== PRODUCTOS BORRADOS ===================================\n"); }
// Method to remove customer from the crm file public void RemoveCustomerSubmenu(bool clear = true) { if (clear) { Console.Clear(); } Console.WriteLine("### Delete Customer Submenu ###\n"); DeleteCRMValidationInput(); // Ensure that the desired ID to be deleted exists in the customer list to execute deletion if (Crm.CustomerList.Any(customer => customer.ID == DeleteRecordID)) { // deletion is successful if customer is not renting a vehicle if (Crm.RemoveCustomer(DeleteRecordID, Fleet)) { Crm.SaveToFile(); Console.WriteLine($"\nSuccessfully deleted the Customer with an ID of '{DeleteRecordID}'"); } else { Console.WriteLine($"\nDeletion Unsuccessful. Customer '{DeleteRecordID}' is currently renting a vehicle."); } LastMRRCscreen(() => SubMenu("Customer"), () => RemoveCustomerSubmenu()); } // If the desired ID to be deleted is not in the list, prompt a message else { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Customer with an ID of '{0}' does not exist in the Customers List\n", DeleteRecordID); RemoveCustomerSubmenu(false); LastMRRCscreen(() => SubMenu("Customer"), () => RemoveCustomerSubmenu()); } }
public Oracle(Crm crm, Comun comun) { Crm = crm; Comun = comun; OraConnParaLog = new OracleConnection(Comun.ConnStringOracle); OraConnParaLog.Open(); }
protected async System.Threading.Tasks.Task Load() { canEdit = true; var crmGetOpportunityStatusByIdResult = await Crm.GetOpportunityStatusById(Id); opportunitystatus = crmGetOpportunityStatusByIdResult; }
protected async System.Threading.Tasks.Task Load() { canEdit = true; var crmGetTaskTypeByIdResult = await Crm.GetTaskTypeById(Id); tasktype = crmGetTaskTypeByIdResult; }
protected async void Load() { var crmGetContactsResult = await Crm.GetContacts(); getContactsResult = crmGetContactsResult; contactFilter = ""; }
protected async void Load() { canEdit = true; var crmGetOpportunityStatusByIdResult = await Crm.GetOpportunityStatusById(int.Parse(Id)); opportunitystatus = crmGetOpportunityStatusByIdResult; }
protected async System.Threading.Tasks.Task Load() { canEdit = true; var crmGetContactByIdResult = await Crm.GetContactById(Id); contact = crmGetContactByIdResult; }
protected async void Load() { canEdit = true; var crmGetTaskTypeByIdResult = await Crm.GetTaskTypeById(int.Parse($"{Id}")); tasktype = crmGetTaskTypeByIdResult; }
protected async System.Threading.Tasks.Task Load() { var crmGetContactsResult = await Crm.GetContacts(); getContactsResult = crmGetContactsResult; contactFilter = ""; }
protected async void Load() { canEdit = true; var crmGetTaskStatusByIdResult = await Crm.GetTaskStatusById(int.Parse(Id)); taskstatus = crmGetTaskStatusByIdResult; }
protected async void Load() { canEdit = true; var crmGetContactByIdResult = await Crm.GetContactById(int.Parse(Id)); contact = crmGetContactByIdResult; }
protected async void Button1Click(MouseEventArgs args) { var crmGetContactsResult = await Crm.GetContacts(new Query() { Filter = $@"i => i.Email.Contains(""{contactFilter}"") || i.Company.Contains(""{contactFilter}"") || i.FirstName.Contains(""{contactFilter}"") || i.LastName.Contains(""{contactFilter}"")" }); getContactsResult = crmGetContactsResult; }
//Busca médico na tabela hash com base em um CRM public Doctor GetDoctor(Crm crm) { if (!_doctors.Exist(crm)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Médico não existe."); } return(_doctors.Find(crm)); }
// Main method interface to do modify operations on vehicle public void ModifyVehicleSubmenu(bool clear = true) { if (clear) { Console.Clear(); } Console.WriteLine("### Modify Vehicle Submenu ###\n"); // Require the operator to enter the vehicle registration to be modified ModifyRegoValidInput(); // Save the changed ID to -1 in case customer decideds to retain the same ID in the modification menu. Crm.SaveToFile(); string subMenu = "a) Modify Default Vehicle Fields" + "\nb) Modify All Vehicle Fields"; Console.WriteLine("\nPlease enter a character from the options below:\n"); Console.WriteLine(subMenu); // Return the vehicle which matches the provided registration to modify and assign to vehicle object Vehicle vehicle = Fleet.GetVehicle(regoToModify); // Wait for user to input the next key inputkey = Console.ReadKey(); switch (inputkey.Key) { case A_Pressed: ModifyVehicle(vehicle); break; case B_Pressed: ModifyVehicle(vehicle, true); break; case H_Pressed: MRRCInterface(); break; case Backspace_Pressed: ModifyVehicleSubmenu(); break; case Escape_Pressed: QuitMessage(); break; case Q_Pressed: SubMenu("Fleet"); break; default: // if any key other than above listed is pressed, do: Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("You Pressed '{0}', Please enter a valid option\n", inputkey.Key.ToString()); ModifyVehicleSubmenu(false); break; } }
// Method to modify a specific customer which exists in the crm file public void ModifyCustomerSubmenu(bool clear = true) { if (clear) { Console.Clear(); } Console.WriteLine("### Modify Customer Submenu ###\n"); ModifyCRMValidationInput(); // Return the customer which matches the provided ID to modify and assign to modifiedcustomer object Customer customer = Crm.GetCustomer(IDtoMofify); // if the returned customer in the modified customer object is not null, proceed to modify if (customer != null) { // Store old customers ID, title, first and last names into variables int OldID = customer.ID; string OldTitle = customer.title, OldFirstName = customer.firstName, OldLastName = customer.lastName; // Set the customer ID to the highest id value + 1, in case the customer wants to retain his/her ID and only wants // to modify the fields. We set the ID to this so that the validation doesnt prompt an error that the ID wanting // to be retained already exists. If the ID is retained, there is still unique ID's in the list int HighestID = Crm.CustomerList.Max(Customer => Customer.ID) + 1; customer.ID = HighestID; // Save the changed ID value in case customer decideds to retain the same ID in the modification menu. Crm.SaveToFile(); ModifyIDValidationInput(); customer.ID = IDtoMofify; Console.Write("Title*: "); title = StringToTitleCase(Console.ReadLine()); customer.title = title; Console.Write("FirstName*: "); firstName = StringToTitleCase(Console.ReadLine()); customer.firstName = firstName; Console.Write("LastName*: "); lastName = StringToTitleCase(Console.ReadLine()); customer.lastName = lastName; GenderValidationInput(); customer.gender = Gender; DOBValidationInput(); customer.DOB = DOB; Console.Write("\nSuccessfully modified customer '{0} - {1} {2} {3}' to '{4} {5} {6} {7}' within the customers list", OldID, OldTitle, OldFirstName, OldLastName, IDtoMofify, title, firstName, lastName); Crm.SaveToFile(); LastMRRCscreen(() => SubMenu("Customer"), () => ModifyCustomerSubmenu()); } // If the returned customer in the object is null, then the customer does not exist else { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Customer with an ID of '{0}' does not exist in the Customers List\n", IDtoMofify); ModifyCustomerSubmenu(false); LastMRRCscreen(() => SubMenu("Customer"), () => ModifyCustomerSubmenu()); } }
public async Task Update(string accessToken) { Crm.Setup(accessToken); crm = Crm.AuthenticatedCrmService; var accounts = await crm.GetAccounts(); Accounts.RemoveAt(0); accounts.ForEach(a => Accounts.Add(a)); }
protected async System.Threading.Tasks.Task Load() { var crmGetContactsResult = await Crm.GetContacts(); getContactsResult = crmGetContactsResult; var crmGetOpportunityStatusesResult = await Crm.GetOpportunityStatuses(); getOpportunityStatusesResult = crmGetOpportunityStatusesResult; opportunity = new RadzenCrm.Models.Crm.Opportunity(); }
protected async void Load() { var crmGetContactsResult = await Crm.GetContacts(); getContactsResult = crmGetContactsResult; var crmGetOpportunityStatusesResult = await Crm.GetOpportunityStatuses(); getOpportunityStatusesResult = crmGetOpportunityStatusesResult; opportunity = new RadzenCrm.Models.Crm.Opportunity(); }
protected async System.Threading.Tasks.Task Load() { monthlyStats = await MonthlyStats(); var crmGetOpportunitiesResult = await Crm.GetOpportunities(orderby : $@"CloseDate desc", expand : $"Contact,OpportunityStatus"); getOpportunitiesResult = crmGetOpportunitiesResult.Value; var crmGetTasksResult = await Crm.GetTasks(orderby : $@"DueDate desc", expand : $"Opportunity($expand=User,Contact)"); getTasksResult = crmGetTasksResult.Value; }
protected async void Form0Submit(RadzenCrm.Models.Crm.Contact args) { try { var crmUpdateContactResult = await Crm.UpdateContact(int.Parse(Id), contact); DialogService.Close(contact); } catch (Exception crmUpdateContactException) { NotificationService.Notify(NotificationSeverity.Error, $"Error", $"Unable to update Contact"); } }
protected async void Form0Submit(RadzenCrm.Models.Crm.TaskType args) { try { var crmUpdateTaskTypeResult = await Crm.UpdateTaskType(int.Parse($"{Id}"), tasktype); DialogService.Close(tasktype); } catch (Exception crmUpdateTaskTypeException) { NotificationService.Notify(NotificationSeverity.Error, $"Error", $"Unable to update TaskType"); } }
protected async void Form0Submit(RadzenCrm.Models.Crm.Task args) { try { var crmCreateTaskResult = await Crm.CreateTask(task); DialogService.Close(task); } catch (Exception crmCreateTaskException) { NotificationService.Notify(NotificationSeverity.Error, $"Error", $"Unable to create new Task!"); } }
protected async System.Threading.Tasks.Task Form0Submit(RadzenCrm.Models.Crm.Opportunity args) { try { var crmCreateOpportunityResult = await Crm.CreateOpportunity(opportunity); DialogService.Close(opportunity); } catch (System.Exception crmCreateOpportunityException) { NotificationService.Notify(NotificationSeverity.Error, $"Error", $"Unable to create new Opportunity!"); } }
protected async System.Threading.Tasks.Task Form0Submit(RadzenCrm.Models.Crm.TaskType args) { try { var crmCreateTaskTypeResult = await Crm.CreateTaskType(tasktype); DialogService.Close(tasktype); } catch (System.Exception crmCreateTaskTypeException) { NotificationService.Notify(NotificationSeverity.Error, $"Error", $"Unable to create new TaskType!"); } }
protected async void Form0Submit(RadzenCrm.Models.Crm.OpportunityStatus args) { try { var crmUpdateOpportunityStatusResult = await Crm.UpdateOpportunityStatus(int.Parse(Id), opportunitystatus); DialogService.Close(opportunitystatus); } catch (Exception crmUpdateOpportunityStatusException) { NotificationService.Notify(NotificationSeverity.Error, $"Error", $"Unable to update OpportunityStatus"); } }
protected async System.Threading.Tasks.Task Form0Submit(BlazorCrmWasm.Models.Crm.TaskStatus args) { try { var crmUpdateTaskStatusResult = await Crm.UpdateTaskStatus(id : Id, taskStatus : taskstatus); DialogService.Close(taskstatus); } catch (Exception crmUpdateTaskStatusException) { NotificationService.Notify(NotificationSeverity.Error, $"Error", $"Unable to update TaskStatus"); } }
public static CustomerPerson GetForCrmPerson( Crm.CrmPerson crmPerson ) { DataRow row = AdoNetSqlHelper.ExecuteRow( "GetCustomerPersonFromCrmPerson", new AdoNetSqlParamCollection( AdoNetSqlParamCollection.CreateParameter( "@PersonID", crmPerson.ID ) ) ); if ( row == null ) { return null; } else { CustomerPerson o = new CustomerPerson(); o.Load( row ); if ( o.IsEmpty ) { return null; } else { return o; } } }
public static CustomerCompany GetForCrmAddress( Crm.CrmAddress crmAddress ) { DataRow row = AdoNetSqlHelper.ExecuteRow( "GetCustomerCompanyFromCrmAddress", new AdoNetSqlParamCollection( AdoNetSqlParamCollection.CreateParameter( "@AddressID", crmAddress.ID ) ) ); if ( row == null ) { return null; } else { CustomerCompany o = new CustomerCompany(); o.Load( row ); if ( o.IsEmpty ) { return null; } else { return o; } } }