public ActionResult LogOff() { logger.Info(Environment.NewLine + "User logged out: " + CookieHandler.GetUserNameFromCookie("LoginCookie") + " " + DateTime.Now); CookieHandler.DeleteCookie("LoginCookie"); return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Login")); }
public async Task <IActionResult> AddMessage([FromBody] MessageCreate msg, string username) { //Create a new message from logged in user //TODO if user not logged in if (!CookieHandler.LoggedIn(Request) && !(Request.Headers.TryGetValue("Authorization", out var header) && header.Equals(AuthorizationConstants.terribleHackAuth))) { return(Unauthorized()); } switch (Request.Method) { case "POST": _logger.LogInformation($"User: {username} posted msg: {msg.content}"); _timelineRepository.PostMessage(username, msg.content); return(NoContent()); case "GET": _logger.LogInformation($"GET request to msgs/{username} - This end point should not be called... Typically?"); _timelineRepository.GetUserTimeline(username); return(NoContent()); } return(NoContent()); }
public async Task <ActionResult> PerfilUsuario(Usuario modelo) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { HttpResponseMessage respuesta = await ApiHelper.PUT <Usuario>("Usuario/PutUsuarioPerfil", modelo, GetAuthToken); if (respuesta.IsSuccessStatusCode) { Usuario nuevo = await ApiHelper.GET_By_ID <Usuario>("Usuario/GetUsuario", modelo.IdUsuario, GetAuthToken); HttpContext.Response.Cookies.Set(CookieHandler.UpdateTicket(nuevo)); } else { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Ha ocurrido un problema"); } } catch (Exception) { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Ha ocurrido un problema"); throw; } } return(RedirectToAction("PerfilUsuario")); }
private static void StoreUsernameImpl(string userName, bool persistAcrossSessions) { Verify.ArgumentNotNullOrEmpty(userName, "userName"); userName = userName.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); TimeSpan timeToLive = (persistAcrossSessions ? TimeSpan.FromDays(365) : TempTicketMaxAge); var ticket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket(userName, persistAcrossSessions, (int)timeToLive.TotalMinutes); string encryptedTicket = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(ticket); var cookie = CookieHandler.SetCookieInternal(AuthCookieName, encryptedTicket); cookie.HttpOnly = true; var context = HttpContext.Current; if (context != null && context.Request.IsSecureConnection) { cookie.Secure = true; } if (persistAcrossSessions) { cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now + timeToLive; } }
public ActionResult EmptyCart(string returnUrl) { var ch = new CookieHandler(); ch.EmptyCart(); return RedirectToAction("Cart",new { returnUrl = returnUrl }); }
public ActionResult Update() { int merchandiseId, orderAmount; string orderComment; // прочитать из Cookie идентификатор клиента var customerId = CookieHandler.GetCookieValue <String>(this.Request.Cookies, this.Response, CookieNames.CustomerId, Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), DateTime.Now.AddYears(1)); #region Прочитать параметры POST-запроса if (this.Request.Params.Count == 0) { ViewBag.ResponseMessage = "error: В запросе не переданы обязательные параметры заказа."; return(View()); } merchandiseId = RequestParametersHandler.GetRequestParameter <int>(this.Request.Params, WebRequestParamNames.MerchandiseId); orderAmount = RequestParametersHandler.GetRequestParameter <int>(this.Request.Params, WebRequestParamNames.OrderAmount); orderComment = RequestParametersHandler.GetRequestParameter <string>(this.Request.Params, WebRequestParamNames.OrderComment) ?? String.Empty; #endregion // Обновить заказ в БД ViewBag.ResponseMessage = this.service.UpdateMerchandiseInOrder(customerId, merchandiseId, orderAmount, orderComment); return(View()); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { CookieHandler.checkLogin(); Label1.Text = CookieHandler.getUsername(); Label2.Text = CookieHandler.getPassword(); Label3.Text = CookieHandler.getID().ToString(); }
public IActionResult FetchMaitenanceRequest() { try { int tenantID = CookieHandler.GetCurrentUserID(Request.Cookies["AuthToken"]); var activeRequest = new List <MaintenanceRequest>(); var inactiveRequest = new List <MaintenanceRequest>(); var tenant = Methods.Methods.GetTenant(tenantID); var Requests = Methods.Methods.RetrieveMaitenanceRequests(tenant.PropertyID); foreach (var request in Requests) { if (request.ActiveRequest) { activeRequest.Add(request); } else { inactiveRequest.Add(request); } } return(Json(new { active = activeRequest, inactive = inactiveRequest })); } catch (Exception ex) { return(Ok(ex)); } }
public IActionResult VerifyBankAccount(string first, string second) { var tenantID = CookieHandler.GetCurrentUserID(Request.Cookies["AuthToken"]); var tenant = Methods.Methods.GetTenant(tenantID); var deposits = new List <string>(); deposits.Add(first); deposits.Add(second); try { if (StripeService.VerifyBankAccount(tenant, deposits)) { return(Json(new { success = true })); } else { return(Json(new { success = false, error = "Could not verify bank." })); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(Json(new { success = false, error = ex.Message })); } }
public IActionResult GetPaymentInfo() { var tenantID = CookieHandler.GetCurrentUserID(Request.Cookies["AuthToken"]); var tenant = Methods.Methods.GetTenant(tenantID); //New tenants with no previous payment method if (tenant.StripeID == "") { return(Json(new { success = false })); } //Tenants who has a payment method on file, but needs to verify a bank account if (tenant.StripeIsVerified == false) { BankAccount bank = StripeService.GetBankAccount(tenant); return(Json(new { success = true, isVerified = false, paymentInfo = bank })); } //Tenant who has payment method on file, and ready to make payments. if (tenant.StripeIsVerified == true) { BankAccount bank = StripeService.GetBankAccount(tenant); return(Json(new { success = true, isVerified = true, paymentInfo = bank })); } return(BadRequest()); }
public ActionResult SignIn(FormCollection collection) { try { var authToken = collection.Get("oauth"); if (authToken == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Login")); } //if cookie doesnt exist var encodedTokenArray = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(authToken); // make get request to get current user information from SC //TODO 'authToken' needs to be encrypted CookieHandler.generateCookie(HttpContext.Response.Cookies, "SoundCloudToken", authToken); // make get request to get current user information from SC /* this could all be in a class file. can make the api urls constants */ return(RedirectToAction("Index", "User")); } catch { return(View()); //return RedirectToAction("Index"); } }
/** * Notice that automatic compression doesn't work! */ protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (directive == "compile") { _mode = CompositeScriptMode.COMPILE; } else if (CookieHandler.Get("mode") == "develop") { _mode = CompositeScriptMode.DEVELOP; } else { _mode = CompositeScriptMode.OPERATE; } string folderPath = Path.Combine(HttpContext.Current.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath, "Composite"); switch (type) { case "top": _defaultscripts = ScriptHandler.GetTopScripts(_mode, folderPath); break; case "sub": _defaultscripts = ScriptHandler.GetSubScripts(_mode, folderPath); break; } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Register([FromBody] RegisterModel model) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(Unauthorized()); } if (CookieHandler.LoggedIn(Request) && Guid.TryParse(Request.Cookies["userId"].ToString(), out var UserId)) { return(RedirectToAction("Root", "Timeline")); } try { var res = _userRepository.RegisterUser(model); var options = new CookieOptions(); options.Expires = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(60); HttpContext.Response.Cookies.Append("user", model.username, options); HttpContext.Response.Cookies.Append("userId", res.ToString(), options); //return RedirectToAction("Root", "Timeline"); } catch (Exception e) { } return(NoContent()); }
public async Task <IActionResult> fllws([FromBody] followModel follow, string username) { //TODO maybe auth //If user not logged in if (!CookieHandler.LoggedIn(Request) && !(Request.Headers.TryGetValue("Authorization", out var header) && header.Equals(AuthorizationConstants.terribleHackAuth))) { return(Unauthorized()); } // TODO: Figure out this mess :) if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(follow.follow)) { _logger.LogInformation($"User {username} Unfollow user {follow.unfollow}"); if (!_userRepository.UnfollowUser(username, follow.unfollow)) { return(NoContent()); } } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(follow.unfollow)) { _logger.LogInformation($"User {username} follow user {follow.follow}"); if (!_userRepository.FollowUser(username, follow.follow)) { return(NotFound()); } } return(NoContent()); }
protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) { string root = UrlUtils.AdminRootPath; if (Directive == "compile") { StyleCompiler.Compile(HostingEnvironment.MapPath(root + "/styles/styles.css"), HostingEnvironment.MapPath(root + "/styles/styles_compiled.css")); StyleCompiler.Compile(HostingEnvironment.MapPath(root + "/skins/skin.css"), HostingEnvironment.MapPath(root + "/skins/skin_compiled.css")); return; } bool isInDevelopMode = CookieHandler.Get("mode") == "develop"; if (isInDevelopMode) { writer.WriteLine(stylesheet(root + "/styles/styles.css.aspx")); writer.WriteLine(stylesheet(root + "/skins/skin.css.aspx")); } else { writer.WriteLine(stylesheet(root + "/styles/styles_compiled.css.aspx")); writer.WriteLine(stylesheet(root + "/skins/skin_compiled.css.aspx")); } writer.WriteLine(stylesheet(root + "/skins/dynamicskin.css.aspx")); }
public IActionResult GetInvoices() { try { var tenantID = CookieHandler.GetCurrentUserID(Request.Cookies["AuthToken"]); List <Invoice> paidInvoices = new List <Invoice>(); List <Invoice> unPaidInvoices = new List <Invoice>(); var tenant = Methods.Methods.GetTenant(tenantID); var invoices = Methods.Methods.GetInvoices(tenant.PropertyID); foreach (var invoice in invoices) { if (invoice.PaidInFull) { paidInvoices.Add(invoice); } else { unPaidInvoices.Add(invoice); } } return(Json(new { success = true, paidInvoices = paidInvoices, unPaidInvoices = unPaidInvoices })); } catch (Exception ex) { return(Json(new { success = false, error = ex.Message })); } }
public HomeController(ApiService apiService, IDataProtectionProvider provider, IConfiguration config, EncryptionService mock) { _provider = provider; cookieHandler = new CookieHandler(new HttpContextAccessor(), _provider, config); _apiService = apiService; _config = config; _mock = mock; }
public IActionResult GetEmploymentInfo() { var tenantID = CookieHandler.GetCurrentUserID(Request.Cookies["AuthToken"]); var details = SQLStatements.GetEmploymentDetails(tenantID); return(Json(new { success = true, data = details })); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { CookieHandler.checkLogin(); labelName.Text = CookieHandler.getUserFullName(); labelJet.Text = CookieHandler.getCookieValue("jet"); labelDate.Text = CookieHandler.getCookieValue("date"); labelDestination.Text = CookieHandler.getCookieValue("dest"); }
public void Init(HttpApplication application) { _corsHandler = new CORSHandler(); _requestHandler = new RequestHandler(); _cookieHandler = new CookieHandler(); _headerHandler = new HeaderHandler(); application.PostAuthenticateRequest += OnPostAuthenticateRequest; application.BeginRequest += application_BeginRequest; }
/// <summary> /// Transform the received HTTP cookie to a stored request state instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="requestBase">Http Request to get the request state from.</param> public static StoredRequestState GetStoredRequestState(this HttpRequestBase requestBase) { if (requestBase == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("requestBase"); } return(Deserialize(Decrypt(CookieHandler.Read()))); }
public AuthController(IDataProtectionProvider provider, ApiService apiService, JwtHelper jwtHelper, LogInHandler logInHandler, IConfiguration config, EncryptionService encryptionService, NotificationService notify) { _apiService = apiService; dataProtectionHelper = new DataProtectionHelper(provider); cookieHandler = new CookieHandler(new HttpContextAccessor(), provider, config); _jwtHelper = jwtHelper; _logInHandler = logInHandler; _encryptionService = encryptionService; _notify = notify; }
private static async Task CookieMiddleware(HttpContext context, Func <Task> next) { if (context.Request.IsInteresting()) { CookieHandler.Handle(context); HeaderHandler.Handle(context); } await next(); }
public static string retriveMe(HttpRequestBase request) { /* check if logged in*/ /* need to pass in oauth ID */ string command = SoundCloudAPIConstants.SoundCloudCommands["Me"]; string parameters = "?oauth_token=" + CookieHandler.getCookie(request, "SoundCloudToken").Value; return(HttpUtil.HttpGet(command, parameters)); }
// GET: /Order/Cancel public ActionResult Cancel() { // Проверка наличия в Cookie требуемых параметров - Идентификатор клиента var customerId = CookieHandler.GetCookieValue(this.Request.Cookies, this.Response, CookieNames.CustomerId, Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), DateTime.Now.AddYears(1)); this.service.CancelActiveOrder(customerId); CookieHandler.SetCookieValue <bool>(this.Response, CookieNames.IsOrderNotEmpty, false, DateTime.Now.AddDays(1)); return(View("Main", PrepareOrderDetails())); }
public void FlushUsername() { CookieHandler.Set(AuthCookieName, "", DateTime.Now.AddYears(-10)); string key = typeof(HttpContextBasedLoginSessionStore) + "StoredUsername"; if (RequestLifetimeCache.HasKey(key)) { RequestLifetimeCache.Remove(key); } }
public void Handle(LogInCommand command) { using (var dbContext = new UserAccountDataContext()) { User user = dbContext.Users.SingleOrDefault(u => u.Login == command.Login); ValidateLoginData(user, command); var appUser = CreateAppUserEntity(user); CookieHandler.Create(appUser, command.RememberMe); } }
public static string retriveOAuthToken(HttpRequestBase request) { var parameters = "?client_id=" + _clientID + "&client_secret=" + _secretKey + "&redirect_uri=" + _redirectUrl + "grant_type=authorization_code" + "&code=" + CookieHandler.getCookie(request, "SoundCloudToken").Value; // decrypt token string return(HttpUtil.HttpPost("", parameters)); }
public IActionResult AdminLogin() { var cookie = Request.Cookies["AuthToken"]; //Is Admin already authenticated? if (cookie != null && CookieHandler.GetTokenRole(cookie) == "admin") { return(Redirect("~/admin/")); } return(View("~/Views/Admin/login.cshtml")); }
public IActionResult Login() { var cookie = Request.Cookies["AuthToken"]; //Is Tenant already authenticated? if (cookie != null && CookieHandler.GetTokenRole(cookie) == "member") { return(Redirect("~/")); } return(View("~/Views/Home/login.cshtml")); }
public async Task <JsonResult> ActualizarImagenPerfil() { try { HttpPostedFileBase file; string fName = string.Empty; string path = string.Empty; string fileName; if (Request.Files.AllKeys.Length != 0) { fileName = Request.Files.AllKeys[0]; file = Request.Files[fileName]; fName = file.FileName; if (file != null && file.ContentLength > 0) { string pic = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(fName); path = System.IO.Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/ProfileImages"), pic); file.SaveAs(path); path = "/ProfileImages/" + pic; } HttpResponseMessage respuesta = await ApiHelper.PUT <Usuario>("Usuario/PutImagenPerfil", new Usuario() { IdUsuario = GetUserDecrypted.IdUsuario, Imagen = path }, GetAuthToken); if (respuesta.IsSuccessStatusCode) { Usuario nuevo = await ApiHelper.GET_By_ID <Usuario>("Usuario/GetUsuario", GetUserDecrypted.IdUsuario, GetAuthToken); HttpContext.Response.Cookies.Set(CookieHandler.UpdateTicket(nuevo)); return(Json("Su imagen ha sido actualizada satisfactoriamente", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } else { Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest; return(Json("Ha ocurrido un error al guardar. Si el problema persiste contacte su administrador.")); } } else { return(Json("Por favor, seleccione una nueva imagen")); } } catch (Exception) { Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest; return(Json("Ha ocurrido un error al guardar. Si el problema persiste contacte su administrador.")); } }
public List<CartItem> GetCartList() { var ch = new CookieHandler(); var productIdList = ch.GetCartProductIds(); var productModelList = Services.Products.GetAll(productIdList); var cartItemList = productModelList.Select(p => new CartItem() { ProductId = p.Id, Name = p.Name, Count = ch.GetCount(p.Id), Price = p.Price }).ToList(); return cartItemList; }
public ActionResult Checkout() { if (Session["LoggedIn"] != null) { if ((bool)Session["LoggedIn"]) { var productBLL = new ProductBLL(); var ch = new CookieHandler(); var Email = (string)Session["Email"]; var pidList = ch.GetCartProductIds(); var productModelList = productBLL.GetProducts(pidList); var cart = productModelList.Select(p => new CartItem() { ProductId = p.ProductId, Name = p.ProductName, Count = ch.GetCount(p.ProductId), Price = p.Price }).ToList(); var customerModel = new AccountBLL().GetCustomer(Email); var customer = new CustomerView() { Firstname = customerModel.Firstname, Lastname = customerModel.Lastname, Address = customerModel.Address, Zipcode = customerModel.Zipcode, City = customerModel.City, CustomerId = customerModel.CustomerId, Email = customerModel.Email }; ViewBag.Cart = cart; ViewBag.Customer = customer; ViewBag.LoggedIn = LoginStatus(); TempData["Message"] = ""; return View(); } } TempData["Message"] = "Logg inn for å betale"; return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"); }
public int UpdateCartProductCount(int ProductId, int Count) { var ch = new CookieHandler(); return ch.UpdateCartProductCount(ProductId, Count); }
public BaseController() { Services = new ServiceManager(); CookieHandler = new CookieHandler(); }
public ActionResult PlaceOrder(string returnUrl) { if (Session["LoggedIn"] != null) { if ((bool)Session["LoggedIn"]) { var productBLL = new ProductBLL(); var ch = new CookieHandler(); var productIdList = ch.GetCartProductIds(); var productModelList = productBLL.GetProducts(productIdList); var cart = productModelList.Select(p => new CartItem() { ProductId = p.ProductId, Name = p.ProductName, Count = ch.GetCount(p.ProductId), Price = p.Price }).ToList(); var order = new OrderModel(); var orderlines = new List<OrderlineModel>(); foreach (var item in cart) { orderlines.Add(new OrderlineModel() { Count = item.Count, ProductId = item.ProductId }); } order.Orderlines = orderlines; order.CustomerId = new AccountBLL().GetCustomer((String)Session["Email"]).CustomerId; order.Date = DateTime.Now; var OrderId = _orderBLL.PlaceOrder(order); if (OrderId > 0) { ch.EmptyCart(); ViewBag.LoggedIn = (bool)Session["LoggedIn"]; ViewBag.Reciept = GetReciept(OrderId); return View("GetReciept"); } } } return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"); }
public int RemoveFromCart(int ProductId) { var ch = new CookieHandler(); return ch.RemoveFromCart(ProductId); }
public int NumItemsInCart() { var ch = new CookieHandler(); return ch.NumItemsInCart(); }
public void EmptyCart() { var ch = new CookieHandler(); ch.EmptyCart(); }
public int AddToCart(int ProductId) { var ch = new CookieHandler(); return ch.AddToCart(ProductId); }