Esempio n. 1
        public void AddBoard(CreateBoardFormDto dto)
            var board = new Board
                Name        = dto.Name,
                Description = dto.Description

            using (var db = new PGSBoardContext())
        public ActionResult CreateBoard([Bind(Prefix = "CreateBoardFormDto")] CreateBoardFormDto dto)  //We need bind attribute because:
        //CreateBoardFormDto is member of ShowBoardsViewModel which is model of Create view, as you can see in this view
        //in helpers texboxfor we tells ASP that this field is for m.CreateBoardFormDto.Name so ASP will name this input field
        //CreateBoardFormDto_Name - and there is a problem because CreateBoardFormDto has no field CreateBoardFormDto_Name, it has
        //only Name field so we need tell ASP that in this form names there is a prefix CreateBoardFormDto
            if (this.ModelState.IsValid)                                   //We need to check if our dto is valid (see validation attributes in dto)
                this._boardsService.CreateBoard(dto);                      //If is valid we are calling create board service
                return(RedirectToAction("Index"));                         //After it redirect to Index view
            var viewModel = this._boardsService.GetCreateBoardViewModel(); //If dto is invalid create viewmodel again

            viewModel.CreateBoardFormDto = dto;                            //Pass there invalid dto to not lose information from all fields user filled
            return(View(viewModel));                                       //Show Create board view again
 //Method for creating new board
 public void CreateBoard(CreateBoardFormDto dto)