public void UpdateRememberMeCookie(long selector)
            SystemAdminDbContext sysDbContext = new SystemAdminDbContext(connStringAdmin);

            CookieAuthInfoModel authModel = (from sysAuthInfo in sysDbContext.CookieInformation
                                             where sysAuthInfo.Selector == selector
                                             select sysAuthInfo).FirstOrDefault();

            //Generate unique string associated with selector --called Validator
            Guid gd = Guid.NewGuid();

            string GuidString = Convert.ToBase64String(gd.ToByteArray());

            GuidString = GuidString.Replace("=", "");
            GuidString = GuidString.Replace("+", "");

            //tick is also used as a salt
            var GuidStrWithSalt = GuidString + selector.ToString();

            //generate Hash of the Validator, that can be used as a token
            string msgDigest = ComputeSha256Hash(GuidStrWithSalt);

            authModel.HashedToken = msgDigest;

            sysDbContext.Entry(authModel).Property(x => x.HashedToken).IsModified = true;

            Response.Cookies.Append("uData", GuidString, new Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.CookieOptions
                Expires = authModel.Expires

        public void SetRememberMeCookieVariable(long selector, int userId)
                SystemAdminDbContext sysDbContext = new SystemAdminDbContext(connStringAdmin);

                CookieAuthInfoModel authModel = new CookieAuthInfoModel();

                //Generate unique string associated with selector --called Validator
                Guid gd = Guid.NewGuid();

                string GuidString = Convert.ToBase64String(gd.ToByteArray());
                GuidString = GuidString.Replace("=", "");
                GuidString = GuidString.Replace("+", "");

                //tick is also used as a salt
                var GuidStrWithSalt = GuidString + selector.ToString();

                //generate Hash of the Validator, that can be used as a token
                string msgDigest = ComputeSha256Hash(GuidStrWithSalt);

                authModel.Selector    = selector;
                authModel.HashedToken = msgDigest;
                authModel.UserId      = userId;
                authModel.Expires     = System.DateTime.Now.AddYears(2);


                Response.Cookies.Append("uRef", selector.ToString(),
                                        new Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.CookieOptions
                    Expires = authModel.Expires
                Response.Cookies.Append("uData", GuidString, new Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.CookieOptions
                    Expires = authModel.Expires
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;