Esempio n. 1
        private void UpdateCodeMarks(ConcurrentDictionary <int, CoveredLinePoco> coveredLines)
            FileCodeModel fcm = _coverageProvider.GetFileCodeModel(_documentName);
            int           apparentLineNumber = 0;
            double        accumulatedHeight  = 0.0;
            double        minLineHeight      = _textViewHost.TextView.TextViewLines.Min(x => x.Height);

            //if (fcm != null)
            //    var project = fcm.DTE.Solution.FindProjectItem(_documentName).ContainingProject;
            //    if (project.FullName.EndsWith("Test.csproj"))
            //    {
            //        apparentLineNumber++;
            //    }
            foreach (ITextViewLine textViewLine in _textViewHost.TextView.TextViewLines.ToList())
                if (textViewLine.VisibilityState == VisibilityState.FullyVisible && coveredLines.Count > 0)
                    int lineNumber = textViewLine.Start.GetContainingLine().LineNumber;

                    accumulatedHeight += textViewLine.Height;
                    var coveredLine = new CoveredLinePoco();

                    ITextSnapshotLine g =
                            x => x.LineNumber.Equals(lineNumber));

                    bool isCovered = coveredLines.TryGetValue(lineNumber + 1, out coveredLine);
                    var  text      = g.Extent.GetText();

                    if (text.Trim().StartsWith("[Test"))
                    if (g.Extent.IsEmpty == false && isCovered && text != "\t\t#endregion")
                        Debug.WriteLine("Text for Line # " + (lineNumber + 1) + " = " + text);

                        //double yPos = (_textViewHost.TextView.ZoomLevel / 100) * (apparentLineNumber - 1) * _textViewHost.TextView.LineHeight + (.1 * _textViewHost.TextView.LineHeight); // GetYCoordinateForBookmark(coveredLine);
                        double yPos = (_textViewHost.TextView.ZoomLevel / 100) * ((accumulatedHeight - minLineHeight) + (.1 * _textViewHost.TextView.LineHeight)); // GetYCoordinateForBookmark(coveredLine);

                        var glyph = CreateCodeMarkGlyph(coveredLine, yPos);

            var pont = new SnapshotPoint(_textViewHost.TextView.TextSnapshot, 0);
Esempio n. 2
 public CodeMarkGlyph(IWpfTextView view, CoveredLinePoco line, double yPosition)
     : this()
     YPosition      = yPosition;
     this._view     = view;
     _coveredLine   = line;
     Ellipse.Height = (view.LineHeight * view.ZoomLevel / 100) * .8;
     Ellipse.Width  = Ellipse.Height;
     if (!line.UnitTests.Any() && line.IsCode)
         Ellipse.Fill   = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Orange);
         Ellipse.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Orange);
     else if (line.UnitTests.All(x => x.IsSuccessful.Equals(true)))
         Ellipse.Fill   = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Green);
         Ellipse.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Green);
         Ellipse.Fill   = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red);
         Ellipse.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red);
Esempio n. 3
        private CodeMarkGlyph CreateCodeMarkGlyph(CoveredLinePoco line, double yPos)
            // create a glyph
            var glyph = new CodeMarkGlyph(_textViewHost.TextView, line, yPos);

            // position it
            Canvas.SetTop(glyph, yPos);

            Canvas.SetLeft(glyph, 0);

            var tooltip = new StringBuilder();

            tooltip.AppendFormat("Covering Tests:\t {0}\n", line.UnitTests.Count);

            foreach (UnitTest test in line.UnitTests.OrderBy(x => x.IsSuccessful))
                tooltip.AppendFormat("{0}\n", test.TestMethodName);

            glyph.ToolTip = tooltip.ToString();

            return(glyph); // so we have the glyph now
Esempio n. 4
 // get y position for this bookmark
 private double GetYCoordinateForBookmark(CoveredLinePoco line)
     // calculate y position from line number with this bookmark