Esempio n. 1
    void AssignSetterToControl(ControlPropBinding binding)
        string controltypestring = GetControlType(binding.PropertyTypeString).ToString(); //Yes, casting a type to a string to a type to a string to a type. But we need the base type.

        switch (controltypestring)
        case "BoolConsoleControl":
            BoolConsoleControl boolcontrol = binding.Control as BoolConsoleControl;
            Action <bool>      boolaction  = new Action <bool>(x => binding.Info.SetValue(TargetPart, x, null));
            boolcontrol.RegisterAction(this, boolaction);
            //BoolConsoleControl boolcontrol = binding.Control as BoolConsoleControl;
            //boolcontrol.ActivateBool.AddListener(x => binding.Info.SetValue(TargetPart, x, null));

        case "FloatConsoleControl":
            FloatConsoleControl floatcontrol = binding.Control as FloatConsoleControl;
            Action <float>      floataction  = new Action <float>(x => binding.Info.SetValue(TargetPart, x, null));
            floatcontrol.RegisterAction(this, floataction);
            //floatcontrol.ActivateFloat.AddListener(new UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction<float>(x => binding.Info.SetValue(TargetPart, x, null)));
            //floatcontrol.ActivateFloat.AddListener(x => binding.Info.SetValue(TargetPart, x, null));

        case "Vector3ConsoleControl":
            Vector3ConsoleControl vectorcontrol = binding.Control as Vector3ConsoleControl;
            Action <Vector3>      vectoraction  = new Action <Vector3>(x => binding.Info.SetValue(TargetPart, x, null));
            vectorcontrol.RegisterAction(this, vectoraction);
            //Vector3ConsoleControl vectorcontrol = binding.Control as Vector3ConsoleControl;
            //vectorcontrol.ActivateVectorThree.AddListener(x => binding.Info.SetValue(TargetPart, x, null));

            print("Tried to assign control of type " + controltypestring + " which isn't supported in " + name + ".");
Esempio n. 2
    /// <summary>
    /// Takes the names, types etc. in DisplayBindings and uses reflection to find a PropertyInfo for them.
    /// Only call on start, or when something has been changed in the editor (NOT every frame) as it's heavy.
    /// </summary>
    public void BindToReflectedProperties()
        //Call reflection once to get references to the properties for the displayers that aren't heavy later.
        for (int i = 0; i < _displayBindings.Count; i++)
            //We have to replace the struct with a new one because we're stuck with structs because serialization.
            PropertyInfo newinfo = PartType.GetProperty(_displayBindings[i].PropertyName);

            DisplayPropBinding newbinding = new DisplayPropBinding
                PropertyName       = _displayBindings[i].PropertyName,
                Display            = _displayBindings[i].Display,
                PropertyTypeString = _displayBindings[i].PropertyTypeString,
                Info = newinfo
            _displayBindings[i] = newbinding;

        //Now call reflection for the control properties
        //Note that if this isn't done at start, you should've called ClearControlActionsByPart first so you don't get duplicates or leave actions on parts no longer bound.

        for (int i = 0; i < _controlBindings.Count; i++)
            //We have to replace the struct with a new one because we're stuck with structs because serialization.
            PropertyInfo newinfo = PartType.GetProperty(_controlBindings[i].PropertyName);

            ControlPropBinding newbinding = new ControlPropBinding
                PropertyName       = _controlBindings[i].PropertyName,
                Control            = _controlBindings[i].Control,
                PropertyTypeString = _controlBindings[i].PropertyTypeString,
                Info = newinfo
            _controlBindings[i] = newbinding;

            //Create and assign an action for setting the property to the control, if there is one.
            //TODO: Clean up past assignments.
            if (newbinding.Control) //
Esempio n. 3
     * /SerializedProperty iterator = serializedObject.GetIterator();
     * bool next = iterator.NextVisible(true);
     * while(next)
     * {
     *  if (iterator.propertyType == SerializedPropertyType.Float)
     *  {
     *      EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(iterator);
     *  }
     *  next = iterator.NextVisible(true);
     * }

    public void UpdatePropertyList()
        Debug.Log("Updating property list");
        _lastPartTarget = _partTarget;

        //Where we hold the values before checking them against the actual console's values
        disppropinfolist = new List <PropertyInfo>(); //For properties that are readable
        contpropinfolist = new List <PropertyInfo>(); //For properties that are writable

        Type parttype = _partConsole.PartType;

        if (parttype != null)
            //You can't call reflection on null, so update with the blank lists

            PropertyInfo[] properties = parttype.GetProperties();
            foreach (PropertyInfo info in properties)
                if (info.DeclaringType == typeof(SomePart) || info.DeclaringType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(SomePart))) //SomePart would be the base part class in Hyperfusion
                    //Assign its getter to display properties, if there is one
                    if (info.CanRead)

                    //Assign its setter to control properties, if there is one
                    if (info.CanWrite)

        //Preserve the old settings so they don't get wiped out if they're common to a new part.
        //Doing this separately for readables and writables. Maybe there's a better way but I haven't thought of it yet.
        List <DisplayPropBinding> newdispbindings = new List <DisplayPropBinding>();

        foreach (PropertyInfo info in disppropinfolist)
            DisplayPropBinding binding = new DisplayPropBinding
                PropertyName       = info.Name,
                PropertyTypeString = info.PropertyType.ToString()


        //Now combine the old and new lists, so we can carry over old but valid properties.
        //_partConsole.DisplayBindings = newbindings;
        List <DisplayPropBinding> finaldispbindings  = new List <DisplayPropBinding>();
        List <DisplayPropBinding> badnewdispbindings = new List <DisplayPropBinding>();

        foreach (DisplayPropBinding oldbinding in _partConsole.DisplayBindings)
            foreach (DisplayPropBinding newbinding in newdispbindings)
                if (newbinding.PropertyName == oldbinding.PropertyName)
                    //Take the old one, not the new one
                    //Add to the bad list to avoid adding the new version

        //Add the new ones that didn't have old counterparts added
        foreach (DisplayPropBinding newbinding in newdispbindings)
            if (!badnewdispbindings.Contains(newbinding))

        _partConsole.DisplayBindings = finaldispbindings;

        //Now writable properties.
        List <ControlPropBinding> newcontbindings = new List <ControlPropBinding>();

        foreach (PropertyInfo info in contpropinfolist)
            ControlPropBinding binding = new ControlPropBinding
                PropertyName       = info.Name,
                PropertyTypeString = info.PropertyType.ToString()


        //Now combine the old and new lists, so we can carry over old but valid properties.
        //_partConsole.DisplayBindings = newbindings;
        List <ControlPropBinding> finalcontbindings  = new List <ControlPropBinding>();
        List <ControlPropBinding> badnewcontbindings = new List <ControlPropBinding>();

        foreach (ControlPropBinding oldbinding in _partConsole.ControlBindings)
            foreach (ControlPropBinding newbinding in newcontbindings)
                if (newbinding.PropertyName == oldbinding.PropertyName)
                    //Take the old one, not the new one
                    //Add to the bad list to avoid adding the new version

        //Add the new ones that didn't have old counterparts added
        foreach (ControlPropBinding newbinding in newcontbindings)
            if (!badnewcontbindings.Contains(newbinding))

        _partConsole.ControlBindings = finalcontbindings;

Esempio n. 4
    public override void OnInspectorGUI()

        if (_partTarget != _lastPartTarget)

        bool updateruntimebindings = false; //If true, will call BindToReflectedProperties() at the end of the method

        //Display properties
        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Display Properties", EditorStyles.boldLabel);
        for (int i = 0; i < _partConsole.DisplayBindings.Count; i++)

            DisplayPropBinding tempbinding = new DisplayPropBinding
                PropertyName       = _partConsole.DisplayBindings[i].PropertyName,
                Display            = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(_partConsole.DisplayBindings[i].Display, PartConsole.GetDisplayType(_partConsole.DisplayBindings[i].PropertyTypeString), true) as ConsoleDisplay,
                PropertyTypeString = _partConsole.DisplayBindings[i].PropertyTypeString

            if (tempbinding.Display != _partConsole.DisplayBindings[i].Display)
                _partConsole.DisplayBindings[i] = tempbinding;
                if (Application.isPlaying)
                    updateruntimebindings = true;

        //Control properties
        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Control Properties", EditorStyles.boldLabel);
        for (int i = 0; i < _partConsole.ControlBindings.Count; i++)

            ControlPropBinding tempbinding = new ControlPropBinding
                PropertyName       = _partConsole.ControlBindings[i].PropertyName,
                Control            = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(_partConsole.ControlBindings[i].Control, PartConsole.GetControlType(_partConsole.ControlBindings[i].PropertyTypeString), true) as ConsoleControl,
                PropertyTypeString = _partConsole.ControlBindings[i].PropertyTypeString


            if (tempbinding.Control != _partConsole.ControlBindings[i].Control)
                if (_partConsole.ControlBindings[i].Control != null)
                _partConsole.ControlBindings[i] = tempbinding;
                if (Application.isPlaying)
                    updateruntimebindings = true;

        if (updateruntimebindings)