public GetHelperConfigurationBehaviour() { _jobData = new SalesforceCrawlJobData(); }
public override Task <IDictionary <string, object> > GetHelperConfiguration(ProviderUpdateContext context, CrawlJobData jobData, Guid organizationId, Guid userId, Guid providerDefinitionId, string folderId) { return(GetHelperConfiguration(context, jobData, organizationId, userId, providerDefinitionId)); }
public override Task <IEnumerable <WebHookSignature> > CreateWebHook(ExecutionContext context, CrawlJobData jobData, IWebhookDefinition webhookDefinition, IDictionary <string, object> config) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public override async Task <CrawlLimit> GetRemainingApiAllowance(ExecutionContext context, [NotNull] CrawlJobData jobData, Guid organizationId, Guid userId, Guid providerDefinitionId) { if (jobData == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(jobData)); } //There is no limit set, so you can pull as often and as much as you want. return(await Task.FromResult(new CrawlLimit(-1, TimeSpan.Zero))); }
public override Task <CrawlLimit> GetRemainingApiAllowance(ExecutionContext context, CrawlJobData jobData, Guid organizationId, Guid userId, Guid providerDefinitionId) { if (jobData == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(jobData)); } return(Task.FromResult(new CrawlLimit(-1, TimeSpan.Zero))); }
public GetHelperConfigurationBehaviour() { _jobData = new ExchangeSharedMailboxCrawlJobData(); }
public GetHelperConfigurationBehaviour() { _jobData = new TrinetCrawlJobData(); }
public IEnumerable <object> GetData(CrawlJobData jobData) { var harvestcrawlercrawlJobData = jobData as HarvestCrawlerCrawlJobData; //harvestcrawlercrawlJobData.AccountID = "902612"; //harvestcrawlercrawlJobData.ApiToken = "Bearer"; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(harvestcrawlercrawlJobData.AccountID)) { yield break; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(harvestcrawlercrawlJobData.ApiToken)) { yield break; } if (harvestcrawlercrawlJobData == null) { yield break; } var client = _clientFactory.CreateNew(harvestcrawlercrawlJobData); //crawl data from provider and yield objects var users = client.GetUserEntries().ToList(); List <int> usrIds = new List <int>(); foreach (var u in users) { usrIds.Add(; } var projects = client.GetProjectEntries().ToList(); var expenses = client.GetExpenseEntries().ToList(); var clients = client.GetClientEntries().ToList(); var estimateItemCategories = client.GetEstimateItemCategoryEntries().ToList(); var estimates = client.GetEstimateEntries().ToList(); var expenseCategories = client.GetExpenseCategoryEntries().ToList(); var contacts = client.GetContactEntries().ToList(); var invoices = client.GetInvoiceEntries().ToList(); var tasks = client.GetTaskEntries().ToList(); var taskAssignments = client.GetTaskAssignmentEntries().ToList(); var timeEntries = client.GetTimeEntryEntries().ToList(); var userAssignments = client.GetUserAssignmentEntries().ToList(); var invoiceItemCategories = client.GetInvoiceItemCategoryEntries().ToList(); var roles = client.GetRoleEntries().ToList(); List <int> estIds = new List <int>(); foreach (var est in estimates) { estIds.Add(; est.creator.estimate_id =; yield return(est.creator); foreach (var line_item in est.line_items) { line_item.parent_id =; line_item.is_child_of_estimate = true; line_item.is_child_of_invoice = false; var eic = estimateItemCategories.First(e => == line_item.kind); if (eic.estimate_ids == null) { eic.estimate_ids = new List <int>(); } eic.estimate_ids.Add(; } } var estimateMessages = client.GetEstimateMessageEntries(estIds).ToList(); foreach (var estMsg in estimateMessages) { yield return(estMsg); foreach (var recp in estMsg.recipients) { recp.sender_id =; yield return(recp); } } foreach (var exp in expenses) { if (exp.receipt != null) { exp.receipt.expense_id =; yield return(exp.receipt); } var u = users.First(e => ==; if (u != null) { if (u.expense_ids == null) { u.expense_ids = new List <int>(); } u.expense_ids.Add(; } var p = projects.First(e => ==; if (p != null) { if (p.expense_ids == null) { p.expense_ids = new List <int>(); } p.expense_ids.Add(; } var ec = expenseCategories.First(e => ==; if (ec != null) { if (ec.expense_ids == null) { p.expense_ids = new List <int>(); } p.expense_ids.Add(; } if (exp.invoice != null) { var inv = invoices.First(e => ==; if (inv != null) { if (inv.expense_ids == null) { inv.expense_ids = new List <int>(); } inv.expense_ids.Add(; } } } foreach (var invoice in invoices) { var invoiceMessages = client.GetInvoiceMessageEntries(; foreach (var invMsg in invoiceMessages) { invMsg.invoice_id =; yield return(invMsg); foreach (var rep in invMsg.recipients) { rep.sender_id =; yield return(rep); } } foreach (var line_item in invoice.line_items) { line_item.parent_id =; line_item.is_child_of_invoice = true; line_item.is_child_of_estimate = false; yield return(line_item); var iic = invoiceItemCategories.First(e => == line_item.kind); if (iic != null) { if (iic.invoice_ids == null) { iic.invoice_ids = new List <int>(); } iic.invoice_ids.Add(; } } var invoicePayments = client.GetInvoicePaymentEntries(; foreach (var invPay in invoicePayments) { invPay.invoice_id =; yield return(invPay); invPay.payment_gateway.payment_ID =; yield return(invPay.payment_gateway); } } foreach (var proj in projects) { if (proj.client != null) { var c = clients.First(e => ==; if (c.project_ids == null) { c.project_ids = new List <int>(); } c.project_ids.Add(; } } foreach (var tskAsg in taskAssignments) { var t = tasks.First(e => ==; if (t != null) { if (t.task_assignment_ids == null) { t.task_assignment_ids = new List <int>(); } t.task_assignment_ids.Add(; } var p = projects.First(e => ==; if (p != null) { if (p.task_assignment_ids == null) { p.task_assignment_ids = new List <int>(); } p.task_assignment_ids.Add(; } } foreach (var usrAsg in userAssignments) { var u = users.First(e => ==; if (u != null) { if (u.user_assignment_ids == null) { u.user_assignment_ids = new List <int>(); } u.user_assignment_ids.Add(; } var p = projects.First(e => ==; if (p != null) { if (p.user_assignment_ids == null) { p.user_assignment_ids = new List <int>(); } p.user_assignment_ids.Add(; } } var projectAssignments = client.GetProjectAssignmentEntries(usrIds).ToList(); foreach (var prjAsg in projectAssignments) { yield return(prjAsg); } foreach (var timeEntry in timeEntries) { var u = users.First(e => ==; if (u != null) { if (u.time_entry_ids == null) { u.time_entry_ids = new List <int>(); } u.time_entry_ids.Add(; } if (timeEntry.client != null) { var c = clients.First(e => ==; if (c != null) { if (c.time_entry_ids == null) { c.time_entry_ids = new List <int>(); } c.time_entry_ids.Add(; } } if (timeEntry.project != null) { var p = projects.First(e => ==; if (p != null) { if (p.time_entry_ids == null) { p.time_entry_ids = new List <int>(); } p.time_entry_ids.Add(; } } if (timeEntry.task != null) { var t = tasks.First(e => ==; //var t = tasks.FirstOrDefault(e => ==; if (t != null) { if (t.time_entry_ids == null) { t.time_entry_ids = new List <int>(); } t.time_entry_ids.Add(; } } if (timeEntry.user_assignment != null) { var t = userAssignments.First(e => ==; if (t != null) { if (t.time_entry_ids == null) { t.time_entry_ids = new List <int>(); } t.time_entry_ids.Add(; } } if (timeEntry.task_assignment != null) { var t = taskAssignments.First(e => ==; if (t != null) { if (t.time_entry_ids == null) { t.time_entry_ids = new List <int>(); } t.time_entry_ids.Add(; } } if (timeEntry.invoice != null) { var i = invoices.First(e => ==; if (i != null) { if (i.time_entry_ids == null) { i.time_entry_ids = new List <int>(); } i.time_entry_ids.Add(; } } } foreach (var entry in projects) { yield return(entry); } foreach (var entry in users) { yield return(entry); } foreach (var entry in clients) { yield return(entry); } foreach (var entry in expenses) { yield return(entry); } foreach (var entry in expenseCategories) { yield return(entry); } foreach (var entry in contacts) { yield return(entry); } foreach (var entry in invoices) { yield return(entry); } foreach (var entry in tasks) { yield return(entry); } foreach (var entry in taskAssignments) { yield return(entry); } foreach (var entry in timeEntries) { yield return(entry); } foreach (var entry in estimateItemCategories) { yield return(entry); } foreach (var entry in userAssignments) { yield return(entry); } foreach (var entry in invoiceItemCategories) { yield return(entry); } foreach (var entry in roles) { yield return(entry); } }
public override Task <AccountInformation> GetAccountInformation(ExecutionContext context, [NotNull] CrawlJobData jobData, Guid organizationId, Guid userId, Guid providerDefinitionId) { if (jobData == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(jobData)); } if (!(jobData is SqlServerConnectorJobData result)) { throw new ArgumentException( "Wrong CrawlJobData type", nameof(jobData)); } var accountId = $"{result.Host}.{result.DatabaseName}"; return(Task.FromResult(new AccountInformation(accountId, $"{accountId}"))); }
public GetHelperConfigurationBehaviour() { _jobData = new DropBoxCrawlJobData(DropBoxConfiguration.Create()); }
public async Task <IEnumerable <object> > GetDataAsync(CrawlJobData jobData) { if (jobData == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(jobData)); } if (!(jobData is HubSpotCrawlJobData crawlerJobData)) { return(EmptyResult); } var client = _clientFactory.CreateNew(crawlerJobData); var settings = await client.GetSettingsAsync(); if (settings == null) { _log.Error("Settings could not be obtained from HubSpot"); return(EmptyResult); } var dailyLimit = await client.GetDailyLimitAsync(); if (dailyLimit.currentUsage >= dailyLimit.usageLimit) { _log.Error("HubSpot daily usage limit has been reached"); return(EmptyResult); } var data = new List <object>(); data.AddRange(new CompanyIterator(client, crawlerJobData, settings).Iterate()); data.AddRange(new DealIterator(client, crawlerJobData, settings).Iterate()); data.AddRange(new ContactIterator(client, crawlerJobData, settings).Iterate()); data.AddRange(new DynamicContactListIterator(client, crawlerJobData).Iterate()); data.AddRange(new FormsIterator(client, crawlerJobData).Iterate()); data.AddRange(new OwnersIterator(client, crawlerJobData).Iterate()); data.AddRange(new PublishingChannelsIterator(client, crawlerJobData).Iterate()); data.AddRange(new FilesIterator(client, crawlerJobData).Iterate()); data.AddRange(new SiteMapsIterator(client, crawlerJobData).Iterate()); data.AddRange(new TemplatesIterator(client, crawlerJobData).Iterate()); data.AddRange(new UrlMappingsIterator(client, crawlerJobData).Iterate()); data.AddRange(new EngagementsIterator(client, crawlerJobData).Iterate()); data.AddRange(new RecentDealsIterator(client, crawlerJobData).Iterate()); data.AddRange(new RecentlyCreatedDealsIterator(client, crawlerJobData).Iterate()); data.AddRange(new SmtpTokensIterator(client, crawlerJobData).Iterate()); data.AddRange(new SocialCalendarEventsIterator(client, crawlerJobData).Iterate()); data.AddRange(new StaticContactListIterator(client, crawlerJobData).Iterate()); data.AddRange(new TaskCalendarEventsIterator(client, crawlerJobData).Iterate()); data.AddRange(new WorkflowsIterator(client, crawlerJobData).Iterate()); data.AddRange(new BlogPostsIterator(client, crawlerJobData).Iterate()); data.AddRange(new BlogsIterator(client, crawlerJobData).Iterate()); data.AddRange(new BlogTopicsIterator(client, crawlerJobData).Iterate()); data.AddRange(new DomainsIterator(client, crawlerJobData).Iterate()); data.AddRange(new BroadcastMessagesIterator(client, crawlerJobData).Iterate()); data.AddRange(new ProductsIterator(client, crawlerJobData, settings).Iterate()); data.AddRange(new LineItemsIterator(client, crawlerJobData, settings).Iterate()); data.AddRange(new TicketsIterator(client, crawlerJobData, settings).Iterate()); return(data); }
public override async Task <IEnumerable <WebHookSignature> > CreateWebHook(ExecutionContext context, [NotNull] CrawlJobData jobData, [NotNull] IWebhookDefinition webhookDefinition, [NotNull] IDictionary <string, object> config) { await Task.Run(() => { var adversusCrawlJobData = (AdversusCrawlJobData)jobData; var webhookSignatures = new List <WebHookSignature>(); try { var client = _adversusClientFactory.CreateNew(adversusCrawlJobData); var data = client.GetWebhooks(adversusCrawlJobData.Username, adversusCrawlJobData.Password); if (data == null) { return(webhookSignatures); } var hookTypes = new[] { "lead_saved", "call_ended", "callAnswered", "leadClosedSuccess", "leadClosedAutomaticRedial", "leadClosedPrivateRedial", "leadClosedNotInterested", "leadClosedInvalid", "leadClosedUnqualified", "leadClosedSystem", "leads_deactivated", "leads_inserted", "mail_activity", "sms_sent", "sms_received", "appointment_added", "appointment_updated" }; webhookDefinition.Uri = new Uri(this.appContext.System.Configuration.WebhookReturnUrl.Trim('/') /*+ ConfigurationManagerEx.AppSettings["Providers.HubSpot.WebhookEndpoint"]*/); foreach (var subscription in hookTypes) { if (config.ContainsKey("webhooks")) { //var enabledHooks = (List<WebhookEventType>)config["webhooks"]; //var enabled = enabledHooks.Where(s => s.Status == "ACTIVE").Select(s => s.Name); //if (!enabled.Contains(subscription)) //{ // continue; //} } try { var result = client.CreateWebhooks(webhookDefinition.Uri, subscription); webhookSignatures.Add(new WebHookSignature { Signature = webhookDefinition.ProviderDefinitionId.ToString(), ExternalVersion = "v1", ExternalId = null, EventTypes = "lead_saved,call_ended,callAnswered,leadClosedSuccess,leadClosedAutomaticRedial,leadClosedPrivateRedial,leadClosedNotInterested,leadClosedInvalid,leadClosedUnqualified,leadClosedSystem,leads_deactivated,leads_inserted,mail_activity,sms_sent,sms_received,appointment_added,appointment_updated" }); } catch (Exception exception) { context.Log.LogWarning("Could not create HubSpot Webhook for subscription", exception); return(new List <WebHookSignature>()); } } webhookDefinition.Verified = true; } catch (Exception exception) { context.Log.LogWarning("Could not create Adversus Webhook", exception); return(new List <WebHookSignature>()); } var organizationProviderDataStore = context.Organization.DataStores.GetDataStore <ProviderDefinition>(); if (organizationProviderDataStore != null) { if (webhookDefinition.ProviderDefinitionId != null) { var webhookEnabled = organizationProviderDataStore.GetById(context, webhookDefinition.ProviderDefinitionId.Value); if (webhookEnabled != null) { webhookEnabled.WebHooks = true; organizationProviderDataStore.Update(context, webhookEnabled); } } } return(webhookSignatures); }); return(new List <WebHookSignature>()); }
public override async Task <AccountInformation> GetAccountInformation(ExecutionContext context, [NotNull] CrawlJobData jobData, Guid organizationId, Guid userId, Guid providerDefinitionId) { if (jobData == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(jobData)); } if (!(jobData is AdversusCrawlJobData adversusCrawlJobData)) { throw new Exception("Wrong CrawlJobData type"); } try { var client = _adversusClientFactory.CreateNew(adversusCrawlJobData); var result = client.GetAccountInformation(); if (result != null) { return(new AccountInformation(result.AccountId, result.AccountDisplay)); } return(new AccountInformation(string.Empty, string.Empty) { Errors = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "error", "Please contact CluedIn support in the top menu to help you setup with Adversus." } } }); } catch (Exception e) { context.Log.LogError("There was an error getting HubSpot account information {message}", e); return(new AccountInformation(string.Empty, string.Empty) { Errors = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "error", "Please contact CluedIn support in the top menu to help you setup with Adversus." }, { "exception", e.Message } } }); } }
public GetHelperConfigurationBehaviour() { _jobData = new GeomaticCrawlJobData(); }
public GetHelperConfigurationBehaviour() { _jobData = new AdversusCrawlJobData(); }
public IEnumerable <object> GetData(CrawlJobData jobData) { if (!(jobData is SalesforceCrawlJobData salesforcecrawlJobData)) { yield break; } var client = _clientFactory.CreateNew(salesforcecrawlJobData); //retrieve data from provider and yield objects foreach (var item in client.Get <Account>("Account")) { yield return(item); } foreach (var item in client.Get <Asset>("Asset")) { yield return(item); } foreach (var item in client.Get <Attachment>("Attachment")) { yield return(item); } foreach (var item in client.Get <Campaign>("Campaign")) { yield return(item); } foreach (var item in client.Get <Case>("Case")) { yield return(item); } foreach (var item in client.Get <CollaborationGroup>("CollaborationGroup")) { yield return(item); } foreach (var item in client.Get <Company>("Company")) { yield return(item); } foreach (var item in client.Get <Contact>("Contact")) { yield return(item); } foreach (var item in client.Get <ContentDocument>("ContentDocument")) { yield return(item); } foreach (var item in client.Get <Contract>("Contract")) { yield return(item); } foreach (var item in client.Get <Dashboard>("Dashboard")) { yield return(item); } foreach (var item in client.Get <Document>("Document")) { yield return(item); } foreach (var item in client.Get <DomainObject>("Domain")) { yield return(item); } foreach (var item in client.Get <Event>("Event")) { yield return(item); } foreach (var item in client.Get <Group>("Group")) { yield return(item); } foreach (var item in client.Get <Idea>("Idea")) { yield return(item); } foreach (var item in client.Get <Lead>("Lead")) { yield return(item); } foreach (var item in client.Get <Network>("Network")) { yield return(item); } foreach (var item in client.Get <Note>("Note")) { yield return(item); } foreach (var item in client.Get <Opportunity>("Opportunity")) { yield return(item); } foreach (var item in client.Get <Order>("Order")) { yield return(item); } foreach (var item in client.Get <Partner>("Partner")) { yield return(item); } foreach (var item in client.Get <PriceBook2>("Pricebook")) { yield return(item); } foreach (var item in client.Get <Product>("Product")) { yield return(item); } foreach (var item in client.Get <Profile>("Profile")) { yield return(item); } foreach (var item in client.Get <Quote>("Quote")) { yield return(item); } foreach (var item in client.Get <Report>("Report")) { yield return(item); } foreach (var item in client.Get <Site>("Site")) { yield return(item); } foreach (var item in client.Get <Solution>("Solution")) { yield return(item); } foreach (var item in client.Get <StreamingChannel>("StreamingChannel")) { yield return(item); } foreach (var item in client.Get <SalesForceTask>("Task")) { yield return(item); } foreach (var item in client.Get <User>("User")) { yield return(item); } }
public override async Task <AccountInformation> GetAccountInformation(ExecutionContext context, [NotNull] CrawlJobData jobData, Guid organizationId, Guid userId, Guid providerDefinitionId) { if (jobData == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(jobData)); } var exchangesharedmailboxCrawlJobData = jobData as ExchangeSharedMailboxCrawlJobData; if (exchangesharedmailboxCrawlJobData == null) { throw new Exception("Wrong CrawlJobData type"); } var client = _exchangesharedmailboxClientFactory.CreateNew(exchangesharedmailboxCrawlJobData); return(await Task.FromResult(client.GetAccountInformation())); }
public GetHelperConfigurationBehaviour() { _jobData = new GoToWebinarCrawlJobData(); }
public GetHelperConfigurationBehaviour() { _jobData = new SitecoreCrawlJobData(); }
public IEnumerable <object> GetData(CrawlJobData jobData) { if (!(jobData is AdventureWorksCrawlJobData adventureworkscrawlJobData)) { yield break; } var client = clientFactory.CreateNew(adventureworkscrawlJobData); //retrieve data from provider and yield objects foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <HumanResourcesDepartment>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <HumanResourcesEmployee>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <HumanResourcesEmployeeDepartmentHistory>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <HumanResourcesEmployeePayHistory>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <HumanResourcesJobCandidate>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <HumanResourcesShift>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <PersonAddress>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <PersonAddressType>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <PersonBusinessEntity>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <PersonBusinessEntityAddress>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <PersonBusinessEntityContact>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <PersonContactType>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <PersonCountryRegion>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <PersonEmailAddress>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <PersonPassword>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <PersonPerson>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <PersonPersonPhone>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <PersonPhoneNumberType>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <PersonStateProvince>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <ProductionBillOfMaterials>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <ProductionCulture>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <ProductionDocument>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <ProductionIllustration>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <ProductionLocation>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <ProductionProduct>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <ProductionProductCategory>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <ProductionProductCostHistory>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <ProductionProductDescription>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <ProductionProductDocument>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <ProductionProductInventory>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <ProductionProductListPriceHistory>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <ProductionProductModel>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <ProductionProductModelIllustration>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <ProductionProductModelProductDescriptionCulture>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <ProductionProductPhoto>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <ProductionProductProductPhoto>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <ProductionProductReview>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <ProductionProductSubcategory>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <ProductionScrapReason>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <ProductionTransactionHistory>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <ProductionTransactionHistoryArchive>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <ProductionUnitMeasure>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <ProductionWorkOrder>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <ProductionWorkOrderRouting>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <PurchasingProductVendor>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <PurchasingPurchaseOrderDetail>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <PurchasingPurchaseOrderHeader>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <PurchasingShipMethod>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <PurchasingVendor>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <SalesCountryRegionCurrency>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <SalesCreditCard>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <SalesCurrency>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <SalesCurrencyRate>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <SalesCustomer>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <SalesPersonCreditCard>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <SalesSalesOrderDetail>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <SalesSalesOrderHeader>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <SalesSalesOrderHeaderSalesReason>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <SalesSalesPerson>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <SalesSalesPersonQuotaHistory>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <SalesSalesReason>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <SalesSalesTaxRate>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <SalesSalesTerritory>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <SalesSalesTerritoryHistory>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <SalesShoppingCartItem>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <SalesSpecialOffer>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <SalesSpecialOfferProduct>()) { yield return(obj); } foreach (var obj in client.GetObject <SalesStore>()) { yield return(obj); } }
public override async Task <AccountInformation> GetAccountInformation(ExecutionContext context, [NotNull] CrawlJobData jobData, Guid organizationId, Guid userId, Guid providerDefinitionId) { if (jobData == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(jobData)); } if (!(jobData is ParquetCrawlJobData parquetCrawlJobData)) { throw new Exception("Wrong CrawlJobData type"); } var client = _parquetClientFactory.CreateNew(parquetCrawlJobData); return(await Task.FromResult(client.GetAccountInformation())); }
public GetHelperConfigurationBehaviour() { _jobData = new Dynamics365CrawlJobData(); }
public override Task DeleteWebHook(ExecutionContext context, CrawlJobData jobData, IWebhookDefinition webhookDefinition) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public override Task <CrawlLimit> GetRemainingApiAllowance(ExecutionContext context, CrawlJobData jobData, Guid organizationId, Guid userId, Guid providerDefinitionId) => Task.FromResult(new CrawlLimit(-1, TimeSpan.Zero));
public override async Task <IDictionary <string, object> > GetHelperConfiguration(ProviderUpdateContext context, CrawlJobData jobData, Guid organizationId, Guid userId, Guid providerDefinitionId) { if (jobData is CompanyHouseExternalSearchJobData result) { return(await Task.FromResult(result.ToDictionary())); } throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unexpected data type for {nameof(CompanyHouseExternalSearchJobData)}, {jobData.GetType()}"); }
public GetHelperConfigurationBehaviour() { _jobData = new GreenhouseCrawlJobData(); }
public override Task <AccountInformation> GetAccountInformation(ExecutionContext context, CrawlJobData jobData, Guid organizationId, Guid userId, Guid providerDefinitionId) { return(Task.FromResult(new AccountInformation(providerDefinitionId.ToString(), providerDefinitionId.ToString()))); }
public GetHelperConfigurationBehaviour() { _jobData = new NavisionCrawlJobData(); }
public override Task <IEnumerable <WebHookSignature> > CreateWebHook(ExecutionContext context, [NotNull] CrawlJobData jobData, [NotNull] IWebhookDefinition webhookDefinition, [NotNull] IDictionary <string, object> config) { if (jobData == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(jobData)); } if (webhookDefinition == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(webhookDefinition)); } if (config == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(config)); } throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public GetHelperConfigurationBehaviour() { _jobData = new EnalyzerCrawlJobData(); }