public ConvChoice(JsonData choices) { ID = (int)choices["ID"]; //Destination = (int)choices["Destination"]; Options = new List <ConvOption>(); choicedata = new List <Choices>(); for (int i = 0; i < choices["Choices"].Count; ++i) { ConvOption opt = new ConvOption(); if (choices["Destinations"][i] == null) { opt.DestinationNode = -1; } else { opt.DestinationNode = (int)choices["Destinations"][i]; } opt.choicedata = new Choices((string)choices["Choices"][i], true); choicedata.Add(opt.choicedata); Options.Add(opt); } }
public void Build(Stream fs, Stream fspdb) { this.IsBuild = false; this.Error = null; var log = new DefLogger(); this.modIL = new ILModule(log); try { modIL.LoadModule(fs, fspdb); } catch (Exception err) { log.Log("LoadModule Error:" + err.ToString()); this.Error = err; return; } converterIL = new ModuleConverter(log); ConvOption option = new ConvOption(); try { converterIL.Convert(modIL, option); finalAVM = converterIL.outModule.Build(); IsBuild = true; } catch (Exception err) { this.Error = err; log.Log("Convert IL->ASM Error:" + err.ToString()); return; } }
public void AddOption(string Text, ConvNode node, ConvNode dest) { if (!Nodes.Contains(node)) { AddNode(node); } if (!Nodes.Contains(dest)) { AddNode(dest); } ConvOption opt = new ConvOption(); if (dest == null) { opt.DestinationNode = -1; } else { opt.DestinationNode = dest.ID; } opt.choicedata = new Choices(Text, true); //node.Options.Add(opt); }
public void Build(Stream fs, Stream fspdb, bool optimizer) { this.IsBuild = false; this.Error = null; var log = new DefLogger(); this.modIL = new ILModule(log); try { modIL.LoadModule(fs, fspdb); } catch (Exception err) { log.Log("LoadModule Error:" + err.ToString()); this.Error = err; return; } converterIL = new ModuleConverter(log); ConvOption option = new ConvOption(); #if NDEBUG try #endif { converterIL.Convert(modIL, option); finalNEF = converterIL.outModule.Build(); if (optimizer) { var opbytes = NefOptimizeTool.Optimize(finalNEF); float ratio = (opbytes.Length * 100.0f) / (float)finalNEF.Length; log.Log("optimization ratio = " + ratio + "%"); finalNEF = opbytes; } IsBuild = true; } #if NDEBUG catch (Exception err) { this.Error = err; log.Log("Convert IL->ASM Error:" + err.ToString()); return; } #endif try { finialABI = vmtool.FuncExport.Export(converterIL.outModule, finalNEF); } catch { } }
//Console.WriteLine("helo ha:"+args[0]); //普通输出 //Console.WriteLine("<WARN> 这是一个严重的问题。");//警告输出,黄字 //Console.WriteLine("<WARN|aaaa.cs(1)> 这是ee一个严重的问题。");//警告输出,带文件名行号 //Console.WriteLine("<ERR> 这是一个严重的问题。");//错误输出,红字 //Console.WriteLine("<ERR|aaaa.cs> 这是ee一个严重的问题。");//错误输出,带文件名 //Console.WriteLine("SUCC");//输出这个表示编译成功 //控制台输出约定了特别的语法 public static bool Execute(string filename, string filepdb, ILogger log) { string onlyname = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename); ILModule mod = new ILModule(log); System.IO.Stream fs = null; System.IO.Stream fspdb = null; //open file try { fs = System.IO.File.OpenRead(filename); if (System.IO.File.Exists(filepdb)) { fspdb = System.IO.File.OpenRead(filepdb); } } catch (Exception err) { log.Log("Open File Error:" + err.ToString()); return(false); } var exePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location); var curPath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(exePath); //load module try { mod.LoadModule(fs, fspdb); } catch (Exception err) { log.Log("LoadModule Error:" + err.ToString()); return(false); } byte[] bytes = null; bool bSucc = false; string jsonstr = null; string debugmapstr = null; //convert and build try { var conv = new ModuleConverter(log); ConvOption option = new ConvOption(); option.useNep8 = false; option.useSysCallInteropHash = false; NeoModule am = conv.Convert(mod, option); Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(curPath); bytes = am.Build(); log.Log("convert succ"); try { var outjson = FuncExport.Export(am, bytes); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); outjson.ConvertToStringWithFormat(sb, 0); jsonstr = sb.ToString(); log.Log("gen abi succ"); } catch (Exception err) { log.Log("gen abi Error:" + err.ToString()); } try { var outjson = DebugInfo.ExportDebugInfo(onlyname, am); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); outjson.ConvertToStringWithFormat(sb, 0); debugmapstr = sb.ToString(); log.Log("gen debug map succ"); } catch (Exception err) { log.Log("gen debug map Error:" + err.ToString()); } } catch (Exception err) { log.Log("Convert Error:" + err.ToString()); return(false); } //write bytes try { string bytesname = onlyname + ".avm"; System.IO.File.Delete(bytesname); System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(bytesname, bytes); log.Log("write:" + bytesname); bSucc = true; } catch (Exception err) { log.Log("Write Bytes Error:" + err.ToString()); return(false); } try { string abiname = onlyname + ".abi.json"; System.IO.File.Delete(abiname); System.IO.File.WriteAllText(abiname, jsonstr); log.Log("write:" + abiname); bSucc = true; } catch (Exception err) { log.Log("Write abi Error:" + err.ToString()); return(false); } try { string debugname = onlyname + ".debug.json"; System.IO.File.Delete(debugname); System.IO.File.WriteAllText(debugname, debugmapstr); log.Log("write:" + debugname); bSucc = true; } catch (Exception err) { log.Log("Write abi Error:" + err.ToString()); return(false); } try { fs.Dispose(); if (fspdb != null) { fspdb.Dispose(); } } catch { } return(bSucc); }
public NeoModule Convert(ILModule _in, ConvOption option = null) { this.inModule = _in; //logger.Log("beginConvert."); this.outModule = new NeoModule(this.logger); this.outModule.option = option == null ? ConvOption.Default : option; foreach (var t in _in.mapType) { if (t.Key.Contains("<")) { continue;//系统的,不要 } if (t.Key.Contains("_API_")) { continue; //api的,不要 } if (t.Key.Contains(".My.")) { continue;//vb system } foreach (var m in t.Value.methods) { if (m.Value.method == null) { continue; } if (m.Value.method.IsAddOn || m.Value.method.IsRemoveOn) { continue;//event 自动生成的代码,不要 } NeoMethod nm = new NeoMethod(); if (m.Key.Contains(".cctor")) { CctorSubVM.Parse(m.Value, this.outModule); continue; } if (m.Value.method.IsConstructor) { continue; } nm._namespace = m.Value.method.DeclaringType.FullName; = m.Value.method.FullName; nm.displayName = m.Value.method.Name; Mono.Collections.Generic.Collection <Mono.Cecil.CustomAttribute> ca = m.Value.method.CustomAttributes; foreach (var attr in ca) { if (attr.AttributeType.Name == "DisplayNameAttribute") { nm.displayName = (string)attr.ConstructorArguments[0].Value; } } nm.inSmartContract = m.Value.method.DeclaringType.BaseType.Name == "SmartContract"; nm.isPublic = m.Value.method.IsPublic; this.methodLink[m.Value] = nm; outModule.mapMethods[] = nm; } foreach (var e in t.Value.fields) { if (e.Value.isEvent) { NeoEvent ae = new NeoEvent(); ae._namespace = e.Value.field.DeclaringType.FullName; = ae._namespace + "::" + e.Key; ae.displayName = e.Value.displayName; ae.returntype = e.Value.returntype; ae.paramtypes = e.Value.paramtypes; outModule.mapEvents[] = ae; } } } var keys = new List <string>(_in.mapType.Keys); foreach (var key in keys) { var value = _in.mapType[key]; if (key.Contains("<")) { continue;//系统的,不要 } if (key.Contains("_API_")) { continue; //api的,不要 } if (key.Contains(".My.")) { continue;//vb system } foreach (var m in value.methods) { if (m.Value.method == null) { continue; } if (m.Key.Contains(".cctor")) { continue; } if (m.Value.method.IsAddOn || m.Value.method.IsRemoveOn) { continue;//event 自动生成的代码,不要 } var nm = this.methodLink[m.Value]; //try { nm.returntype = m.Value.returntype; try { var type = m.Value.method.ReturnType.Resolve(); foreach (var i in type.Interfaces) { if (i.InterfaceType.Name == "IApiInterface") { nm.returntype = "IInteropInterface"; } } } catch (Exception err) { } foreach (var src in m.Value.paramtypes) { nm.paramtypes.Add(new NeoParam(, src.type)); } byte[] outcall; string name; VM.OpCode[] opcodes; string[] opdata; if (IsAppCall(m.Value.method, out outcall)) { continue; } if (IsNonCall(m.Value.method)) { continue; } if (IsMixAttribute(m.Value.method, out opcodes, out opdata)) { continue; } this.ConvertMethod(m.Value, nm); } //catch (Exception err) //{ // logger.Log("error:" + err.Message); //} } } //转换完了,做个link,全部拼到一起 string mainmethod = ""; foreach (var key in outModule.mapMethods.Keys) { if (key.Contains("::Main(")) { NeoMethod m = outModule.mapMethods[key]; if (m.inSmartContract) { foreach (var l in this.methodLink) { if (l.Value == m) { if (mainmethod != "") { throw new Exception("Have too mush EntryPoint,Check it."); } mainmethod = key; } } } } } if (mainmethod == "") { throw new Exception("Can't find EntryPoint,Check it."); } else { //单一默认入口 logger.Log("Find entrypoint:" + mainmethod); } outModule.mainMethod = mainmethod; this.LinkCode(mainmethod); //this.findFirstFunc();//得找到第一个函数 //然后给每个method 分配一个func addr //还需要对所有的call 做一次地址转换 //this.outModule.Build(); return(outModule); }
public NeoModule Convert(ILModule _in, ConvOption option = null) { this.inModule = _in; this.outModule = new NeoModule(this.logger) { option = option ?? ConvOption.Default }; foreach (var t in _in.mapType) { if (t.Key.Contains("<")) { continue; //skip system type } if (t.Key.Contains("_API_")) { continue; // skip api } if (t.Key.Contains(".My.")) { continue; //vb system } foreach (var m in t.Value.methods) { if (m.Value.method == null) { continue; } if (m.Value.method.IsAddOn || m.Value.method.IsRemoveOn) { continue; // skip the code generated by event } if (m.Value.method.Is_ctor()) { continue; } if (m.Value.method.Is_cctor()) { //if cctor contains sth can not be as a const value. // then need 1.record these cctor's code. // 2.insert them to main function CctorSubVM.Parse(m.Value, this.outModule); continue; } NeoMethod nm = new NeoMethod(m.Value); this.methodLink[m.Value] = nm; outModule.mapMethods[] = nm; } foreach (var e in t.Value.fields) { if (e.Value.isEvent) { NeoEvent ae = new NeoEvent(e.Value); outModule.mapEvents[] = ae; } else if (e.Value.field.IsStatic) { var _fieldindex = outModule.mapFields.Count; var field = new NeoField(e.Key, e.Value.type, _fieldindex); outModule.mapFields[e.Value.field.FullName] = field; } } } var keys = new List <string>(_in.mapType.Keys); foreach (var key in keys) { var value = _in.mapType[key]; if (key.Contains("<")) { continue; // skip system typee } if (key.Contains("_API_")) { continue; // skip api } if (key.Contains(".My.")) { continue; //vb system } foreach (var m in value.methods) { if (m.Value.method == null) { continue; } if (m.Value.method.Is_cctor()) { continue; } if (m.Value.method.IsAddOn || m.Value.method.IsRemoveOn) { continue; // skip the code generated by event } var nm = this.methodLink[m.Value]; //try { nm.returntype = m.Value.returntype; foreach (var src in m.Value.paramtypes) { nm.paramtypes.Add(new NeoParam(, src.type)); } if (IsContractCall(m.Value.method, out byte[] outcall))
public NeoModule Convert(ILModule _in, ConvOption option = null) { this.inModule = _in; //logger.Log("beginConvert."); this.outModule = new NeoModule(this.logger) { option = option ?? ConvOption.Default }; foreach (var t in _in.mapType) { if (t.Key.Contains("<")) { continue;//系统的,不要 } if (t.Key.Contains("_API_")) { continue; //api的,不要 } if (t.Key.Contains(".My.")) { continue;//vb system } foreach (var m in t.Value.methods) { if (m.Value.method == null) { continue; } if (m.Value.method.IsAddOn || m.Value.method.IsRemoveOn) { continue;//event 自动生成的代码,不要 } if (m.Value.method.Is_cctor()) { CctorSubVM.Parse(m.Value, this.outModule); continue; } if (m.Value.method.Is_ctor()) { continue; } NeoMethod nm = new NeoMethod(m.Value); this.methodLink[m.Value] = nm; outModule.mapMethods[] = nm; } foreach (var e in t.Value.fields) { if (e.Value.isEvent) { NeoEvent ae = new NeoEvent(e.Value); outModule.mapEvents[] = ae; } else if (e.Value.field.IsStatic) { var _fieldindex = outModule.mapFields.Count; var field = new NeoField(e.Key, e.Value.type, _fieldindex); outModule.mapFields[e.Value.field.FullName] = field; } } } var keys = new List <string>(_in.mapType.Keys); foreach (var key in keys) { var value = _in.mapType[key]; if (key.Contains("<")) { continue;//系统的,不要 } if (key.Contains("_API_")) { continue; //api的,不要 } if (key.Contains(".My.")) { continue;//vb system } foreach (var m in value.methods) { if (m.Value.method == null) { continue; } if (m.Value.method.Is_cctor()) { continue; } if (m.Value.method.IsAddOn || m.Value.method.IsRemoveOn) { continue;//event 自动生成的代码,不要 } var nm = this.methodLink[m.Value]; //try { nm.returntype = m.Value.returntype; try { var type = m.Value.method.ReturnType.Resolve(); foreach (var i in type.Interfaces) { if (i.InterfaceType.Name == "IApiInterface") { nm.returntype = "IInteropInterface"; } } } catch { } foreach (var src in m.Value.paramtypes) { nm.paramtypes.Add(new NeoParam(, src.type)); } if (IsAppCall(m.Value.method, out byte[] outcall))
public void Build(Stream fs, Stream fspdb, bool optimizer) { this.IsBuild = false; this.Error = null; this.UseOptimizer = optimizer; var log = new DefLogger(); this.modIL = new ILModule(log); try { modIL.LoadModule(fs, fspdb); } catch (Exception err) { log.Log("LoadModule Error:" + err.ToString()); this.Error = err; return; } converterIL = new ModuleConverter(log); Dictionary <int, int> addrConvTable = null; ConvOption option = new ConvOption(); #if NDEBUG try #endif { converterIL.Convert(modIL, option); finalNEF = converterIL.outModule.Build(); if (optimizer) { var opbytes = NefOptimizeTool.Optimize(finalNEF, out addrConvTable); float ratio = (opbytes.Length * 100.0f) / (float)finalNEF.Length; log.Log("optimization ratio = " + ratio + "%"); finalNEF = opbytes; } IsBuild = true; } #if NDEBUG catch (Exception err) { this.Error = err; log.Log("Convert IL->ASM Error:" + err.ToString()); return; } #endif try { finialABI = vmtool.FuncExport.Export(converterIL.outModule, finalNEF, addrConvTable); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } try { var features = converterIL.outModule == null ? ContractFeatures.NoProperty : converterIL.outModule.attributes .Where(u => u.AttributeType.Name == "FeaturesAttribute") .Select(u => (ContractFeatures)u.ConstructorArguments.FirstOrDefault().Value) .FirstOrDefault(); var extraAttributes = converterIL.outModule == null ? new List <Mono.Collections.Generic.Collection <CustomAttributeArgument> >() : converterIL.outModule.attributes.Where(u => u.AttributeType.Name == "ManifestExtraAttribute").Select(attribute => attribute.ConstructorArguments).ToList(); var storage = features.HasFlag(ContractFeatures.HasStorage).ToString().ToLowerInvariant(); var payable = features.HasFlag(ContractFeatures.Payable).ToString().ToLowerInvariant(); finalManifest = @"{""groups"":[],""features"":{""storage"":" + storage + @",""payable"":" + payable + @"},""abi"":" + finialABI + @",""permissions"":[{""contract"":""*"",""methods"":""*""}],""trusts"":[],""safeMethods"":[],""extra"":[]" + "}"; } catch { } }
public NeoModule Convert(ILModule _in, ConvOption option = null) { this.inModule = _in; //logger.Log("beginConvert."); this.outModule = new NeoModule(this.logger) { option = option ?? ConvOption.Default }; foreach (var t in _in.mapType) { if (t.Key.Contains("<")) { continue;//系统的,不要 } if (t.Key.Contains("_API_")) { continue; //api的,不要 } if (t.Key.Contains(".My.")) { continue;//vb system } foreach (var m in t.Value.methods) { if (m.Value.method == null) { continue; } if (m.Value.method.IsAddOn || m.Value.method.IsRemoveOn) { continue;//event 自动生成的代码,不要 } NeoMethod nm = new NeoMethod(); if (m.Key.Contains(".cctor")) { CctorSubVM.Parse(m.Value, this.outModule); continue; } if (m.Value.method.IsConstructor) { continue; } nm._namespace = m.Value.method.DeclaringType.FullName; = m.Value.method.FullName; nm.displayName = m.Value.method.Name; Mono.Collections.Generic.Collection <Mono.Cecil.CustomAttribute> ca = m.Value.method.CustomAttributes; foreach (var attr in ca) { if (attr.AttributeType.Name == "DisplayNameAttribute") { nm.displayName = (string)attr.ConstructorArguments[0].Value; } } nm.inSmartContract = m.Value.method.DeclaringType.BaseType.Name == "SmartContract"; nm.isPublic = m.Value.method.IsPublic; this.methodLink[m.Value] = nm; outModule.mapMethods[] = nm; } foreach (var e in t.Value.fields) { if (e.Value.isEvent) { NeoEvent ae = new NeoEvent { _namespace = e.Value.field.DeclaringType.FullName, name = e.Value.field.DeclaringType.FullName + "::" + e.Key, displayName = e.Value.displayName, returntype = e.Value.returntype, paramtypes = e.Value.paramtypes }; outModule.mapEvents[] = ae; } else if (e.Value.field.IsStatic) { var _fieldindex = outModule.mapFields.Count; var field = new NeoField(e.Key, e.Value.type, _fieldindex); outModule.mapFields[e.Value.field.FullName] = field; } } } var keys = new List <string>(_in.mapType.Keys); foreach (var key in keys) { var value = _in.mapType[key]; if (key.Contains("<")) { continue;//系统的,不要 } if (key.Contains("_API_")) { continue; //api的,不要 } if (key.Contains(".My.")) { continue;//vb system } foreach (var m in value.methods) { if (m.Value.method == null) { continue; } if (m.Key.Contains(".cctor")) { continue; } if (m.Value.method.IsAddOn || m.Value.method.IsRemoveOn) { continue;//event 自动生成的代码,不要 } var nm = this.methodLink[m.Value]; //try { nm.returntype = m.Value.returntype; try { var type = m.Value.method.ReturnType.Resolve(); foreach (var i in type.Interfaces) { if (i.InterfaceType.Name == "IApiInterface") { nm.returntype = "IInteropInterface"; } } } catch { } foreach (var src in m.Value.paramtypes) { nm.paramtypes.Add(new NeoParam(, src.type)); } if (IsAppCall(m.Value.method, out byte[] outcall))
public NeoModule Convert(ILModule _in, ConvOption option = null) { this.inModule = _in; this.outModule = new NeoModule() { option = option ?? ConvOption.Default }; foreach (var t in _in.mapType) { if (t.Key.Contains("<")) { continue; //skip system type } if (t.Key.Contains("_API_")) { continue; // skip api } if (t.Key.Contains(".My.")) { continue; //vb system } foreach (var m in t.Value.methods) { if (m.Value.method == null) { continue; } if (m.Value.method.IsAddOn || m.Value.method.IsRemoveOn) { continue; // skip the code generated by event } if (m.Value.method.Is_ctor()) { continue; } if (m.Value.method.Is_cctor()) { //if cctor contains sth can not be as a const value. // then need 1.record these cctor's code. // 2.insert them to main function CctorSubVM.Parse(m.Value, this.outModule); continue; } NeoMethod nm = new NeoMethod(m.Value); this.methodLink[m.Value] = nm; outModule.mapMethods[] = nm; } foreach (var e in t.Value.fields) { if (e.Value.isEvent) { NeoEvent ae = new NeoEvent(e.Value); outModule.mapEvents[] = ae; } else if (e.Value.field.IsStatic) { var _fieldindex = outModule.mapFields.Count; var field = new NeoField(e.Key, e.Value.type, _fieldindex); outModule.mapFields[e.Value.field.FullName] = field; } } } var keys = new List <string>(_in.mapType.Keys); foreach (var key in keys) { var value = _in.mapType[key]; if (key.Contains("<")) { continue; // skip system typee } if (key.Contains("_API_")) { continue; // skip api } if (key.Contains(".My.")) { continue; //vb system } foreach (var m in value.methods) { if (m.Value.method == null) { continue; } if (m.Value.method.Is_cctor()) { continue; } if (m.Value.method.IsAddOn || m.Value.method.IsRemoveOn) { continue; // skip the code generated by event } var nm = this.methodLink[m.Value]; //try { nm.returntype = m.Value.returntype; foreach (var src in m.Value.paramtypes) { nm.paramtypes.Add(new NeoParam(, src.type)); } if (IsContractCall(m.Value.method, out _)) { continue; } if (IsNonCall(m.Value.method)) { continue; } if (IsMixAttribute(m.Value.method, out _, out _)) { continue; } if (m.Key.Contains("::Main(")) { NeoMethod _m = outModule.mapMethods[m.Key]; } this.ConvertMethod(m.Value, nm); } } } if (this.outModule.mapFields.Count > MAX_STATIC_FIELDS_COUNT) { throw new Exception("too much static fields"); } if (this.outModule.mapFields.Count > 0) { InsertInitializeMethod(); logger.Log("Insert _initialize()."); } var attr = outModule.mapMethods.Values.Where(u => u.inSmartContract).Select(u => u.type?.attributes.ToArray()).FirstOrDefault(); if (attr?.Length > 0) { outModule.attributes.AddRange(attr); } var declaringTypes = outModule.mapMethods.Values .Where(u => u.inSmartContract) .Select(u => u.method?.method?.DeclaringType) .Where(u => u != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(u.Name)) .Distinct() .ToArray(); outModule.Name = declaringTypes.Length == 1 ? declaringTypes[0].Name : Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(_in.module.Name); this.LinkCode(); // this.findFirstFunc();// Need to find the first method // Assign func addr for each method // Then convert the call address return(outModule); }
public BhpModule Convert(JavaModule _in, ConvOption option = null) { this.srcModule = _in; //logger.Log("beginConvert."); this.outModule = new BhpModule(this.logger); this.outModule.option = option == null ? ConvOption.Default : option; foreach (var c in _in.classes.Values) { if (c.skip) { continue; } foreach (var m in c.methods) { if (m.Value.skip) { continue; } if (m.Key[0] == '<') { continue; //系統函數不要 } BhpMethod nm = new BhpMethod(); = c.classfile.Name + "::" + m.Key; nm.displayName = m.Key; nm.isPublic = m.Value.method.IsPublic; this.methodLink[m.Value] = nm; outModule.mapMethods[] = nm; } } foreach (var c in _in.classes.Values) { if (c.skip) { continue; } foreach (var m in c.methods) { if (m.Value.skip) { continue; } if (m.Key[0] == '<') { continue; //系統函數不要 } var nm = this.methodLink[m.Value]; //try { this.ConvertMethod(m.Value, nm); } //catch (Exception err) //{ // logger.Log("error:" + err.Message); //} } } //转换完了,做个link,全部拼到一起 string mainmethod = ""; foreach (var key in outModule.mapMethods.Keys) { var name = key.Substring(key.IndexOf("::") + 2); var i = name.IndexOf('('); name = name.Substring(0, i); if (name == ("Main")) { var m = outModule.mapMethods[key]; foreach (var l in this.methodLink) { if (l.Value == m) { var srcm = l.Key; if (srcm.DeclaringType.superClass == "org.Bhp.smartcontract.framework.SmartContract") { logger.Log("Find entrypoint:" + key); if (mainmethod != "") { throw new Exception("Have too mush EntryPoint,Check it."); } mainmethod = key; } } } } } if (mainmethod == "") { throw new Exception("Can't find Main Method from SmartContract,Check it."); } outModule.mainMethod = mainmethod; //得找到第一个函数 this.LinkCode(mainmethod); //this.findFirstFunc();//得找到第一个函数 //然后给每个method 分配一个func addr //还需要对所有的call 做一次地址转换 //this.outModule.Build(); return(outModule); }
public void Build(Stream fs, Stream fspdb, bool optimizer) { this.IsBuild = false; this.Error = null; this.UseOptimizer = optimizer; var log = new DefLogger(); this.modIL = new ILModule(log); try { modIL.LoadModule(fs, fspdb); } catch (Exception err) { log.Log("LoadModule Error:" + err.ToString()); this.Error = err; return; } converterIL = new ModuleConverter(log); Dictionary <int, int> addrConvTable = null; ConvOption option = new ConvOption(); #if NDEBUG try #endif { converterIL.Convert(modIL, option); finalNEFScript = converterIL.outModule.Build(); if (optimizer) { List <int> entryPoints = new List <int>(); foreach (var f in converterIL.outModule.mapMethods.Values) { if (!entryPoints.Contains(f.funcaddr)) { entryPoints.Add(f.funcaddr); } } var opbytes = NefOptimizeTool.Optimize(finalNEFScript, entryPoints.ToArray(), out addrConvTable); float ratio = (opbytes.Length * 100.0f) / (float)finalNEFScript.Length; log.Log("optimization ratio = " + ratio + "%"); finalNEFScript = opbytes; } IsBuild = true; } #if NDEBUG catch (Exception err) { this.Error = err; log.Log("Convert IL->ASM Error:" + err.ToString()); return; } #endif try { finalABI = FuncExport.GenerateAbi(converterIL.outModule, addrConvTable); } catch (Exception err) { log.Log("Gen Abi Error:" + err.ToString()); this.Error = err; return; } try { debugInfo = DebugExport.Export(converterIL.outModule, finalNEFScript, addrConvTable); } catch (Exception err) { log.Log("Gen debugInfo Error:" + err.ToString()); this.Error = err; return; } try { finalManifest = FuncExport.GenerateManifest(finalABI, converterIL.outModule); } catch (Exception err) { log.Log("Gen Manifest Error:" + err.ToString()); this.Error = err; return; } }
public bool compile(string filename, string filetext, out byte[] avmtext, out string abitext, out string maptext, out string hash) { var tree = CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText(filetext); var comp = CSharpCompilation.Create("aaa.dll", new[] { tree }, new[] { ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4 }, op); var fs = new MemoryStream(); var fspdb = new MemoryStream(); var result = comp.Emit(fs, fspdb); fs.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); fspdb.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); ILModule mod = new ILModule(); mod.LoadModule(fs, fspdb); NeoModule am = null; byte[] bytes = null; string jsonstr = null; string mapInfo = null; ConvOption option = new ConvOption() { useNep8 = false }; var conv = new ModuleConverter(new DefLogger()); am = conv.Convert(mod, option); // *.avm bytes = am.Build(); avmtext = bytes; // *.abi.json var outjson = vmtool.FuncExport.Export(am, bytes); jsonstr = outjson.ToString(); abitext = jsonstr; hash = outjson["hash"].ToString(); // *.map.json Neo.Compiler.MyJson.JsonNode_Array arr = new Neo.Compiler.MyJson.JsonNode_Array(); foreach (var m in am.mapMethods) { Neo.Compiler.MyJson.JsonNode_Object item = new Neo.Compiler.MyJson.JsonNode_Object(); arr.Add(item); item.SetDictValue("name", m.Value.displayName); item.SetDictValue("addr", m.Value.funcaddr.ToString("X04")); Neo.Compiler.MyJson.JsonNode_Array infos = new Neo.Compiler.MyJson.JsonNode_Array(); item.SetDictValue("map", infos); foreach (var c in m.Value.body_Codes) { if (c.Value.debugcode != null) { var debugcode = c.Value.debugcode.ToLower(); //if (debugcode.Contains(".cs")) { infos.AddArrayValue(c.Value.addr.ToString("X04") + "-" + c.Value.debugline.ToString()); } } } } mapInfo = arr.ToString(); maptext = mapInfo; try { fs.Dispose(); if (fspdb != null) { fspdb.Dispose(); } } catch { } return(true); }
public void Build(Stream fs, Stream fspdb, bool optimizer) { this.IsBuild = false; this.Error = null; this.UseOptimizer = optimizer; var log = new DefLogger(); this.modIL = new ILModule(log); try { modIL.LoadModule(fs, fspdb); } catch (Exception err) { log.Log("LoadModule Error:" + err.ToString()); this.Error = err; return; } converterIL = new ModuleConverter(log); Dictionary <int, int> addrConvTable = null; ConvOption option = new ConvOption(); #if NDEBUG try #endif { converterIL.Convert(modIL, option); finalNEFScript = converterIL.outModule.Build(); if (optimizer) { List <int> entryPoints = new List <int>(); foreach (var f in converterIL.outModule.mapMethods.Values) { if (!entryPoints.Contains(f.funcaddr)) { entryPoints.Add(f.funcaddr); } } var opbytes = NefOptimizeTool.Optimize(finalNEFScript, entryPoints.ToArray(), out addrConvTable); float ratio = (opbytes.Length * 100.0f) / (float)finalNEFScript.Length; log.Log("optimization ratio = " + ratio + "%"); finalNEFScript = opbytes; } IsBuild = true; } #if NDEBUG catch (Exception err) { this.Error = err; log.Log("Convert IL->ASM Error:" + err.ToString()); return; } #endif try { finalABI = FuncExport.GenerateAbi(converterIL.outModule, addrConvTable); } catch (Exception err) { log.Log("Gen Abi Error:" + err.ToString()); this.Error = err; return; } try { debugInfo = DebugExport.Export(converterIL.outModule, finalNEFScript, addrConvTable); } catch (Exception err) { log.Log("Gen debugInfo Error:" + err.ToString()); this.Error = err; return; } try { finalManifest = FuncExport.GenerateManifest(finalABI, converterIL.outModule); } catch (Exception err) { log.Log("Gen Manifest Error:" + err.ToString()); this.Error = err; return; } try { nefFile = new NefFile { Compiler = "neon-" + Version.Parse(((AssemblyFileVersionAttribute)Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(Program)) .GetCustomAttribute(typeof(AssemblyFileVersionAttribute))).Version).ToString(), Tokens = converterIL.methodTokens.ToArray(), Script = finalNEFScript }; nefFile.CheckSum = NefFile.ComputeChecksum(nefFile); } catch (Exception err) { log.Log("Write Bytes Error:" + err.ToString()); return; } }