internal static void Initialize() { if (Initialized) { return; } Initialized = true; try { CoreLogger = new GadgetLogger("GadgetCore", "Core"); CoreLogger.Log("GadgetCore v" + GadgetCoreAPI.FULL_VERSION + " Initializing!"); Debug.Log("GadgetCore v" + GadgetCoreAPI.FULL_VERSION); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.Log(e); GadgetCoreAPI.Quit(); return; } try { if (File.Exists(Application.persistentDataPath + "/PlayerPrefs.txt") && VerifySaveFile()) { if (GadgetCoreConfig.MaxBackups > 0) { File.Copy(Application.persistentDataPath + "/PlayerPrefs.txt", Path.Combine(GadgetPaths.SaveBackupsPath, "Save Backup - " + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-dd-M_HH-mm-ss") + ".txt")); FileInfo[] backups = new DirectoryInfo(GadgetPaths.SaveBackupsPath).GetFiles().OrderByDescending(x => x.LastWriteTime.Year <= 1601 ? x.CreationTime : x.LastWriteTime).ToArray(); if (backups.Length > GadgetCoreConfig.MaxBackups) { for (int i = GadgetCoreConfig.MaxBackups; i < backups.Length; i++) { backups[i].Delete(); } } } } else { GadgetCoreAPI.Quit(); return; } HarmonyInstance = new Harmony("GadgetCore.core"); Type[] types; try { types = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes(); } catch (ReflectionTypeLoadException e) { types = e.Types.Where(t => t != null).ToArray(); } types.Do(delegate(Type type) { object[] attributes = type.GetCustomAttributes(true); if (!attributes.Any(x => x.GetType() == typeof(HarmonyGadgetAttribute))) { HarmonyInstance.CreateClassProcessor(type).Patch(); } }); new Thread(new ThreadStart(() => { Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "GadgetCore Unity Engine Log Cloner"; Thread.CurrentThread.Priority = System.Threading.ThreadPriority.Lowest; Thread.CurrentThread.IsBackground = true; string logPath = Application.dataPath + "\\output_log.txt"; if (!File.Exists(logPath)) { logPath = Application.persistentDataPath + "\\output_log.txt"; } if (!File.Exists(logPath)) { logPath = "~/Library/Logs/Unity/Player.log"; } if (!File.Exists(logPath)) { logPath = "~/.config/unity3d/DefaultCompany/Roguelands/Player.log"; } if (!File.Exists(logPath)) { CoreLogger.LogWarning("Unable to find Unity log file!"); return; } string targetPath = Path.Combine(GadgetPaths.LogsPath, "Unity Output.log"); DateTime t = default; while (!Quitting) { if (File.Exists(logPath) && File.GetLastWriteTime(logPath) > t) { File.Copy(logPath, targetPath, true); t = DateTime.Now; } Thread.Sleep(100); } })).Start(); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += (object sender, ResolveEventArgs args) => { string name = new AssemblyName(args.Name).Name; if (LoadedAssemblies.ContainsKey(name)) { return(LoadedAssemblies[name]); } foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(GadgetPaths.LibsPath)) { if (AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName(file).Name == name) { Assembly assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(file); LoadedAssemblies[name] = assembly; return(assembly); } } return(null); }; AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ReflectionOnlyAssemblyResolve += (object sender, ResolveEventArgs args) => { string name = new AssemblyName(args.Name).Name; if (LoadedAssemblies.ContainsKey("ReflectionOnly: " + name)) { return(LoadedAssemblies["ReflectionOnly: " + name]); } foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(GadgetPaths.LibsPath)) { if (AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName(file).Name == name) { Assembly assembly = Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoadFrom(file); LoadedAssemblies["ReflectionOnly: " + name] = assembly; return(assembly); } } return(null); }; LoadMainMenu(); try { UMFAPI = new UMFAPI(); UMFAPI.GetModNames(); CoreLogger.Log("Enabling UMF API as UMF is installed."); } catch (Exception) { UMFAPI = null; CoreLogger.Log("Disabling UMF API as UMF is not installed."); } CoreLib = Activator.CreateInstance(Assembly.LoadFile(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(GadgetPaths.GadgetCorePath, "DependentLibs"), "GadgetCoreLib.dll")).GetTypes().First(x => typeof(IGadgetCoreLib).IsAssignableFrom(x))) as IGadgetCoreLib; CoreLib.ProvideLogger(CoreLogger); GadgetCoreConfig.Load(); CoreLogger.Log("Finished loading config."); RegisterKeys(); IniData coreManifest = new IniData(); coreManifest["Metadata"]["Name"] = "GadgetCore"; coreManifest["Metadata"]["Assembly"] = Path.Combine(GadgetPaths.ManagedPath, "GadgetCore.dll"); GadgetMod coreMod = new GadgetMod(GadgetPaths.GadgetCorePath, coreManifest, Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()); GadgetMods.RegisterMod(coreMod); VanillaRegistration(); SceneManager.sceneLoaded += OnSceneLoaded; SceneInjector.InjectMainMenu(); GadgetLoader.LoadAllMods(); DontDestroyOnLoad(new GameObject("GadgetCore", typeof(GadgetCore))); CoreLogger.LogConsole("GadgetCore v" + GadgetCoreAPI.FULL_VERSION + " Initialized!"); #pragma warning disable CS0162 // Unreachable code detected if (GadgetCoreAPI.IS_BETA) { CoreLogger.LogWarning("You are currently running a beta version of GadgetCore! Be prepared for bugs!"); } #pragma warning restore CS0162 // Unreachable code detected } catch (Exception e) { CoreLogger.LogError("There was a fatal error loading GadgetCore: " + e); } }