[HttpPost]//Grab the new firebase user and use it to create new AppUser
        public void Post([FromBody] AppUser appUser)
            var userClaims = User.Claims;
            var UserId     = userClaims.Where(cl => cl.Type == "user_id").FirstOrDefault().Value;

            appUser.UniqueId = UserId;

        public IActionResult Post(MateItem mateItem)
            MateItem newmateItem = mateItem;

            var     userClaims = User.Claims;
            var     UserId     = userClaims.Where(cl => cl.Type == "user_id").FirstOrDefault().Value;
            AppUser appUser    = _dbContext.AppUsers.Where(appusr => appusr.UniqueId == UserId).FirstOrDefault();

            var uploadsFolderPath = Path.Combine(_hostingEnv.WebRootPath, "Uploads");

            if (!Directory.Exists(uploadsFolderPath))

            //DONE: Find how to reduce file size(width & height), so that it will not have problem with xamarin Image control later.

            List <IFormFile> frmfiles = new List <IFormFile>();

            if (mateItem.FirstImage != null && mateItem.FirstImage.Length > 0 && mateItem.FirstImage.Length < Utilities.MAX_FILE_SIZE)
                if (Utilities.ACCEPTED_FILE_TYPES.Any(s => s == Path.GetExtension(mateItem.FirstImage.FileName)))
            if (mateItem.SecondImage != null && mateItem.SecondImage.Length > 0 && mateItem.SecondImage.Length < Utilities.MAX_FILE_SIZE)
                if (Utilities.ACCEPTED_FILE_TYPES.Any(s => s == Path.GetExtension(mateItem.SecondImage.FileName)))
            if (mateItem.ThirdImage != null && mateItem.ThirdImage.Length > 0 && mateItem.ThirdImage.Length < Utilities.MAX_FILE_SIZE)
                if (Utilities.ACCEPTED_FILE_TYPES.Any(s => s == Path.GetExtension(mateItem.ThirdImage.FileName)))

            if (frmfiles.Count > 0)
                foreach (var item in frmfiles)
                    var firstImgFileName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + Path.GetExtension(item.FileName);
                    var firstImgfilePath = Path.Combine(uploadsFolderPath, firstImgFileName);

                    using (var img = Image.FromStream(item.OpenReadStream()))
                        Stream memStrm     = new MemoryStream(img.Resize(300, 200).ToByteArray());
                        var    filestrmRes = new FileStreamResult(memStrm, "image/jpg");
                        var    stream      = new FileStream(firstImgfilePath, FileMode.Create);

                    var newPhoto = new Photo
                        Filename = firstImgFileName


            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return(BadRequest("Submitted wrong data!"));

            newmateItem.AppUserId = appUser.Id;
            //A bit redundant but the normal way is not working!!!
            newmateItem.Owner = _dbContext.AppUsers.Where(appusr => appusr.Id == newmateItem.AppUserId).FirstOrDefault();


            string newUri = Url.Link("GetMateItem", new { itemState = mateItem.ItemState, itemcategory = mateItem.ItemCategory, id = mateItem.Id });

            /////////////////////Now send mail to admin(Puppy), notifying him to go and approve the new post //////////////////////////
            ///////////////////End of send mail to admin(Puppy), notifying him to go and approve the new post///////////////////////

            return(Created(newUri, mateItem));
            //return Ok(mateItem);