public void ComputeTwiceGradientShouldYieldTheSameResult()
            const int inputWidth  = 10;
            const int inputHeight = 10;
            const int inputDepth  = 2;

            const int filterWidth  = 3;
            const int filterHeight = 3;
            const int filterCount  = 2;

            // Create layer
            var layer = new ConvLayer <double>(filterWidth, filterHeight, filterCount)
                Stride = 2, BiasPref = 0.1

            layer.Init(inputWidth, inputHeight, inputDepth);

            // Forward pass
            var input = BuilderInstance <double> .Volume.Random(new Shape(inputWidth, inputHeight, inputDepth));

            var output = layer.DoForward(input, true);

            // Set output gradients to 1
            var outputGradient = BuilderInstance <double> .Volume.From(new double[output.Shape.TotalLength].Populate(1.0), output.Shape);

            // Backward pass to retrieve gradients
            var step1 = ((Volume <double>)layer.InputActivationGradients.Clone()).ToArray();

            var step2 = ((Volume <double>)layer.InputActivationGradients.Clone()).ToArray();

Esempio n. 2
        public static ConvLayer<T> Conv<T>(this LayerBase<T> layer, int width, int height, int filterCount) where T : struct, IEquatable<T>, IFormattable
            var conv = new ConvLayer<T>(width, height, filterCount);

            return conv;
Esempio n. 3
        public static ConvLayer <T> Conv <T>(this LayerBase <T> layer, int width, int height, int filterCount) where T : struct, IEquatable <T>, IFormattable
            var conv = new ConvLayer <T>(width, height, filterCount);


Esempio n. 4
        public static ConvLayer Conv(this LayerBase layer, int width, int height, int filterCount)
            var conv = new ConvLayer(width, height, filterCount);


Esempio n. 5
 public GRU(int _input_size, int _hidden_size, int output)
     input_size  = _input_size;
     hidden_size = _hidden_size;
     convLayerih = new ConvLayer(input_size, hidden_size * 3);
     convLayerhh = new ConvLayer(hidden_size, hidden_size * 3);
     convLayerhq = new ConvLayer(hidden_size, output);
Esempio n. 6
        private static Network CreateNewNetwork()
            var num_inputs      = 27; // 9 eyes, each sees 3 numbers (wall, green, red thing proximity)
            var num_actions     = 5;  // 5 possible angles agent can turn
            var temporal_window = 1;  // amount of temporal memory. 0 = agent lives in-the-moment :)
            var network_size    = num_inputs * temporal_window + num_actions * temporal_window + num_inputs;

            Network net = new Network();

            InputLayer il = new InputLayer();

            il.OutputWidth  = 1;
            il.OutputHeight = 1;
            il.OutputDepth  = network_size;

            ConvLayer conv = new ConvLayer(16, 5, 5, il.OutputDepth, il.OutputWidth, il.OutputHeight, 1, 2, 0, 1, 0.1);


            ReluLayer rlv = new ReluLayer(conv.OutputDepth, conv.OutputWidth, conv.OutputHeight);


            MaxPoolLayer pl = new MaxPoolLayer(2, 2, rlv.OutputDepth, rlv.OutputWidth, rlv.OutputHeight, 2, 0, 0);


            FullyConnLayer fc = new FullyConnLayer(50, pl.OutputDepth, pl.OutputWidth, pl.OutputHeight, 0, 1, 0);


            ReluLayer rl = new ReluLayer(fc.OutputDepth, fc.OutputWidth, fc.OutputHeight);


            FullyConnLayer fc2 = new FullyConnLayer(50, rl.OutputDepth, rl.OutputWidth, rl.OutputHeight, 0, 1, 0);


            ReluLayer rl2 = new ReluLayer(fc2.OutputDepth, fc2.OutputWidth, fc2.OutputHeight);


            FullyConnLayer fc8 = new FullyConnLayer(5, rl2.OutputDepth, rl2.OutputWidth, rl2.OutputHeight, 0, 1, 0);


            RegressionLayer sl = new RegressionLayer(fc8.OutputDepth, fc8.OutputWidth, fc8.OutputHeight);

            net.LossLayer = sl;
Esempio n. 7
        private static Network CreateNewNetwork()
            Network net = new Network();

            InputLayer il = new InputLayer();

            il.OutputWidth  = 32;
            il.OutputHeight = 32;
            il.OutputDepth  = 3;

            ConvLayer conv = new ConvLayer(16, 5, 5, 3, 32, 32, 1, 2, 0, 1, 0.1);


            ReluLayer rl = new ReluLayer(conv.OutputDepth, conv.OutputWidth, conv.OutputHeight);


            MaxPoolLayer pl = new MaxPoolLayer(2, 2, rl.OutputDepth, rl.OutputWidth, rl.OutputHeight, 2, 0, 0);


            ConvLayer conv2 = new ConvLayer(20, 5, 5, pl.OutputDepth, pl.OutputWidth, pl.OutputHeight, 1, 2, 0, 1, 0.1);


            ReluLayer rl2 = new ReluLayer(conv2.OutputDepth, conv2.OutputWidth, conv2.OutputHeight);


            MaxPoolLayer pl2 = new MaxPoolLayer(2, 2, rl2.OutputDepth, rl2.OutputWidth, rl2.OutputHeight, 2, 0, 0);


            ConvLayer conv3 = new ConvLayer(20, 5, 5, pl2.OutputDepth, pl2.OutputWidth, pl2.OutputHeight, 1, 2, 0, 1, 0.1);


            ReluLayer rl3 = new ReluLayer(conv3.OutputDepth, conv3.OutputWidth, conv3.OutputHeight);


            MaxPoolLayer pl3 = new MaxPoolLayer(2, 2, rl3.OutputDepth, rl3.OutputWidth, rl3.OutputHeight, 2, 0, 0);


            FullyConnLayer fc = new FullyConnLayer(10, pl3.OutputDepth, pl3.OutputWidth, pl3.OutputHeight, 0, 1, 0);


            SoftmaxLayer sl = new SoftmaxLayer(fc.OutputDepth, fc.OutputWidth, fc.OutputHeight);

            net.LossLayer = sl;
Esempio n. 8
        public static LeakyReluLayer<T> LeakyRelu<T>(this ConvLayer<T> layer, T alpha) where T : struct, IEquatable<T>, IFormattable
            var relu = new LeakyReluLayer<T>(alpha);

            layer.BiasPref = (T)Convert.ChangeType(0.1, typeof(T)); // can we do better?

            return relu;
Esempio n. 9
        public void BinaryNetSerializerTest()
            var net = new Net();

            net.AddLayer(new InputLayer(5, 5, 3));
            var conv = new ConvLayer(2, 2, 16);

            var fullycon = new FullyConnLayer(3);

            net.AddLayer(new SoftmaxLayer(3));

            // Serialize (binary)
            using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
                ms.Position = 0;

                // Deserialize (binary)
                Net deserialized = SerializationExtensions.LoadBinary(ms) as Net;

                // Make sure deserialized is identical to serialized
                Assert.AreEqual(net.Layers.Count, deserialized.Layers.Count);
                Assert.IsTrue(net.Layers[0] is InputLayer);

                var deserializedConv = net.Layers[1] as ConvLayer;
                Assert.AreEqual(16, deserializedConv.Filters.Count);
                for (int i = 0; i < deserializedConv.Filters.Count; i++)
                    for (int k = 0; k < deserializedConv.Filters[i].Length; k++)
                        Assert.AreEqual(conv.Filters[i].Get(k), deserializedConv.Filters[i].Get(k));
                        Assert.AreEqual(conv.Filters[i].GetGradient(k), deserializedConv.Filters[i].GetGradient(k));

                var deserializedFullyCon = net.Layers[2] as FullyConnLayer;
                Assert.AreEqual(3, deserializedFullyCon.Filters.Count);
                for (int i = 0; i < deserializedFullyCon.Filters.Count; i++)
                    for (int k = 0; k < deserializedFullyCon.Filters[i].Length; k++)
                        Assert.AreEqual(fullycon.Filters[i].Get(k), deserializedFullyCon.Filters[i].Get(k));
                        Assert.AreEqual(fullycon.Filters[i].GetGradient(k), deserializedFullyCon.Filters[i].GetGradient(k));

                Assert.IsTrue(deserialized.Layers[3] is SoftmaxLayer);
                Assert.AreEqual(3, ((SoftmaxLayer)deserialized.Layers[3]).ClassCount);
Esempio n. 10
        public ConvSuperResolution()
            superres_enc_front = InputLayer.Create(StartSide, 3);
            superres_enc_back  = ActivationLayer.Create <ReLU>();

            var pooling_0 = PoolingLayer.Create(2, 2);
            var pooling_1 = PoolingLayer.Create(2, 2);
            var pooling_2 = PoolingLayer.Create(2, 2);
            var pooling_3 = PoolingLayer.Create(2, 2);

                ConvLayer.Create(5, 128, 2).Append(                                                //o = 96
                    ActivationLayer.Create <ReLU>().Append(
                        pooling_0.Append(                                                          //o = 48
                            ConvLayer.Create(3, 128, 1).Append(                                    //o = 48
                                ActivationLayer.Create <ReLU>().Append(
                                    pooling_1.Append(                                              //o = 24
                                        ConvLayer.Create(3, 64, 1).Append(                         //o = 24
                                            ActivationLayer.Create <ReLU>().Append(
                                                pooling_2.Append(                                  //o = 12
                                                    ConvLayer.Create(3, 32, 1).Append(             //o = 12
                                                        ActivationLayer.Create <ReLU>().Append(
                                                            pooling_3.Append(                      //o = 6
                                                                ConvLayer.Create(3, 32, 1).Append( //o = 6

            superres_dec_front = InputLayer.Create(6, 32);
            superres_dec_back  = ActivationLayer.Create <Tanh>();

                ConvLayer.Create(3, 32, 1).Append(                                                   //o = 6
                    ActivationLayer.Create <ReLU>().Append(
                        UnpoolingLayer.Create(pooling_3).Append(                                     //o = 12
                            ConvLayer.Create(3, 64, 1).Append(                                       //o = 12
                                ActivationLayer.Create <ReLU>().Append(
                                    UnpoolingLayer.Create(pooling_2).Append(                         //o = 24
                                        ConvLayer.Create(3, 128, 1).Append(                          //o = 24
                                            ActivationLayer.Create <ReLU>().Append(
                                                UnpoolingLayer.Create(pooling_1).Append(             //o = 48
                                                    ConvLayer.Create(3, 128, 1).Append(              //o = 48
                                                        ActivationLayer.Create <ReLU>().Append(
                                                            UnpoolingLayer.Create(pooling_0).Append( //o = 96
                                                                ConvLayer.Create(5, 3, 2).Append(    //o = 96


            //TODO: come up with an approach that saves the convolution/multiplication indexes and rearranges the weights etc so they fit into cache better
            //TODO: unpooling layer tied to pooling layers

            //Initialize Weights
            superres_enc_front.InitializeWeights(new UniformWeightInitializer(0, 0.001f));
Esempio n. 11
        public void ForwardBackwardTest()
            var input = new TensorOld(new double[]
                4, 6, 1, 4,
                8, 4, 5, 1,
                5, 3, 5, 7,
                1, 7, 2, 8,
            }, 1, 1, 4, 4);

            var conv = new ConvLayer(4, 2, 1, 1);

            conv.SetFilters(new TensorOld(new double[]
                1, 1, 0, 0,
                0, 0, 1, 1,
                1, 0, 1, 0,
                0, 1, 0, 1,
            }, 4, 1, 2, 2));

            var expected = new TensorOld(new double[]
                0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                4, 10, 7, 5, 4,
                8, 12, 9, 6, 1,
                5, 8, 8, 12, 7,
                1, 8, 9, 10, 8,

                4, 10, 7, 5, 4,
                8, 12, 9, 6, 1,
                5, 8, 8, 12, 7,
                1, 8, 9, 10, 8,
                0, 0, 0, 0, 0,

                0, 4, 6, 1, 4,
                0, 12, 10, 6, 5,
                0, 13, 7, 10, 8,
                0, 6, 10, 7, 15,
                0, 1, 7, 2, 8,

                4, 6, 1, 4, 0,
                12, 10, 6, 5, 0,
                13, 7, 10, 8, 0,
                6, 10, 7, 15, 0,
                1, 7, 2, 8, 0,
            }, 1, 4, 5, 5);

            var acutal = conv.Forward(input);

            Assert.Equal(acutal, expected);

            var error = expected / 10;
            var back  = conv.Backward(error);
Esempio n. 12
        public void JsonNetSerializerTest()
            var net = new Net();

            net.AddLayer(new InputLayer(5, 5, 3));
            var conv = new ConvLayer(2, 2, 16);

            var fullycon = new FullyConnLayer(3);

            net.AddLayer(new SoftmaxLayer(3));

            // Serialize to json
            var json = net.ToJSON();

            // Deserialize from json
            Net deserialized = SerializationExtensions.FromJSON(json);

            // Make sure deserialized is identical to serialized
            Assert.AreEqual(net.Layers.Count, deserialized.Layers.Count);
            Assert.IsTrue(net.Layers[0] is InputLayer);

            var deserializedConv = net.Layers[1] as ConvLayer;

            Assert.AreEqual(16, deserializedConv.Filters.Count);
            for (int i = 0; i < deserializedConv.Filters.Count; i++)
                for (int k = 0; k < deserializedConv.Filters[i].Length; k++)
                    Assert.AreEqual(conv.Filters[i].Get(k), deserializedConv.Filters[i].Get(k));
                    Assert.AreEqual(conv.Filters[i].GetGradient(k), deserializedConv.Filters[i].GetGradient(k));

            var deserializedFullyCon = net.Layers[2] as FullyConnLayer;

            Assert.AreEqual(3, deserializedFullyCon.Filters.Count);
            for (int i = 0; i < deserializedFullyCon.Filters.Count; i++)
                for (int k = 0; k < deserializedFullyCon.Filters[i].Length; k++)
                    Assert.AreEqual(fullycon.Filters[i].Get(k), deserializedFullyCon.Filters[i].Get(k));
                    Assert.AreEqual(fullycon.Filters[i].GetGradient(k), deserializedFullyCon.Filters[i].GetGradient(k));

            Assert.IsTrue(net.Layers[3] is SoftmaxLayer);
            Assert.AreEqual(3, ((SoftmaxLayer)net.Layers[3]).ClassCount);
        public static ReluLayer Relu(this ConvLayer layer)
            var relu = new ReluLayer();


            layer.BiasPref = 0.1;

Esempio n. 14
        public static ReluLayer <T> Relu <T>(this ConvLayer <T> layer) where T : struct, IEquatable <T>, IFormattable
            var relu = new ReluLayer <T>();


            layer.BiasPref = (T)Convert.ChangeType(0.1, typeof(T));  // can we do better?

Esempio n. 15
 public LSTMCELL(int _input_size, int _hidden_size)
     input_size  = _input_size;
     hidden_size = _hidden_size;
     convLayerih = new ConvLayer(input_size, hidden_size * 4);
     //convLayerih.weights = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<float[][]>(util.getstr("D:\\lstmihw.json"));
     //convLayerih.basicData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<float[]>(util.getstr("D:\\lstmihb.json"));
     convLayerhh = new ConvLayer(hidden_size, hidden_size * 4);
     //convLayerhh.weights = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<float[][]>(util.getstr("D:\\lstmhhw.json"));
     //convLayerhh.basicData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<float[]>(util.getstr("D:\\lstmhhb.json"));
Esempio n. 16
        public void GradientWrtParametersCheck()
            const int inputWidth = 10;
            const int inputHeight = 10;
            const int inputDepth = 2;

            // Create layer
            const int filterWidth = 3;
            const int filterHeight = 3;
            const int filterCount = 2;

            var layer = new ConvLayer(filterWidth, filterHeight, filterCount) { Stride = 2 };

            GradientCheckTools.GradienWrtParameterstCheck(inputWidth, inputHeight, inputDepth, layer);
Esempio n. 17
        public void GradientWrtInputCheck()
            const int inputWidth = 30;
            const int inputHeight = 30;
            const int inputDepth = 2;

            // Create layer
            const int filterWidth = 3;
            const int filterHeight = 3;
            const int filterCount = 5;

            var layer = new ConvLayer(filterWidth, filterHeight, filterCount) { Stride = 2};

            GradientCheckTools.GradientCheck(layer, inputWidth, inputHeight, inputDepth);
 public EvoAIndividual(int ID, ConvLayer[] clayers, int[] nlayers, int epochs, int batchSize, double errorTolerance, int generation)
     this.ID = ID;
     //Obtener las capas convolutivas (objetos)
     CLayers = new ConvLayer[clayers.Length];
     Array.Copy(clayers, CLayers, CLayers.Length);
     //Obtener las capas neuronales (números, cada número es el total de neuronas y su posición la capa)
     NLayers = new int[nlayers.Length];
     Array.Copy(nlayers, NLayers, NLayers.Length);
     //Obtener los demás parámetros
     Epochs         = epochs;
     BatchSize      = batchSize;
     ErrorTolerance = errorTolerance;
     Generation     = generation;
Esempio n. 19
        public void BiasPrefUpdateWhenAddingReluLayer()
            var net = new Net();

            net.AddLayer(new InputLayer(10, 10, 3));
            var dotProduct1 = new FullyConnLayer(5);

            net.AddLayer(new ReluLayer());
            var dotProduct2 = new ConvLayer(5, 5, 3);

            net.AddLayer(new ReluLayer());

            Assert.AreEqual(0.1, dotProduct1.BiasPref);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.1, dotProduct2.BiasPref);
Esempio n. 20
        public void GradientWrtInputCheck()
            const int inputWidth  = 30;
            const int inputHeight = 30;
            const int inputDepth  = 2;

            // Create layer
            const int filterWidth  = 3;
            const int filterHeight = 3;
            const int filterCount  = 5;

            var layer = new ConvLayer(filterWidth, filterHeight, filterCount)
                Stride = 2

            GradientCheckTools.GradientCheck(layer, inputWidth, inputHeight, inputDepth);
Esempio n. 21
        public void GradientWrtParametersCheck()
            const int inputWidth  = 10;
            const int inputHeight = 10;
            const int inputDepth  = 2;

            // Create layer
            const int filterWidth  = 3;
            const int filterHeight = 3;
            const int filterCount  = 2;

            var layer = new ConvLayer(filterWidth, filterHeight, filterCount)
                Stride = 2

            GradientCheckTools.GradienWrtParameterstCheck(inputWidth, inputHeight, inputDepth, layer);
Esempio n. 22
        private ConvLayer simpleRectConvLayer()
            var layer = new ConvLayer(outputDepth:   2,
                                      windowHeight:  3, windowWidth:  2,
                                      strideHeight:  1, strideWidth:  2,
                                      paddingHeight: 1, paddingWidth: 0,
                                      activation:    Activation.Identity);

            layer.InputHeight = 3;
            layer.InputWidth  = 4;
            layer.InputDepth  = 2;

            layer.IsTraining = true;


            var weights = new double[]
                // feature map #1
                1, 0,
                1, -1,
                0, 1,

                0, 1,
                -1, 2,
                1, -1,
                1, // bias #1

                // feature map #2
                -1, 0,
                -1, 1,
                0, -1,

                0, -1,
                1, -2,
                -1, 1,
                -1, // bias #2

            Array.Copy(weights, layer.Weights, layer.Weights.Length);

        public void GradientWrtParametersCheck()
            const int inputWidth  = 10;
            const int inputHeight = 10;
            const int inputDepth  = 2;

            const int filterWidth  = 3;
            const int filterHeight = 3;
            const int filterCount  = 2;

            const int batchSize = 1;

            // Create layer
            var layer = new ConvLayer <double>(filterWidth, filterHeight, filterCount)
                Stride = 2
            };                                                                                        //BiasPref = 0.1

            GradientCheckTools.GradienWrtParameterstCheck(inputWidth, inputHeight, inputDepth, batchSize, layer);
        public void GradientWrtInputCheck()
            const int inputWidth  = 15;
            const int inputHeight = 15;
            const int inputDepth  = 2;

            const int filterWidth  = 3;
            const int filterHeight = 3;
            const int filterCount  = 5;

            const int batchSize = 3;

            // Create layer
            var layer = new ConvLayer <double>(filterWidth, filterHeight, filterCount)
                Stride = 2, BiasPref = 0.1

            GradientCheckTools.GradientCheck(layer, inputWidth, inputHeight, inputDepth, batchSize);
Esempio n. 25
        public void ConvLayerStorageTest()
            var doc   = new XmlDocument();
            var layer = new ConvLayer(3, 2, 1, 1);

            layer.SetFilters(new TensorOld(
                                 new double[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 }, 3, 1, 2, 2));
            layer.SetBias(new TensorOld(new double[] { 1, 2, 3 }));
            var el   = XmlStorage.SaveToEl(doc, layer);
            var test = XmlStorage.LoadFromNode <ConvLayer>(el);

            Assert.True(test is ConvLayer);
            Assert.Equal(layer.PaddingValue, test.PaddingValue);
            Assert.Equal(layer.FilterRows, test.FilterRows);
            Assert.Equal(layer.FilterColumns, test.FilterColumns);
            Assert.Equal(layer.RowStride, test.RowStride);
            Assert.Equal(layer.ColumnStride, test.ColumnStride);
            Assert.Equal(layer.Filters, test.Filters);
            Assert.Equal(layer.Bias, test.Bias);
Esempio n. 26
        public int CreateCNN(int inpx = 32, int inpy = 32, int inpd = 1, int classesCount = 11)
            if (GetLayersCount() == 0)
                net.AddLayer(new InputLayer(inpx, inpy, 1));

                convLayer = new ConvLayer(9, 9, 16)
                net.AddLayer(new LeakyReluLayer(0.3));
                net.AddLayer(new PoolLayer(2, 2)
                });                                    //субдискр

                net.AddLayer(new ConvLayer(5, 5, 32)
                net.AddLayer(new LeakyReluLayer(0.3));
                net.AddLayer(new PoolLayer(2, 2)

                net.AddLayer(new FullyConnLayer(120));
                net.AddLayer(new DropoutLayer(0.5));

                net.AddLayer(new FullyConnLayer(50));
                net.AddLayer(new DropoutLayer(0.5));

                net.AddLayer(new FullyConnLayer(classesCount));
                net.AddLayer(new SoftmaxLayer(classesCount));
                classes      = classesCount;
                isNetLearned = false;
Esempio n. 27
        public void ConvLayerSerialization()
            var layer = new ConvLayer(5, 5, 8)
                Stride = 1, Pad = 2, BiasPref = 0.5

            layer.Init(28, 24, 1);

            var data = layer.GetData();

            Assert.AreEqual(28, data["InputWidth"]);
            Assert.AreEqual(24, data["InputHeight"]);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, data["InputDepth"]);

            var deserialized = LayerBase <double> .FromData(data) as ConvLayer;

            Assert.AreEqual(28, deserialized.InputWidth);
            Assert.AreEqual(24, deserialized.InputHeight);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, deserialized.InputDepth);

            Assert.AreEqual(layer.Width, deserialized.Width);
            Assert.AreEqual(layer.Height, deserialized.Height);
            Assert.AreEqual(layer.Pad, deserialized.Pad);
            Assert.AreEqual(layer.Stride, deserialized.Stride);
            Assert.AreEqual(layer.FilterCount, deserialized.FilterCount);

            Assert.AreEqual(layer.Filters.Shape, deserialized.Filters.Shape);

            Assert.AreEqual(layer.Bias.Shape, deserialized.Bias.Shape);

            Assert.AreEqual(layer.BiasPref, deserialized.BiasPref);
Esempio n. 28
 public static ConvLayer <T> Stride <T>(this ConvLayer <T> layer, int stride) where T : struct, IEquatable <T>, IFormattable
     layer.Stride = stride;
Esempio n. 29
 public static ConvLayer <T> Pad <T>(this ConvLayer <T> layer, int pad) where T : struct, IEquatable <T>, IFormattable
     layer.Pad = pad;
Esempio n. 30
        public ReversibleAutoencoder()
            superres_enc_front = InputLayer.Create(StartSide, 3);
            superres_enc_back  = ActivationLayer.Create <LeakyReLU>();

            var pooling_0 = PoolingLayer.Create(2, 2);
            var pooling_1 = PoolingLayer.Create(2, 2);
            var pooling_2 = PoolingLayer.Create(2, 2);
            var pooling_3 = PoolingLayer.Create(2, 2);

                ConvLayer.Create(3, 12).Append(                                                                                                                                       //o = 94, 16
                    ActivationLayer.Create <LeakyReLU>().Append(
                        ConvLayer.Create(3, 12).Append(                                                                                                                               //o = 92, 16
                            ActivationLayer.Create <LeakyReLU>().Append(
                                ConvLayer.Create(3, 12).Append(                                                                                                                       //o = 90, 16
                                    ActivationLayer.Create <LeakyReLU>().Append(
                                        ConvLayer.Create(3, 12).Append(                                                                                                               //o = 88, 16
                                            ActivationLayer.Create <LeakyReLU>().Append(
                                                pooling_0.Append(                                                                                                                     //o = 44, 16
                                                    ConvLayer.Create(3, 12).Append(                                                                                                   //o = 42, 16
                                                        ActivationLayer.Create <LeakyReLU>().Append(
                                                            ConvLayer.Create(3, 12).Append(                                                                                           //o = 40, 16
                                                                ActivationLayer.Create <LeakyReLU>().Append(
                                                                    ConvLayer.Create(3, 12).Append(                                                                                   //o = 38, 16
                                                                        ActivationLayer.Create <LeakyReLU>().Append(
                                                                            ConvLayer.Create(3, 12).Append(                                                                           //o = 36, 16
                                                                                ActivationLayer.Create <LeakyReLU>().Append(
                                                                                    ConvLayer.Create(3, 12).Append(                                                                   //o = 34, 16
                                                                                        ActivationLayer.Create <LeakyReLU>().Append(
                                                                                            ConvLayer.Create(3, 12).Append(                                                           //o = 32, 16
                                                                                                ActivationLayer.Create <LeakyReLU>().Append(
                                                                                                    ConvLayer.Create(3, 12).Append(                                                   //o = 30, 16
                                                                                                        ActivationLayer.Create <LeakyReLU>().Append(
                                                                                                            ConvLayer.Create(3, 12).Append(                                           //o = 28, 16
                                                                                                                ActivationLayer.Create <LeakyReLU>().Append(
                                                                                                                    pooling_2.Append(                                                 //o = 14, 16
                                                                                                                        ConvLayer.Create(3, 12).Append(                               //o = 12, 16
                                                                                                                            ActivationLayer.Create <LeakyReLU>().Append(
                                                                                                                                ConvLayer.Create(3, 12).Append(                       //o = 10, 16
                                                                                                                                    ActivationLayer.Create <LeakyReLU>().Append(
                                                                                                                                        ConvLayer.Create(3, 12).Append(               //o = 8, 16
                                                                                                                                            ActivationLayer.Create <LeakyReLU>().Append(
                                                                                                                                                pooling_3.Append(                     //o = 4, 16
                                                                                                                                                    ConvLayer.Create(3, 8, 1).Append( //o = 4, 8

            superres_dec_front = InputLayer.Create(4, 8);
            superres_dec_back  = ActivationLayer.Create <Tanh>();

            superres_dec_front.Append(                                                                                                                                                //o = 4, 8
                ConvLayer.Create(3, 8, 1).Append(                                                                                                                                     //o = 4, 16
                    ActivationLayer.Create <LeakyReLU>().Append(
                        UnpoolingLayer.Create(pooling_3).Append(                                                                                                                      //o = 8, 16
                            ActivationLayer.Create <LeakyReLU>().Append(
                                ConvLayer.Create(3, 12, 2).Append(                                                                                                                    //o = 10, 16
                                    ActivationLayer.Create <LeakyReLU>().Append(
                                        ConvLayer.Create(3, 12, 2).Append(                                                                                                            //o = 12, 16
                                            ActivationLayer.Create <LeakyReLU>().Append(
                                                ConvLayer.Create(3, 12, 2).Append(                                                                                                    //o = 14, 16
                                                    UnpoolingLayer.Create(pooling_2).Append(                                                                                          //o = 28, 16
                                                        ActivationLayer.Create <LeakyReLU>().Append(
                                                            ConvLayer.Create(3, 12, 2).Append(                                                                                        //o = 30, 16
                                                                ActivationLayer.Create <LeakyReLU>().Append(
                                                                    ConvLayer.Create(3, 12, 2).Append(                                                                                //o = 32, 16
                                                                        ActivationLayer.Create <LeakyReLU>().Append(
                                                                            ConvLayer.Create(3, 12, 2).Append(                                                                        //o = 34, 16
                                                                                ActivationLayer.Create <LeakyReLU>().Append(
                                                                                    ConvLayer.Create(3, 12, 2).Append(                                                                //o = 36, 16
                                                                                        ActivationLayer.Create <LeakyReLU>().Append(
                                                                                            ConvLayer.Create(3, 12, 2).Append(                                                        //o = 38, 16
                                                                                                ActivationLayer.Create <LeakyReLU>().Append(
                                                                                                    ConvLayer.Create(3, 12, 2).Append(                                                //o = 40, 16
                                                                                                        ActivationLayer.Create <LeakyReLU>().Append(
                                                                                                            ConvLayer.Create(3, 12, 2).Append(                                        //o = 42, 16
                                                                                                                ActivationLayer.Create <LeakyReLU>().Append(
                                                                                                                    ConvLayer.Create(3, 12, 2).Append(                                //o = 44, 16
                                                                                                                        UnpoolingLayer.Create(pooling_0).Append(                      //o = 88, 16
                                                                                                                            ConvLayer.Create(3, 12, 2).Append(                        //o = 120, 16
                                                                                                                                ActivationLayer.Create <LeakyReLU>().Append(
                                                                                                                                    ConvLayer.Create(3, 12, 2).Append(                //o = 122, 16
                                                                                                                                        ActivationLayer.Create <LeakyReLU>().Append(
                                                                                                                                            ConvLayer.Create(3, 12, 2).Append(        //o = 124, 16
                                                                                                                                                ActivationLayer.Create <LeakyReLU>().Append(
                                                                                                                                                    ConvLayer.Create(3, 3, 2).Append( //o = 126, 3


            //TODO: come up with an approach that saves the convolution/multiplication indexes and rearranges the weights etc so they fit into cache better
            //TODO: unpooling layer tied to pooling layers

            //Initialize Weights
            superres_enc_front.InitializeWeights(new UniformWeightInitializer(0, 0.001f));
Esempio n. 31
        public void CompareCoreVsFlow()
            var inputWidth  = 28;
            var inputHeigth = 28;
            var inputDepth  = 3;
            var batchSize   = 20;

            #region Flow network

            var netFlow = new Net <T>();
            netFlow.AddLayer(new InputLayer <T>());
            var convLayerFlow1 = new ConvLayer <T>(5, 5, 8)
                BiasPref = (T)Convert.ChangeType(0.1, typeof(T)), Stride = 1, Pad = 2
            netFlow.AddLayer(new ReluLayer <T>());
            netFlow.AddLayer(new PoolLayer <T>(2, 2)
                Stride = 2
            var fullyConnLayerFlow = new FullyConnLayer <T>(10);
            netFlow.AddLayer(new SoftmaxLayer <T>());

            var trainerFlow = new SgdTrainer <T>(netFlow, (T)Convert.ChangeType(0.01f, typeof(T)))
                BatchSize = batchSize


            #region Core network

            var netCore = new Core.Net <T>();
            netCore.AddLayer(new Core.Layers.InputLayer <T>(inputWidth, inputHeigth, inputDepth));
            var convLayerCore1 = new Core.Layers.ConvLayer <T>(5, 5, 8)
                BiasPref = (T)Convert.ChangeType(0.1, typeof(T)), Stride = 1, Pad = 2
            netCore.AddLayer(new Core.Layers.ReluLayer <T>());
            netCore.AddLayer(new Core.Layers.PoolLayer <T>(2, 2)
                Stride = 2
            var fullyConnLayerCore = new Core.Layers.FullyConnLayer <T>(10);
            netCore.AddLayer(new Core.Layers.SoftmaxLayer <T>(10));

            var trainerCore = new Core.Training.SgdTrainer <T>(netCore)
                LearningRate = (T)Convert.ChangeType(0.01f, typeof(T)),
                BatchSize    = batchSize


            // Same weights
            var convfilterCore1 = netFlow.Session.GetVariableByName(netFlow.Op, (convLayerFlow1.Filter as IPersistable <T>).Name);
            convfilterCore1.Result = BuilderInstance <T> .Volume.SameAs(convLayerCore1.Filters.ToArray(), convLayerCore1.Filters.Shape);

            var fullyfilterCore = netFlow.Session.GetVariableByName(netFlow.Op, (fullyConnLayerFlow.Filter as IPersistable <T>).Name);
            fullyfilterCore.Result = BuilderInstance <T> .Volume.SameAs(fullyConnLayerCore.Filters.ToArray(), fullyConnLayerCore.Filters.Shape);

            // Create input
            var xStorage = new double[inputWidth * inputHeigth * inputDepth * batchSize].Populate(1.0);
            var x        = NewVolume(xStorage, Volume.Shape.From(inputWidth, inputHeigth, inputDepth, batchSize));

            // Create output
            var yStorage = new double[10 * batchSize];
            var y        = NewVolume(yStorage, Volume.Shape.From(1, 1, 10, batchSize));
            for (var i = 0; i < batchSize; i++)
                y.Set(0, 0, i % 10, i, Ops <T> .One);

            for (var k = 0; k < 10; k++)
                xStorage = new double[inputWidth * inputHeigth * inputDepth * batchSize].Populate(1.0 + k);
                x        = NewVolume(xStorage, Volume.Shape.From(inputWidth, inputHeigth, inputDepth, batchSize));

                var flowResult = netFlow.Forward(x);
                var coreResult = netCore.Forward(x);

                var sum1 = BuilderInstance <T> .Volume.SameAs(new Shape(1));

                var sum2 = BuilderInstance <T> .Volume.SameAs(new Shape(1));

                var diff = Ops <T> .Subtract(sum1.Get(0), sum2.Get(0));


                AssertNumber.AreSequenceEqual(flowResult.ToArray(), coreResult.ToArray(), 1e-6);

                trainerCore.Train(x, y);
                trainerFlow.Train(x, y);
Esempio n. 32
        /// <summary>
        /// BP网络测试
        /// </summary>
        static void BP()
            float[][] x  = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <float[][]>(util.getstr("D:\\bpx.json")); //训练数据
            float[][] y  = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <float[][]>(util.getstr("D:\\bpy.json")); //训练标签
            float[][] w1 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <float[][]>(util.getstr("D:\\bpw.json"));

            ConvLayer cl1 = new ConvLayer(13, 5, true);

            cl1.weights = w1;
            SigmodLayer sl  = new SigmodLayer();
            float       lr  = 0.5f;
            ConvLayer   cl2 = new ConvLayer(5, 1, true);
            //SigmodLayer s2 = new SigmodLayer();
            int i = 0, a = 0;

            while (a < 5000)
                //i = 0;
                //while (i < 100)
                //    float[][] xx2 = new float[1][];
                //    xx2[0] = new float[x[0].GetLength(0)];

                //    for (var f = 0; f < x[0].GetLength(0); f++)
                //    {

                //        xx2[0][f] = x[i][f];
                //    }
                dynamic ff = cl1.Forward(x);
                ff = sl.Forward(ff);
                ff = cl2.Forward(ff);
                // dynamic ff22 = s2.forward(ff);
                MSELoss mloss = new MSELoss();
                //float[][] yy2= new float[1][];
                //yy2[0] = y[i];
                var loss = mloss.Forward(ff, y);

                Console.WriteLine("误差:" + loss);

                dynamic grid = mloss.Backward();

                //  dynamic grid2 =s2.backward(grid);
                dynamic w22 = cl2.backweight(grid);

                dynamic grid1 = cl2.backward(grid);
                grid1 = sl.Backward(grid1);
                dynamic w11 = cl1.backweight(grid1);

                cl2.weights   = Matrix.MatrixSub(cl2.weights, Matrix.multiply(w22.grid, lr));
                cl2.basicData = Matrix.MatrixSub(cl2.basicData, Matrix.multiply(w22.basic, lr));

                cl1.weights   = Matrix.MatrixSub(cl1.weights, Matrix.multiply(w11.grid, lr));
                cl1.basicData = Matrix.MatrixSub(cl1.basicData, Matrix.multiply(w11.basic, lr));
                // }

            float[][] xx = new float[1][];
            xx[0] = new float[x[0].GetLength(0)];
            var aa = 3;

            for (var f = 0; f < x[0].GetLength(0); f++)
                xx[0][f] = x[aa][f];
            dynamic ff2 = cl1.Forward(xx);

            ff2 = sl.Forward(ff2);
            ff2 = cl2.Forward(ff2);
