Esempio n. 1
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        dataSize     = GetComponent <AudioCapture>().numBars;
        meshFilter   = gameObject.AddComponent <MeshFilter>() as MeshFilter;
        meshRenderer = gameObject.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>() as MeshRenderer;
        mesh         = meshFilter.mesh;
        //each data point is represented by one vertex. trailing down the z axis distance by 1 unit per fft calculation
        //2048 rows
        dataQueue = new List <float>();
        //an extra row of verts for the first row
        verts = new Vector3[dataSize * (dataRowCount + 1)];
        //initialize values to zero
        for (int i = 0; i < verts.Length; i++)
            verts[i] =;
        uvs                   = new Vector2[dataSize * (dataRowCount + 1)];
        tris                  = new int[(dataSize - 1) * (dataSize - 1) * 2 * 3 * 2];
        backgroundMat         = Resources.Load("Material/FourierMaterial") as Material;
        meshRenderer.material = backgroundMat;
        gaussianKernel        = Convoluter.GetGaussian(gaussianKernelSize, gaussianKernelStdDev, gaussianKernelAlpha);

        aCapture = gameObject.GetComponent <AudioCapture>();
        // Get our capture as a source
        IWaveSource source = new SoundInSource(capture);

        frameCounter = 0;
Esempio n. 2
    public void DrawMesh(float[] data)
        //Debug.Log("data.Length" + data.Length);
        if (data.Length != 512)
            Debug.LogError("Expected data length to be 512!!!@!#34%%$#@");
        //some processing of the FFT data

        //start by normalizing the data
        float max = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
            if (data[i] > max)
                max = data[i];

        for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
            data[i] /= max;

        //done normalizing

        //and gaussian smoothing for looks

        gaussianKernel = Convoluter.GetGaussian(gaussianKernelSize, gaussianKernelStdDev, gaussianKernelAlpha);
        data           = Convoluter.Convolve(gaussianKernel, data);
        //after convolving with gaussian the data must be normalized to fit on the screen
        //start by finding the biggest value in the array
        max = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
            if (data[i] > max)
                max = data[i];
        for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
            data[i] /= max;
        float scaleFactor = 100;

        for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
            data[i] *= scaleFactor;

        //done manipulating data

        //start by removing the oldest data set
        //which is at the start of the queue
        //index, count
        if (dataQueue.Count > dataRowCount * dataSize)
            dataQueue.RemoveRange(0, dataSize);
        //push the new data to the end of the list

        //verts, tris and uvs are arrays to store mesh info. they are already allocated

        //setting verts
        //when there is no sound verts should represent an array of vertices that make up a plane parallel to the xz plane
        //the start of verts is at 0,0,0 and it goes up on x axis.
        //each row on the z axis is a new sample of the fft data
        //size: dataRowCount*data.length
        //the number of rows that have data
        int activeRowCount = dataQueue.Count / dataSize;

        //Debug.Log("ActiveRowCount: " + activeRowCount);
        //Debug.Log("dataQueue.Count: " + dataQueue.Count);
        //Debug.Log("dataSize: " + dataSize);

        //make the first row of verts y=0
        for (int i = 0; i < dataSize; i++)
            verts[i] = new Vector3(i, 0, -1);
        //for each row
        for (int i = 1; i < dataRowCount + 1; i++)
            //for each data point
            for (int j = 0; j < dataSize; j++)
                //Debug.Log("(i, j): (" + i + ", " + j + ")");
                //if there is data for this point
                if (dataSize * i + j < dataQueue.Count)
                    //Debug.Log("dataSize * (activeRowCount-i-1) + j: " + (dataSize * (activeRowCount - i-1) + j));
                    float yValue = dataQueue[dataSize * (activeRowCount - i - 1) + j];

                    verts[dataSize * i + j] = new Vector3(j, yValue, 10 * i);
                    //otherwise set y to 0
                    verts[dataSize * i + j] = new Vector3(j, 0, 10 * i);
        //Debug.Log("Max: " + max);
        //seting uvs
        //size: dataRowCount*dataSize
        //need to translate the domain of 0,0 - 1,1 into world space
        //ie -yMax,0 - yMax, dataSize
        for (int i = 0; i < dataRowCount + 1; i++)
            //for each data point
            for (int j = 0; j < dataSize; j++)
                float xVal = ((float)i) / (dataRowCount + 1);
                float yVal = ((float)j) / dataSize;
                uvs[dataSize * i + j] = new Vector2(xVal, yVal);
                //uvs[dataSize * i + j] =;

        //setting tris
        //size: (dataSize-1)*(dataRowCount-1) * 2*3

        for (int i = 0; i < dataRowCount - 1; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < dataSize - 1; j++)
                //make to quads that are identical, but face in the opposite diection

                //up facing quad
                tris[i * 12 * (dataSize - 1) + 12 * j]     = i * dataSize + j;
                tris[i * 12 * (dataSize - 1) + 12 * j + 1] = (i + 1) * dataSize + j + 1;
                tris[i * 12 * (dataSize - 1) + 12 * j + 2] = i * dataSize + j + 1;
                tris[i * 12 * (dataSize - 1) + 12 * j + 3] = i * dataSize + j;
                tris[i * 12 * (dataSize - 1) + 12 * j + 4] = (i + 1) * dataSize + j;
                tris[i * 12 * (dataSize - 1) + 12 * j + 5] = (i + 1) * dataSize + j + 1;

                //down facing quad
                tris[i * 12 * (dataSize - 1) + 12 * j + 6]  = i * dataSize + j;
                tris[i * 12 * (dataSize - 1) + 12 * j + 7]  = i * dataSize + j + 1;
                tris[i * 12 * (dataSize - 1) + 12 * j + 8]  = (i + 1) * dataSize + j + 1;
                tris[i * 12 * (dataSize - 1) + 12 * j + 9]  = i * dataSize + j;
                tris[i * 12 * (dataSize - 1) + 12 * j + 10] = (i + 1) * dataSize + j + 1;
                tris[i * 12 * (dataSize - 1) + 12 * j + 11] = (i + 1) * dataSize + j;

         *  verts = new Vector3[dataSize * dataRowCount];
         *  uvs = new Vector2[dataSize * dataRowCount];
         *  tris = new int[(dataSize-1)*(dataRowCount-1) * 2*3];
        mesh.vertices  = verts;
        mesh.triangles = tris;
        mesh.uv        = uvs;
