Esempio n. 1
 internal static global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef getCPtr(ConvertibleFixedCouponBond obj)
     return((obj == null) ? new global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef(null, global::System.IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr);
Esempio n. 2
        public void testBond()
            /* when deeply out-of-the-money, the value of the convertible bond
             * should equal that of the underlying plain-vanilla bond. */

            // Testing out-of-the-money convertible bonds against vanilla bonds

            CommonVars vars = new CommonVars();

            vars.conversionRatio = 1.0e-16;

            Exercise euExercise = new EuropeanExercise(vars.maturityDate);
            Exercise amExercise = new AmericanExercise(vars.issueDate, vars.maturityDate);

            int            timeSteps = 1001;
            IPricingEngine engine    = new BinomialConvertibleEngine <CoxRossRubinstein>(vars.process, timeSteps);

            Handle <YieldTermStructure> discountCurve = new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(new ForwardSpreadedTermStructure(vars.riskFreeRate, vars.creditSpread));

            // zero-coupon

            Schedule schedule = new MakeSchedule().from(vars.issueDate)

            ConvertibleZeroCouponBond euZero = new ConvertibleZeroCouponBond(euExercise, vars.conversionRatio,
                                                                             vars.no_dividends, vars.no_callability,
                                                                             vars.issueDate, vars.settlementDays,
                                                                             vars.dayCounter, schedule,


            ConvertibleZeroCouponBond amZero = new ConvertibleZeroCouponBond(amExercise, vars.conversionRatio,
                                                                             vars.no_dividends, vars.no_callability,
                                                                             vars.issueDate, vars.settlementDays,
                                                                             vars.dayCounter, schedule,


            ZeroCouponBond zero = new ZeroCouponBond(vars.settlementDays, vars.calendar,
                                                     100.0, vars.maturityDate,
                                                     BusinessDayConvention.Following, vars.redemption, vars.issueDate);

            IPricingEngine bondEngine = new DiscountingBondEngine(discountCurve);


            double tolerance = 1.0e-2 * (vars.faceAmount / 100.0);

            double error = Math.Abs(euZero.NPV() - zero.settlementValue());

            if (error > tolerance)
                QAssert.Fail("failed to reproduce zero-coupon bond price:"
                             + "\n    calculated: " + euZero.NPV()
                             + "\n    expected:   " + zero.settlementValue()
                             + "\n    error:      " + error);

            error = Math.Abs(amZero.NPV() - zero.settlementValue());
            if (error > tolerance)
                QAssert.Fail("failed to reproduce zero-coupon bond price:"
                             + "\n    calculated: " + amZero.NPV()
                             + "\n    expected:   " + zero.settlementValue()
                             + "\n    error:      " + error);

            // coupon

            List <double> coupons = new InitializedList <double>(1, 0.05);

            schedule = new MakeSchedule().from(vars.issueDate)

            ConvertibleFixedCouponBond euFixed = new ConvertibleFixedCouponBond(euExercise, vars.conversionRatio,
                                                                                vars.no_dividends, vars.no_callability,
                                                                                vars.issueDate, vars.settlementDays,
                                                                                coupons, vars.dayCounter,
                                                                                schedule, vars.redemption);


            ConvertibleFixedCouponBond amFixed = new ConvertibleFixedCouponBond(amExercise, vars.conversionRatio,
                                                                                vars.no_dividends, vars.no_callability,
                                                                                vars.issueDate, vars.settlementDays,
                                                                                coupons, vars.dayCounter,
                                                                                schedule, vars.redemption);


            FixedRateBond fixedBond = new FixedRateBond(vars.settlementDays, vars.faceAmount, schedule,
                                                        coupons, vars.dayCounter, BusinessDayConvention.Following,
                                                        vars.redemption, vars.issueDate);


            tolerance = 2.0e-2 * (vars.faceAmount / 100.0);

            error = Math.Abs(euFixed.NPV() - fixedBond.settlementValue());
            if (error > tolerance)
                QAssert.Fail("failed to reproduce fixed-coupon bond price:"
                             + "\n    calculated: " + euFixed.NPV()
                             + "\n    expected:   " + fixedBond.settlementValue()
                             + "\n    error:      " + error);

            error = Math.Abs(amFixed.NPV() - fixedBond.settlementValue());
            if (error > tolerance)
                QAssert.Fail("failed to reproduce fixed-coupon bond price:"
                             + "\n    calculated: " + amFixed.NPV()
                             + "\n    expected:   " + fixedBond.settlementValue()
                             + "\n    error:      " + error);

            // floating-rate

            IborIndex     index      = new Euribor1Y(discountCurve);
            int           fixingDays = 2;
            List <double> gearings   = new InitializedList <double>(1, 1.0);
            List <double> spreads    = new List <double>();

            ConvertibleFloatingRateBond euFloating = new ConvertibleFloatingRateBond(euExercise, vars.conversionRatio,
                                                                                     vars.no_dividends, vars.no_callability,
                                                                                     vars.issueDate, vars.settlementDays,
                                                                                     index, fixingDays, spreads,
                                                                                     vars.dayCounter, schedule,


            ConvertibleFloatingRateBond amFloating = new ConvertibleFloatingRateBond(amExercise, vars.conversionRatio,
                                                                                     vars.no_dividends, vars.no_callability,
                                                                                     vars.issueDate, vars.settlementDays,
                                                                                     index, fixingDays, spreads,
                                                                                     vars.dayCounter, schedule,


            IborCouponPricer pricer = new BlackIborCouponPricer(new Handle <OptionletVolatilityStructure>());

            Schedule floatSchedule = new Schedule(vars.issueDate, vars.maturityDate,
                                                  new Period(vars.frequency),
                                                  vars.calendar, BusinessDayConvention.Following, BusinessDayConvention.Following,
                                                  DateGeneration.Rule.Backward, false);

            FloatingRateBond floating = new FloatingRateBond(vars.settlementDays, vars.faceAmount, floatSchedule,
                                                             index, vars.dayCounter, BusinessDayConvention.Following, fixingDays,
                                                             gearings, spreads,
                                                             new List <double?>(), new List <double?>(),
                                                             vars.redemption, vars.issueDate);

            Utils.setCouponPricer(floating.cashflows(), pricer);

            tolerance = 2.0e-2 * (vars.faceAmount / 100.0);

            error = Math.Abs(euFloating.NPV() - floating.settlementValue());
            if (error > tolerance)
                QAssert.Fail("failed to reproduce floating-rate bond price:"
                             + "\n    calculated: " + euFloating.NPV()
                             + "\n    expected:   " + floating.settlementValue()
                             + "\n    error:      " + error);

            error = Math.Abs(amFloating.NPV() - floating.settlementValue());
            if (error > tolerance)
                QAssert.Fail("failed to reproduce floating-rate bond price:"
                             + "\n    calculated: " + amFloating.NPV()
                             + "\n    expected:   " + floating.settlementValue()
                             + "\n    error:      " + error);
Esempio n. 3
        static void Main(string[] args)
                Option.Type type       = Option.Type.Put;
                double      underlying = 36.0;
                double      spreadRate = 0.005;

                double dividendYield = 0.02;
                double riskFreeRate  = 0.06;
                double volatility    = 0.2;

                int    settlementDays  = 3;
                int    length          = 5;
                double redemption      = 100.0;
                double conversionRatio = redemption / underlying; // at the money

                // set up dates/schedules
                Calendar calendar = new TARGET();
                Date     today    = calendar.adjust(Date.Today);

                Date settlementDate = calendar.advance(today, settlementDays, TimeUnit.Days);
                Date exerciseDate   = calendar.advance(settlementDate, length, TimeUnit.Years);
                Date issueDate      = calendar.advance(exerciseDate, -length, TimeUnit.Years);

                BusinessDayConvention convention = BusinessDayConvention.ModifiedFollowing;

                Frequency frequency = Frequency.Annual;

                Schedule schedule = new Schedule(issueDate, exerciseDate,
                                                 new Period(frequency), calendar, convention, convention,
                                                 DateGeneration.Rule.Backward, false);

                DividendSchedule    dividends   = new DividendSchedule();
                CallabilitySchedule callability = new CallabilitySchedule();

                List <double> coupons      = new InitializedList <double>(1, 0.05);
                DayCounter    bondDayCount = new Thirty360();

                int[] callLength = { 2, 4 }; // Call dates, years 2,4.
                int[] putLength  = { 3 };    // Put dates year 3.

                double[] callPrices = { 101.5, 100.85 };
                double[] putPrices  = { 105.0 };

                // Load call schedules
                for (int i = 0; i < callLength.Length; i++)
                    SoftCallability s = new SoftCallability(
                        new Callability.Price(callPrices[i], Callability.Price.Type.Clean),[i]),

                for (int j = 0; j < putLength.Length; j++)
                    Callability s = new Callability(new Callability.Price(putPrices[j], Callability.Price.Type.Clean),

                // Assume dividends are paid every 6 months .
                for (Date d = today + new Period(6, TimeUnit.Months); d < exerciseDate; d += new Period(6, TimeUnit.Months))
                    Dividend div = new FixedDividend(1.0, d);

                DayCounter dayCounter = new Actual365Fixed();
                double     maturity   = dayCounter.yearFraction(settlementDate, exerciseDate);

                Console.WriteLine("option type = " + type);
                Console.WriteLine("Time to maturity = " + maturity);
                Console.WriteLine("Underlying price = " + underlying);
                Console.WriteLine("Risk-free interest rate = {0:0.0%}", riskFreeRate);
                Console.WriteLine("Dividend yield = {0:0.0%}%", dividendYield);
                Console.WriteLine("Volatility = {0:0.0%}%", volatility);

                // write column headings
                int[]  widths     = { 35, 14, 14 };
                int    totalWidth = widths[0] + widths[1] + widths[2];
                string rule       = new string('-', totalWidth);
                string dblrule    = new string('=', totalWidth);

                Console.WriteLine("Tsiveriotis-Fernandes method");
                Console.WriteLine("Tree Type                           European     American        ");

                Exercise exercise   = new EuropeanExercise(exerciseDate);
                Exercise amexercise = new AmericanExercise(settlementDate, exerciseDate);

                Handle <Quote> underlyingH = new Handle <Quote>(new SimpleQuote(underlying));
                Handle <YieldTermStructure> flatTermStructure =
                    new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(new FlatForward(settlementDate, riskFreeRate, dayCounter));
                Handle <YieldTermStructure> flatDividendTS =
                    new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(new FlatForward(settlementDate, dividendYield, dayCounter));
                Handle <BlackVolTermStructure> flatVolTS =
                    new Handle <BlackVolTermStructure>(new BlackConstantVol(settlementDate, calendar, volatility,

                BlackScholesMertonProcess stochasticProcess =
                    new BlackScholesMertonProcess(underlyingH, flatDividendTS, flatTermStructure, flatVolTS);

                int timeSteps = 801;

                Handle <Quote> creditSpread = new Handle <Quote>(new SimpleQuote(spreadRate));

                Quote rate = new SimpleQuote(riskFreeRate);

                Handle <YieldTermStructure> discountCurve =
                    new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(new FlatForward(today, new Handle <Quote>(rate), dayCounter));

                IPricingEngine engine = new BinomialConvertibleEngine <JarrowRudd>(stochasticProcess, timeSteps);

                ConvertibleFixedCouponBond europeanBond = new ConvertibleFixedCouponBond(exercise, conversionRatio,
                                                                                         dividends, callability, creditSpread, issueDate, settlementDays, coupons, bondDayCount, schedule,


                ConvertibleFixedCouponBond americanBond = new ConvertibleFixedCouponBond(amexercise, conversionRatio,
                                                                                         dividends, callability, creditSpread, issueDate, settlementDays, coupons, bondDayCount, schedule,

                Console.WriteLine("Jarrow-Rudd                         {0:0.000000}   {1:0.000000}", europeanBond.NPV(), americanBond.NPV());

                americanBond.setPricingEngine(new BinomialConvertibleEngine <CoxRossRubinstein>(stochasticProcess, timeSteps));
                europeanBond.setPricingEngine(new BinomialConvertibleEngine <CoxRossRubinstein>(stochasticProcess, timeSteps));

                Console.WriteLine("CoxRossRubinstein                   {0:0.000000}   {1:0.000000}", europeanBond.NPV(), americanBond.NPV());

                americanBond.setPricingEngine(new BinomialConvertibleEngine <AdditiveEQPBinomialTree>(stochasticProcess, timeSteps));
                europeanBond.setPricingEngine(new BinomialConvertibleEngine <AdditiveEQPBinomialTree>(stochasticProcess, timeSteps));

                Console.WriteLine("AdditiveEQPBinomialTree             {0:0.000000}   {1:0.000000}", europeanBond.NPV(), americanBond.NPV());

                americanBond.setPricingEngine(new BinomialConvertibleEngine <Trigeorgis>(stochasticProcess, timeSteps));
                europeanBond.setPricingEngine(new BinomialConvertibleEngine <Trigeorgis>(stochasticProcess, timeSteps));

                Console.WriteLine("Trigeorgis                          {0:0.000000}   {1:0.000000}", europeanBond.NPV(), americanBond.NPV());

                americanBond.setPricingEngine(new BinomialConvertibleEngine <Tian>(stochasticProcess, timeSteps));
                europeanBond.setPricingEngine(new BinomialConvertibleEngine <Tian>(stochasticProcess, timeSteps));

                Console.WriteLine("Tian                                {0:0.000000}   {1:0.000000}", europeanBond.NPV(), americanBond.NPV());

                americanBond.setPricingEngine(new BinomialConvertibleEngine <LeisenReimer>(stochasticProcess, timeSteps));
                europeanBond.setPricingEngine(new BinomialConvertibleEngine <LeisenReimer>(stochasticProcess, timeSteps));

                Console.WriteLine("LeisenReimer                        {0:0.000000}   {1:0.000000}", europeanBond.NPV(), americanBond.NPV());

                americanBond.setPricingEngine(new BinomialConvertibleEngine <Joshi4>(stochasticProcess, timeSteps));
                europeanBond.setPricingEngine(new BinomialConvertibleEngine <Joshi4>(stochasticProcess, timeSteps));

                Console.WriteLine("Joshi4                              {0:0.000000}   {1:0.000000}", europeanBond.NPV(), americanBond.NPV());
            catch (Exception e)

Esempio n. 4
        public void testRegression()
            // Testing fixed-coupon convertible bond in known regression case

            Date today    = new Date(23, Month.December, 2008);
            Date tomorrow = today + 1;


            Handle <Quote> u = new Handle <Quote>(new SimpleQuote(2.9084382818797443));

            List <Date>   dates    = new InitializedList <Date>(25);
            List <double> forwards = new InitializedList <double>(25);

            dates[0]  = new Date(29, Month.December, 2008);  forwards[0] = 0.0025999342800;
            dates[1]  = new Date(5, Month.January, 2009);   forwards[1] = 0.0025999342800;
            dates[2]  = new Date(29, Month.January, 2009);   forwards[2] = 0.0053123275500;
            dates[3]  = new Date(27, Month.February, 2009);  forwards[3] = 0.0197049598721;
            dates[4]  = new Date(30, Month.March, 2009);     forwards[4] = 0.0220524845296;
            dates[5]  = new Date(29, Month.June, 2009);      forwards[5] = 0.0217076395643;
            dates[6]  = new Date(29, Month.December, 2009);  forwards[6] = 0.0230349627478;
            dates[7]  = new Date(29, Month.December, 2010);  forwards[7] = 0.0087631647476;
            dates[8]  = new Date(29, Month.December, 2011);  forwards[8] = 0.0219084299499;
            dates[9]  = new Date(31, Month.December, 2012);  forwards[9] = 0.0244798766219;
            dates[10] = new Date(30, Month.December, 2013);  forwards[10] = 0.0267885498456;
            dates[11] = new Date(29, Month.December, 2014);  forwards[11] = 0.0266922867562;
            dates[12] = new Date(29, Month.December, 2015);  forwards[12] = 0.0271052126386;
            dates[13] = new Date(29, Month.December, 2016);  forwards[13] = 0.0268829891648;
            dates[14] = new Date(29, Month.December, 2017);  forwards[14] = 0.0264594744498;
            dates[15] = new Date(31, Month.December, 2018);  forwards[15] = 0.0273450367424;
            dates[16] = new Date(30, Month.December, 2019);  forwards[16] = 0.0294852614749;
            dates[17] = new Date(29, Month.December, 2020);  forwards[17] = 0.0285556119719;
            dates[18] = new Date(29, Month.December, 2021);  forwards[18] = 0.0305557764659;
            dates[19] = new Date(29, Month.December, 2022);  forwards[19] = 0.0292244738422;
            dates[20] = new Date(29, Month.December, 2023);  forwards[20] = 0.0263917004194;
            dates[21] = new Date(29, Month.December, 2028);  forwards[21] = 0.0239626970243;
            dates[22] = new Date(29, Month.December, 2033);  forwards[22] = 0.0216417108090;
            dates[23] = new Date(29, Month.December, 2038);  forwards[23] = 0.0228343838422;
            dates[24] = new Date(31, Month.December, 2199);  forwards[24] = 0.0228343838422;

            Handle <YieldTermStructure> r = new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(new InterpolatedForwardCurve <BackwardFlat>(dates, forwards, new Actual360()));

            Handle <BlackVolTermStructure> sigma = new Handle <BlackVolTermStructure>(new BlackConstantVol(tomorrow, new NullCalendar(), 21.685235548092248,
                                                                                                           new Thirty360(Thirty360.Thirty360Convention.BondBasis)));

            BlackProcess process = new BlackProcess(u, r, sigma);

            Handle <Quote> spread = new Handle <Quote>(new SimpleQuote(0.11498700678012874));

            Date     issueDate    = new Date(23, Month.July, 2008);
            Date     maturityDate = new Date(1, Month.August, 2013);
            Calendar calendar     = new UnitedStates();
            Schedule schedule     = new MakeSchedule().from(issueDate)
                                    .withTenor(new Period(6, TimeUnit.Months))
            int                 settlementDays  = 3;
            Exercise            exercise        = new EuropeanExercise(maturityDate);
            double              conversionRatio = 100.0 / 20.3175;
            List <double>       coupons         = new InitializedList <double>(schedule.size() - 1, 0.05);
            DayCounter          dayCounter      = new Thirty360(Thirty360.Thirty360Convention.BondBasis);
            CallabilitySchedule no_callability  = new CallabilitySchedule();
            DividendSchedule    no_dividends    = new DividendSchedule();
            double              redemption      = 100.0;

            ConvertibleFixedCouponBond bond = new ConvertibleFixedCouponBond(exercise, conversionRatio,
                                                                             no_dividends, no_callability,
                                                                             spread, issueDate, settlementDays,
                                                                             coupons, dayCounter,
                                                                             schedule, redemption);

            bond.setPricingEngine(new BinomialConvertibleEngine <CoxRossRubinstein> (process, 600));

                double x = bond.NPV(); // should throw; if not, an INF was not detected.
                QAssert.Fail("INF result was not detected: " + x + " returned");
            catch (Exception)
                // as expected. Do nothing.

                // Note: we're expecting an Error we threw, not just any
                // exception.  If something else is thrown, then there's
                // another problem and the test must fail.
Esempio n. 5
 internal static global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef getCPtr(ConvertibleFixedCouponBond obj) {
   return (obj == null) ? new global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef(null, global::System.IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;