public QueryTemplate(QueryType type) { _queryType = type; _insertValues = new InsertValueCollection(); _updateValues = new UpdateValueCollection(); _joinList = new JoinCollection(); _criteriaList = new CriteriaCollection(); _orderList = new OrderCollection(); }
public CpPackageInfo[] GetByFilter(String tvcdb, List <DTO.Criteria> filters, ref string logMsg, int indexPage = 0, int itemPerPage = 0) { CpPackageInfo[] res = _objDAO.GetByFilter(tvcdb, filters, ref logMsg, indexPage, itemPerPage); //get details BUS.CpPackageAllocControl ctr = new CpPackageAllocControl(this); foreach (var i in res) { DTO.CriteriaCollection fs = new CriteriaCollection(); fs.Add("packagecode", i.packagecode); i.allocs = ctr.GetByCPK(tvcdb, i.packagecode, ref logMsg); } return(res); }
public HttpResponseMessage GetCommercialProduct(String username_ad, String password_ad) { Authentication_class var_auth = new Authentication_class(); AuthenticationHeader ah = var_auth.getAuthHeader(username_ad, password_ad); AsmRepository.SetServiceLocationUrl(var_auth.var_service_location_url); var productCatalogConfigurationService = AsmRepository.GetServiceProxyCachedOrDefault <IProductCatalogConfigurationService>(ah); //As of MR26, these are the properties you can use in the BaseQueryRequest. //Use Visual Studio's Intellisense function or see the API Reference Library //for the latest properties and descriptions. //CommercialProduct c = new CommercialProduct(); //c.AgreementDetailSpearId; //c.AllowedBusinessUnits; //c.AllowedDisconnectSettings; //c.AllowedEventsId; //c.AllowedForPurchasedOfferDefinition; //c.AllowedMarketSegmentIds; //c.AllowedModels; //c.AllowedPaymentType; //c.AllowIndefiniteSleep; //c.AllowQtyToBeUpdated; //c.AllowRedistributeFunds; //c.AllowSleep; //c.ApplyRemainingFunds; //c.AreDevicesPresent; //c.Availability; //c.AvailableDate; //c.BusinessUnitId; //c.CAEntitlements; //c.CaptureRuleId; //c.CategoryId; //c.CategoryWeight; //c.ChargeForUnderlyingTP; //c.CommercialProductIds; //c.ContractPeriodIdToOverrideOnAD; //c.DefaultChargePeriod; //c.DefaultDisconnectionSetting; //c.DefaultFinanceOptionId; //c.DefaultPaymentType; //c.Description; //c.EditRulesId; //c.EPCMappings; //c.ExcludedCommercialProducts; //c.ExternalId; //c.ExternalProductCodeId; //c.Hyperlink; //c.IconId; //c.Id; //c.InvoiceLineTexts; //c.IsServiceContract; //c.IsShippingOrderProduct; //c.IsStockHandlerOrderProduct; //c.IsUnitOfMeasurementRequired; //c.MatchQuantity; //c.MaxSleepDays; //c.MinSleepDays; //c.Name; //c.Notes; //c.OverrideCAEntitlements; //c.PrepaidRequiredBalance; //c.PrepaidRequiredBalanceReconnect; //c.RequiredCommercialProducts; //c.SellFrom; //c.SellTo; //c.TaxExternalProductCodeId; //c.TechnicalProductIds; //c.TechnicalProducts; //c.Terms; //c.UnitOfMeasurementId; //c.UsersRoles; //Instantiate and initialize the filter criteria (key-value pairs) //for the BaseQueryRequest object. BaseQueryRequest request = new BaseQueryRequest(); CriteriaCollection criteria = new CriteriaCollection(); //request.FilterCriteria.Add(new Criteria("ExternalId", 92591)); request.FilterCriteria.Add(new Criteria("IconId", "")); //Call the method and display the results. CommercialProductCollection coll = productCatalogConfigurationService.GetCommercialProducts(request); if (coll != null) { return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, coll)); } else { var message = string.Format("error"); HttpError err = new HttpError(message); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, message)); } }
public YangProductPriceResponse YangProductPriceByProductId(String username_ad, String password_ad, int id) { YangProductPriceResponse db = new YangProductPriceResponse(); var cc = new List <YangProductPriceItems>(); List <int> CustomerClassIds_local = null; List <int> CountryIds_local = null; List <int> CustomerTypeIds_local = null; List <int> FinanceOptionIds_local = null; List <int> FinancialAccountTypeIds_local = null; List <string> PostalCodes_local = null; List <int> ProvinceIds_local = null; List <ListPriceCondition> ListPriceCondition_local = null; IAgreementManagementService agService = null; IAgreementManagementConfigurationService agcService = null; IProductCatalogService productService = null; IProductCatalogConfigurationService productcService = null; ICustomersConfigurationService custcService = null; IFinanceConfigurationService fincService = null; Authentication_class var_auth = new Authentication_class(); AuthenticationHeader ah = var_auth.getAuthHeader(username_ad, password_ad); AsmRepository.SetServiceLocationUrl(var_auth.var_service_location_url); agService = AsmRepository.AllServices.GetAgreementManagementService(ah); agcService = AsmRepository.AllServices.GetAgreementManagementConfigurationService(ah); productService = AsmRepository.AllServices.GetProductCatalogService(ah); productcService = AsmRepository.AllServices.GetProductCatalogConfigurationService(ah); custcService = AsmRepository.AllServices.GetCustomersConfigurationService(ah); fincService = AsmRepository.AllServices.GetFinanceConfigurationService(ah); BaseQueryRequest request = new BaseQueryRequest(); CriteriaCollection criteria = new CriteriaCollection(); //request.FilterCriteria.Add(new Criteria("ExternalId", 92591)); request.FilterCriteria.Add(new Criteria("Id", id)); //Call the method and display the results. CommercialProductCollection pl = productcService.GetCommercialProducts(request); //CommercialProductCollection pl = productcService.GetCommercialProducts(new BaseQueryRequest() //{ // //FilterCriteria = Op.Le("SellFrom", DateTime.Now) && Op.Ge("SellTo", DateTime.Now), // FilterCriteria = Op.Equals("Id", id), // DeepLoad = true, // PageCriteria = new PageCriteria() // { // Page = 0 // } //}); //Console.WriteLine("Total Commercial Product Count : " + pl.TotalCount); db.the_TotalCount = pl.TotalCount; foreach (var pr in pl.Items) { int commercial_product_id = pr.Id.Value; var prices = productcService.GetListPrices(new BaseQueryRequest() { FilterCriteria = Op.Eq("UsedBy", 0) && Op.Eq("Active", true) && Op.Eq("ApplyToId", commercial_product_id), DeepLoad = true, PageCriteria = new PageCriteria() { Page = 0 } }); //Console.WriteLine("Product Name : " + pr.Name + "\n"); foreach (var ccc in pr.CommercialProductIds) { //Console.WriteLine("value = {0}" + ccc.ToString()); } //Console.WriteLine("Start to search all prices for commecial products : " + pr.Name + "\n"); if (prices == null) { continue; } foreach (var listprice in prices.Items) { string msg = ""; if (listprice.PriceConditions == null) { continue; } foreach (var pricecondition in listprice.PriceConditions.Items) { msg = ""; if (pricecondition.Active == false) { continue; } // Type - OnceOff, Recurrence msg = " Price Type : " + pricecondition.Type + "\n"; // Charge Period if (pricecondition.ChargePeriodId != 0) { msg = msg + " Charge Period " + pricecondition.ChargePeriodId + " Month" + "\n"; } // The price amount if (pricecondition.PriceAmounts != null) { string priceamount = ""; foreach (var pa in pricecondition.PriceAmounts) { priceamount += " Amount : " + pa.Amount + " From " + pa.FromDate + ","; } if (priceamount != "") { msg = msg + " " + priceamount + "\n"; } priceamount = ""; } // Allowed Agreement Type conditions if (pricecondition.AgreementTypeIds != null) { string agreement_type_list = ""; foreach (var agtid in pricecondition.AgreementTypeIds) { agreement_type_list += agcService.GetAgreementType(agtid).Description + ","; } if (agreement_type_list != "") { msg = msg + "Allowed Agreement Types : " + agreement_type_list + "\n"; } agreement_type_list = ""; } // Allowed Business Unit Attributes if (pricecondition.BusinessUnitAttributeValues != null) { string business_unit_attribute = ""; foreach (var bu in pricecondition.BusinessUnitAttributeValues) { business_unit_attribute += bu + ","; } if (business_unit_attribute != "") { msg = msg + " Allowed Business Unit Attribute : " + business_unit_attribute + "\n"; } business_unit_attribute = ""; } // Allowed Charge Period if (pricecondition.ChargePeriodId != null) { string charge_period = ""; if (pricecondition.ChargePeriodId == 1) { charge_period = "Monthly"; } if (pricecondition.ChargePeriodId == 3) { charge_period = "Quauterly"; } if (pricecondition.ChargePeriodId == 6) { charge_period = "HalfYearly"; } if (pricecondition.ChargePeriodId == 12) { charge_period = "Yearly"; } if (charge_period != "") { msg = msg + " Allowed Charge Period : " + charge_period + "\n"; } charge_period = ""; } // Allowed Country if (pricecondition.CountryIds != null) { string country_list = ""; foreach (var c in pricecondition.CountryIds) { country_list += custcService.GetCountry(c).Description + ","; } if (country_list != "") { msg = msg + " Allowed Country : " + country_list + "\n"; } country_list = ""; CountryIds_local = pricecondition.CountryIds; } // Allowed Currency if (pricecondition.CurrencyId != null) { string currency = ""; currency = fincService.GetCurrency(pricecondition.CurrencyId.Value).Description; if (currency != "") { msg = msg + " Allowed Currency : " + currency + "\n"; } currency = ""; } // Allowed Customer Class if (pricecondition.CustomerClassIds != null) { string customer_class = ""; foreach (var ci in pricecondition.CustomerClassIds) { customer_class += custcService.GetCustomerClass(ci).Description + ","; } if (customer_class != "") { msg = msg + " Allowed Customer Class : " + customer_class + "\n"; } customer_class = ""; CustomerClassIds_local = pricecondition.CustomerClassIds; } // Allowed Customer Type if (pricecondition.CustomerTypeIds != null) { string customer_type = ""; foreach (var ct in pricecondition.CustomerTypeIds) { customer_type += custcService.GetCustomerType(ct).Name + ","; } if (customer_type != null) { msg = msg + " Allowed Customer Type : " + customer_type + "\n"; } customer_type = ""; CustomerTypeIds_local = pricecondition.CustomerTypeIds; } // Allowed Finance Options if (pricecondition.FinanceOptionIds != null) { string financeoption = ""; foreach (var fo in pricecondition.FinanceOptionIds) { financeoption += productcService.GetFinanceOption(fo).Description + ","; } if (financeoption != "") { msg = msg + " Allowed Finance Options : " + financeoption + "\n"; } FinanceOptionIds_local = pricecondition.FinanceOptionIds; } // Allowed Finance Account Type if (pricecondition.FinancialAccountTypeIds != null) { string fatype = ""; foreach (var fatypeid in pricecondition.FinancialAccountTypeIds) { fatype += fincService.GetFinancialAccountType((fatypeid)).Description + ","; } if (fatype != "") { msg = msg + " Allowed Financial Account Type : " + fatype + "\n"; } } // Allowed Postal Codes if (pricecondition.PostalCodes != null) { string postcode = ""; foreach (var pcode in pricecondition.PostalCodes) { postcode += pcode + ","; } if (postcode != "") { msg = msg + " Allowed Postal Code : " + postcode + "\n"; } PostalCodes_local = pricecondition.PostalCodes; } // Allowed Province if (pricecondition.ProvinceIds != null) { string province = ""; foreach (var pro in pricecondition.ProvinceIds) { province += custcService.GetProvince(pro).Description + ","; } if (province != "") { msg = msg + " Allowed Province : " + province + "\n"; } ProvinceIds_local = pricecondition.ProvinceIds; } ListPriceCondition_local = listprice.PriceConditions.Items; } } cc.Add(new YangProductPriceItems { the_Name = pr.Name, the_CommercialProductIds = pr.CommercialProductIds, the_ListPriceCollection = prices.Items, the_CustomerClassIds = CustomerClassIds_local, the_CountryIds = CountryIds_local, the_CustomerTypeIds = CustomerTypeIds_local, the_ListPriceConditions = ListPriceCondition_local }); } db.the_items = cc; return(db); }
public EntityQueryValues() { _criteriaList = new CriteriaCollection(); _orderList = new OrderCollection(); }
public CriteriaExpressionVisitor() { _criteriaList = new CriteriaCollection(); _criteriaTypeQueue = new Queue<CriteriaType>(); _nameBuilder = new StringBuilder(); }
public DataTable GetPKTByFilter(string db, string itemId, string project, CriteriaCollection filters, ref string sErr) { return(_objDAO.GetPKTByFilter(db, itemId, project, filters, ref sErr)); }
public void GetShippingOrderByCustomerId(int cust_id) { //Create the authentication header, initialize with credentials, and //create the service proxy. For details, see the API Developer's //Guide and the Reference Library CHM. Authentication_class var_auth = new Authentication_class(); AuthenticationHeader authHeader = var_auth.getAuthentication_header(); AsmRepository.SetServiceLocationUrl("http://mncsvasm.mskydev1.local/asm/all/servicelocation.svc"); IOrderManagementService orderManagementService = AsmRepository.GetServiceProxyCachedOrDefault <IOrderManagementService>(authHeader); BaseQueryRequest request = new BaseQueryRequest(); //Page = 0 returns a maximum of 20 records. If you want all reecords, you must //iterate through the pages. request.PageCriteria = new PageCriteria { Page = 0 }; CriteriaCollection criteria = new CriteriaCollection(); //Here is a list of properties you can search on. This list is valid as of MR22. //For property descriptions, see the API Reference Library (CHM file). //Use Intellisense for the current list of properties. //ShippingOrder so = new ShippingOrder(); //so.AgreementId; //so.Comment; //so.CreateDateTime; //so.CustomerId; //so.CustomFields.Add; //so.Destination; //so.FinancialAccountId; //so.FullyReceiveReturnedOrder; //so.Id; //so.IgnoreAgreementId; //so.OldStatusId; //so.ParentOrderId; //so.ReceivedQuantity; //so.Reference; //so.ReturnedQuantity; //so.SandboxId; //so.SandboxSkipValidation; //so.ShipByDate; //so.ShipFromStockHandlerId; //so.ShippedDate; //so.ShippedQuantity; //so.ShippingMethodId; //so.ShippingOrderLines.Add; //so.ShipToAddressId; //so.ShipToPartyId; //so.ShipToPostalCode; //so.StatusId; //so.TotalQuantity; //so.TrackingNumbers; //so.TypeId; //By default, the search uses a logical AND between search criteria. //Use || to perform a logical OR. criteria.Add("CustomerId", cust_id); request.FilterCriteria = criteria; ShippingOrderCollection soc = orderManagementService.GetShippingOrders(request); if (soc != null && soc.Items.Count > 0) { foreach (ShippingOrder shippingOrder in soc.Items) { Console.WriteLine("Found Shipping Order ID: {0}", shippingOrder.Id); } } else { Console.WriteLine("No records found."); } Console.ReadLine(); }