Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a CS file that inherits from BaseMigration that will execute the SQL schema changes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="criteria">description of what to do and where to put the file</param>
        public void CreateScript(CreationCriteria criteria)
            var configurationStatus = GetMigrationConfigurationStatus(criteria.ProjectFileLocation, criteria.RepoName);

            if (!configurationStatus.Enabled)
                LoggerBase.Log("Migrations are not enabled, can not create any migrations.");

            if (configurationStatus.MigrationType != MigrationToUse.Manual)
                LoggerBase.Log("Manual Migrations are not enabled, can not create manual migrations.");

            var repoInfo = TypeHandler.FindSingleRepo(criteria.ProjectFileLocation, criteria.RepoName);

            //if null we need to drop out.
            if (repoInfo == null)
                LoggerBase.Log("Unable to find repo");

            EnsureDbAndMigrationTableExists(criteria.ProjectFileLocation, repoInfo.RepoType, criteria.ConfigFilePath);

            //ensure that we have the case correct.
            criteria.RepoName = repoInfo.RepoType.Name;

            var configuration = TypeHandler.FindConfiguration(criteria.ProjectFileLocation, repoInfo.RepoType);

            //if null something bad happend, drop out
            if (configuration == null)
                LoggerBase.Log("unable to find configuration file");

            var updater = CreateSchemaUpdater(repoInfo.Assembly.Location, repoInfo.RepoType, criteria.ConfigFilePath);

            var fileMigrationHandler = new MigrationFileHandler(updater);
            var projectFileHandler   = new ProjectDteHelper();

            //set the mgiration folder form config:
            criteria.MigrationPath = configuration.RootMigrationFolder;

            var filePath = fileMigrationHandler.CreateFile(criteria);

            projectFileHandler.AddFile(criteria.ProjectFileLocation, configuration.RootMigrationFolder, filePath, showFile: true);
            LoggerBase.Log("Created migration file.");

            //clean up
Esempio n. 2
        private void AddMigration(string[] args)
            var criteriaParmas = ParseParams(args);

            var criteria = new CreationCriteria
                ProjectFileLocation = criteriaParmas.ProjectPath,
                FileName            = criteriaParmas.MigrationName,
                RepoName            = criteriaParmas.OptionalRepoName,
                ConfigFilePath      = criteriaParmas.ConfigFilePath,

            var setup = new SchemaSetup();

        public string CreateFile(CreationCriteria criteria)
            var projectNamespace  = new ProjectEvalutionHelper().RootNameSpace(criteria.ProjectFileLocation);
            var migrationFileInfo = GenerateFileLocation(criteria);

            if (!Directory.Exists(migrationFileInfo.Folder))

            //if it already exists delete it.. it should not at this point. this is a just incase.
            if (File.Exists(migrationFileInfo.FullFilePath))

            _schemaUpdater.Execute(_logScript, false);

            var fileBuilder = new StringBuilder();

            fileBuilder.AppendLine("using NHibernateRepo.Migrations;");
            fileBuilder.AppendLine("using System;");
            fileBuilder.AppendLine(string.Format("namespace {0}.{1}", projectNamespace, criteria.MigrationPath.Replace("\\", ".").Replace("-", ".")));
            fileBuilder.AppendLine("    public class " + migrationFileInfo.ClassName + " : BaseMigration<" + criteria.RepoName + ">");
            fileBuilder.AppendLine("    {");
            fileBuilder.AppendLine("        public override void Execute()");
            fileBuilder.AppendLine("        {");

            foreach (var script in Scripts)
                fileBuilder.AppendLine("            ");
                fileBuilder.AppendLine("            ExecuteSql(@\"" + script + "\");");

            fileBuilder.AppendLine("            ");
            fileBuilder.AppendLine("        }");
            fileBuilder.AppendLine("    }");

            File.WriteAllText(migrationFileInfo.FullFilePath, fileBuilder.ToString());
        /// <summary>
        /// Determine the path for the file to be created at.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="criteria"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private MigrationFileInfo GenerateFileLocation(CreationCriteria criteria)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(criteria.FileName))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("criteria", "File name can not be null");

             * get fully qualifed folder location.
             * from folder location use regex to find how many files with that name exist (ignore date stamp at the begninning and possible brackets and number at the end)
             * if zero then datastamp and name = name
             * else datastamp, name and brackets with count plus one = name
             * */

            string folder = Path.Combine(criteria.ProjectFileLocation.Substring(0, criteria.ProjectFileLocation.LastIndexOf("\\")), criteria.MigrationPath);

            criteria.FileName = criteria.FileName.Replace("-", "_");

            var    rgx      = new Regex("[^a-zA-Z0-9_]");
            string safeName = rgx.Replace(criteria.FileName, "_");

            string pattern = @"\\\d+_" + criteria.FileName + @"(\(\d+\)){0,1}.cs";
            var    reg     = new Regex(pattern);

            //only if the folder exists do we need to check if files already exist.
            var files = new List <string>();

            if (Directory.Exists(folder))
                files = Directory.GetFiles(folder, "*.cs", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
                        .Where(path => reg.IsMatch(path))

            var now       = DateTime.Now;
            var dateStamp = now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");

            var result = new MigrationFileInfo();

            result.Extension = ".cs";
            result.Folder    = folder;

            const string fileNamePre = "Migration";

            if (files.Count == 0)
                result.Name      = dateStamp + "_" + criteria.FileName;
                result.ClassName = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(string.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}", fileNamePre, dateStamp, safeName));
                result.Name      = string.Format("{0}_{1}({2})", dateStamp, criteria.FileName, files.Count);
                result.ClassName = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(string.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}{3}", fileNamePre, dateStamp, safeName, files.Count));

            result.FullFilePath = Path.Combine(folder, result.Name + result.Extension);