public ControlWrapper GetCandy() { ControlWrapper cw = new ControlWrapper(); cw.Protect(new BoardLabel()); return(cw); }
/// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PluginModel" /> class.</summary> /// <param name="pluginType">The plug-in type.</param> /// <param name="instanceAllowance">The instance allowance.</param> /// <param name="pluginName">Name of the plug-in.</param> /// <param name="controlWrapper">The control wrapper.</param> public PluginModel(Type pluginType, InstanceAllowance instanceAllowance, string pluginName, ControlWrapper controlWrapper) { PluginType = pluginType; PluginInstanceAllowance = instanceAllowance; PluginName = pluginName; PluginControlWrapper = controlWrapper; }
public ControlWrapper GetCandy() { ControlWrapper cw = new ControlWrapper(); BoardImage image = new BoardImage(); cw.Protect(image); return(cw); }
public ControlWrapper GetCandy() { ControlWrapper cw = new ControlWrapper(); BoardMediaPlayer p = new BoardMediaPlayer(); cw.Protect(p); return(cw); }
public ControlWrapper GetCandy() { ControlWrapper cw = new ControlWrapper(); DesignerChart dc = new DesignerChart(); BoardChart chart = new BoardChart(dc); cw.Protect(chart); return(cw); }
/// <summary>Gets the collection of plug-ins of a specified type.</summary> /// <param name="view">The type of plug-ins to return.</param> /// <returns>A collection of plug-ins.</returns> public IEnumerable <T> this[ControlWrapper view] { get { return(view == ControlWrapper.LayoutAnchorable ? Items.Where(p => GetPluginControlWrapper(p) == ControlWrapper.LayoutAnchorable).ToList() : Items.Where(p => GetPluginControlWrapper(p) == ControlWrapper.LayoutDocument).ToList()); } }
private void AddControl(Control ctrl, Control parent) { if (parent is PropertyGrid) { return; } ControlWrapper wrap = new ControlWrapper(); m_ctrls[ctrl] = wrap; wrap.ctrl = ctrl; wrap.varname = "ctrl" + m_ctrls.Count.ToString(); wrap.parent = parent; string parexpr = null; if (parent == m_rootWindow) { parexpr = "root"; } else if (parent is Form && m_openedWindows.ContainsKey((Form)parent)) { parexpr = m_openedWindows[(Form)parent]; } else { parexpr = m_ctrls[parent].varname; } bool processed = false; if (parent is SplitContainer) { if (ctrl == ((SplitContainer)parent).Panel1) { wrap.vardef = String.Format(" {0} = {1}.Panel1\n", wrap.varname, parexpr); } else { wrap.vardef = String.Format(" {0} = {1}.Panel2\n", wrap.varname, parexpr); } processed = true; } if (parent is TabControl && ctrl is TabPage) { TabPage page = (TabPage)ctrl; TabControl tabs = (TabControl)parent; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(page.Name)) { wrap.vardef = String.Format(" {0} = {1}.TabPages[{2}]\n", wrap.varname, parexpr, tabs.TabPages.IndexOf(page)); processed = true; } } if (!processed) { wrap.vardef = String.Format(" {0} = {1}.Controls['{2}']\n", wrap.varname, parexpr, ctrl.Name); } RegisterControlHooks(ctrl); }
public void SetControl <TControl>(TControl control) where TControl : System.Windows.Forms.Control { ControlWrapper prevLink = Link; if (prevLink != null) { prevLink.Dispose(); } _link = new ControlWrapper <TControl>(this, control); }
/// <summary> /// Checks if the object is of type window /// If not it creates a wrapper window /// </summary> /// <param name="instance">The instance of the object to check</param> /// <returns>Returns a window instance</returns> public static Window VerifyObjectType(object instance) { Window returnValue = instance as Window; //return the value if it is alread a window if (returnValue != null) return returnValue; //wrap the control in a window and return it ControlWrapper wrapper = new ControlWrapper(instance); return wrapper; }
public ControlWrapper GetCandy() { ControlWrapper cw = new ControlWrapper(); DesignerTable tb = new DesignerTable(); tb.Size.Width = 400; tb.Size.Height = 300; BoardDataGrid bf = new BoardDataGrid(tb); cw.Protect(bf); return(cw); }
{ public ControlWrapper GetCandy() { ControlWrapper cw = new ControlWrapper(); DesignerProcessbar pb = new DesignerProcessbar(); pb.Size.Width = 200; pb.Size.Height = 50; BoardProcessbar bf = new BoardProcessbar(pb); cw.Protect(bf); return(cw); }
private void WantControlVar(ControlWrapper wrap) { if (!wrap.isvar) { bool isform = wrap.parent is Form && m_openedWindows.ContainsKey((Form)wrap.parent); if (wrap.parent != m_rootWindow && !isform) { WantControlVar(m_ctrls[wrap.parent]); } AddCommand(wrap.vardef); wrap.isvar = true; } }
public ControlWrapper GetCandy() { ControlWrapper cw = new ControlWrapper(); DesignerDynamicLabel dg = new DesignerDynamicLabel(); dg.Size.Width = 150; dg.Size.Height = 50; dg.Text = "动态文本"; BoardDynamicLabel bf = new BoardDynamicLabel(dg); cw.Protect(bf); return(cw); }
public ControlWrapper GetCandy() { ControlWrapper cw = new ControlWrapper(); DesignerClock clock = new DesignerClock(); clock.Size.Width = 200; clock.Size.Height = 50; BoardClock bf = new BoardClock(clock); cw.Protect(bf); return(cw); }
/// <summary>Gets the <see cref="IEnumerable{FrameworkElementPluginViewModel}"/> with the specified control wrapper.</summary> /// <param name="controlWrapper">The control wrapper.</param> /// <returns>A collection of plug-in view models that have the specified control wrapper.</returns> public IEnumerable <FrameworkElementPluginViewModel> this[ControlWrapper controlWrapper] { get { List <FrameworkElementPluginViewModel> frameworkElementPluginViewModels = Items .Where(viewModel => viewModel.Model.PluginControlWrapper == controlWrapper) .ToList(); // return both types of view models that have the appropriate control wrapper type return(frameworkElementPluginViewModels); } }
public ControlWrapper GetCandy() { ControlWrapper cw = new ControlWrapper(); DesignerGif dg = new DesignerGif(); dg.Size.Width = 200; dg.Size.Height = 200; dg.GIFImageSource = "GifDemo.gif"; dg.AutoPlay = true; BoardGif bf = new BoardGif(dg); cw.Protect(bf); return(cw); }
/// <summary> /// Checks if the object is of type window /// If not it creates a wrapper window /// </summary> /// <param name="instance">The instance of the object to check</param> /// <returns>Returns a window instance</returns> public static Window VerifyObjectType(object instance) { Window returnValue = instance as Window; //return the value if it is alread a window if (returnValue != null) { return(returnValue); } //wrap the control in a window and return it ControlWrapper wrapper = new ControlWrapper(instance); return(wrapper); }
private void PopulateContentTypeDD(SPWeb web) { cbContentTypes.Items.Clear(); SPContentTypeCollection types = web.ContentTypes; foreach (SPContentType ct in types) { ctDD = new ControlWrapper <SPContentType>(ct.Name, ct); cbContentTypes.Items.Add(ctDD); } if (types.Count > 0) { cbContentTypes.SelectedIndex = 0; } }
private void PopulateSCDD(SPWeb web) { cbSiteCols.Items.Clear(); SPFieldCollection scs = web.Fields; foreach (SPField sc in scs) { scDD = new ControlWrapper <SPField>(sc.Title, sc); cbSiteCols.Items.Add(scDD); } if (scs.Count > 0) { cbSiteCols.SelectedIndex = 0; } }
private string GetControlExpression(Control ctrl, bool wantVar) { if (ctrl == m_rootWindow) { return("root"); } if (ctrl is Form && m_openedWindows.ContainsKey((Form)ctrl)) { return(m_openedWindows[(Form)ctrl]); } ControlWrapper wrap = m_ctrls[ctrl]; if (wantVar) { WantControlVar(wrap); } return(wrap.varname); }
static void Main() { var model = new ControlWrapper { Controls = { new ControlDto { Type = ControlType.LinkLabel, Caption = "This is LinkLabel's text", LocationX = 170, LocationY = 40 }, new ControlDto{ Type = ControlType.Label, Caption = "This is Label's text", LocationX = 170, LocationY = 50 } } }; var ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(ControlWrapper)); ser.Serialize(Console.Out, model); }
public bool RemoveChild(PropertiesNode child, bool ignoreInspector) { if (OnRemoveChild != null) { var resultRemove = OnRemoveChild(child.GetControl()); if (!resultRemove) { MessageBox.Show("CantRemoveItemFromParent", "FailToRemoveParent", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return(false); } } if (child.ControlWrapper != null) { child.ControlWrapper.Parent = null; if (ControlWrapper != null) { ControlWrapper.AlignControls(); } else { var alignmentProvider = _control as IAlignment; if (alignmentProvider != null) { alignmentProvider.AlignControls(); } } return(true); } if (!ignoreInspector) { MessageBox.Show("Element can't be removed from inspector tree itself", "Can't delete element", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); return(false); } return(true); }
/// <summary>Loads the plug-ins.</summary> /// <returns>A collection of the PluginModel's describing each plug-in.</returns> /// <exception cref="PluginException">An error occurred attempting to retrieve the plug-in assembly names.</exception> /// <exception cref="PluginException">An error occurred attempting to load the plug-in assembly types.</exception> /// <exception cref="PluginException">An error occurred attempting to build a plug-in model for type [type].</exception> public PluginModelCollection LoadPlugins() { IReadOnlyList <PluginLocation> plugins = PluginReader.ReadPluginDirectory(); PluginTypeCollection pluginTypeCollection = PluginReader.LoadPluginAssemblyTypes(plugins); PluginModelCollection pluginModelCollection = new PluginModelCollection(); if (pluginTypeCollection == null || pluginTypeCollection.Count == 0) { return(pluginModelCollection); } foreach (Type type in pluginTypeCollection) { try { PluginInstanceAllowanceAttribute pluginInstanceAllowanceAttribute = type.GetCustomAttribute <PluginInstanceAllowanceAttribute>(); PluginNameAttribute pluginNameAttribute = type.GetCustomAttribute <PluginNameAttribute>(); ControlWrapperAttribute pluginControlWrapperAttribute = type.GetCustomAttribute <ControlWrapperAttribute>(); ControlWrapper pluginControlWrapper = pluginControlWrapperAttribute?.ControlWrapper ?? ControlWrapper.LayoutAnchorable; InstanceAllowance pluginInstanceAllowance = pluginInstanceAllowanceAttribute?.InstanceAllowance ?? InstanceAllowance.Single; string pluginName = pluginNameAttribute?.PluginName ?? type.Name; // double check to make sure the PluginName wasn't set to "" or string.Empty if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pluginName)) { pluginName = type.Name; } pluginModelCollection.Add(new PluginModel(type, pluginInstanceAllowance, pluginName, pluginControlWrapper)); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new PluginException(FormattableString.Invariant($"An error occurred attempting to build a plug-in model for type {type}."), ex); } } return(pluginModelCollection); }
protected override void OnDrop(DragEventArgs e) { base.OnDrop(e); string controlName = e.Data.GetData("NewItem") as string; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(controlName)) { try { ControlWrapper wrapper = BoardControlFactory.CreateCandyByName(controlName); object candy = wrapper.Tear(); if (candy != null) { Point location = e.GetPosition(this); AddDesignerItem(candy, location); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } e.Handled = true; } }
/// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ControlWrapperAttribute"/> class.</summary> /// <param name="controlWrapper">The control wrapper.</param> public ControlWrapperAttribute(ControlWrapper controlWrapper) { ControlWrapper = controlWrapper; }
private void AddToolStripItem(ToolStripItem item, string childsCollection, MenuWrapper parent, ControlWrapper cparent) { MenuWrapper wrap = new MenuWrapper(); m_menus[item] = wrap; wrap.varname = "menu" + m_menus.Count.ToString(); wrap.item = item; wrap.parent = parent; wrap.cparent = cparent; wrap.vardef = String.Format(" {0} = {1}['{2}']\n", wrap.varname, childsCollection, item.Name); int childCount = 0; if (item is ToolStripMenuItem) { ToolStripMenuItem obj = (ToolStripMenuItem)item; foreach (ToolStripItem child in obj.DropDownItems) { childCount++; AddToolStripItem(child, wrap.varname + ".DropDownItems", wrap, null); } } if (childCount == 0) { wrap.hasevent = true; item.Click += new EventHandler(ToolStripItem_Click); } }