Esempio n. 1
        private void RotateBlueprint(string parameters)
            var    p   = parameters.Split(' ');
            string id  = p[0];
            var    xyz = new int[3];

            for (int i = 0; i < xyz.Length; i++)
                xyz[i] = int.Parse(p[i + 1]) * 90;
            if (botprints == null)
                botprints = BlueprintUtility.ParseBlueprintResource("Pixi.blueprints.json");

            if (!botprints.ContainsKey(id))
                Logging.CommandLogWarning("Blueprint with that ID not found.");

            var bp        = botprints[id];
            var rotChange = Quaternion.Euler(xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]);

            for (var i = 0; i < bp.Length; i++)
                ref var info = ref bp[i];
                var     pos  = ConversionUtility.FloatArrayToFloat3(info.position);
                info.position = ConversionUtility.Float3ToFloatArray(rotChange * pos);
                var rot = Quaternion.Euler(ConversionUtility.FloatArrayToFloat3(info.rotation));
                info.rotation = ConversionUtility.Float3ToFloatArray((rotChange * rot).eulerAngles);
Esempio n. 2
        public BlockJsonInfo[] Import(string name)
            // Load image file and convert to Gamecraft blocks
            Texture2D img = new Texture2D(64, 64);

            // load file into texture
                byte[] imgData = File.ReadAllBytes(name);
            catch (Exception e)
                Logging.CommandLogError($"Failed to load picture data. Reason: {e.Message}");
                Logging.MetaLog(e.Message + "\n" + e.StackTrace);
                return(new BlockJsonInfo[0]);
            //Logging.CommandLog($"Image size: {img.width}x{img.height}");
            Player     p           = new Player(PlayerType.Local);
            string     pickedBlock = p.SelectedBlock == BlockIDs.Invalid ? BlockIDs.AluminiumCube.ToString() : p.SelectedBlock.ToString();
            Quaternion imgRotation = Quaternion.Euler(Rotation);

            BlockJsonInfo[] blocks = new BlockJsonInfo[img.width * img.height];
            // convert the image to blocks
            // optimisation occurs later
            for (int x = 0; x < img.width; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < img.height; y++)
                    Color         pixel    = img.GetPixel(x, y);
                    float3        position = (imgRotation * (new float3((x * CommandRoot.BLOCK_SIZE), y * CommandRoot.BLOCK_SIZE, 0)));
                    BlockJsonInfo qPixel   = new BlockJsonInfo
                        name     = pixel.a > 0.75 ? pickedBlock : BlockIDs.GlassCube.ToString(),
                        color    = new float[] { pixel.r, pixel.g, pixel.b },
                        rotation = ConversionUtility.Float3ToFloatArray(Rotation),
                        position = ConversionUtility.Float3ToFloatArray(position),
                        scale    = new float[] { 1, 1, Thiccness },
                    if (pixel.a < 0.5f)
               = BlockIDs.Invalid.ToString();
                    blocks[(x * img.height) + y] = qPixel;
Esempio n. 3
        public BlockJsonInfo[] Blueprint(string name, BlockJsonInfo root)
            if (botprints == null)
                botprints = BlueprintUtility.ParseBlueprintResource("Pixi.blueprints.json");

            if (!botprints.ContainsKey( || RobotInternetImporter.CubeSize != 3)
                BlockJsonInfo copy = root;
       = $"TextBlock\t{} ({CubeUtility.CubeIdDescription(uint.Parse(})\tPixi";
                return(new BlockJsonInfo[1] {
            BlockJsonInfo[] blueprint         = botprints[];
            BlockJsonInfo[] adjustedBlueprint = new BlockJsonInfo[blueprint.Length];
            Quaternion      cubeQuaternion    = Quaternion.Euler(ConversionUtility.FloatArrayToFloat3(root.rotation));

            if (blueprint.Length == 0)
                Logging.LogWarning($"Found empty blueprint for {} (during '{name}'), is the blueprint correct?");
                return(new BlockJsonInfo[0]);
            // move blocks to correct position & rotation
            float3 defaultCorrectionVec = new float3((float)(0), (float)(CommandRoot.BLOCK_SIZE), (float)(0));
            float3 baseRot   = new float3(blueprint[0].rotation[0], blueprint[0].rotation[1], blueprint[0].rotation[2]);
            float3 baseScale = new float3(blueprint[0].scale[0], blueprint[0].scale[1], blueprint[0].scale[2]);
            //Block[] placedBlocks = new Block[blueprint.Length];
            bool   isBaseScaled  = !(blueprint[0].scale[1] > 0f && blueprint[0].scale[1] < 2f);
            float3 correctionVec = isBaseScaled ? (float3)(Quaternion.Euler(baseRot) * baseScale / 2) * (float)-CommandRoot.BLOCK_SIZE : -defaultCorrectionVec;

            // FIXME scaled base blocks cause the blueprint to be placed in the wrong location (this also could be caused by a bug in DumpVON command)
            if (isBaseScaled)
                Logging.LogWarning($"Found blueprint with scaled base block for {} (during '{name}'), this is not currently supported");

            float3 rootPos = ConversionUtility.FloatArrayToFloat3(root.position);

            for (int i = 0; i < blueprint.Length; i++)
                BlockColor blueprintBlockColor = ColorSpaceUtility.QuantizeToBlockColor(blueprint[i].color);
                float[]    physicalColor       = blueprintBlockColor.Color == BlockColors.White && blueprintBlockColor.Darkness == 0 ? root.color : blueprint[i].color;
                float3     bluePos             = ConversionUtility.FloatArrayToFloat3(blueprint[i].position);
                float3     blueScale           = ConversionUtility.FloatArrayToFloat3(blueprint[i].scale);
                float3     blueRot             = ConversionUtility.FloatArrayToFloat3(blueprint[i].rotation);
                float3     physicalLocation    = (float3)(cubeQuaternion * bluePos) + rootPos;         // + (blueprintSizeRotated / 2);
                //physicalLocation.x += blueprintSize.x / 2;
                physicalLocation += (float3)(cubeQuaternion * (correctionVec));
                //physicalLocation.y -= (float)(RobotCommands.blockSize * scale / 2);
                //float3 physicalScale = (float3)(cubeQuaternion * blueScale); // this actually over-rotates when combined with rotation
                float3 physicalScale    = blueScale;
                float3 physicalRotation = (cubeQuaternion * Quaternion.Euler(blueRot)).eulerAngles;
                Logging.MetaLog($"Placing blueprint block at {physicalLocation} rot{physicalRotation} scale{physicalScale}");
                Logging.MetaLog($"Location math check original:{bluePos} rotated: {(float3)(cubeQuaternion * bluePos)} actualPos: {rootPos} result: {physicalLocation}");
                Logging.MetaLog($"Scale math check original:{blueScale} rotation: {(float3)cubeQuaternion.eulerAngles} result: {physicalScale}");
                Logging.MetaLog($"Rotation math check original:{blueRot} rotated: {(cubeQuaternion * Quaternion.Euler(blueRot))} result: {physicalRotation}");
                adjustedBlueprint[i] = new BlockJsonInfo
                    color    = physicalColor,
                    name     = blueprint[i].name,
                    position = ConversionUtility.Float3ToFloatArray(physicalLocation),
                    rotation = ConversionUtility.Float3ToFloatArray(physicalRotation),
                    scale    = ConversionUtility.Float3ToFloatArray(physicalScale)
Esempio n. 4
        public BlockJsonInfo[] Import(string name)
            // download robot data
            RobotStruct robot;

                RobotBriefStruct[] botList = RoboAPIUtility.ListRobots(name);
                if (botList.Length == 0)
                    throw new Exception("Failed to find robot");
                robot = RoboAPIUtility.QueryRobotInfo(botList[0].itemId);
            catch (Exception e)
                Logging.CommandLogError($"Failed to download robot data. Reason: {e.Message}");
                return(new BlockJsonInfo[0]);
            CubeInfo[] cubes = CubeUtility.ParseCubes(robot);
            // move bot closer to origin (since bots are rarely built at the garage bay origin of the bottom south-west corner)
            if (cubes.Length == 0)
                Logging.CommandLogError($"Robot data contains no cubes");
                return(new BlockJsonInfo[0]);
            float3 minPosition = cubes[0].position;

            for (int c = 0; c < cubes.Length; c++)
                float3 cubePos = cubes[c].position;
                if (cubePos.x < minPosition.x)
                    minPosition.x = cubePos.x;
                if (cubePos.y < minPosition.y)
                    minPosition.y = cubePos.y;
                if (cubePos.z < minPosition.z)
                    minPosition.z = cubePos.z;
            BlockJsonInfo[] blocks = new BlockJsonInfo[cubes.Length];
            for (int c = 0; c < cubes.Length; c++)
                ref CubeInfo cube         = ref cubes[c];
                float3       realPosition = ((cube.position - minPosition) * CommandRoot.BLOCK_SIZE * CubeSize);
                if (cube.block == BlockIDs.TextBlock && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(
                    // TextBlock block ID means it's a placeholder
                    blocks[c] = new BlockJsonInfo
                        color    = ColorSpaceUtility.UnquantizeToArray(cube.color, cube.darkness),
                        name     = cube.cubeId.ToString(),
                        position = ConversionUtility.Float3ToFloatArray(realPosition),
                        rotation = ConversionUtility.Float3ToFloatArray(cube.rotation),
                        scale    = ConversionUtility.Float3ToFloatArray(cube.scale)
                    blocks[c] = new BlockJsonInfo
                        color    = ColorSpaceUtility.UnquantizeToArray(cube.color, cube.darkness),
                        name     = cube.block.ToString(),
                        position = ConversionUtility.Float3ToFloatArray(realPosition),
                        rotation = ConversionUtility.Float3ToFloatArray(cube.rotation),
                        scale    = ConversionUtility.Float3ToFloatArray(cube.scale * CubeSize)