Esempio n. 1
        public void Long_Key_Should_Not_Be_Truncated_With_False_CompatibilityMode()
            var tooLongKey = new string('a', CosmosDbKeyEscape.MaxKeyLength + 1);

            var sanitizedKey = CosmosDbKeyEscape.EscapeKey(tooLongKey, string.Empty, false);

            Assert.Equal(CosmosDbKeyEscape.MaxKeyLength + 1, sanitizedKey.Length);

            // The resulting key should be identical
            Assert.Equal(tooLongKey, sanitizedKey);
Esempio n. 2
        public void Long_Key_With_Illegal_Characters_Should_Be_Truncated()
            var tooLongKeyWithIllegalCharacters = "?test?" + new string('A', 1000);
            var sanitizedKey = CosmosDbKeyEscape.EscapeKey(tooLongKeyWithIllegalCharacters);

            // Verify the key ws truncated
            Assert.IsTrue(sanitizedKey.Length <= CosmosDbKeyEscape.MaxKeyLength, "Key too long");

            // Make sure the escaping still happened
Esempio n. 3
        public void Sanitize_Key_Should_Fail_With_Null_Key()
            // Null key should throw
            Assert.ThrowsException <ArgumentNullException>(() => CosmosDbKeyEscape.EscapeKey(null));

            // Empty string should throw
            Assert.ThrowsException <ArgumentNullException>(() => CosmosDbKeyEscape.EscapeKey(string.Empty));

            // Whitespace key should throw
            Assert.ThrowsException <ArgumentNullException>(() => CosmosDbKeyEscape.EscapeKey("     "));
Esempio n. 4
        public void Long_Key_With_Illegal_Characters_Should_Not_Be_Truncated_With_False_CompatibilityMode()
            var longKeyWithIllegalCharacters = "?test?" + new string('A', 1000);
            var sanitizedKey = CosmosDbKeyEscape.EscapeKey(longKeyWithIllegalCharacters, string.Empty, false);

            // Verify the key was NOT truncated
            Assert.Equal(1010, sanitizedKey.Length);

            // Make sure the escaping still happened
            Assert.StartsWith("*3ftest*3f", sanitizedKey);
        public void Long_Key_Should_Be_Truncated()
            var tooLongKey = new string('a', CosmosDbKeyEscape.MaxKeyLength + 1);

            var sanitizedKey = CosmosDbKeyEscape.EscapeKey(tooLongKey);

            Assert.IsTrue(sanitizedKey.Length <= CosmosDbKeyEscape.MaxKeyLength, "Key too long");

            // The resulting key should be:
            var hash       = tooLongKey.GetHashCode().ToString("x");
            var correctKey = sanitizedKey.Substring(0, CosmosDbKeyEscape.MaxKeyLength - hash.Length) + hash;

            Assert.AreEqual(correctKey, sanitizedKey);
        public void Collisions_Should_Not_Happen()
            var validKey  = "*2atest*2a";
            var validKey2 = "*test*";

            // If we failed to esacpe the "*", then validKey2 would
            // escape to the same value as validKey. To prevent this
            // we makes sure to escape the *.

            // Ascii code of "*" is "2a".
            var escaped1 = CosmosDbKeyEscape.EscapeKey(validKey);
            var escaped2 = CosmosDbKeyEscape.EscapeKey(validKey2);

            Assert.AreNotEqual(escaped1, escaped2);
Esempio n. 7
        public void Sanitize_Key_Should_Escape_Illegal_Character()
            // Ascii code of "?" is "3f".
            var sanitizedKey = CosmosDbKeyEscape.EscapeKey("?test?");

            Assert.Equal("*3ftest*3f", sanitizedKey);

            // Ascii code of "/" is "2f".
            var sanitizedKey2 = CosmosDbKeyEscape.EscapeKey("/test/");

            Assert.Equal("*2ftest*2f", sanitizedKey2);

            // Ascii code of "\" is "5c".
            var sanitizedKey3 = CosmosDbKeyEscape.EscapeKey("\\test\\");

            Assert.Equal("*5ctest*5c", sanitizedKey3);

            // Ascii code of "#" is "23".
            var sanitizedKey4 = CosmosDbKeyEscape.EscapeKey("#test#");

            Assert.Equal("*23test*23", sanitizedKey4);

            // Ascii code of "*" is "2a".
            var sanitizedKey5 = CosmosDbKeyEscape.EscapeKey("*test*");

            Assert.Equal("*2atest*2a", sanitizedKey5);

            // Ascii code of "*" is "2a".
            var sanitizedKey6 = CosmosDbKeyEscape.EscapeKey("test*");

            Assert.Equal("test*2a", sanitizedKey6);

            // Check a compound key
            var compoundSanitizedKey = CosmosDbKeyEscape.EscapeKey("?#/");

            Assert.Equal("*3f*23*2f", compoundSanitizedKey);