static void AddPoint(SplineBase spline) { Vector3[] points = spline.Points; string[] colorNames = spline.Info.colorNames; int i = spline.ActivePoint; if (spline.IsHazard) { ArrayUtility.Insert(ref colorNames, i, colorNames[i]); } if (i != 0) { ArrayUtility.Insert(ref points, i, Vector3.Lerp(points[i], points[i - 1], 0.5f)); points[i].y = CourseBase.TerrainHeight(points[i].x, points[i].z); points[i - 1].y = CourseBase.TerrainHeight(points[i - 1].x, points[i - 1].z); } else { ArrayUtility.Insert(ref points, i, Vector3.Lerp(points[i], points[points.Length - 1], 0.5f)); points[i].y = CourseBase.TerrainHeight(points[i].x, points[i].z); points[points.Length - 1].y = CourseBase.TerrainHeight(points[points.Length - 1].x, points[points.Length - 1].z); } spline.Points = points; spline.Info.colorNames = colorNames; spline.UpdateLine(); spline.LineChanged(); }
void OnPlantUI(IPlant plant, PlantBase.BaseInfo info) { if (activeInfo != info && LeftMouseDown && IsMouseAround(info.position.ToVector3())) { Event.current.Use(); CourseBase.ActivePlant = plant; activeInfo = info; firstHit = CourseBase.CameraTerrainHit; originalPoint = info.position.ToVector3(); if (MainToolUI.SelectedTool != MainToolUI.Tool.PlantTool) { MainToolUI.SelectedTool = MainToolUI.Tool.PlantTool; } return; } if (info == activeInfo) { RaycastHit?hit = CourseBase.CameraTerrainHit; if (firstHit != null && hit != null) { PlatformBase.Editor.RecordObject(plant.Transform.gameObject, "Plant Info Position Change"); Vector3 position = (originalPoint + hit.Value.point - firstHit.Value.point); position.y = CourseBase.TerrainHeight(position.x, position.z); plant.Position = position; info.position.Set(position); } } }
/// <summary> /// Do export step /// </summary> public static void DoExportTerrainStep() { if (!exporting) { return; } heights[indexX] = CourseBase.MeshLevel(x, z) + CourseBase.Info.geoZ; indexX++; if (indexX == countX) { indexX = 0; x = 0; byte[] bytes = new byte[heights.Length * sizeof(float)]; Buffer.BlockCopy(heights, 0, bytes, 0, bytes.Length); PlatformBase.IO.AppendBytes(path, bytes); z -= step; indexY--; if (indexY == -1) { exporting = false; } } else { x += step; } }
void OnAutoTerrain() { if (CourseBase.TerrainSelected && CourseBase.TerrainLowered) { CourseBase.RestoreTerrain(); } }
public static void Main() { CurrentPath = SetPath; var dex = new CreateFullTimeStudent(); StudentBase st = dex.CreateStudent("Rick", new[] { "020" }); StudentBase st1 = dex.CreateStudent("Alex", new[] { "6", "9" }); var deg = new CreatePartTimeStudent(); StudentBase st2 = deg.CreateStudent("Nick", new[] { "4", "5" }); List <StudentBase> students = new List <StudentBase> { st, st1, st2 }; Serialize(students); var c = new CreateTechCourse(); CourseBase co = c.CreateCourse("Math", new[] { "0" }, new[] { "001", "002" }); CourseBase co1 = c.CreateCourse("CS", new[] { "0" }, new[] { "001", "002" }); List <CourseBase> courses = new List <CourseBase> { co, co1 }; Serialize(courses); var n = new CreateFullTimeTeacher(); TeacherBase t = n.CreateTeacher("K", 5, new[] { "001", "002" }); var q = new CreatePartTimeTeacher(); TeacherBase t1 = q.CreateTeacher("gfgd", 5, new[] { "009", "005" }); List <TeacherBase> teachers = new List <TeacherBase> { t, t1 }; Serialize(teachers); Console.ReadKey(); }
public static CourseBase Instance() //Singleton { if (_instance == null) { _instance = new CourseBase(); } return(_instance); }
void OnScenePins(bool selected) { List <PinBase> pins = CourseBase.Pins; for (int i = 0; i < pins.Count; ++i) { Color color = new Color(0.75f, 0.15f, 0.15f); if (CourseBase.ActivePlant is PinBase && pins[i] == (PinBase)CourseBase.ActivePlant) { color = White; } LineToolUI.DrawPin(pins[i].Position, color); if (selected) { if (pins[i].PlantInfo == activeInfo) { LineToolUI.DrawBox(pins[i].Position, Red); RaycastHit hit = CourseBase.TerrainHit(pins[i].Position.x, pins[i].Position.z).Value; Vector3 right = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.Cross(Vector3.up, hit.normal).normalized, hit.normal).normalized; float angle = Vector3.Angle(new Vector3(hit.normal.x, 0, hit.normal.z).normalized, right); if (angle > 10) { angle = 10; } LineToolUI.DrawLine(new Vector3(pins[i].Position.x, pins[i].Position.y + 0.02f, pins[i].Position.z), new Vector3(pins[i].Position.x, pins[i].Position.y + 0.02f, pins[i].Position.z) + right * Mathf.Lerp(0, 1, angle / 10), Black); } else if (IsMouseAround(pins[i].Position)) { LineToolUI.DrawBox(pins[i].Position, Yellow); } if (IsPointOnScreen(pins[i].Position)) { string text = CourseBase.GetPinName(pins[i].HoleIndex, pins[i].OrderIndex, pins[i].Difficulty); pins[i] = text; Rect rect = ProjectToScreenRect(pins[i].Position + Vector3.up * 1.8f, 16, 16); rect.width = GUIContent(text)).x; rect.x -= rect.width / 4; BeginUI(); MoveToPixels((int)rect.x, (int)rect.y); SetBoxSize((int)rect.width, (int)rect.height); Background(1, 1, 0.5f); LabelNoOffset(text); EndUI(); } } } }
void OnSceneTees(bool selected) { List <TeeBase> tees = CourseBase.Tees; for (int i = 0; i < tees.Count; ++i) { Color color = new Color(0.15f, 0.75f, 0.15f); if (CourseBase.ActivePlant is TeeBase && tees[i] == (TeeBase)CourseBase.ActivePlant) { color = White; } Vector3 forward = Vector3.right; if (CourseBase.Holes[tees[i].HoleIndex].pins.Count != 0) { forward = (CourseBase.AimPoint(tees[i].Position, tees[i], CourseBase.Holes[tees[i].HoleIndex].shots, CourseBase.Holes[tees[i].HoleIndex].pins[0]) - tees[i].Position).normalized; } forward.y = 0; LineToolUI.DrawTee(tees[i].Position, color); if (selected) { LineToolUI.DrawBox(tees[i].Position, Black, tees[i].Height, tees[i].Width + Utility.markerOffset * 2, forward); if (tees[i].PlantInfo == activeInfo) { LineToolUI.DrawBox(tees[i].Position, Red); LineToolUI.DrawBox(tees[i].Position, Red, tees[i].Height, tees[i].Width, forward); } else if (IsMouseAround(tees[i].Position)) { LineToolUI.DrawBox(tees[i].Position, Yellow); LineToolUI.DrawBox(tees[i].Position, Yellow, tees[i].Height, tees[i].Width, forward); } if (IsPointOnScreen(tees[i].Position)) { string text = CourseBase.GetTeeName(tees[i].HoleIndex, tees[i].Type, tees[i].Par, tees[i].StrokeIndex); tees[i] = text; Rect rect = ProjectToScreenRect(tees[i].Position, 16, 16); rect.width = GUIContent(text)).x; rect.x -= rect.width / 4; BeginUI(); MoveToPixels((int)rect.x, (int)rect.y); SetBoxSize((int)rect.width, (int)rect.height); Background(1, 1, 0.5f); LabelNoOffset(text); EndUI(); } } } }
private static CourseBase PrereqsMapCourse(IDataReader reader) { CourseBase item = new CourseBase(); int startingIndex = 0; item.Id = reader.GetSafeInt32(startingIndex++); item.CourseName = reader.GetSafeString(startingIndex++); return(item); }
public static void EnablePerform() { EditorApplication.ExecuteMenuItem("GameObject/Hidden/Course Forge/Platform/Initialize"); ToolUI.Initialize(); if (CourseBase.Initialize()) { instance = new MainToolUI(); initScene = EditorApplication.currentScene; SceneView.onSceneGUIDelegate = null; SceneView.onSceneGUIDelegate += OnScene; } }
TeeBase.Info.Type TeeTypeField(TeeBase.Info.Type index, int holeIndex, bool add, float xBoxes) { string[] names = CourseBase.FreeTees(holeIndex); string indexName = index.ToString(); if (!ArrayUtility.Contains(names, indexName)) { if (add) { ArrayUtility.Add(ref names, indexName); string[] newNames = System.Enum.GetNames(typeof(TeeBase.Info.Type)); for (int i = 0; i < newNames.Length; ++i) { if (!ArrayUtility.Contains(names, newNames[i])) { ArrayUtility.RemoveAt(ref newNames, i); i = -1; continue; } } names = newNames; } else { string[] newNames = System.Enum.GetNames(typeof(TeeBase.Info.Type)); for (int i = 0; i < newNames.Length; ++i) { if (!ArrayUtility.Contains(names, newNames[i])) { ArrayUtility.RemoveAt(ref newNames, i); i = -1; continue; } } names = newNames; indexName = names[0]; } } int namesIndex = ArrayUtility.IndexOf(names, indexName); namesIndex = Popup("Type", namesIndex, names, xBoxes); index = (TeeBase.Info.Type)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(TeeBase.Info.Type), names[namesIndex]); return(index); //return Iloveyou; }
public Course Get(int id) { Course course = null; DataProvider.ExecuteCmd(GetConnection, "dbo.Courses_SelectByIdV2", inputParamMapper : delegate(SqlParameterCollection paramCollection) { paramCollection.AddWithValue("@Id", id); }, map : delegate(IDataReader reader, short set) { if (set == 0) { course = MapCourse(reader); } else if (set == 1) { CourseTag ct = TagMapCourse(reader); if (course.Tags == null) { course.Tags = new List <CourseTag>(); } course.Tags.Add(ct); } else if (set == 2) { CourseInstructors imc = InstructorsMapCourse(reader); if (course.Instructors == null) { course.Instructors = new List <CourseInstructors>(); } course.Instructors.Add(imc); } else if (set == 3) { CourseBase bc = PrereqsMapCourse(reader); if (course.Prereqs == null) { course.Prereqs = new List <CourseBase>(); } course.Prereqs.Add(bc); } }); return(course); }
void OnSceneShots(bool selected) { List <ShotBase> shots = CourseBase.Shots; for (int i = 0; i < shots.Count; ++i) { Color color = new Color(0.75f, 0.75f, 0.15f); if (CourseBase.ActivePlant is ShotBase && shots[i] == (ShotBase)CourseBase.ActivePlant) { color = Color.white; } LineToolUI.DrawShot(shots[i].Position, color); if (selected) { if (shots[i].PlantInfo == activeInfo) { LineToolUI.DrawBox(shots[i].Position, Red); } else if (IsMouseAround(shots[i].Position)) { LineToolUI.DrawBox(shots[i].Position, Yellow); } if (IsPointOnScreen(shots[i].Position)) { string text = CourseBase.GetShotName(shots[i].HoleIndex, shots[i].OrderIndex); shots[i] = text; Rect rect = ProjectToScreenRect(shots[i].Position, 16, 16); rect.width = GUIContent(text)).x; rect.x -= rect.width / 4; BeginUI(); MoveToPixels((int)rect.x, (int)rect.y); SetBoxSize((int)rect.width, (int)rect.height); Background(1, 1, 0.5f); LabelNoOffset(text); EndUI(); } } } }
public Instructors GetInstructors(int id) { Instructors item = null; CourseBase bc = null; DataProvider.ExecuteCmd(GetConnection, "dbo.Instructors_SelectByIdV2" , inputParamMapper : delegate(SqlParameterCollection paramCollection) { paramCollection.AddWithValue("@Id", id); //model binding }, map : delegate(IDataReader reader, short set) { if (set == 0) { item = new Instructors(); int startingIndex = 0; // startingOrdinal item.Id = reader.GetSafeInt32(startingIndex++); item.Name = reader.GetSafeString(startingIndex++); item.Email = reader.GetSafeString(startingIndex++); item.Bio = reader.GetSafeString(startingIndex++); item.LinkedIn = reader.GetSafeString(startingIndex++); item.CoursesTaught = reader.GetSafeString(startingIndex++); //bc.Id = reader.GetSafeInt32(startingIndex++); //bc.CourseName = reader.GetSafeString(startingIndex++); } else if (set == 1) { bc = new CourseBase(); int startingIndex = 0; bc.Id = reader.GetSafeInt32(startingIndex++); bc.CourseName = reader.GetSafeString(startingIndex++); if (item.Courses == null) { item.Courses = new List <CourseBase>(); } item.Courses.Add(bc); } } ); return(item); }
int StrokeIndexField(int holeIndex, TeeBase.Info.Type teeType, int index, bool add, float xBoxes) { string[] names = CourseBase.FreeTeesStrokeIndex(holeIndex, teeType); string indexName = index.ToString(); if (!ArrayUtility.Contains(names, indexName)) { if (add) { ArrayUtility.Add(ref names, indexName); string[] newNames = CourseBase.HoleNames; for (int i = 0; i < newNames.Length; ++i) { if (!ArrayUtility.Contains(names, newNames[i])) { ArrayUtility.RemoveAt(ref newNames, i); i = -1; continue; } } names = newNames; } else { indexName = names[0]; } } int namesIndex = ArrayUtility.IndexOf(names, indexName); namesIndex = Popup("StrokeIndex", namesIndex, names, xBoxes); if (namesIndex >= 0) { int.TryParse(names[namesIndex], out index); } return(index); }
void HazardField() { Background(); if (HazardDrawing) { SetColor(Green); } if (Button(brushTexture)) { HazardDrawing = !HazardDrawing; if (HazardDrawing && SplineDrawing) { SplineDrawing = false; if (CourseBase.HazardLayers.Count != 0) { LayerName = CourseBase.GetLayer("NoLayerName", CourseBase.HazardLayers).name; } } } SetColor(); }
void SplineField() { Background(); if (SplineDrawing) { SetColor(Green); } if (Button(pencilTexture)) { SplineDrawing = !SplineDrawing; if (SplineDrawing && HazardDrawing) { HazardDrawing = false; if (CourseBase.SplineLayers.Count != 0) { LayerName = CourseBase.GetLayer("NoLayerName", CourseBase.SplineLayers).name; } } } SetColor(); }
void FlyByField() { Background(); if (flyByPlanting) { SetColor(Green); } if (Button(flyByTexture)) { teePlanting = false; shotPlanting = false; pinPlanting = false; measurePlanting = false; flyByPlanting = !flyByPlanting; if (flyByPlanting && CourseBase.FreeFlyBys(holeIndex).Length == 0) { flyByPlanting = false; } } SetColor(); }
void TeeField() { Background(); if (teePlanting) { SetColor(Green); } if (Button(teeTexture)) { teePlanting = !teePlanting; if (CourseBase.FreeTees(holeIndex).Length == 0) { teePlanting = false; } shotPlanting = false; pinPlanting = false; measurePlanting = false; flyByPlanting = false; } SetColor(); }
private Section MapSection(IDataReader reader) { Section sec = new Section(); int startingIndex = 0; sec.Id = reader.GetSafeInt32(startingIndex++); sec.CourseId = reader.GetSafeInt32(startingIndex++); sec.DaysOfWeek = reader.GetSafeInt32(startingIndex++); sec.StartDate = reader.GetSafeDateTime(startingIndex++); sec.EndDate = reader.GetSafeDateTime(startingIndex++); sec.RegistrationDeadline = reader.GetSafeDateTime(startingIndex++); sec.StartTime = reader.GetSafeInt32(startingIndex++); sec.EndTime = reader.GetSafeInt32(startingIndex++); sec.TimeZone = reader.GetSafeInt32(startingIndex++); sec.Info = reader.GetSafeString(startingIndex++); sec.Format = reader.GetSafeInt32(startingIndex++); sec.CampusLocation = reader.GetSafeInt32(startingIndex++); sec.RoomNumber = reader.GetSafeString(startingIndex++); sec.Capacity = reader.GetSafeInt32(startingIndex++); sec.CurrentEnrollment = reader.GetSafeInt32(startingIndex++); sec.Status = reader.GetSafeInt32(startingIndex++); sec.Name = reader.GetSafeString(startingIndex++); CourseBase cb = new CourseBase(); cb.Id = reader.GetSafeInt32(startingIndex++); cb.CourseName = reader.GetSafeString(startingIndex++); sec.Course = cb; Campus campus = new Campus(); campus.Id = reader.GetSafeInt32(startingIndex++); campus.Name = reader.GetSafeString(startingIndex++); sec.Campus = campus; return(sec); }
/// <summary> /// Import splines from file /// </summary> /// <param name="path"></param> public static void ImportSplines(string path) { try { File file = Utility.JsonRead <File>(PlatformBase.IO.ReadText(path)); for (int i = 0; i < file.features.Count; ++i) { File.Feature feature = file.features[i]; if (feature.geometry.type == "Polygon" && feature.geometry.coordinates.GetType() == typeof(Double[][][])) { Double[][][] coordinates = (Double[][][])feature.geometry.coordinates; for (int p = 0; p < coordinates.Length; ++p) { List <Vector3> poly = new List <Vector3>(); for (int t = 0; t < coordinates[p].Length; ++t) { poly.Add(new Vector3((float)coordinates[p][t][0] - CourseBase.Info.geoX, 0, (float)coordinates[p][t][1] - CourseBase.Info.geoY)); } for (int t = 0; t < poly.Count; ++t) { poly[t] = new Vector3(poly[t].x, CourseBase.TerrainHeight(poly[t].x, poly[t].z), poly[t].z); } if (CourseBase.IsHazard(file.features[i].properties.Layer)) { CourseBase.CreateHazard(poly.ToArray(), CourseBase.GetLayer(file.features[i].properties.Layer, CourseBase.HazardLayers), 0, true); } else { CourseBase.CreateSpline(poly.ToArray(), CourseBase.GetLayer(file.features[i].properties.Layer, CourseBase.SplineLayers), 0, true); } } } else if (feature.geometry.type == "Polygon" && feature.geometry.coordinates.GetType() == typeof(object[][])) { object[][] coordinates = (object[][])feature.geometry.coordinates; for (int p = 0; p < coordinates.Length; ++p) { List <Vector3> poly = new List <Vector3>(); for (int t = 0; t < coordinates[p].Length; ++t) { float x = 0; float y = 0; if (coordinates[p][t].GetType() == typeof(object[])) { object[] xy = (object[])coordinates[p][t]; x = System.Convert.ToSingle(xy[0]); y = System.Convert.ToSingle(xy[1]); } if (coordinates[p][t].GetType() == typeof(double[])) { double[] xy = (double[])coordinates[p][t]; x = System.Convert.ToSingle(xy[0]); y = System.Convert.ToSingle(xy[1]); } if (coordinates[p][t].GetType() == typeof(int[])) { int[] xy = (int[])coordinates[p][t]; x = System.Convert.ToSingle(xy[0]); y = System.Convert.ToSingle(xy[1]); } poly.Add(new Vector3(x - CourseBase.Info.geoX, 0, y - CourseBase.Info.geoY)); } for (int t = 0; t < poly.Count; ++t) { poly[t] = new Vector3(poly[t].x, CourseBase.TerrainHeight(poly[t].x, poly[t].z), poly[t].z); } if (CourseBase.IsHazard(file.features[i].properties.Layer)) { CourseBase.CreateHazard(poly.ToArray(), CourseBase.GetLayer(file.features[i].properties.Layer, CourseBase.HazardLayers), 0, true); } else { CourseBase.CreateSpline(poly.ToArray(), CourseBase.GetLayer(file.features[i].properties.Layer, CourseBase.SplineLayers), 0, true); } } } else { Debug.LogError("Feature " + + "(" + feature.geometry.coordinates.GetType() + ") is not a Polygon"); } } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogException(e); } }
public override void OnUI(bool selected) { if (selected == false) { return; } BeginUI(); Move(1, 0); Background(4); if (MainToolUI.InfoPanel) { SetColor(Green); } if (Button(courseInfoTexture)) { MainToolUI.InfoPanel = !MainToolUI.InfoPanel; } SetColor(); Move(1, 0); if (Button(helpTexture)) { Application.OpenURL(""); } #region Version Move(0, 0.47f); SetColor(Black); MovePixels(1, 1); Label(CourseBase.version, 1, 1, EditorStyles.boldLabel); MovePixels(-1, -1); SetColor(); Label(CourseBase.version, 1, 1, EditorStyles.boldLabel); Move(0, -0.47f); #endregion SetColor(); Move(1, 0); if (Button(androidTexture)) { MainToolUI.AndroidPanel = !MainToolUI.AndroidPanel; } Move(1, 0); EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(!PlatformBase.IO.IsEditor); if (PopupToolUI.Count() != 0) { SetColor(Yellow); } if (Button(new GUIContent(buildTexture, (PopupToolUI.Count() != 0 ? "Click to build it anyway" : null)))) { if (PopupToolUI.Count() == 0) { CheckCourse(); if (PopupToolUI.Count() == 0) { CourseBase.BuildCourse((int)Utility.FromName <UnityEditor.BuildTarget>(BuildTarget)); } } else { CourseBase.BuildCourse((int)Utility.FromName <UnityEditor.BuildTarget>(BuildTarget)); } } EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(MainToolUI.NormalMode); if (!MainToolUI.NormalMode || BuildTarget != UnityEditor.BuildTarget.WebPlayerStreamed.ToString()) { Move(1.3f, 0.35f); Background(2.0f, 0.35f); Background(2.0f, 0.35f); BuildTarget = EditorGUI.EnumPopup(GetRect(2.0f, 1.0f), Utility.FromName <UnityEditor.BuildTarget>(BuildTarget)).ToString(); Color color = GUI.color; SetColor(Black); Move(-0.45f, -0.15f); MovePixels(1, 1); Label("►", 3, 3, EditorStyles.largeLabel); MovePixels(-1, -1); SetColor(); GUI.color = color; Move(-0.01f, 0.01f); Label("►", 3, 3, EditorStyles.largeLabel); Move(-0.05f, -0.6f); } EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); SetColor(); Move(1, 0); Move(3, 0); EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(!PlatformBase.IO.IsEditor); if (!MainToolUI.CommunityMode) { Background(2); if (Button(importTexture)) { string path = PlatformBase.Editor.OpenFileDialog("Load .geojson", PlatformBase.IO.CoursesPath, "geojson"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { GeoJSON.ImportSplines(path); } } Move(1, 0); if (Button(exportTexture)) { string path = PlatformBase.Editor.SaveFileDialog("Save .geojson", PlatformBase.IO.CoursesPath, "", "geojson"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { GeoJSON.ExportSplines(path); } } Move(1, 0); Background(4); Label("Export Terrain Step", 2.7f); Move(0, 0.35f); ExportTerrainStep = FloatSlider(ExportTerrainStep, 0.01f, 10.0f, 3.0f, 0.6f); Move(0, -0.35f); Move(3, 0); if (Button(terrainTexture)) { string path = PlatformBase.Editor.SaveFileDialog("Save .bil", PlatformBase.IO.CoursesPath, "", "bil"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { GeoJSON.ExportTerrain(path, ExportTerrainStep); } } Move(1, 0); } EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); EndUI(); }
public override void OnUI(bool selected) { #region Key Events if (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Tab && Event.current.type == EventType.keyDown) { if (EULA == false) { EULA = true; } else if (SceneView.lastActiveSceneView.orthographic) { SceneView.lastActiveSceneView.orthographic = false; } else if (Tools.current != UnityEditor.Tool.View) { Tools.current = UnityEditor.Tool.View; } else if (PlatformBase.IO.IsEditor) { if (PlatformBase.Editor.ActiveTransform == null) { PlatformBase.Editor.ActiveTransform = CourseBase.Terrain.transform; } else { PlatformBase.Editor.ActiveTransform = null; } } Event.current.Use(); } #endregion BeginUI(); MoveToRight(); Move(-3, 0); Background(); if (Button(xTexture)) { DisablePerform(); } MoveToLeft(); Background(); if (!ToolLocked) { Move(0, 1); Background(1, Screen.height / BoxSize - 1); Move(0, -1); } Move(1, 0); if (SelectedTool != Tool.None) { Background(Screen.width / BoxSize - 3); } Move(-1, 0); #region Banner Messages if (EULA == false) { if (Button(wwwTexture)) { SelectedTool = SelectedTool; } Move(1, 0); SetColor(HalfGreen); if (Button("End User License Agreement - Press TAB to agree", 8)) { EULA = true; } SetColor(); Move(-1, 0); Move(0, 1); Background(Screen.width / BoxSize - 2, Screen.height / BoxSize - 1); Background(Screen.width / BoxSize - 2, Screen.height / BoxSize - 1); GUIStyle labelStyle = new GUIStyle(; labelStyle.wordWrap = true; labelStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white; Rect scrollViewRect = GetRect(Screen.width / BoxSize - 2, (Screen.height - TopBoxHeight) / BoxSize - 1); float textHeight = 0; for (int i = 0; i < eulaText.Length; i += 4096) { string text = eulaText.Substring(i, Mathf.Min(eulaText.Length - i, 4096)); if (text.Contains("\n") && text.Length == 4096) { int index = text.LastIndexOf("\n"); text = eulaText.Substring(i, index); i += index; i -= 4096; } textHeight += labelStyle.CalcHeight(new GUIContent(text), scrollViewRect.width - 20); } Rect textRect = new Rect(0, 0, scrollViewRect.width - 20, textHeight); eulaScrollPos = GUI.BeginScrollView(scrollViewRect, eulaScrollPos, textRect); for (int i = 0; i < eulaText.Length; i += 4096) { string text = eulaText.Substring(i, Mathf.Min(eulaText.Length - i, 4096)); if (text.Contains("\n") && text.Length == 4096) { int index = text.LastIndexOf("\n"); text = eulaText.Substring(i, index); i += index; i -= 4096; } textRect.height = labelStyle.CalcHeight(new GUIContent(text), scrollViewRect.width - 20); SetColor(Black); GUI.Label(new Rect(textRect.x + 1, textRect.y + 1, textRect.width, textRect.height), text, labelStyle); SetColor(); GUI.Label(textRect, text, labelStyle); textRect.y += textRect.height; } GUI.EndScrollView(); Move(0, -1); EndUI(); return; } else if (SceneView.lastActiveSceneView.orthographic) { if (Button(wwwTexture)) { SelectedTool = SelectedTool; } Move(1, 0); SetColor(HalfGreen); if (Button("CourseForge has limited functionality in ISO mode, press TAB to switch back", 14)) { SceneView.lastActiveSceneView.orthographic = false; } SetColor(); Move(-1, 0); EndUI(); return; } else if (Tools.current != UnityEditor.Tool.View) { if (Button(wwwTexture)) { SelectedTool = SelectedTool; } Move(1, 0); SetColor(HalfGreen); if (Button("CourseForge has limited functionality in this view mode, press TAB to switch back", 14)) { Tools.current = UnityEditor.Tool.View; } SetColor(); Move(-1, 0); EndUI(); return; } else if (CourseBase.TerrainSelected) { if (Button(wwwTexture)) { SelectedTool = SelectedTool; } Move(1, 0); SetColor(HalfGreen); if (Button("Terrain Mode - Press TAB to exit", 6)) { PlatformBase.Editor.ActiveTransform = null; } SetColor(); Move(-1, 0); EndUI(); return; } else if (selected) { if (ToolButton(Tool.FileTool, wwwTexture)) { OnCleanup(); } Move(1, 0); if (SelectedTool > Tool.FileTool && Button((ToolName.Length > 8 ? ToolName.Substring(0, 8) + "..." : ToolName), 2)) { GameObject toolObject = GameObject.Find(ToolName); if (toolObject != null) { EditorGUIUtility.PingObject(toolObject); Selection.activeGameObject = toolObject; } } Move(-1, 0); } Move(0, 1); #endregion #region Top if (ToolButton(Tool.SplineTool, freehandTexture)) { OnCleanup(); if (CourseBase.TerrainLowered) { CourseBase.RestoreTerrain(); } } Move(0, 1); if (ToolButton(Tool.PlantTool, plantTexture)) { OnCleanup(); if (CourseBase.TerrainLowered) { CourseBase.RestoreTerrain(); } } Move(0, 1); if (Button(terrainTexture)) { SelectedTool = Tool.None; OnCleanup(); if (PlatformBase.IO.IsEditor) { PlatformBase.Editor.ActiveTransform = CourseBase.Terrain.transform; } } Move(0, 1); if (CourseBase.TerrainLowered) { SetColor(Red); } if (Button(terrainLoweredTexture)) { SelectedTool = Tool.None; OnCleanup(); if (!CourseBase.TerrainLowered) { CourseBase.SaveTerrain(); CourseBase.LowerTerrain(); } else { CourseBase.RestoreTerrain(); } } SetColor(); Move(0, 1); if (Button(updateTexture)) { if (CourseBase.TerrainLowered) { CourseBase.RestoreTerrain(); } CourseBase.RefreshCourse(); } Move(0, 1); if (Button(buildSplinesTexture)) { if (CourseBase.TerrainLowered) { CourseBase.RestoreTerrain(); } PopupToolUI.Clear(); CourseBase.BakeSplines(true); } Move(0, 1); #endregion #region Bottom MoveToBottom(); Move(0, -1); if (HideLines) { SetColor(HalfGrey); } if (Button(splineEyeTexture)) { HideLines = !HideLines; } SetColor(); Move(0, -1); if (AutoHide) { SetColor(HalfGrey); } if (Button(autoEyeTexture)) { AutoHide = !AutoHide; } SetColor(); Move(0, -1); if (HideMeshes) { SetColor(HalfGrey); } if (Button(eyeTexture)) { AutoHide = false; HideMeshes = !HideMeshes; List <SplineBase> splines = CourseBase.Splines; for (int i = 0; i < splines.Count; ++i) { splines[i].Renderer.UpdateVisibility(splines[i], !HideMeshes); } } SetColor(); Move(0, -1); if (MainToolUI.NormalMode) { EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(true); LayerPanel = false; } if (LayerPanel) { SetColor(Green); } if (Button(layersTexture)) { LayerPanel = !LayerPanel; } SetColor(); Move(0, -1); if (MainToolUI.NormalMode) { EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); } #endregion EndUI(); }
static void HazardStartOutOfBounds() { startSplineLayer = CourseBase.HazardLayers.Find(x => CourseBase.HazardType( == HazardBase.Type.Out_of_Bounds); }
public override void OnUI(bool selected) { #region Sort Layers Layer layer = Layer; Course.Library.layers = Course.Library.layers.OrderBy(x => => Course.IsHazard(; layerIndex = Course.Layers.IndexOf(layer); #endregion List <Layer> layers = CourseBase.Layers; int layersCount = layers.Count; string libraryName = PlatformBase.IO.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(CourseBase.LibraryName); Layer oldLayer = new Layer(Layer); BeginUI(); MoveToBottom(); Move(1, -5.75f); MovePixels(1, 0); if (layers.GroupBy(x => => y.Count() > 1)) { Move(0, -0.8f); EditorGUI.HelpBox(GetRect(5, 0.8f), "Multiple layers with the same name detected. Each layer should have it's own unique name. ", MessageType.Warning); Move(0, 0.8f); } Background(5, 1, 0.5f); #region Library Label("Loaded library ---", 2.5f); { Move(2.5f, 0); MovePixels(1, 1); SetColor(Black); Label(libraryName + (libraryName == "default" ? " (Read-only)" : ""), 2.5f); MovePixels(-1, -1); SetColor(Green); Label(libraryName + (libraryName == "default" ? " (Read-only)" : ""), 2.5f); SetColor(); Move(-2.5f, 0); } #endregion #region Import/Export Move(0, 0.4f); EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(!PlatformBase.IO.IsEditor); { if (Button("load...", 2.5f, 0.6f)) { try { string path = PlatformBase.Editor.OpenFileDialog("Load Course Library", PlatformBase.IO.LibrariesPath, "cfl"); if (path != "") { CourseBase.ImportLibrary(path); Debug.Log("CourseForge {load " + PlatformBase.IO.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path) + "} " + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd MMM HH:mm:ss")); } } catch (Exception e) { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Load error.", e.ToString(), "ok"); } } Move(2.5f, 0); if (Button("save as...", 2.5f, 0.6f)) { try { string path = PlatformBase.Editor.SaveFileDialog("Save Course Library", PlatformBase.IO.LibrariesPath, PlatformBase.IO.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(CourseBase.LibraryName), "cfl"); if (path != "") { CourseBase.ExportLibrary(path); Debug.Log("CourseForge {save " + PlatformBase.IO.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path) + "} " + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd MMM HH:mm:ss")); } } catch (Exception e) { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Export error.", e.ToString(), "ok"); } } Move(-2.5f, 0); } EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); Move(0, 0.6f); MovePixels(0, 2); #endregion #region Layer Popup Background(5, 5.75f, 0.75f); Label("Selected layer", 2.5f); Move(1.85f, 0); if (IsHazardLayer) { SetColor(Green); } else { SetColor(HalfGrey); } if (Button("H", 0.7f, 0.6f)) { if (IsHazardLayer && CourseBase.SplineLayers.Count != 0) { Layer = (Layer)CourseBase.SplineLayers[0]; } else if (!IsHazardLayer && CourseBase.HazardLayers.Count != 0) { Layer = (Layer)CourseBase.HazardLayers[0]; } else { layerIndex = 0; } oldLayer = new Layer(Layer); } SetColor(); Move(-1.85f, 0); Move(0, 0.4f); List <string> names = new List <string>(layers.Select(x => (layers.IndexOf(x) + 1) + " " +; if (IsSplineLayer) { names = names.Take(Course.SplineLayers.Count).ToList(); } if (libraryName != "default" && IsSplineLayer) { names.Add("Clone"); names.Add("New"); names.Add("Delete"); } int index = Popup(layerIndex, names.ToArray(), 4, 0.6f); if (index == -1 || index >= names.Count) { } else if (names[index] == "Clone") { layers.Add(new Layer(Layer)); Layer = layers[layers.Count - 1]; += " (Clone)"; oldLayer = new Layer(Layer); } else if (names[index] == "New") { layers.Add(new Layer()); Layer = layers[layers.Count - 1]; oldLayer = new Layer(Layer); } else if (names[index] == "Delete") { if (CourseBase.SplineLayers.Count > 1 && PlatformBase.Editor.OkCancelDialog("Layer library", "Are you sure you want to remove (" + + ") layer?")) { layers.Remove(Layer); Layer = CourseBase.SplineLayers[0]; oldLayer = new Layer(Layer); } } else { layerIndex = index; } #endregion if (libraryName == "default") { EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(true); } #region Clear Move(4, 0); SetColor(Red); if (IsHazardLayer) { EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(true); } if (Button("CLR", 1, 0.6f)) { if (PlatformBase.Editor.OkCancelDialog("Layer library", "Are you sure you want to clear (" + + ") layer?")) { layers[layerIndex] = new Layer(); oldLayer = new Layer(Layer); } } if (IsHazardLayer) { EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); } SetColor(); Move(-4, 0.35f); MovePixels(0, 1); #endregion #region Spline Zone Label("| Spline Apperance", 3.5f); Move(0, 0.5f); MovePixels(0, 1); Background(5, 1, 0.75f); { Label(" Name", 2.5f); Move(2.5f, 0); if (IsHazardLayer) { EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(true); } = TextField(, 2.5f, 0.6f); if (IsHazardLayer) { EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); } Move(-2.5f, 0); } Move(0, 0.4f); { Label(" Color", 2.5f); Move(2.5f, 0); Layer.LayerColor = ColorField(Layer.LayerColor, 2.5f, 0.6f); Move(-2.5f, 0); } Move(0, 0.5f); Label("| Spline creation", 2.5f); Move(0, 0.5f); MovePixels(0, 1); Background(5, 0.6f, 0.75f); { Label(" Meters per Point", 2.5f); Move(2.5f, 0); Layer.metersPerOnePoint = FloatField(Layer.metersPerOnePoint, 2.5f, 0.6f); Move(-2.5f, 0); } Move(0, 0.5f); #endregion if (IsHazardLayer) { #region Mesh Zone Label("| Mesh creation", 2.5f); Move(0, 0.5f); MovePixels(0, 1); Background(5, 1.1f, 0.75f); Move(0, 0.4f); { Label(" Points per edge", 2.5f); Move(2.5f, 0); Layer.pointsPerEdge = IntField(Layer.pointsPerEdge, 2.5f, 0.6f); Move(-2.5f, 0); } Move(0, 0.5f); #endregion MoveToBottom(); Move(5, -2.15f); MovePixels(1, 0); Background(5, 4.75f, 0.5f); #region Visual Label("| Visual", 2.5f); Move(0, 0.5f); MovePixels(0, 1); Background(5, 11, 0.75f); Label(" Hazard Color ", 2.5f); Move(2.5f, 0); Layer.hazardColor = ColorField(Layer.hazardColor, 2.5f, 0.6f); Move(-2.5f, 0); Move(0, 0.5f); Label(" Post", 2.5f); Move(2.5f, 0); Layer.HazardPost = ObjectField <GameObject>(Layer.HazardPost, 2.5f, 0.6f); Move(-2.5f, 0); Move(0, 0.5f); Label(" Meters per Post", 2.5f); Move(2.5f, 0); Layer.metersPerOnePost = FloatField(Layer.metersPerOnePost, 2.5f, 0.6f); Move(-2.5f, 0); #endregion } else { #region Mesh Zone Label("| Mesh creation", 2.5f); Move(0, 0.5f); MovePixels(0, 1); Background(5, 1.1f, 0.75f); { Move(0.2f, 0); Layer.fillType = (Layer.FillType)Popup((int)Layer.fillType, Utility.EnumNames <Layer.FillType>(), 2.5f, 0.6f); Move(-0.2f, 0); Move(2.5f, 0); Layer.resolution = FloatField(Layer.resolution, 2.5f, 0.6f); Move(-2.5f, 0); } Move(0, 0.4f); { Label(" Points per edge", 2.5f); Move(2.5f, 0); Layer.pointsPerEdge = IntField(Layer.pointsPerEdge, 2.5f, 0.6f); Move(-2.5f, 0); } Move(0, 0.5f); #endregion MoveToBottom(); Move(5, -8.5f); MovePixels(1, 0); Background(5, 11, 0.5f); #region Visual Label("| Visual", 2.5f); Move(0, 0.5f); MovePixels(0, 1); Background(5, 11, 0.75f); { Move(0, 0); { Label(" Main Color", 2.5f); Move(2.5f, 0); Layer.mainColor = ColorField(Layer.mainColor, 2.5f, 0.6f); Move(-2.5f, 0); } Move(0, 0.5f); { Label(" Specular Color", 2.5f); Move(2.5f, 0); Layer.specularColor = ColorField(Layer.specularColor, 2.5f, 0.6f); Move(-2.5f, 0); } Move(0, 0.5f); { Label(" Texture 1", 2.5f); Move(2.5f, 0); Label("Texture 2", 2.5f); Move(-2.5f, 0); Move(0, 0.3f); Move(0.2f, 0); Layer.diffuse.TileTexture = ObjectField(Layer.diffuse.TileTexture, 2.3f, 2.3f); Move(2.3f, 0); Layer.detail.TileTexture = ObjectField(Layer.detail.TileTexture, 2.3f, 2.3f); Move(-0.2f, 0); Move(-2.3f, 0); Move(0, 2.1f); Move(0.2f, 0); Layer.diffuse.tile = FloatField(Layer.diffuse.tile, 2.3f, 0.6f); Move(2.3f, 0); Layer.detail.tile = FloatField(Layer.detail.tile, 2.3f, 0.6f); Move(-0.2f, 0); Move(-2.3f, 0); Move(0, 0.6f); Label(" Normal 1", 2.5f); Move(2.5f, 0); Label("Normal 2", 2.5f); Move(-2.5f, 0); Move(0, 0.3f); Move(0.2f, 0); Layer.normal.TileTexture = ObjectField(Layer.normal.TileTexture, 2.3f, 2.3f); Move(2.3f, 0); Layer.detailNormal.TileTexture = ObjectField(Layer.detailNormal.TileTexture, 2.3f, 2.3f); Move(-0.2f, 0); Move(-2.3f, 0); Move(0, 2.1f); Move(0.2f, 0); Layer.normal.tile = FloatField(Layer.normal.tile, 2.3f, 0.6f); Move(2.3f, 0); Layer.detailNormal.tile = FloatField(Layer.detailNormal.tile, 2.3f, 0.6f); Move(-0.2f, 0); Move(-2.3f, 0); Move(0, 0.4f); Move(0.2f, 0); Layer.normal.bump = FloatSlider(Layer.normal.bump, 0, 1, 2.3f, 0.6f); Move(2.3f, 0); Layer.detailNormal.bump = FloatSlider(Layer.detailNormal.bump, 0, 1, 2.3f, 0.6f); Move(-0.2f, 0); Move(-2.3f, 0); } Move(0, 0.6f); { Label(" Fresnel Intensity", 2.5f); Move(2.5f, 0); MovePixels(-3, 0); Layer.fresnelIntensity = FloatSlider(Layer.fresnelIntensity, 0.0f, 1, 2.65f, 0.6f); MovePixels(3, 0); Move(-2.5f, 0); } } #endregion MoveToBottom(); Move(5, -4.75f); MovePixels(1, 1); Background(5, 4.75f, 0.5f); SplineBase.SplinePattern pattern = Layer.pattern; #region Shape Zone Label("| Mesh shape", 2.5f); Move(2.5f, 0); Layer.PhysicsMaterial = ObjectField(Layer.PhysicsMaterial, 2.5f, 0.6f); Move(-2.5f, 0); { Move(0, 0.5f); MovePixels(0, 1); Background(5, 1.0f, 0.75f); { MovePixels(-3, 0); Move(0.2f, 0); if (pattern.transition) { SetColor(Green); } if (Button("Blend", 1.2f, 0.6f)) { pattern.transition = !pattern.transition; } SetColor(); Move(-0.2f, 0); MovePixels(3, 0); if (pattern.transition) { MovePixels(-3, 0); Label(" Width", 2.5f); Move(2.5f, 0); pattern.transitionLength = FloatSlider(pattern.transitionLength, 0.001f, 1, 2.65f, 0.6f); Move(-2.5f, 0); MovePixels(3, 0); } } Move(0, 0.4f); { if (pattern.transition) { MovePixels(-3, 0); Label(" Depth", 2.5f); Move(2.5f, 0); pattern.transitionDepth = FloatSlider(pattern.transitionDepth, -1, 1, 2.65f, 0.6f); Move(-2.5f, 0); MovePixels(3, 0); } } Move(0, 0.6f); MovePixels(0, 1); MovePixels(0, 1); Background(5, 2.1f, 0.75f); { MovePixels(-3, 0); Move(0.2f, 0); if (pattern.extra) { SetColor(Green); } if (Button("Fringe", 1.2f, 0.6f)) { pattern.extra = !pattern.extra; } SetColor(); Move(-0.2f, 0); Move(2.5f, 0); if (pattern.extra) { pattern.extraLayerName = LayerPopup(CourseBase.GetLayer(pattern.extraLayerName, CourseBase.SplineLayers), CourseBase.SplineLayers, 2.65f, 0.6f).name; } Move(-2.5f, 0); MovePixels(3, 0); } Move(0, 0.4f); if (pattern.extra) { MovePixels(-3, 0); Label(" Width", 2.5f); Move(2.5f, 0); pattern.extraLength = FloatSlider(pattern.extraLength, 0.001f, 1, 2.65f, 0.6f); Move(-2.5f, 0); MovePixels(3, 0); } Move(0, 0.4f); if (pattern.extra) { MovePixels(-3, 0); Label(" Depth", 2.5f); Move(2.5f, 0); pattern.extraDepth = FloatSlider(pattern.extraDepth, -1, 1, 2.65f, 0.6f); Move(-2.5f, 0); MovePixels(3, 0); } Move(0, 0.4f); if (pattern.extra) { MovePixels(-3, 0); Move(0.2f, 0); if (pattern.extraTransition) { SetColor(Green); } if (Button("Blend", 1.2f, 0.6f)) { pattern.extraTransition = !pattern.extraTransition; } SetColor(); Move(-0.2f, 0); MovePixels(3, 0); if (pattern.extraTransition) { MovePixels(-3, 0); Label(" Width", 2.5f); Move(2.5f, 0); pattern.extraTransitionLength = FloatSlider(pattern.extraTransitionLength, 0.001f, 1, 2.65f, 0.6f); Move(-2.5f, 0); MovePixels(3, 0); } } Move(0, 0.4f); if (pattern.extra && pattern.extraTransition) { MovePixels(-3, 0); Label(" Depth", 2.5f); Move(2.5f, 0); pattern.extraTransitionDepth = FloatSlider(pattern.extraTransitionDepth, -1, 1, 2.65f, 0.6f); Move(-2.5f, 0); MovePixels(3, 0); } Move(0, 0.5f); MovePixels(0, 1); MovePixels(0, 1); Background(5, 1.3f, 0.75f); { MovePixels(-3, 0); Move(0.2f, 0); if (pattern.shrink) { SetColor(Green); } if (Button("Shrink", 1.2f, 0.6f)) { pattern.shrink = !pattern.shrink; } SetColor(); Move(-0.2f, 0); MovePixels(3, 0); } if (pattern.shrink) { MovePixels(-3, 0); Label(" Width", 2.5f); Move(2.5f, 0); pattern.shrinkLength = FloatSlider(pattern.shrinkLength, 0.001f, 1, 2.65f, 0.6f); Move(-2.5f, 0); MovePixels(3, 0); } Move(0, 0.4f); if (pattern.shrink) { MovePixels(-3, 0); Label(" Depth", 2.5f); Move(2.5f, 0); pattern.shrinkDepth = FloatSlider(pattern.shrinkDepth, -1, 1, 2.65f, 0.6f); Move(-2.5f, 0); MovePixels(3, 0); } Move(0, 0.5f); } #endregion } #region Change Sync bool materialChanged = false; bool layerChanged = false; if (layersCount != CourseBase.Layers.Count) { layerChanged = true; materialChanged = true; } if ( != { layerChanged = true; } if (oldLayer.LayerColor != Layer.LayerColor) { materialChanged = true; } if (oldLayer.mainColor.ToColor() != Layer.mainColor.ToColor()) { materialChanged = true; } if (oldLayer.specularColor.ToColor() != Layer.specularColor.ToColor()) { materialChanged = true; } if (oldLayer.hazardColor.ToColor() != Layer.hazardColor.ToColor()) { materialChanged = true; } if (oldLayer.diffuse.TileTexture != Layer.diffuse.TileTexture) { materialChanged = true; } if (oldLayer.detail.TileTexture != Layer.detail.TileTexture) { materialChanged = true; } if (oldLayer.normal.TileTexture != Layer.normal.TileTexture) { materialChanged = true; } if (oldLayer.detailNormal.TileTexture != Layer.detailNormal.TileTexture) { materialChanged = true; } if (oldLayer.fresnelIntensity != Layer.fresnelIntensity) { materialChanged = true; } if (oldLayer.diffuse.tile != Layer.diffuse.tile) { materialChanged = true; } if (oldLayer.detail.tile != Layer.detail.tile) { materialChanged = true; } if (oldLayer.normal.tile != Layer.normal.tile) { materialChanged = true; } if (oldLayer.normal.bump != Layer.normal.bump) { materialChanged = true; } if (oldLayer.detailNormal.tile != Layer.detailNormal.tile) { materialChanged = true; } if (oldLayer.detailNormal.bump != Layer.detailNormal.bump) { materialChanged = true; } if (oldLayer.resolution != Layer.resolution) { layerChanged = true; } if (oldLayer.PhysicsMaterial != Layer.PhysicsMaterial) { materialChanged = true; } if (oldLayer.HazardPost != Layer.HazardPost) { materialChanged = true; } if (oldLayer.metersPerOnePoint != Layer.metersPerOnePoint) { layerChanged = true; } if (oldLayer.metersPerOnePost != Layer.metersPerOnePost) { layerChanged = true; } if (oldLayer.pointsPerEdge != Layer.pointsPerEdge) { layerChanged = true; } if (oldLayer.pattern.transition != Layer.pattern.transition) { layerChanged = true; } if (oldLayer.pattern.transitionLength != Layer.pattern.transitionLength) { layerChanged = true; } if (oldLayer.pattern.transitionDepth != Layer.pattern.transitionDepth) { layerChanged = true; } if (oldLayer.pattern.extra != Layer.pattern.extra) { layerChanged = true; } if (oldLayer.pattern.extraLayerIndex != Layer.pattern.extraLayerIndex) { layerChanged = true; } if (oldLayer.pattern.extraLayerName != Layer.pattern.extraLayerName) { layerChanged = true; } if (oldLayer.pattern.extraLength != Layer.pattern.extraLength) { layerChanged = true; } if (oldLayer.pattern.extraDepth != Layer.pattern.extraDepth) { layerChanged = true; } if (oldLayer.pattern.extraTransition != Layer.pattern.extraTransition) { layerChanged = true; } if (oldLayer.pattern.extraTransitionLength != Layer.pattern.extraTransitionLength) { layerChanged = true; } if (oldLayer.pattern.extraTransitionDepth != Layer.pattern.extraTransitionDepth) { layerChanged = true; } if (oldLayer.pattern.shrink != Layer.pattern.shrink) { layerChanged = true; } if (oldLayer.pattern.shrinkLength != Layer.pattern.shrinkLength) { layerChanged = true; } if (oldLayer.pattern.shrinkDepth != Layer.pattern.shrinkDepth) { layerChanged = true; } if (layerChanged) { CourseBase.OnLayerChange(); } if (materialChanged) { CourseBase.OnLayerMaterialChange(); } #endregion MoveToLeft(); MoveToBottom(); Move(1, -5.75f); Touch(15, 5.75f); if (libraryName == "default") { EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); } EndUI(); }
static void HazardStartLateralWaterHazard() { startSplineLayer = CourseBase.HazardLayers.Find(x => CourseBase.HazardType( == HazardBase.Type.Lateral_Water_Hazard); }
void OnMouse() { if (PointByPoint) { if (LeftMouseDown) { OnMouseDown(); Event.current.Use(); } if (LeftDoubleClick) { if (points.Length >= 3) { if (HazardDrawing) { CourseBase.CreateHazard(points, CourseBase.GetLayer(LayerName, CourseBase.HazardLayers), FlagsDrawing); } else { CourseBase.CreateSpline(points, CourseBase.GetLayer(LayerName, CourseBase.SplineLayers), FlagsDrawing); } } Event.current.Use(); OnCleanupBase(); } if (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Escape) { Event.current.Use(); OnCleanupBase(); } LineToolUI.DrawLines(boxes, Black); } else { if (LeftMouseDown || LeftMouseDrag) { drawing = true; Event.current.Use(); } if (drawing && LeftMouseUp) { if (points.Length >= 3) { if (HazardDrawing) { CourseBase.CreateHazard(points, CourseBase.GetLayer(LayerName, CourseBase.HazardLayers), FlagsDrawing, true); } else { CourseBase.CreateSpline(points, CourseBase.GetLayer(LayerName, CourseBase.SplineLayers), FlagsDrawing, true); } } Event.current.Use(); OnCleanupBase(); } if (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Escape) { Event.current.Use(); OnCleanupBase(); } if (drawing) { OnMouseDown(); } } LineToolUI.DrawLines(points, Black); }
static void HazardStartFreeDrop() { startSplineLayer = CourseBase.HazardLayers.Find(x => CourseBase.HazardType( == HazardBase.Type.Free_Drop); }
public override void OnUI(bool selected) { if (selected) { #region Delete if (CourseBase.ActiveSpline && Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Delete && Event.current.type == EventType.KeyDown) { CourseBase.ActiveSpline.LineChanged(); CourseBase.ActiveSpline.Transform.parent = null; if (!CourseBase.ActiveSpline.IsHazard) { CourseBase.ActiveSpline.Transform.DetachChildren(); } MonoBehaviour.DestroyImmediate(CourseBase.ActiveSpline.Transform.gameObject); if (CourseBase.ActiveSpline.IsHazard) { CourseBase.Hazards.Remove(CourseBase.ActiveSpline as HazardBase); } else { CourseBase.Splines.Remove(CourseBase.ActiveSpline); } CourseBase.Curves.Remove(CourseBase.ActiveSpline); CourseBase.ActiveSpline = null; Event.current.Use(); return; } #endregion BeginUI(); Move(3, 0); if (CourseBase.ActiveSpline != null) { SetColor(Green); Move(3, 0); if (!(CourseBase.ActiveSpline is HazardBase)) { CourseBase.ActiveSpline.Info.flags = (int)HoleFlagsField((SplineBase.SplineInfo.Flags)CourseBase.ActiveSpline.Info.flags); SetColor(Green); } Move(1, 0); CourseBase.ActiveSpline.Info.flags = (int)SquareField((SplineBase.SplineInfo.Flags)CourseBase.ActiveSpline.Info.flags); Move(1, 0); SetColor(Green); if (CourseBase.ActiveSpline is HazardBase) { Layer layer = CourseBase.ActiveSpline.Layer; CourseBase.ActiveSpline.Layer = LayerPopup("Layer", CourseBase.ActiveSpline.Layer, CourseBase.HazardLayers, 3); Move(3, 0); if (layer != CourseBase.ActiveSpline.Layer) { for (int i = 0; i < CourseBase.ActiveSpline.Info.colorNames.Length; ++i) { CourseBase.ActiveSpline.Info.colorNames[i] =; } } } else { CourseBase.ActiveSpline.Layer = LayerPopup("Layer", CourseBase.ActiveSpline.Layer, CourseBase.SplineLayers, 3); SetColor(); Move(3, 0); CourseBase.ActiveSpline.Info.locked = LockedField(CourseBase.ActiveSpline.Info.locked); } Move(1, 0); SetColor(); } else { SplineField(); Move(1, 0); HazardField(); Move(1, 0); if (SplineDrawing) { PointByPointField(); Move(1, 0); FlagsDrawing = HoleFlagsField(FlagsDrawing); Move(1, 0); FlagsDrawing = SquareField(FlagsDrawing); Move(1, 0); LayerName = LayerPopup("Layer", CourseBase.GetLayer(LayerName, CourseBase.SplineLayers), CourseBase.SplineLayers, 3).name; Move(3, 0); } if (HazardDrawing) { PointByPointField(); Move(1, 0); FlagsDrawing = HoleFlagsField(FlagsDrawing); Move(1, 0); FlagsDrawing = SquareField(FlagsDrawing); Move(1, 0); LayerName = LayerPopup("Layer", CourseBase.GetLayer(LayerName, CourseBase.HazardLayers), CourseBase.HazardLayers, 3).name; Move(3, 0); } } EndUI(); List <SplineBase> splines = CourseBase.Curves; for (int i = 0; i < splines.Count; ++i) { OnSplineGUI(splines[i], selected); } } if (LeftMouseDown) { CourseBase.ActiveSpline = null; } if (selected) { if (CourseBase.ActiveSpline == null && (SplineDrawing || HazardDrawing)) { OnMouse(); } if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(new Rect(0, 0, Screen.width, Screen.height), MouseCursor.Arrow); } } }
public static void OnSplineGUI(SplineBase spline, bool selected) { if ( { return; } if (spline != CourseBase.ActiveSpline && !IsMouseInside(spline.Lines.MinPoint, spline.Lines.MaxPoint)) { return; } bool leftDown = LeftMouseDown; bool rightDown = RightMouseDown; RaycastHit?currentHit = CourseBase.CameraTerrainHit; Vector3[] points = spline.Points; if (spline.ActivePoint == -1) { for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; ++i) { if (rightDown && IsMouseAround(points[i])) { if (spline.IsHazard) { if (spline == startSpline && startSplineLayer != null) { if (i == startSplineIndex) { EditorUtility.DisplayPopupMenu(new Rect(Event.current.mousePosition.x, Event.current.mousePosition.y, 0, 0), "CONTEXT/SplineTool/Hazard/Change/", null); } else { endSplineIndex = i; EditorUtility.DisplayPopupMenu(new Rect(Event.current.mousePosition.x, Event.current.mousePosition.y, 0, 0), "CONTEXT/SplineTool/Hazard/End/", null); } } else { startSpline = spline; startSplineIndex = i; startSplineDirection = 1; startSplineLayer = null; EditorUtility.DisplayPopupMenu(new Rect(Event.current.mousePosition.x, Event.current.mousePosition.y, 0, 0), "CONTEXT/SplineTool/Hazard/Start/", null); } } Event.current.Use(); break; } if (leftDown && IsMouseAround(points[i])) { CourseBase.ActiveSpline = spline; spline.ActivePoint = i; firstHit = currentHit; originalPoints = (Vector3[])points.Clone(); Event.current.Use(); break; } } } if (spline.ActivePoint != -1) { Vector3 delta =; if (firstHit != null && currentHit != null) { delta = (currentHit.Value.point - firstHit.Value.point); } bool changed = delta.magnitude > 0.01f; if (LeftMouseUp) { if (changed) { spline.LineChanged(); } spline.ActivePoint = -1; Event.current.Use(); } else if (LeftDoubleClick && !spline.Info.locked) { if (Event.current.modifiers == EventModifiers.Shift) { DeletePoint(spline); } else { AddPoint(spline); } } else if (LeftMouseDrag && changed && !spline.Info.locked) { if (Event.current.modifiers == EventModifiers.Shift) { for (int p = 0; p < points.Length; ++p) { points[p] = originalPoints[p] + delta; points[p].y = CourseBase.TerrainHeight(points[p].x, points[p].z); } } else if (Event.current.modifiers == EventModifiers.Control) { Vector3 center = spline.Lines.MinPoint + (spline.Lines.MaxPoint - spline.Lines.MinPoint) / 2; float scale = Mathf.Max(((currentHit.Value.point - center).magnitude / (firstHit.Value.point - center).magnitude), 0); for (int p = 0; p < points.Length; ++p) { points[p] = center + (originalPoints[p] - center) * scale; points[p].y = CourseBase.TerrainHeight(points[p].x, points[p].z); } } else { int index = spline.ActivePoint; points[index] = originalPoints[index] + delta; points[index].y = CourseBase.TerrainHeight(points[index].x, points[index].z); } spline.UpdateLine(); } } }