Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a list of constant gathered from macros/guids to a C# type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="elementFinder">The C++ module to search.</param>
        /// <param name="macroRegexp">The macro regexp.</param>
        /// <param name="fullNameCSharpType">Full type of the name C sharp.</param>
        /// <param name="type">The type.</param>
        /// <param name="fieldName">Name of the field.</param>
        /// <param name="valueMap">The value map.</param>
        /// <param name="visibility">The visibility.</param>
        /// <param name="nameSpace">The current namespace.</param>
        public void AddConstantFromMacroToCSharpType(CppElementFinder elementFinder, string macroRegexp, string fullNameCSharpType, string type, string fieldName, string valueMap,
                                                     Visibility?visibility, string nameSpace)
            var constantDefinitions = elementFinder.Find <CppConstant>(macroRegexp);
            var regex = new Regex(macroRegexp);

            // $0: Name of the C++ macro
            // $1: Value of the C++ macro
            // $2: Name of the C#
            // $3: Name of current namespace
            if (valueMap != null)
                valueMap = valueMap.Replace("{", "{{");
                valueMap = valueMap.Replace("}", "}}");
                valueMap = valueMap.Replace("$0", "{0}");
                valueMap = valueMap.Replace("$1", "{1}");
                valueMap = valueMap.Replace("$2", "{2}");
                valueMap = valueMap.Replace("$3", "{3}");

            foreach (var macroDef in constantDefinitions)
                var finalFieldName = fieldName == null ?
                    : NamingRules.ConvertToPascalCase(
                    regex.Replace(macroDef.Name, fieldName),
                var finalValue = valueMap == null ?
                    : string.Format(valueMap, macroDef.Name, macroDef.Value, finalFieldName, nameSpace);

                var constant = AddConstantToCSharpType(macroDef, fullNameCSharpType, type, finalFieldName, finalValue);
                constant.Visibility = visibility ?? Visibility.Public | Visibility.Const;

            var guidDefinitions = elementFinder.Find <CppGuid>(macroRegexp);

            foreach (var guidDef in guidDefinitions)
                var finalFieldName = fieldName == null ?
                    : NamingRules.ConvertToPascalCase(
                    regex.Replace(guidDef.Name, fieldName),
                var finalValue = valueMap == null?
                                     : string.Format(valueMap, guidDef.Name, guidDef.Guid.ToString(), finalFieldName, nameSpace);

                var constant = AddConstantToCSharpType(guidDef, fullNameCSharpType, type, finalFieldName, finalValue);
                constant.Visibility = visibility ?? Visibility.Public | Visibility.Static | Visibility.Readonly;
Esempio n. 2
        public static IEnumerable <T> Find <T>(this CppElement element, string path)
            where T : CppElement
            var mapper = new CppElementFinder(element);

            return(mapper.Find <T>(path));
Esempio n. 3
        private static bool RemoveElements <T>(CppElementFinder finder, string regex)
            where T : CppElement
            var matchedAny = false;

            foreach (var item in finder.Find <T>(regex).ToList())
                matchedAny = true;

        private static void FindGuidForInterface(CsInterface interfaceType)
            var cppInterface = (CppInterface)interfaceType.CppElement;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cppInterface.Guid))
                var finder = new CppElementFinder(cppInterface.ParentInclude);

                var cppGuid = finder.Find <CppGuid>("IID_" + cppInterface.Name).FirstOrDefault();
                if (cppGuid != null)
                    interfaceType.Guid = cppGuid.Guid.ToString();
Esempio n. 5
    private static string FindGuid(CppInterface cppInterface)
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cppInterface.Guid))

        // If Guid is null we try to recover it from a declared GUID

        var finder = new CppElementFinder(cppInterface.ParentInclude);

        var cppGuid = finder.Find <CppGuid>("IID_" + cppInterface.Name).FirstOrDefault();

        return(cppGuid != null
                   ? cppGuid.Guid.ToString()
                   : cppInterface.Guid);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a C++ variable declaration from a macro rule.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cstRule">The macro rule.</param>
        /// <param name="finder">The element finder to find the macro definitions in.</param>
        /// <returns>A C++ variable declaration string</returns>
        private string CreateVariableFromMacro(CppElementFinder finder, ConstantRule cstRule)
            var builder = new StringBuilder();

            builder.AppendLine("// Variable created from: " + cstRule);

            foreach (CppDefine macroDef in finder.Find <CppDefine>(cstRule.Macro))
                var macroName = macroDef.Name + EndTagCustomVariable;

                // Only add the macro once (could have multiple identical macro in different includes)
                if (!_variableMacrosDefined.ContainsKey(macroName))
                    builder.AppendFormat("extern \"C\" {0} {1} = {3}{2};\n", cstRule.CppType ?? cstRule.Type, macroName, macroDef.Name, cstRule.CppCast ?? "");
                    _variableMacrosDefined.Add(macroName, macroDef.Name);
        public static bool ExecuteRule <T>(this CppElementFinder finder, string regex, MappingRule rule) where T : CppElement
            var mode = CppElementFinder.SelectionMode.MatchedElement;

            var matchedAny = false;

            if (regex.StartsWith("#"))
                mode  = CppElementFinder.SelectionMode.Parent;
                regex = regex.Substring(1);

            var fullRegex = BuildFullRegex(regex);

            foreach (var item in finder.Find <T>(fullRegex, mode))
                matchedAny = true;
                ProcessRule(item, rule, fullRegex);

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a C++ enum declaration from a macro rule.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="createCpp">The macro rule.</param>
        /// <returns>A C++ enum declaration string</returns>
        private string CreateEnumFromMacro(CppElementFinder finder, CreateCppExtensionRule createCpp)
            var cppEnumText = new StringBuilder();

            cppEnumText.AppendLine("// Enum created from: " + createCpp);
            cppEnumText.AppendLine("enum " + createCpp.Enum + " {");

            foreach (CppDefine macroDef in finder.Find <CppDefine>(createCpp.Macro))
                var macroName = macroDef.Name + EndTagCustomEnumItem;

                // Only add the macro once (could have multiple identical macro in different includes)
                if (!_variableMacrosDefined.ContainsKey(macroName))
                    cppEnumText.AppendFormat("\t {0} = {1},\n", macroName, macroDef.Value);
                    _variableMacrosDefined.Add(macroName, macroDef.Value);

 /// <summary>
 ///   Finds the specified elements by regex.
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name = "T"></typeparam>
 /// <param name = "regex">The regex.</param>
 /// <param name="finder">The C++ element finder instance to use.</param>
 /// <param name="mode">The selection mode for selecting matched elements.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static IEnumerable <T> Find <T>(
     this CppElementFinder finder,
     string regex,
     CppElementFinder.SelectionMode mode = CppElementFinder.SelectionMode.MatchedElement)
     where T : CppElement
 => finder.Find <T>(BuildFindFullRegex(regex), mode);