// Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        MyMouse = GetComponent <GhostmouseHover>();
        MyView  = GetComponent <PhotonView>();
        Slot    = new CrawlerTrap(Prefab, StartPos, EndPos);

        Damageeventinstance = FMODUnity.RuntimeManager.CreateInstance(DamageEvent);
        //Attach the event to the object
    void PlayerAwake()
        input  = new InputManager();
        hotbar = new GhostInventory(defaultIcon, selectedIcon, emptyItem, SlotNumber);
        ThisPlayer   = new Ghost(gameObject, head, hotbar, false, input);
        Player1Stats = new GhostStatObserver(ThisPlayer);
        Player1Score = new GhostScoreObserver(ThisPlayer);
        /*FOR TUTORIAL:*///ThisPlayer.SetState(new TeachWalkState());
        /*FOR EDITING:*/ ThisPlayer.SetState(new TeachPickupState());

        CrawlerTrap crawlertemp = new CrawlerTrap();

        hotbar.AddTrap(crawlertemp, CrawlerIcon);