Esempio n. 1
        private JObject GenerateJson()
            var j = new JObject(
                new JProperty("w", Width),
                new JProperty("h", Height),
                new JProperty("x", X),
                new JProperty("y", Y),
                new JProperty("name", NameLine),
                new JProperty("typeLine", TypeLine),
                new JProperty("frameType", Frame)

            if (_iconUrl != null)
                j["icon"] = _iconUrl;

            if (Properties.Count > 0)
                j.Add(new JProperty("properties",
                                    new JArray(Properties.Select(p => p.ToJobject()).ToArray())));

            if (Requirements.Count > 0)
                j.Add(new JProperty("requirements",
                                    new JArray(Requirements.Select(p => p.ToJobject()).ToArray())));

            if (ImplicitMods.Count > 0)
                j.Add(new JProperty("implicitMods",
                                    new JArray(ImplicitMods.Select(p => p.ToJobject(true)).ToArray())));

            if (ExplicitMods.Count > 0)
                j.Add(new JProperty("explicitMods",
                                    new JArray(ExplicitMods.Select(p => p.ToJobject(true)).ToArray())));

            if (CraftedMods.Count > 0)
                j.Add(new JProperty("craftedMods",
                                    new JArray(CraftedMods.Select(p => p.ToJobject(true)).ToArray())));

            if (HaveFlavourText)
                j.Add("flavourText", new JArray(FlavourText));

Esempio n. 2
        private JObject GenerateJson()
            var j = new JObject(
                new JProperty("w", Width),
                new JProperty("h", Height),
                new JProperty("x", X),
                new JProperty("y", Y),
                new JProperty("name", NameLine),
                new JProperty("typeLine", TypeLine),
                new JProperty("frameType", Frame)

            if (_iconUrl != null)
                j["icon"] = _iconUrl;

            if (Properties.Count > 0)
                j.Add(new JProperty("properties",
                                    new JArray(Properties.Select(p => p.ToJobject()).ToArray())));

            if (Requirements.Count > 0)
                j.Add(new JProperty("requirements",
                                    new JArray(Requirements.Select(p => p.ToJobject()).ToArray())));

            if (ImplicitMods.Count > 0)
                j.Add(new JProperty("implicitMods",
                                    new JArray(ImplicitMods.Select(p => p.ToJobject(true)).ToArray())));

            if (ExplicitMods.Count > 0)
                j.Add(new JProperty("explicitMods",
                                    new JArray(ExplicitMods.Select(p => p.ToJobject(true)).ToArray())));

            if (CraftedMods.Count > 0)
                j.Add(new JProperty("craftedMods",
                                    new JArray(CraftedMods.Select(p => p.ToJobject(true)).ToArray())));

            if (Gems.Count > 0)
                var sockets       = new JArray();
                var socketedItems = new JArray();
                foreach (var gem in Gems)
                    sockets.Add(new JObject {
                        { "group", gem.SocketGroup }
                j["sockets"]       = sockets;
                j["socketedItems"] = socketedItems;

            if (HaveFlavourText)
                j.Add("flavourText", new JArray(FlavourText));

Esempio n. 3
        public Item(IPersistentData persistentData, JObject val, ItemSlot itemSlot = ItemSlot.Unequipable, bool isGem = false)
            JsonBase = val;
            Slot     = itemSlot;

            Width  = val["w"].Value <int>();
            Height = val["h"].Value <int>();
            if (val["x"] != null)
                X = val["x"].Value <int>();
            if (val["y"] != null)
                Y = val["y"].Value <int>();

            if (val["name"] != null)
                NameLine = FilterJsonString(val["name"].Value <string>());

            JToken iconToken;

            if (val.TryGetValue("icon", out iconToken))
                _iconUrl = iconToken.Value <string>();

            Frame    = (FrameType)val["frameType"].Value <int>();
            TypeLine = FilterJsonString(val["typeLine"].Value <string>());
            if (isGem)
                // BaseType will be null for socketed gems.
                ItemClass = ItemClassEx.ItemClassForGem(TypeLine);
                Tags      = ItemClass.ToTags();
                if (Frame == FrameType.Magic)
                    BaseType = persistentData.EquipmentData.ItemBaseFromTypeline(TypeLine);
                else if ((Frame == FrameType.Unique || Frame == FrameType.Foil) &&
                    BaseType = persistentData.EquipmentData.UniqueBaseDictionary[NameLine];
                    // item is not unique or the unique is unknown
                    ItemBase iBase;
                    persistentData.EquipmentData.ItemBaseDictionary.TryGetValue(TypeLine, out iBase);
                    BaseType = iBase;
                // For known bases, images are only downloaded if the item is unique or foil. All other items should
                // always have the same image. (except alt art non-uniques that are rare enough to be ignored)
                var loadImageFromIconUrl = _iconUrl != null &&
                                           (BaseType == null || Frame == FrameType.Unique || Frame == FrameType.Foil);
                if (BaseType == null)
                    BaseType = new ItemBase(persistentData.EquipmentData.ItemImageService, itemSlot, TypeLine,
                                            Keywords == null ? "" : Keywords.FirstOrDefault(), Frame);
                ItemClass = BaseType.ItemClass;
                Tags      = BaseType.Tags;
                if (loadImageFromIconUrl)
                    Image = BaseType.Image.AsDefaultForImageFromUrl(
                        persistentData.EquipmentData.ItemImageService, _iconUrl);
                    Image = BaseType.Image;

            if (val["properties"] != null)
                foreach (var obj in val["properties"])
                    Properties.Add(ItemModFromJson(obj, ModLocation.Property));
                if (Properties.Any(m => !m.Values.Any()))
                    // The name of one property of gems contains the Keywords of that gem.
                    Keywords = Properties.First(m => !m.Values.Any()).Attribute.Split(',').Select(i => i.Trim()).ToList();

            if (val["requirements"] != null)
                var mods = val["requirements"].Select(t => ItemModFromJson(t, ModLocation.Requirement)).ToList();
                if (!mods.Any(m => m.Attribute.StartsWith("Requires ")))
                    var modsToMerge = new []
                        mods.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Attribute == "Level #"),
                        mods.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Attribute == "# Str"),
                        mods.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Attribute == "# Dex"),
                        mods.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Attribute == "# Int")
                    }.Where(m => m != null).ToList();
                    modsToMerge.ForEach(m => mods.Remove(m));
                    mods.Add(new ItemMod(
                                 "Requires " + string.Join(", ", modsToMerge.Select(m => m.Attribute)),
                                 modsToMerge.Select(m => m.Values).Flatten(),
                                 modsToMerge.Select(m => m.ValueColors).Flatten()

            if (val["implicitMods"] != null)
                foreach (var s in val["implicitMods"].Values <string>())
                    _implicitMods.Add(ItemModFromString(FixOldRanges(s), ModLocation.Implicit));
            if (val["explicitMods"] != null)
                foreach (var s in val["explicitMods"].Values <string>())
                    ExplicitMods.Add(ItemModFromString(FixOldRanges(s), ModLocation.Explicit));
            if (val["craftedMods"] != null)
                foreach (var s in val["craftedMods"].Values <string>())
                    CraftedMods.Add(ItemModFromString(FixOldRanges(s), ModLocation.Crafted));

            if (val["flavourText"] != null && val["flavourText"].HasValues)
                FlavourText = string.Join("\r\n", val["flavourText"].Values <string>().Select(s => s.Replace("\r", "")));

            var sockets = new List <int>();

            if (val["sockets"] != null)
                foreach (var obj in (JArray)val["sockets"])
                    sockets.Add(obj["group"].Value <int>());
            if (val["socketedItems"] != null)
                int socket = 0;
                foreach (JObject obj in (JArray)val["socketedItems"])
                    var item = new Item(persistentData, obj, isGem: true)
                        SocketGroup = sockets[socket++]
Esempio n. 4
        private void Init(ItemClass iClass, JObject val)
            JSONBase = val;

            Attributes = new Dictionary <string, List <float> >();
            Mods       = new List <ItemMod>();
            Class      = iClass;

            Width  = val["w"].Value <int>();
            Height = val["h"].Value <int>();
            if (val["x"] != null)
                X = val["x"].Value <int>();
            if (val["y"] != null)
                Y = val["y"].Value <int>();

            if (val["name"] != null)
                NameLine = val["name"].Value <string>();

            TypeLine = BaseType = val["typeLine"].Value <string>();

            Frame = (FrameType)val["frameType"].Value <int>();

            if (val["properties"] != null)
                foreach (JObject obj in (JArray)val["properties"])
                    var    values = new List <float>();
                    string s      = "";

                    foreach (JArray jva in (JArray)obj["values"])
                        s += " " + jva[0].Value <string>();
                    s = s.TrimStart();

                    if (s == "")
                        Properties.Add(ItemMod.CreateMod(this, obj["name"].Value <string>(), numberfilter));

                        Keywords = new List <string>();
                        string[] sl = obj["name"].Value <string>().Split(',');
                        foreach (string i in sl)

                    foreach (Match m in numberfilter.Matches(s))
                        if (m.Value == "")
                            values.Add(float.Parse(m.Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                    string cs = obj["name"].Value <string>() + ": " + (numberfilter.Replace(s, "#"));

                    var mod = ItemMod.CreateMod(this, obj, numberfilter2);

                    mod.ValueColor = ((JArray)obj["values"]).Select(a =>
                        var floats = ((JArray)a)[0].Value <string>().Split('-');
                        return(floats.Select(f => (ItemMod.ValueColoring)((JArray)a)[1].Value <int>()));
                    }).SelectMany(c => c).ToList();

                    Attributes.Add(cs, values);

            if (val["requirements"] != null)
                string       reqs    = "";
                List <float> numbers = new List <float>();
                List <ItemMod.ValueColoring> affects = new List <ItemMod.ValueColoring>();

                foreach (JObject obj in (JArray)val["requirements"])
                    var n = obj["name"].Value <string>();

                    if (obj["displayMode"].Value <int>() == 0)
                        n = n + " #";
                        n = "# " + n;

                    numbers.Add(((JArray)((JArray)obj["values"])[0])[0].Value <float>());
                    affects.Add((ItemMod.ValueColoring)((JArray)((JArray)obj["values"])[0])[1].Value <int>());

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(reqs))
                        reqs += ", " + n;
                        reqs += n;

                var m = ItemMod.CreateMod(this, "Requires " + reqs, numberfilter);
                m.Value      = numbers;
                m.ValueColor = affects;

            if (val["implicitMods"] != null)
                foreach (string s in val["implicitMods"].Values <string>())
                    List <ItemMod> mods = ItemMod.CreateMods(this, s.Replace("Additional ", ""), numberfilter);

                    ImplicitMods.Add(ItemMod.CreateMod(this, s, numberfilter));
            if (val["explicitMods"] != null)
                foreach (string s in val["explicitMods"].Values <string>())
                    List <ItemMod> mods = ItemMod.CreateMods(this, s.Replace("Additional ", ""), numberfilter);

                    ExplicitMods.Add(ItemMod.CreateMod(this, s, numberfilter));

            if (val["craftedMods"] != null)
                foreach (string s in val["craftedMods"].Values <string>())
                    List <ItemMod> mods = ItemMod.CreateMods(this, s.Replace("Additional ", ""), numberfilter);

                    CraftedMods.Add(ItemMod.CreateMod(this, s, numberfilter));

            if (val["flavourText"] != null)
                FlavourText = string.Join("\r\n", val["flavourText"].Values <string>());

            if (iClass == ItemClass.Gem)
                switch (val["colour"].Value <string>())
                case "S":

                case "D":

                case "I":
                Gems = new List <Item>();

            var Sockets = new List <int>();

            if (val["sockets"] != null)
                foreach (JObject obj in (JArray)val["sockets"])
                    Sockets.Add(obj["group"].Value <int>());
            if (val["socketedItems"] != null)
                int socket = 0;
                foreach (JObject obj in (JArray)val["socketedItems"])
                    var item = new Item(ItemClass.Gem, obj);
                    item.SocketGroup = Sockets[socket++];
Esempio n. 5
        public Item(IPersistentData persistentData, JObject val, ItemSlot itemSlot = ItemSlot.Unequipable, bool isGem = false)
            JsonBase = val;
            Slot     = itemSlot;

            Width  = val["w"].Value <int>();
            Height = val["h"].Value <int>();
            if (val["x"] != null)
                X = val["x"].Value <int>();
            if (val["y"] != null)
                Y = val["y"].Value <int>();

            if (val["name"] != null)
                NameLine = FilterJsonString(val["name"].Value <string>());

            JToken iconToken;

            if (val.TryGetValue("icon", out iconToken))
                _iconUrl = iconToken.Value <string>();

            Frame    = (FrameType)val["frameType"].Value <int>();
            TypeLine = FilterJsonString(val["typeLine"].Value <string>());
            if (isGem)
                // BaseType will be null for socketed gems.
                _itemGroup = ItemGroup.Gem;
                if (Frame == FrameType.Magic)
                    _baseType = persistentData.EquipmentData.ItemBaseFromTypeline(TypeLine);
                    persistentData.EquipmentData.BaseDictionary.TryGetValue(TypeLine, out _baseType);
                // For known bases, images are only downloaded if the item is unique. All other items should always
                // have the same image. (except alt art non-uniques that are rare enough to be ignored)
                var loadImageFromIconUrl = _iconUrl != null && (_baseType == null || Frame == FrameType.Unique);
                if (_baseType == null)
                    _baseType = new ItemBase(persistentData.Options, itemSlot, TypeLine,
                                             _keywords == null ? "" : _keywords.FirstOrDefault(), Frame);
                _itemType  = BaseType.ItemType;
                _itemGroup = BaseType.ItemGroup;
                if (loadImageFromIconUrl)
                    _image = new ItemImageFromOfficial(_baseType.Image, _iconUrl);
                    _image = _baseType.Image;


            if (val["properties"] != null)
                foreach (var obj in val["properties"])
                    Properties.Add(ItemModFromJson(obj, false));
                if (Properties.Any(m => !m.Value.Any()))
                    // The name of one property of gems contains the Keywords of that gem.
                    _keywords = Properties.First(m => !m.Value.Any()).Attribute.Split(',').Select(i => i.Trim()).ToList();

            if (val["requirements"] != null)
                var mods = val["requirements"].Select(t => ItemModFromJson(t, true)).ToList();
                if (!mods.Any(m => m.Attribute.StartsWith("Requires ")))
                    var modsToMerge = new []
                        mods.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Attribute == "Level #"),
                        mods.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Attribute == "# Str"),
                        mods.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Attribute == "# Dex"),
                        mods.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Attribute == "# Int")
                    }.Where(m => m != null).ToList();
                    modsToMerge.ForEach(m => mods.Remove(m));
                    mods.Add(new ItemMod(_itemType, "Requires " + string.Join(", ", modsToMerge.Select(m => m.Attribute)))
                        Value      = modsToMerge.Select(m => m.Value).Flatten().ToList(),
                        ValueColor = modsToMerge.Select(m => m.ValueColor).Flatten().ToList()

            if (val["implicitMods"] != null)
                foreach (var s in val["implicitMods"].Values <string>())
                    _implicitMods.Add(new ItemMod(_itemType, s, Numberfilter));
            if (val["explicitMods"] != null)
                foreach (var s in val["explicitMods"].Values <string>())
                    ExplicitMods.Add(new ItemMod(_itemType, s, Numberfilter));
            if (val["craftedMods"] != null)
                foreach (var s in val["craftedMods"].Values <string>())
                    CraftedMods.Add(new ItemMod(_itemType, s, Numberfilter));

            if (val["flavourText"] != null)
                FlavourText = string.Join("\r\n", val["flavourText"].Values <string>().Select(s => s.Replace("\r", "")));

            if (isGem)
                switch (val["colour"].Value <string>())
                case "S":

                case "D":

                case "I":
                _gems = new List <Item>();

            var sockets = new List <int>();

            if (val["sockets"] != null)
                foreach (var obj in (JArray)val["sockets"])
                    sockets.Add(obj["group"].Value <int>());
            if (val["socketedItems"] != null)
                int socket = 0;
                foreach (JObject obj in (JArray)val["socketedItems"])
                    var item = new Item(persistentData, obj, isGem: true)
                        _socketGroup = sockets[socket++]