Esempio n. 1
 private static void TriggerEvent(MidiEvent evnt, int track)
     if (evnt is TempoMetaMidiEvent)
         TempoMetaMidiEvent tempoEvent = (TempoMetaMidiEvent)evnt;
         SetTrackTempo(track, tempoEvent.Value);
     else if (evnt is EndOfTrackMetaMidiEvent)
         _trackEventIndex[track] = 0;
     else if (evnt is ControllerVoiceMidiEvent)
         ControllerVoiceMidiEvent ccEvent = (ControllerVoiceMidiEvent)evnt;
         OnCC(track, ccEvent.Channel, ccEvent.Number, ccEvent.Value);
     else if (evnt is OnNoteVoiceMidiEvent)
         OnNoteVoiceMidiEvent voiceEvent = (OnNoteVoiceMidiEvent)evnt;
         OnNoteOn(track, voiceEvent.Channel, voiceEvent.Note, voiceEvent.Velocity);
     else if (evnt is OffNoteVoiceMidiEvent)
         OffNoteVoiceMidiEvent voiceEvent = (OffNoteVoiceMidiEvent)evnt;
         OnNoteOff(track, voiceEvent.Channel, voiceEvent.Note);
        /// <summary>Parse a voice event from the data stream.</summary>
        /// <param name="deltaTime">The previously parsed delta-time for this event.</param>
        /// <param name="messageType">The previously parsed type of message we're expecting to find.</param>
        /// <param name="channel">The previously parsed channel for this message.</param>
        /// <param name="data">The data stream from which to read the event information.</param>
        /// <param name="pos">The position of the start of the event information.</param>
        /// <returns>The parsed voice MIDI event.</returns>
        private static MidiEvent ParseVoiceEvent(long deltaTime, byte messageType, byte channel, byte[] data, ref long pos)
            try {
                MidiEvent tempEvent = null;

                // Create the correct voice event based on its message id/type
                switch (messageType)
                // NOTE OFF
                case OffNoteVoiceMidiEvent.CategoryId:
                    tempEvent = new OffNoteVoiceMidiEvent(deltaTime, channel, data[pos], data[pos + 1]);
                    pos      += 2;

                // NOTE ON
                case OnNoteVoiceMidiEvent.CategoryId:
                    tempEvent = new OnNoteVoiceMidiEvent(deltaTime, channel, data[pos], data[pos + 1]);
                    pos      += 2;

                // AFTERTOUCH
                case AftertouchNoteVoiceMidiEvent.CategoryId:
                    tempEvent = new AftertouchNoteVoiceMidiEvent(deltaTime, channel, data[pos], data[pos + 1]);
                    pos      += 2;

                // CONTROLLER
                case ControllerVoiceMidiEvent.CategoryId:
                    tempEvent = new ControllerVoiceMidiEvent(deltaTime, channel, data[pos], data[pos + 1]);
                    pos      += 2;

                // PROGRAM CHANGE
                case ProgramChangeVoiceMidiEvent.CategoryId:
                    tempEvent = new ProgramChangeVoiceMidiEvent(deltaTime, channel, data[pos]);
                    pos      += 1;

                // CHANNEL PRESSURE
                case ChannelPressureVoiceMidiEvent.CategoryId:
                    tempEvent = new ChannelPressureVoiceMidiEvent(deltaTime, channel, data[pos]);
                    pos      += 1;

                // PITCH WHEEL
                case PitchWheelVoiceMidiEvent.CategoryId:
                    int  position = ((data[pos] << 8) | data[pos + 1]);
                    byte upper, lower;
                    MidiEvent.Split14BitsToBytes(position, out upper, out lower);
                    tempEvent = new PitchWheelVoiceMidiEvent(deltaTime, channel, upper, lower);
                    pos      += 2;

                // UH OH!
                    Validate.ThrowOutOfRange("messageType", messageType, 0x8, 0xE);

                // Return the newly parsed event
            // Something bad happened; wrap it in a parser exception
            catch (Exception exc) { throw new MidiParserException("Unable to parse voice MIDI event.", exc, pos); }