public override void MapDataFields(System.Data.DataRow currentRow) { workflowId = (Int64)currentRow["WorkflowId"]; workTeamId = (Int64)currentRow["WorkTeamId"]; isGranted = (Boolean)currentRow["IsGranted"]; isDenied = (Boolean)currentRow["IsDenied"]; CreateAccountInfo.MapDataFields(currentRow, "Create"); ModifiedAccountInfo.MapDataFields(currentRow, "Modified"); return; }
} // Property: ModifiedAccountInfo #endregion #region Constructors #endregion #region Data Functions public void MapDataFields(System.Data.DataRow currentRow) { roleId = (Int64)currentRow["RoleId"]; permissionId = (Int64)currentRow["PermissionId"]; isGranted = (Boolean)currentRow["IsGranted"]; isDenied = (Boolean)currentRow["IsDenied"]; CreateAccountInfo.MapDataFields(currentRow, "Create"); ModifiedAccountInfo.MapDataFields(currentRow, "Modified"); return; }
async void OnSaveClicked(object sender, EventArgs args) { if (email.EntryText != "" && companyname.EntryText != "") { string emailstring = email.EntryText; string websitename = companyname.EntryText; if (checkemail(emailstring)) { bool checkuser = await checkUsername(emailstring); if (checkuser) { CreateAccountInfo registerInfo = new CreateAccountInfo(); registerInfo.first_name = "First Name"; registerInfo.last_name = "Last Name"; = emailstring; registerInfo.organization_name = companyname.EntryText; registerInfo.password = "******"; registerInfo.password2 = "1234"; registerInfo.terms = "1"; registerInfo.country_id = "c51cd468-7196-40e1-ba85-58bfbda25a0b"; this.content = Content; indicator.IsVisible = true; indicator.IsRunning = true; this.Content = indicator; string s = await App.BusinessLogic.Register(registerInfo); LoginInfo login = new LoginInfo(); login.username = emailstring; login.password = "******"; accountinfo = await App.BusinessLogic.Login(login); //changing to 20 percent indicator.Text = "Creating Your Native Android App"; string id = null; if (accountinfo != null) { //changed username and password for Settings.Username = emailstring; Settings.Password = "******"; id = await App.BusinessLogic.GetSiteCollectionID(); if (id != null) { Settings.SiteCollectionID = id; int i = App.BusinessLogic.SaveLoginDetails(accountinfo); } //changing to 40 percent //progressBar.Progress=.4; } indicator.Text = "Creating your Desktop Website"; await OnCreateButtonClicked(); //changing to 100 percent indicator.IsVisible = false; indicator.IsRunning = false; this.Content = this.content; PreviewPageView page = new PreviewPageView(); var rootPage = new NavigationPage(page); await Navigation.PushModalAsync(rootPage); //UtilityFunctions.CustomToast (ToastNotificationType.Success, "Registration Successfull", "Your settings has saved",4); } else { UtilityFunctions.CustomToast(ToastNotificationType.Error, "Email Validation", "Email has Already taken.", 4); } } else { UtilityFunctions.CustomToast(ToastNotificationType.Error, "Email Validation", "Please Type a correct Email.", 4); } } else { UtilityFunctions.CustomToast(ToastNotificationType.Error, "Email & App/Site", "Please Enter Email and App/Site name.", 4); } }