Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Perform registrations and build the container -
        /// </summary>
        private void ConfigureAutofac()
            var builder = new ContainerBuilder();

            builder.RegisterModule(new GlobalWeatherModule());
            var container = builder.Build();

            CoreServiceLocator.SetServiceLocator(() => new AutofacServiceLocator(container));
Esempio n. 2
        public static AuthenticationResult Authenticate(string userName, string password, out Account account, bool passwordIsHashed = false)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userName))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("userName");

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(password))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("password");

            int authenticationAttemptID = 0;
            AuthenticationStatus result = AuthenticationStatus.Failure_Unknown;

            using (ICoreRepositoryManager repository = CoreServiceLocator.GetRepositoryManager())
                CoreEntities ctx = repository.DataModel;
                account = null;

                //lets patch up the username and remove any leading or trailing spaces.
                userName = userName.Trim();

                //lets look and see if the userName is an email address.
                account = ctx.Accounts.SingleOrDefault(p => p.UserName == userName && !p.Voided);

                if (account != null)
                    //check account approved/disabled
                    result = account.Approved ? AuthenticationStatus.Success : AuthenticationStatus.Failure_AccountNotApproved;
                    result = account.Disabled ? AuthenticationStatus.Failure_AccountDisabled : AuthenticationStatus.Success;
                    result = account.Password == null ? AuthenticationStatus.Failure_NoPassword : AuthenticationStatus.Success;

                    //if so far we are approved and not disabled, and password is not null, then lets check the password against the input.
                    if (result == AuthenticationStatus.Success && !VerifyPasswordMatch(password, account.Password, passwordIsHashed))
                        result = AuthenticationStatus.Failure_IncorrectPassword;
                    result = AuthenticationStatus.Failure_AccountNotExist;

                if (account != null)
                    //detach the contact so we don't have to worry about duplicates being committed into the database since this context is going out of scope *very* soon.

            return(new AuthenticationResult(result, authenticationAttemptID));
Esempio n. 3
        //TODO make this more generic between different methods? Sync, Publish, etc.
        private static async Task <int> RunSyncWithOptionsAndExit(SyncOptions syncOptions)
            var locator = new CoreServiceLocator();
            ITaskReportable <SyncData> syncService = locator.GetService <SyncService>();
            IReport report = await syncService.StartTask(syncOptions.ToSyncData()).ConfigureAwait(true);


            if (report.Success)
