private void LoadCueInfo(UnityEngine.Object acbAsset) { cueInfos = new List <CueInfo>(); // 指定したACBファイル名(キューシート名)を指定してキュー情報を取得. var assetPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(acbAsset); var fullPath = UnityPathUtility.GetProjectFolderPath() + assetPath; var acb = CriAtomExAcb.LoadAcbFile(null, fullPath, ""); if (acb != null) { var list = acb.GetCueInfoList(); foreach (var item in list) { var path = PathUtility.GetPathWithoutExtension(assetPath); var cueInfo = new CueInfo(string.Empty, path,, item.userData); cueInfos.Add(cueInfo); } acb.Dispose(); } }
public static CriAtomEx.CueInfo[] GetCueInfoList(CriAtomCueSheet cueSheet) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty( { return(null); } CriAtomEx.CueInfo[] result = null; while (!CriFsPlugin.isInitialized || !CriAtomPlugin.isInitialized) { Debug.Log("Sleep"); Thread.Sleep(1000); } try { var acb = CriAtomExAcb.LoadAcbFile(null, Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath, cueSheet.acbFile), Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath, cueSheet.awbFile)); if (acb != null) { result = acb.GetCueInfoList(); acb.Dispose(); } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.unityLogger.LogException(e); } return(result); }
new void Awake() { if (CheckInstance()) { DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); } else { Destroy(gameObject); return; } Current = this; MusicList.Add(this); #if ADX MusicSource = new SoundCue(GetComponent <CriAtomSource>()); ACBData = CriAtom.GetAcb(MusicSource.source.cueSheet); ACBData.GetCueInfo(MusicSource.source.cueName, out CueInfo); #else MusicSource = new SoundCue(GetComponent <AudioSource>()); #endif QuantizedCue = new List <SoundCue>(); SamplesPerUnit = (long)(SamplingRate * (60.0 / (Tempo_ * mtBeat_))); SamplesPerBeat = SamplesPerUnit * mtBeat_; SamplesPerBar = SamplesPerUnit * mtBar_; MusicTimeUnit = (double)SamplesPerUnit / (double)SamplingRate; Initialize(); }
public void Play(CriAtomSource atomSource, CriAtomClipPlayConfig config) { this.IsClipPlaying = true; if (atomSource == null) { return; } if (config.cueSheetName != m_lastCueSheetName) { m_acb = CriAtom.GetAcb(config.cueSheetName); } if (m_acb != null) { atomSource.player.SetCue(m_acb, config.cueName); this.CueLength = GetCueLengthSec(m_acb, config.cueName); m_lastCueSheetName = config.cueSheetName; if (this.playback.status != CriAtomExPlayback.Status.Removed) { this.playback.Stop(); } if (this.CueLength > 0) { atomSource.player.SetStartTime(config.startTimeMs); atomSource.player.Loop(config.loop); this.playback = atomSource.player.Start(); } } }
/** * <summary>非同期に、指定したキュー名のキューを再生開始します。</summary> * <param name="cueName">キュー名</param> * <returns>コルーチン</returns> * \par 説明: * Unityのコルーチン機能を使い、非同期に実行されます。 * 本関数は MonoBehaviour::StartCoroutine の引数に指定して呼び出してください。 */ private IEnumerator PlayAsync(string cueName) { CriAtomExAcb acb = null; while (acb == null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.cueSheet)) { acb = CriAtom.GetAcb(this.cueSheet); if (acb == null) { yield return(null); } } this.player.SetCue(acb, cueName); #if !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_ANDROID if (androidUseLowLatencyVoicePool) { this.player.SetSoundRendererType(CriAtomEx.SoundRendererType.Native); } else { this.player.SetSoundRendererType(CriAtomEx.androidDefaultSoundRendererType); } #endif if (this.hasValidPosition == false) { this.SetInitialSourcePosition(); this.hasValidPosition = true; } if (this.status == Status.Stop) { this.player.Loop(this._loop); } this.player.Start(); }
public void PreviewPlay(Guid trackId, bool instantStop, CriAtomClipPlayConfig config) { this.IsClipPlaying = true; if (config.cueSheetName != m_lastCueSheetName) { m_acb = CriAtomTimelinePreviewer.Instance.GetAcb(config.cueSheetName); } if (m_acb != null) { CriAtomTimelinePreviewer.Instance.SetCue(trackId, m_acb, config.cueName); this.CueLength = GetCueLengthSec(m_acb, config.cueName); m_lastCueSheetName = config.cueSheetName; if (this.playback.status != CriAtomExPlayback.Status.Removed) { this.playback.Stop(); } if (this.CueLength > 0) { CriAtomTimelinePreviewer.Instance.SetStartTime(trackId, config.startTimeMs); CriAtomTimelinePreviewer.Instance.SetLoop(trackId, config.loop); this.playback = CriAtomTimelinePreviewer.Instance.Play(trackId); if (instantStop) { WaitAndStop(); } } } }
public void PlayBGM() { bool startFlag = false; CriAtomSource.Status status = atomSourceBgm.status; if ((status == CriAtomSource.Status.Stop) || (status == CriAtomSource.Status.PlayEnd)) { this.playbackBGM = atomSourceBgm.Play(100); startFlag = true; } /* Move to the next block except for the first playback. */ if (startFlag == false) { int cur = this.playbackBGM.GetCurrentBlockIndex(); CriAtomExAcb acb = CriAtom.GetAcb("PinballMain"); if (acb != null) { acb.GetCueInfo("BGM", out this.cueInfo); cur++; if (this.cueInfo.numBlocks > 0) { this.playbackBGM.SetNextBlockIndex(cur % this.cueInfo.numBlocks); } } } }
/** * <summary>指定したキューIDのキューを再生開始します。</summary> * <param name="cueId">キューID</param> * <returns>再生ID</returns> * \par 説明: * CriAtomSource::cueName プロパティの設定に関わらず、本関数に指定したキューIDのキューを再生します。 */ public CriAtomExPlayback Play(int cueId) { CriAtomExAcb acb = null; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.cueSheet)) { acb = CriAtom.GetAcb(this.cueSheet); } this.player.SetCue(acb, cueId); #if !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_ANDROID if (androidUseLowLatencyVoicePool) { this.player.SetSoundRendererType(CriAtomEx.SoundRendererType.Native); } else { this.player.SetSoundRendererType(CriAtomEx.SoundRendererType.Asr); } #endif if (this.hasValidPosition == false) { this.SetInitialSourcePosition(); this.hasValidPosition = true; } if (this.status == Status.Stop) { this.player.Loop(this._loop); } return(this.player.Start()); }
private CriAtomExAcb LoadAcbFile(CriFsBinder binder, string acbFile, string awbFile) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(acbFile)) { return(null); } string acbPath = acbFile; if ((binder == null) && CriWare.Common.IsStreamingAssetsPath(acbPath)) { acbPath = Path.Combine(CriWare.Common.streamingAssetsPath, acbPath); } string awbPath = awbFile; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(awbPath)) { if ((binder == null) && CriWare.Common.IsStreamingAssetsPath(awbPath)) { awbPath = Path.Combine(CriWare.Common.streamingAssetsPath, awbPath); } } return(CriAtomExAcb.LoadAcbFile(binder, acbPath, awbPath)); }
void Awake() { MusicList.Add(this); musicSource_ = GetComponent <CriAtomSource>(); if (Current_ == null || musicSource_.playOnStart) { if (musicSource_.playOnStart) { musicSource_.playOnStart = false; playOnStart_ = true; } Current_ = this; } acbData_ = CriAtom.GetAcb(musicSource_.cueSheet); acbData_.GetCueInfo(musicSource_.cueName, out cueInfo_); double beatSec = (60.0 / Tempo); samplesPerUnit_ = (int)(SamplingRate * (beatSec / UnitPerBeat)); samplesPerBeat_ = (int)(SamplingRate * beatSec); samplesPerBar_ = (int)(SamplingRate * UnitPerBar * (beatSec / UnitPerBeat)); musicalTimeUnit_ = (double)samplesPerUnit_ / (double)SamplingRate; Initialize(); }
public IObservable <Unit> Initialize(string name) { // set cue info = name; cueSheet.acbFile = name + ".acb"; cueSheet.awbFile = name + ".awb"; if (!CriSoundUtility.AddCueSheet(cueSheet)) { throw new ArgumentException(); } CriAtomExAcb acb = CriAtom.GetAcb(name); CriAtomEx.CueInfo cueInfo; if (!acb.GetCueInfo(name, out cueInfo)) { throw new ArgumentException(); } Length = cueInfo.length; return(Observable .ReturnUnit() .Do(_ => CriAtomExLatencyEstimator.InitializeModule()) .SelectMany(_ => Observable .EveryUpdate() .Select(__ => CriAtomExLatencyEstimator.GetCurrentInfo()) .Where(x => x.status == CriAtomExLatencyEstimator.Status.Processing)) .Do(x => EstimatedLatency = x.estimated_latency) .Do(_ => CriAtomExLatencyEstimator.FinalizeModule()) .AsUnitObservable()); }
/** * <summary>ACB情報の取得</summary> * <param name="acb">ACB</param> * <param name="acbInfo">ACB情報</param> * <returns>情報が取得できたか</returns> * \par 説明: * ACBデータの各種情報を取得します。 */ public static bool GetAcbInfo(CriAtomExAcb acb, out AcbInfo acbInfo) { AcbInfoForMarshaling x; bool result = criAtomExAcb_GetAcbInfo(acb.nativeHandle, out x) == 1; x.Convert(out acbInfo); return(result); }
private void PlayPreview(CriAtomExAcb acb, string cuename) { if (previewPlayer == null) { previewPlayer = new CriAtomEditor.PreviewPlayer(); } previewPlayer.Play(acb, cuename); }
private void OnLostFocus() { StopPreview(); if (previewAcb != null) { previewAcb.Dispose(); previewAcb = null; } lastAcbName = ""; }
private void GetAcbInfoListCore(string searchPath, ref int acbIndex) { string[] files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(searchPath); foreach (string file in files) { if (System.IO.Path.GetExtension(file.Replace("\\", "/")) == ".acb") { AcbInfo acbInfo = new AcbInfo(System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file), acbIndex, "", System.IO.Path.GetFileName(file), "", ""); /* 指定したACBファイル名(キューシート名)を指定してキュー情報を取得 */ CriAtomExAcb acb = CriAtomExAcb.LoadAcbFile(null, file.Replace("\\", "/"), ""); if (acb != null) { /* キュー名リストの作成 */ CriAtomEx.CueInfo[] cueInfoList = acb.GetCueInfoList(); foreach (CriAtomEx.CueInfo cueInfo in cueInfoList) { CueInfo tmpCueInfo = new CueInfo(,, cueInfo.userData); bool found = false; foreach (var key in acbInfo.cueInfoList) { if ( == { found = true; break; } } if (found == false) { acbInfo.cueInfoList.Add(tmpCueInfo); } else { // inGame時のサブシーケンスの場合あり //Debug.Log("already exists in the dictionay id:" + +"name:" +; } } acb.Dispose(); } else { Debug.Log("GetAcbInfoList LoadAcbFile. acb is null. " + file); } tmpAcbInfoList.Add(acbInfo); acbIndex++; } } // directory string[] directories = System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories(searchPath); foreach (string directory in directories) { GetAcbInfoListCore(directory, ref acbIndex); } }
public void SetCue(Guid trackId, CriAtomExAcb acb, string cueName) { if (acb != null && string.IsNullOrEmpty(cueName) == false) { this.GetPlayer(trackId).SetCue(acb, cueName); } else { Debug.LogWarning("[CRIWARE] Timeline Previewer: insufficient ACB or cue name"); } }
/** * <summary>ACBデータの取得</summary> * <returns>CriAtomExAcbオブジェクト</returns> * \par 説明: * 非同期にロードしたACBデータを取得します。<br> * 本関数は、 ::CriAtomExAcbLoader::GetStatus の戻り値が Complete に遷移してから呼び出してください。<br> */ public CriAtomExAcb MoveAcb() { IntPtr movedAcbHandle = criAtomExAcbLoader_MoveAcbHandle(this.handle); if (movedAcbHandle != IntPtr.Zero) { CriAtomExAcb movedAcb = new CriAtomExAcb(movedAcbHandle,; = null; return(movedAcb); } return(null); }
private double GetCueLengthSec(CriAtomExAcb acb, string cueName) { CriAtomEx.WaveformInfo waveInfo; if (acb != null && acb.GetWaveFormInfo(cueName, out waveInfo) == true) { return(waveInfo.numSamples / (double)waveInfo.samplingRate); } else { return(0); } }
private void TryInitializePlugin() { if (CriAtomPlugin.IsLibraryInitialized() == false) { if (previewAcb != null) { previewAcb = null; lastAcbName = ""; } } CriAtomEditor.InitializePluginForEditor(); }
// internal protected override bool ReadyInternal() { atomSource_ = GetComponent <CriAtomSource>(); if (atomSource_.playOnStart) { atomSource_.playOnStart = false; PlayOnStart = true; } acbData_ = CriAtom.GetAcb(atomSource_.cueSheet); acbData_.GetCueInfo(atomSource_.cueName, out cueInfo_); Meter.Validate(0); return(true); }
private void OnDisable() { if (previewAcb != null) { previewAcb.Dispose(); previewAcb = null; } lastCuesheet = ""; if (previewPlayer != null) { previewPlayer.Dispose(); previewPlayer = null; } }
private void OnDisable() { #if CRI_UNITY_EDITOR_PREVIEW if (previewAcb != null) { previewAcb.Dispose(); previewAcb = null; } if (previewPlayer != null) { previewPlayer.Dispose(); previewPlayer = null; } #endif }
private void Initialize() { _cueAcb = CriAtom.GetAcb(_cueSheetName); if (_useObjectPoolInUniRx) { _sourcePool = new AtomSourcePoolOnUniRx(_sourcePrefab.gameObject); } else { _sourcePool = new AtomSourcePool(_sourcePrefab.gameObject); } _activeSources = new List <CriAtomSource>(); _disableSourceBuffer = new List <CriAtomSource>(); }
/* プレビュ用:音声データ設定・再生関数 */ private void StartPreviewPlayer() { if (isPreviewReady == false) { PreparePreview(); } if (isPreviewReady == true) { if (previewAcb == null || lastCuesheet != this.source.cueSheet) { if (previewAcb != null) { previewAcb.Dispose(); previewAcb = null; } foreach (var cuesheet in atomComponent.cueSheets) { if ( == this.source.cueSheet) { strPreviewAcb = Path.Combine(CriWare.streamingAssetsPath, cuesheet.acbFile); strPreviewAwb = (cuesheet.awbFile == null) ? null : Path.Combine(CriWare.streamingAssetsPath, cuesheet.awbFile); previewAcb = CriAtomExAcb.LoadAcbFile(null, strPreviewAcb, strPreviewAwb); lastCuesheet =; } } } if (previewAcb != null) { if (previewPlayer != null) { previewPlayer.SetCue(previewAcb, this.source.cueName); previewPlayer.SetVolume(this.source.volume); previewPlayer.SetPitch(this.source.pitch); previewPlayer.Loop(this.source.loop); previewPlayer.Start(); } else { Debug.LogWarning("[CRIWARE] Player is not ready. Please try reloading the inspector"); } } else { Debug.LogWarning("[CRIWARE] Specified cue sheet could not be found"); } } }
private CriAtomExAcb LoadAcbData(byte[] acbData, CriFsBinder binder, string awbFile) { if (acbData == null) { return(null); } string awbPath = awbFile; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(awbPath)) { if ((binder == null) && CriWare.IsStreamingAssetsPath(awbPath)) { awbPath = Path.Combine(CriWare.streamingAssetsPath, awbPath); } } return(CriAtomExAcb.LoadAcbData(acbData, binder, awbPath)); }
private static CueInfo[] LoadAcbInfo(string path) { var result = new List <CueInfo>(); CriForceInitializer.Initialize(); var guids = AssetDatabase.FindAssets(string.Empty, new string[] { path }); var acbAssets = guids .Select(x => AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(x)) .Where(x => Path.GetExtension(x) == CriAssetDefinition.AcbExtension) .Select(x => AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath(x)) .ToArray(); foreach (var acbAsset in acbAssets) { // 指定したACBファイル名(キューシート名)を指定してキュー情報を取得. var assetPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(acbAsset); var fullPath = UnityPathUtility.GetProjectFolderPath() + assetPath; var acb = CriAtomExAcb.LoadAcbFile(null, fullPath, ""); if (acb != null) { var cueInfos = acb.GetCueInfoList().ToArray(); foreach (var cueInfo in cueInfos) { var acbPath = assetPath.Replace(path + PathUtility.PathSeparator, string.Empty); acbPath = PathUtility.GetPathWithoutExtension(acbPath); result.Add(new CueInfo(, acbPath, cueInfo.userData)); } acb.Dispose(); } } return(result.ToArray()); }
/* プレビュ用:音声データ設定・再生関数 */ private void StartPreviewPlayer() { if (previewPlayer == null) { return; } if (lastCuesheet != this.source.cueSheet) { if (previewAcb != null) { previewAcb.Dispose(); previewAcb = null; } foreach (var cuesheet in atomComponent.cueSheets) { if ( == this.source.cueSheet) { strPreviewAcb = Path.Combine(CriWare.Common.streamingAssetsPath, cuesheet.acbFile); strPreviewAwb = (cuesheet.awbFile == null) ? null : Path.Combine(CriWare.Common.streamingAssetsPath, cuesheet.awbFile); previewAcb = CriAtomExAcb.LoadAcbFile(null, strPreviewAcb, strPreviewAwb); lastCuesheet =; } } } if (previewAcb != null) { previewPlayer.player.SetVolume(this.source.volume); previewPlayer.player.SetPitch(this.source.pitch); previewPlayer.player.Loop(this.source.loop); previewPlayer.Play(previewAcb, this.source.cueName); } else { Debug.LogWarning("[CRIWARE] Specified cue sheet could not be found"); } }
/* 音声データ設定・再生 */ public void Play(CriAtomExAcb acb, string cueName) { if (isPlayerReady == false) { this.Initialize(); } if (acb != null) { if (player != null) { player.SetCue(acb, cueName); player.Start(); } else { Debug.LogWarning("[CRIWARE] Player is not ready. Please try reloading the inspector"); } } else { Debug.LogWarning("[CRIWARE] Atom Player for editor: internal error"); } }
public SoundSheet(string assetPath, CriAtomExAcb acb) : this(assetPath) { Acb = acb; }
/** * <summary>音声データのセット(キュー名指定)</summary> * <param name="acb">ACBオブジェクト</param> * <param name="name">キュー名</param> * キュー名を、AtomExプレーヤに関連付けます。<br/> * 本関数でキュー名を指定後、 ::CriAtomExPlayer::Start * 関数で再生を開始すると、指定されたキューが再生されます。<br/> * \par 例: * \code * : * // プレーヤの作成 * CriAtomExPlayer player = new CriAtomExPlayer(); * * // ACFファイルの登録 * CriAtomEx.RegisterAcf(null, "sample.acf"); * * // ACBファイルのロード * CriAtomExAcb acb = CriAtomExAcb.LoadAcbFile(null, "sample.acb", "sample.awb"); * * // 再生するキューの名前を指定 * player.SetCue(acb, "gun_shot"); * * // セットされた音声データを再生 * player.Start(); * : * \endcode * 尚、一旦セットしたデータの情報は、 * 他のデータがセットされるまでAtomExプレーヤ内に保持されます。<br/> * そのため、同じデータを何度も再生する場合には、 * 再生毎にデータをセットしなおす必要はありません。<br/> * ( ::CriAtomExPlayer::Start 関数を繰り返し実行可能です。) * \par 備考: * ::CriAtomExPlayer::SetCue 関数でキューをセットした場合、 * 以下の関数で設定されたパラメータは無視されます。<br/> * - ::CriAtomExPlayer::SetFormat * - ::CriAtomExPlayer::SetNumChannels * - ::CriAtomExPlayer::SetSamplingRate * . * (音声フォーマットやチャンネル数、サンプリングレート等の情報は、 * ACB ファイルの情報を元に自動的にセットされます。)<br/> * \sa CriAtomExPlayer::Start */ public void SetCue(CriAtomExAcb acb, string name) { criAtomExPlayer_SetCueName(this.handle, (acb != null) ? acb.nativeHandle : IntPtr.Zero, name); }
private void GetAcbInfoListCore(string searchPath) { acbInfoList.Clear(); string[] files = null; try { files = Directory.GetFiles(searchPath, "*.acb", SearchOption.AllDirectories); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is ArgumentException || ex is ArgumentNullException) { Debug.LogWarning("[CRIWARE] Insufficient search path. Please check the path for file searching."); } else if (ex is DirectoryNotFoundException) { Debug.LogWarning("[CRIWARE] Search path not found: " + searchPath); } else { Debug.LogError("[CRIWARE] Error getting ACB files. Message: " + ex.Message); } } if (files == null) { return; } int acbIndex = 0; foreach (string file in files) { AcbInfo acbInfo = new AcbInfo( Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file), acbIndex++, "", TryGetRelFilePath(file), TryGetAwbFile(file)); /* 指定したACBファイル名(キューシート名)を指定してキュー情報を取得 */ string acbFilePath = file.Replace("\\", "/"); CriAtomExAcb acb = CriAtomExAcb.LoadAcbFile(null, acbFilePath, ""); if (acb != null) { acbInfo.assetGuid = AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID("Assets" + acbFilePath.Substring(Application.dataPath.Length)); /* キュー名リストの作成 */ CriAtomEx.CueInfo[] cueInfoList = acb.GetCueInfoList(); foreach (CriAtomEx.CueInfo cueInfo in cueInfoList) { bool found = false; foreach (var key in acbInfo.cueInfoList) { if ( == { found = true; break; } } if (found == false) { var newCueInfo = new CueInfo(,, cueInfo.userData, Convert.ToBoolean(cueInfo.headerVisibility)); acbInfo.cueInfoList.Add(newCueInfo); if (newCueInfo.isPublic) { acbInfo.publicCueInfoList.Add(newCueInfo); } } else { /* inGame時のサブシーケンスの場合あり */ Debug.Log("[CRIWARE] Duplicate cue ID " + + " in cue sheet " + + ". Last cue name:" +; } } acb.Dispose(); } else { Debug.Log("[CRIWARE] Failed to load ACB file: " + file); } acbInfoList.Add(acbInfo); } }
/** * <summary>音声データのセット(キューインデックス指定)</summary> * <param name="player">AtomExプレーヤ</param> * <param name="acb">ACBオブジェクト</param> * <param name="index">キューインデックス</param> * キューインデックスを、AtomExプレーヤに関連付けます。<br/> * 本関数でキューインデックスを指定後、 ::CriAtomExPlayer::Start * 関数で再生を開始すると、指定されたキューが再生されます。 * \par 例: * \code * : * // プレーヤの作成 * CriAtomExPlayer player = new CriAtomExPlayer(); * * // ACFファイルの登録 * CriAtomEx.RegisterAcf(null, "sample.acf"); * * // ACBファイルのロード * CriAtomExAcb acb = CriAtomExAcb.LoadAcbFile(null, "sample.acb", "sample.awb"); * * // 再生するキューのインデックスを指定 * player.SetCueIndex(acb, 300); * * // セットされた音声データを再生 * player.Start(); * : * \endcode * 尚、一旦セットしたデータの情報は、 * 他のデータがセットされるまでAtomExプレーヤ内に保持されます。<br/> * そのため、同じデータを何度も再生する場合には、 * 再生毎にデータをセットしなおす必要はありません。<br/> * ( ::CriAtomExPlayer::Start 関数を繰り返し実行可能です。) * \par 備考: * ::CriAtomExPlayer::SetCueIndex 関数でキューをセットした場合、 * 以下の関数で設定されたパラメータは無視されます。<br/> * - ::CriAtomExPlayer::SetFormat * - ::CriAtomExPlayer::SetNumChannels * - ::CriAtomExPlayer::SetSamplingRate * . * (音声フォーマットやチャンネル数、サンプリングレート等の情報は、 * ACB ファイルの情報を元に自動的にセットされます。)<br/> * <br/> * 本関数を使用することで、キュー名やキューIDを指定せずにプレーヤに対して * 音声をセットすることが可能です。<br/> * (キュー名やキューIDがわからない場合でも、 * ACBファイル内のコンテンツを一通り再生可能なので、 * デバッグ用途に利用可能です。)<br/> * \sa CriAtomExPlayer::Start */ public void SetCueIndex(CriAtomExAcb acb, int index) { criAtomExPlayer_SetCueIndex(this.handle, (acb != null) ? acb.nativeHandle : IntPtr.Zero, index); }