public void Dash() { dashPressed_ = true; CoroutineWrapper.DoAfterFrame(() => { dashPressed_ = false; }); }
private void FixedUpdate() { if (!enabled_) { return; } int resultCount = GetRaycastPositions().Sum(pos => CollisionsAtPosition(pos)); bool isOffGround = resultCount <= 0; if (checkDeath_ && isOffGround) { enabled_ = false; GameNotifications.OnBattlePlayerFellOffGround.Invoke(Player_); Player_.InputController.DisableInput(BattlePlayerInputController.PriorityKey.OffGround); Player_.InputController.CancelAnyAnimatedMovements(); Player_.Rigidbody.constraints = RigidbodyConstraints.None; Player_.Rigidbody.drag = 0.0f; dustParticleSystem_.SetEmissionRateOverDistance(0.0f); coroutine_ = CoroutineWrapper.DoAfterDelay(kDeathDelay, () => { Player_.Health.Kill(); }); } }
private void SetDepthOfFieldEnabledInternal(bool enabled, bool animate) { if (depthOfFieldCoroutine_ != null) { depthOfFieldCoroutine_.Cancel(); depthOfFieldCoroutine_ = null; } DepthOfFieldModel.Settings settings = postProcessingProfile_.depthOfField.settings; if (!animate) { settings.focalLength = enabled ? kMaxFocalLength : kMinFocalLength; postProcessingProfile_.depthOfField.settings = settings; postProcessingProfile_.depthOfField.enabled = enabled; } else { postProcessingProfile_.depthOfField.enabled = true; float start = enabled ? kMinFocalLength : kMaxFocalLength; float end = enabled ? kMaxFocalLength : kMinFocalLength; depthOfFieldCoroutine_ = CoroutineWrapper.DoEaseFor(kDepthOfFieldAnimationDuration, EaseType.CubicEaseOut, (float p) => { settings.focalLength = Mathf.Lerp(start, end, p); postProcessingProfile_.depthOfField.settings = settings; }, () => { postProcessingProfile_.depthOfField.enabled = enabled; }); } }
public static CoroutineWaiter GetAwaiter(this IEnumerator coroutine) { var awaiter = new CoroutineWaiter(); runer.StartCoroutine(CoroutineWrapper.WaitReturnNull(awaiter, coroutine)); return(awaiter); }
// PRAGMA MARK - IRecycleSetupSubscriber Implementation public void OnRecycleSetup() { float segmentSize = 1.0f / kSegments; float halfSegmentSize = segmentSize / 2.0f; for (float x = -0.5f + halfSegmentSize; x <= 0.5f; x += segmentSize) { for (float y = -0.5f + halfSegmentSize; y <= 0.5f; y += segmentSize) { for (float z = -0.5f + halfSegmentSize; z <= 0.5f; z += segmentSize) { GameObject partObject = ObjectPoolManager.Create(partPrefab_, parent: this.gameObject); partObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(segmentSize, segmentSize, segmentSize); partObject.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(x, y, z); } } } if (InGameConstants.BattlePlayerPartsFade) { coroutine_ = CoroutineWrapper.DoAfterDelay(GameConstants.Instance.BattlePlayerPartFadeDuration, () => { ObjectPoolManager.Recycle(this); }); } }
private void AnimateToState(BGMState state) { if (coroutine_ != null) { coroutine_.Cancel(); coroutine_ = null; } float oldVolume = backgroundMusicAudioSource_.volume; float newVolume = 0.0f; switch (state) { case BGMState.Normal: newVolume = 1.0f; break; case BGMState.Muted: newVolume = kBGMMutedVolume; break; } coroutine_ = CoroutineWrapper.DoEaseFor(kBGMStateTransitionDuration, EaseType.SineEaseInOut, (float p) => { backgroundMusicAudioSource_.volume = Mathf.Lerp(oldVolume, newVolume, p); }); }
/// <summary> /// 弹框提示信息,分两类 /// ----第一类:两行内容的=== title:标题, content:内容---- /// 第二类:一行内容的=== title为空, content:内容---- /// </summary> /// <param name="title"></param> /// <param name="content"></param> public void ShowPopup(string title, string content) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(title) && content != null) { ContentTextSingle.text = content; SingleTipGo.SetActive(true); if (content.Length < 14) { ContentTextSingle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; } else { ContentTextSingle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; } } else { TitleText.text = title; ContentTextTwice.text = content; TwiceTipGo.SetActive(true); if (content.Length < 14) { ContentTextTwice.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; } else { ContentTextTwice.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; } } CoroutineWrapper.EXES(4f, () => { Hide(); }); }
// PRAGMA MARK - IRecycleSetupSubscriber Implementation void IRecycleSetupSubscriber.OnRecycleSetup() { dispersing_ = false; CancelCoroutines(); renderer_.material.SetFloat("_DissolveFactor", 0.0f); coroutines_.Add(CoroutineWrapper.DoEaseFor(kInDuration * 0.6f, EaseType.CubicEaseOut, (float percentage) => { float scale = Mathf.Lerp(0.0f, kFinalScale, percentage); this.transform.localScale = new Vector3(scale, scale, scale); float emissionGain = Mathf.Lerp(0.0f, kMaxEmissionGain, percentage); renderer_.material.SetFloat("_EmissionGain", emissionGain); }, () => { coroutines_.Add(CoroutineWrapper.DoEaseFor(kInDuration * 0.4f, EaseType.CubicEaseOut, (float percentage2) => { float newScale = Mathf.Lerp(kFinalScale, kHeldScale, percentage2); this.transform.localScale = new Vector3(newScale, newScale, newScale); float newEmissionGain = Mathf.Lerp(kMaxEmissionGain, kHeldEmissionGain, percentage2); renderer_.material.SetFloat("_EmissionGain", newEmissionGain); }, () => { CancelCoroutines(); StartHeldLooping(); })); })); }
// PRAGMA MARK - Public Interface public void Init(string title, GameObject detailPrefab, Action allPlayersReadyCallback) { titleText_.Text = title; ObjectPoolManager.Create(detailPrefab, parent: detailContainer_); views_.Clear(); allPlayersReadyCallback_ = allPlayersReadyCallback; foreach (Player player in RegisteredPlayers.AllPlayers.Where(p => !p.IsAI)) { var view = ObjectPoolManager.Create <InstructionPlayerReadyView>(GamePrefabs.Instance.InstructionPlayerReadyViewPrefab, parent: playersReadyContainer_); view.Init(player); view.OnReady += CheckIfAllPlayersReady; views_.Add(view); } transition_.AnimateIn(() => { // NOTE (darren): don't allow players to ready up until transition is finished foreach (var view in views_) { view.StartChecking(); } CoroutineWrapper.DoAfterDelay(kNoPlayersCheckDuration, () => { // NOTE (darren): if all AI players then this will pass inspection CheckIfAllPlayersReady(); }); }); }
private void RespawnDummyPlayer(RecyclablePrefab unused) { CleanupDummyPlayer(recycle: false); CoroutineWrapper.DoAfterDelay(3.0f, () => { SpawnDummyPlayer(); }); }
void ITransition.Animate(TransitionType transitionType, float delay, Action <ITransition> callback) { CurrentTransitionType_ = transitionType; EaseType easeType = (transitionType == TransitionType.In) ? inEaseType_ : outEaseType_; T startValue = (transitionType == TransitionType.In) ? GetOutValue() : GetInValue(); if (currentCoroutine_ != null) { currentCoroutine_.Cancel(); currentCoroutine_ = null; // If interrupted - start from current value startValue = GetCurrentValue(); } T endValue = (transitionType == TransitionType.In) ? GetInValue() : GetOutValue(); SetValue(startValue, endValue, 0.0f); currentCoroutine_ = CoroutineWrapper.DoAfterDelay(baseDelay_ + delay, () => { currentCoroutine_ = CoroutineWrapper.DoEaseFor(duration_, easeType, (float p) => { SetValue(startValue, endValue, p); }, () => { currentCoroutine_ = null; callback.Invoke(this); }); }); }
private IEnumerator MoveToPosition(Vector3 position) { // NOTE (darren): why do we need to wait a frame? // if we generate a position that is too close + we are already // there, then we can actually set coroutine_ to the DoAfterDelay // which will get overridden by the first coroutine_ when the method returns... // therefore we lose the reference to the DoAfterDelay :O yield return(null); Vector2 xzPosition = position.Vector2XZValue(); while (true) { Vector2 currentXZPosition = stateMachine_.Player.transform.position.Vector2XZValue(); if (Vector2.Distance(currentXZPosition, xzPosition) <= kGoodEnoughDistance) { break; } stateMachine_.InputState.LerpMovementVectorTowards(xzPosition - currentXZPosition); yield return(null); } coroutine_ = CoroutineWrapper.DoEveryFrameForDelay(UnityEngine.Random.Range(kIdleDelayMin, kIdleDelayMax), () => { stateMachine_.InputState.LerpMovementVectorTowards(; }, () => { MoveToRandomNearbyPosition(); }); }
private void MoveToRandomNearbyPosition() { Vector3 nearbyPosition = GenerateRandomNearbyPosition(); // TODO (darren): validate nearby position with nav-mesh coroutine_ = CoroutineWrapper.StartCoroutine(MoveToPosition(nearbyPosition)); }
public void AnimateAlpha(float alpha, float duration) { CancelAnimation(); animateCoroutine_ = CoroutineWrapper.DoEaseFor(duration, EaseType.QuinticEaseIn, (float p) => { SetAlpha(Mathf.Lerp(alpha, 0.0f, p)); }); }
public static CoroutineWrapper StartCoroutineAsync(IEnumerator coroutine, MonoBehaviour host) { var wrapper = new CoroutineWrapper(); RunOnUnityScheduler(() => { host.StartCoroutine(wrapper.Run(coroutine)); }); return(wrapper); }
public static CoroutineWrapper StartCancelableCoroutineAsync(IEnumerator coroutine, MonoBehaviour host, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var wrapper = new CoroutineWrapper(cancellationToken); RunOnUnityScheduler(() => { host.StartCoroutine(wrapper.Run(coroutine)); }); return(wrapper); }
private void KeepBeakOpenFor(float duration) { keepBeakOpen_ = true; CoroutineWrapper.DoAfterDelay(duration, () => { keepBeakOpen_ = false; }); }
private IEnumerator AutoTapCoroutine() { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(GameConstants.kDooberAutoTapDelay)); this._autoTapCoroutine = null; this.HandleTap(); }
protected override void OnStateEntered() { if (!PlayerScores.HasPendingScores) { HandleScoringFinished(); return; } InGameConstants.AllowChargingLasers = false; InGameConstants.EnableQuacking = true; GameModesProgressionNextUnlockView.ShowIfPossible(); ActionHintTrackerUtil.ShowIfNecessary(HintKey.CelebrateAction, HintKey.ReflectAction); celebrateActionAccumulator_.BeginAccumulating(); if (InGameConstants.ZoomInOnSurvivors) { BattleCamera.Instance.SetSurvivingPlayersAsTransformsOfInterest(); } if (InGameConstants.ShowScoringView) { CoroutineWrapper.DoAfterDelay(kShowDelay, () => { InGamePlayerScoringView.Show(HandleScoringFinished); }); } else { CoroutineWrapper.DoAfterDelay(kShowDelay + 2.0f, () => { HandleScoringFinished(); }); } }
private void Awake() { wrapper = new CoroutineWrapper(this); TestBoss.OnBossAwaken += TestBoss_OnBossAwaken; TestBoss.OnBossRemoved += TestBoss_OnBossRemoved; }
private void CancelAnimation() { if (animateCoroutine_ != null) { animateCoroutine_.Cancel(); animateCoroutine_ = null; } }
private void CleanupSelectorAnimationCoroutine() { if (selectorAnimationCoroutine_ != null) { selectorAnimationCoroutine_.Cancel(); selectorAnimationCoroutine_ = null; } }
public static SimpleCoroutineAwaiter <object> GetAwaiter(this IEnumerator coroutine) { var awaiter = new SimpleCoroutineAwaiter <object>(); var enumerator = new CoroutineWrapper <object>(coroutine, awaiter).Run(); RunOnUnityScheduler(() => RunCoroutine(enumerator)); return(awaiter); }
// PRAGMA MARK - IRecycleSetupSubscriber Implementation public void OnRecycleSetup() { coroutine_ = CoroutineWrapper.DoEaseFor(duration_, EaseType.CubicEaseOut, (float percentage) => { light_.intensity = Mathf.Lerp(kLightIntensity, 0.0f, percentage); }, () => { ObjectPoolManager.Recycle(this); }); }
private void CancelReflectCoroutine() { if (reflectCoroutine_ != null) { reflectCoroutine_.Cancel(); reflectCoroutine_ = null; } }
protected override void OnStateExited() { StateMachine_.InputState.CancelTargetMovementVector(); if (coroutine_ != null) { coroutine_.Cancel(); coroutine_ = null; } }
public void Show(string rTextTip, float rTimeLength = 3.0f) { if (mCoroutineWrapper != null) { CoroutineManager.Instance.Stop(mCoroutineWrapper); mCoroutineWrapper = null; } mCoroutineWrapper = CoroutineManager.Instance.StartWrapper(StartAnim(rTextTip, rTimeLength)); }
protected override void OnStateUpdated() { if (coroutine_ == null && InGameConstants.IsAllowedToChargeLasers(StateMachine_.Player)) { coroutine_ = CoroutineWrapper.DoAfterDelay(GetRandomCheckAttackDelay(), () => { StateMachine_.SwitchState(AIStateMachine.State.Attack); }); } }
public void showtoast(string content) { toastObj.text = content; toastObj.gameObject.SetActive(true); CoroutineWrapper.EXES(1.5f, () => { toastObj.gameObject.SetActive(false); }); }
/// <summary> /// 根据状态码执行 /// </summary> /// <param name="status"></param> public void PopupInfo(string status) { isHit = false; Debug.Log(status); switch (status) { case "200": PP.ShowPopup("请求成功", "密码修改成功,请重新登录"); gameObject.SetActive(false); CoroutineWrapper.EXES(1f, () => { mainUISet.lastpagename = mainUISet.UIname.main; mainUISet.lastpageid = 0; mainui.LogOut(); }); break; case "300": PP.ShowPopup("意见提交成功", "意见提交成功,我们会尽快查看!"); break; case "500": PP.ShowPopup("请求失败", "请求失败,请稍后再试!"); break; case "Error": PP.ShowPopup("请求失败", "请稍候重试"); break; case "null": PP.ShowPopup("格式错误", "昵称不可为空"); break; case "1002": PP.ShowPopup("号码出错", "号码已存在,请更换手机号再试"); break; case "1004": PP.ShowPopup("验证码错误", "请输入正确的验证码"); break; case "1007": PP.ShowPopup("", "密码修改成功,请重新登录"); gameObject.SetActive(false); CoroutineWrapper.EXES(1f, () => { mainUISet.lastpagename = mainUISet.UIname.main; mainUISet.lastpageid = 0; mainui.LogOut(); }); break; default: PP.ShowPopup("请求失败", "请稍候重试"); break; } }