Esempio n. 1
        public void RequestsFrontContractFromCFBrokerForContinuousFuturesRequests()
            var cf = new ContinuousFuture()
                ID               = 1,
                InstrumentID     = 1,
                Month            = 1,
                UnderlyingSymbol = new UnderlyingSymbol
                    ID     = 1,
                    Symbol = "VIX",
                    Rule   = new ExpirationRule()

            var inst = new Instrument
                ID                 = 1,
                Symbol             = "VIXCONTFUT",
                IsContinuousFuture = true,
                ContinuousFuture   = cf,
                Datasource         = new Datasource {
                    ID = 999, Name = "MockSource"

            var req = new RealTimeDataRequest(inst, BarSize.FiveSeconds);

            _cfBrokerMock.Setup(x => x.RequestFrontContract(It.IsAny <Instrument>(), It.IsAny <DateTime?>())).Returns(0);


            _cfBrokerMock.Verify(x => x.RequestFrontContract(It.IsAny <Instrument>(), It.IsAny <DateTime?>()));
Esempio n. 2
        public void RaisesDataEventWithTheContinuousFuturesAlias()
            var cf = new ContinuousFuture()
                ID               = 1,
                InstrumentID     = 1,
                Month            = 1,
                UnderlyingSymbol = new UnderlyingSymbol
                    ID     = 1,
                    Symbol = "VIX",
                    Rule   = new ExpirationRule()

            var inst = new Instrument
                ID                 = 1,
                Symbol             = "VIXCONTFUT",
                IsContinuousFuture = true,
                ContinuousFuture   = cf,
                Datasource         = new Datasource {
                    ID = 999, Name = "MockSource"

            var req = new RealTimeDataRequest(inst, BarSize.FiveSeconds);

            _cfBrokerMock.Setup(x => x.RequestFrontContract(It.IsAny <Instrument>(), It.IsAny <DateTime?>())).Returns(0);
            int assignedID = 0;

            _dataSourceMock.Setup(x => x.RequestRealTimeData(It.IsAny <RealTimeDataRequest>())).Callback <RealTimeDataRequest>(r => assignedID = r.AssignedID);

            bool raisedCorrectSymbol = false;

            _broker.RealTimeDataArrived += (sender, e) =>
                                           raisedCorrectSymbol = raisedCorrectSymbol ? raisedCorrectSymbol : e.InstrumentID == 1;

            var frontFutureInstrument = new Instrument
                Symbol     = "VXF4",
                ID         = 2,
                Datasource = new Datasource {
                    ID = 999, Name = "MockSource"

            _cfBrokerMock.Raise(x => x.FoundFrontContract += null, new FoundFrontContractEventArgs(0, frontFutureInstrument, DateTime.Now));

            _dataSourceMock.Raise(x => x.DataReceived += null,
                                  new RealTimeDataEventArgs(2, MyUtils.ConvertToTimestamp(DateTime.Now), 100, 100, 100, 100, 50, 100, 2, assignedID));


Esempio n. 3
        public void UseMonthSerializesCorrectlyWhenSetToFalse()
            var ms = new MemoryStream();
            var cf = new ContinuousFuture();

            cf.UseDec = false;
            var serialized = MyUtils.ProtoBufSerialize(cf, ms);
            var cf2        = MyUtils.ProtoBufDeserialize <ContinuousFuture>(serialized, ms);

            Assert.AreEqual(false, cf2.UseDec);
Esempio n. 4
        public void RequestsCorrectFuturesContractForContinuousFutures()
            var cf = new ContinuousFuture()
                ID               = 1,
                InstrumentID     = 1,
                Month            = 1,
                UnderlyingSymbol = new UnderlyingSymbol
                    ID     = 1,
                    Symbol = "VIX",
                    Rule   = new ExpirationRule()

            var inst = new Instrument
                ID                 = 1,
                Symbol             = "VIXCONTFUT",
                IsContinuousFuture = true,
                ContinuousFuture   = cf,
                Datasource         = new Datasource {
                    ID = 999, Name = "MockSource"

            var req = new RealTimeDataRequest(inst, BarSize.FiveSeconds);

            _cfBrokerMock.Setup(x => x.RequestFrontContract(It.IsAny <Instrument>(), It.IsAny <DateTime?>())).Returns(0);


            var frontFutureInstrument = new Instrument
                Symbol     = "VXF4",
                ID         = 2,
                Datasource = new Datasource {
                    ID = 999, Name = "MockSource"

            _cfBrokerMock.Raise(x => x.FoundFrontContract += null, new FoundFrontContractEventArgs(0, frontFutureInstrument, DateTime.Now));

            _dataSourceMock.Verify(x => x.RequestRealTimeData(
                                       It.Is <RealTimeDataRequest>(y =>
                                                                   y.Instrument.ID == 2)), Times.Once);
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a new instrument
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="instrument"></param>
        /// <param name="saveChanges">Set to true if saving to db should be done.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the insertion or update succeeded. False if it did not.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException"></exception>
        public async Task <Instrument> AddInstrument(Instrument instrument, bool saveChanges = true)
            //Check if an instrument with these unique constraints already exists
            var existingInstrument = Context.Instruments.SingleOrDefault(x =>
                                                                         (x.ID == instrument.ID) ||
                                                                         (x.Symbol == instrument.Symbol &&
                                                                          x.DatasourceID == instrument.DatasourceID &&
                                                                          x.ExchangeID == instrument.ExchangeID &&
                                                                          x.Expiration == instrument.Expiration &&
                                                                          x.Type == instrument.Type));

            if (existingInstrument != null)
                //throw new ArgumentException("Unique constraint violation");


            //All this stuff is detached, so we need to get the attached objects
            instrument.Datasource      = Context.GetAttachedEntity(instrument.Datasource);
            instrument.Exchange        = Context.GetAttachedEntity(instrument.Exchange);
            instrument.PrimaryExchange = Context.GetAttachedEntity(instrument.PrimaryExchange);
            instrument.Tags            = instrument.Tags != null
                ? new List <Tag>(instrument.Tags.Select(Context.GetAttachedEntity).ToList())
                : new List <Tag>();

            //If necessary, load sessions from teplate or exchange
            if (instrument.SessionsSource == SessionsSource.Exchange && instrument.Exchange != null)
                instrument.Sessions = instrument.Exchange.Sessions.Select(x => x.ToInstrumentSession()).ToList();
            else if (instrument.SessionsSource == SessionsSource.Exchange && instrument.Exchange == null)
                instrument.SessionsSource = SessionsSource.Custom;
                instrument.Sessions       = new List <InstrumentSession>();
            else if (instrument.SessionsSource == SessionsSource.Template)
                instrument.Sessions = new List <InstrumentSession>();
                var template = Context.SessionTemplates.Include(x => x.Sessions).FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == instrument.SessionTemplateID);
                if (template != null)
                    foreach (TemplateSession s in template.Sessions)

            //Continuous future requires a bit of a workaround
            ContinuousFuture tmpCf = null;

            if (instrument.IsContinuousFuture)
                tmpCf = instrument.ContinuousFuture; //EF can't handle circular references, so we hack around it
                instrument.ContinuousFuture   = null;
                instrument.ContinuousFutureID = null;

            if (saveChanges)
                await Context.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (tmpCf != null)
                tmpCf.UnderlyingSymbol = Context.GetAttachedEntity(tmpCf.UnderlyingSymbol);

                instrument.ContinuousFuture              = tmpCf;
                instrument.ContinuousFuture.Instrument   = instrument;
                instrument.ContinuousFuture.InstrumentID = instrument.ID.Value;
                if (saveChanges)
                    await Context.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            _logger.Info($"Instrument Manager: successfully added instrument {instrument}");

Esempio n. 6
        private void AddBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (_addingNew &&
                    x => x.DatasourceID == TheInstrument.DatasourceID &&
                    x.ExchangeID == TheInstrument.ExchangeID &&
                    x.Symbol == TheInstrument.Symbol &&
                    x.Expiration == TheInstrument.Expiration)
                //there's already an instrument with this key
                MessageBox.Show("Instrument already exists. Change datasource, exchange, or symbol.");

            //check that if the user picked a template-based session set, he actually selected one of the templates
            if (TheInstrument.SessionsSource == SessionsSource.Template && TheInstrument.SessionTemplateID == -1)
                MessageBox.Show("You must pick a session template.");

            if (TheInstrument.IsContinuousFuture && TheInstrument.Type != InstrumentType.Future)
                MessageBox.Show("Continuous futures type must be Future.");

            if (TheInstrument.Datasource == null)
                MessageBox.Show("You must select a data source.");

            if (TheInstrument.Multiplier == null)
                MessageBox.Show("Must have a multiplier value.");

            //Validate the sessions
            if (SelectedSessions.Count > 0)
                    MyUtils.ValidateSessions(SelectedSessions.ToList <ISession>());
                catch (Exception ex)

            //move selected sessions to the instrument
            foreach (InstrumentSession s in SelectedSessions)
                //need to attach?


            foreach (Tag t in Tags.Where(x => x.IsChecked).Select(x => x.Item))

            ContinuousFuture tmpCF = null;

            if (_addingNew)
                if (TheInstrument.Exchange != null)
                if (TheInstrument.PrimaryExchange != null)

                if (TheInstrument.IsContinuousFuture)
                    tmpCF = TheInstrument.ContinuousFuture; //EF can't handle circular references, so we hack around it
                    TheInstrument.ContinuousFuture   = null;
                    TheInstrument.ContinuousFutureID = null;
            else //simply manipulating an existing instrument
                //make sure any "loose" sessions are deleted
                if (!_addingNew)
                    foreach (InstrumentSession s in _originalSessions.Where(s => !TheInstrument.Sessions.Any(x => x.ID == s.ID)))


            if (tmpCF != null)

                TheInstrument.ContinuousFuture              = tmpCF;
                TheInstrument.ContinuousFuture.Instrument   = TheInstrument;
                TheInstrument.ContinuousFuture.InstrumentID = TheInstrument.ID.Value;

            InstrumentAdded = true;