public ContextResult <Service.CRM_Person> GetUserDetails(string key, string email, string password) { ServiceDataContext db = new ServiceDataContext(); email = email.ToLower(); var person = db.CRM_Persons.ToList().FirstOrDefault(c => !c.IsArchived && c.PrimaryEmail.ToLower() == email && c.Password == password); var tempPerson = new Service.CRM_Person() { PrimaryEmail = person.PrimaryEmail, Title = person.Title, Firstname = person.Firstname, Lastname = person.Lastname, PrimaryAddressID = person.PrimaryAddressID, }; ContextResult <Service.CRM_Person> result = new ContextResult <Service.CRM_Person>() { ReturnObject = tempPerson }; result.IsSuccess = IsAuthValid(key); SetResponseHeaders(result.IsSuccess); return(result); }
public ContextResult <Service.CRM_Address> GetAddress(string key, int addressID) { ServiceDataContext db = new ServiceDataContext(); var address = db.CRM_Addresses.ToList().FirstOrDefault(c => c.ID == addressID); ContextResult <Service.CRM_Address> result = new ContextResult <Service.CRM_Address>() { ReturnObject = new Service.CRM_Address() { AddressLine1 = address.AddressLine1, AddressLine2 = address.AddressLine3, AddressLine3 = address.AddressLine3, AddressLine4 = address.AddressLine4, AddressLine5 = address.AddressLine5, Town = address.Town, County = address.County, Postcode = address.Postcode } }; result.IsSuccess = IsAuthValid(key); SetResponseHeaders(result.IsSuccess); return(result); }
public ContextResult <Service.CRM_Venue[]> GetVenues(string authkey) { ServiceDataContext db = new ServiceDataContext(); var venueList = new List <Service.CRM_Venue>(); foreach (var source in db.CRM_Venues.ToArray()) { venueList.Add(new Service.CRM_Venue() { Name = source.Name, ID = source.ID }); } ContextResult <Service.CRM_Venue[]> result = new ContextResult <Service.CRM_Venue[]>() { ReturnObject = venueList.ToArray() }; result.IsSuccess = IsAuthValid(authkey); SetResponseHeaders(result.IsSuccess); return(result); }
public ContextResult <List <string> > ActiveFriendEmails(string authKey) { bool valid = IsAuthValid(authKey); List <string> ActiveFriends = new List <string>(); if (valid) { var now = UKTime.Now; using (ServiceDataContext db = new ServiceDataContext()) { foreach (Service.CRM_AnnualPass pass in db.CRM_AnnualPasses.Where(r => r.StartDate <= now && r.ExpiryDate >= now)) { Service.CRM_Person person = db.CRM_Persons.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Reference == pass.PrimaryContactReference); if (person != null && person.PrimaryEmail != "") { ActiveFriends.Add(person.PrimaryEmail.ToLower().Trim()); } } } } ContextResult <List <string> > result = new ContextResult <List <string> >() { ReturnObject = ActiveFriends }; result.IsSuccess = valid; SetResponseHeaders(result.IsSuccess); return(result); }
public void ProcessContextReturnsExpected(string templateString, string arg, ContextResult expected) { var instanceUnderTest = new HelpOptionParser <object>(Template.Parse(templateString)); var context = new ParseContext(new[] { arg }); var result = instanceUnderTest.ProcessContext(new object(), context); result.ShouldBe(expected); }
public override void CustomSave(ContextResult context) { JavaScriptSerializer oSerializer = new JavaScriptSerializer(); var list = (from b in context.Results select oSerializer.Serialize((Book)b.CustomBag)).ToArray<string>(); Persist(Input.Url.Replace(skoobUrl,string.Empty).Replace(":","-").Replace("/"," ").Trim().Replace(" ","-"), string.Join(",", list)); }
public void MapReturnsProcessContextValue(ContextResult result) { var parserMock = CreateParserMock(ParserType.Command, false, context => context.TryTakeStringValue(out _), result); Parser <MyOptions> .Map(_myOptions, new[] { parserMock.Object }, new ParseContext(new[] { "test" }), ParserType.Command) .ShouldBe(result); }
public void InitContent() { tcc.DataContext = tc; Assert.IsTrue(tcc.DomId == tc.DomId); Assert.IsTrue(tcc.DataContext.Caption == tc.Caption); tcc.Caption = "change 1"; tcc.UpdateDataContext(); Assert.IsTrue(tcc.Caption == tcc.DataContext.Caption); tc.OnCommand.Invoke(this, ContextResult.Cancel()); Assert.IsTrue(tcc.DataContext.ObjectName == "test"); }
protected virtual void Closed(ContextAction result, object data) { DataContext.IsVisabled = false; DataContext.OnCommand?.Invoke(this, ContextResult.Cancel()); OnResult.InvokeAsync(result?.ContextResult(data)); //DataContext.Child = new TContext<TNull>(); LoadDataContext(); base.Close(); OnCloseAction?.Invoke(); }
public override ContextResult ParseHtml(Instruction instruction) { ContextResult context = new ContextResult(); CrawlerResult output = null; string url = instruction.Url; HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument(); doc.LoadHtml(GetContent(url)); HtmlNodeCollection books = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div[@id='resultadoBusca']//div[@class='box_capa_lista_busca']//a[position()=1]"); HtmlNodeCollection candidateLinks = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div[@id='resultadoBusca']//a[@class='l13' and position()=1]"); foreach (var link in candidateLinks) { AddCandidateLink(context, string.Format("{0}{1}", "", link.Attributes["href"].Value)); } if (books != null) { foreach (HtmlNode book in books) { HtmlDocument internalDoc = new HtmlDocument(); internalDoc.LoadHtml(GetContent(string.Format("{0}{1}", skoobUrl, book.Attributes["href"].Value))); HtmlNode title = internalDoc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[@id='barra_titulo']//h1"); string bookTitle = string.Empty; if (title != null) bookTitle = title.InnerText; HtmlNode author = internalDoc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[@id='barra_autor']//a"); string bookAuthor = string.Empty; if (author != null) bookAuthor = author.InnerText; HtmlNode editions = internalDoc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[@id='menubusca']//a[@title='Edições']"); string bookEditionsUrl = string.Empty; if (editions != null) { bookEditionsUrl = string.Format("{0}{1}", skoobUrl, editions.Attributes["href"].Value); List<Book> bookEditions = GetBooksFromEdition(bookTitle, bookAuthor, bookEditionsUrl); foreach (Book bookEdition in bookEditions) { context.Results.Add(new CrawlerResult() { CustomBag = bookEdition }); } } } } return context; }
public void Init() { tcc = new TestComponent(); tc = new TestContent { Caption = "OK" }; tc.OnCommand += (o, e) => { e = ContextResult.No("no"); tc.ObjectName = "test"; tc.LoadDataContext(); }; }
public ContextResult <CRM_Title[]> GetTitles(string authkey) { MainDataContext db = new MainDataContext(); var items = db.CRM_Titles.ToArray().OrderBy(c => c.DisplayName).ToArray(); ContextResult <CRM_Title[]> result = new ContextResult <CRM_Title[]>() { ReturnObject = items }; result.IsSuccess = IsAuthValid(authkey); SetResponseHeaders(result.IsSuccess); return(result); }
public ContextResult <Service.Country[]> GetCountries(string authkey) { ServiceDataContext db = new ServiceDataContext(); ContextResult <Service.Country[]> result = new ContextResult <Service.Country[]>() { ReturnObject = db.Countries.ToArray() }; result.IsSuccess = IsAuthValid(authkey); SetResponseHeaders(result.IsSuccess); return(result); }
public ContextResult <Service.CRM_RelationCode[]> GetRelationshipCodes(string authkey) { ServiceDataContext db = new ServiceDataContext(); var items = db.CRM_RelationCodes.ToArray().OrderBy(c => c.Name).ToArray(); ContextResult <Service.CRM_RelationCode[]> result = new ContextResult <Service.CRM_RelationCode[]>() { ReturnObject = items }; result.IsSuccess = IsAuthValid(authkey); SetResponseHeaders(result.IsSuccess); return(result); }
public ContextResult <Service.CRM_AnnualPassType[]> GetMemberships(string authkey) { ServiceDataContext db = new ServiceDataContext(); var items = db.CRM_AnnualPassTypes.Where(r => r.IsWebsite && !r.IsArchived).ToArray().OrderBy(c => c.Name).ToArray(); ContextResult <Service.CRM_AnnualPassType[]> result = new ContextResult <Service.CRM_AnnualPassType[]>() { ReturnObject = items }; result.IsSuccess = IsAuthValid(authkey); SetResponseHeaders(result.IsSuccess); return(result); }
public ContextResult <Service.CRM_Person> GetPersonRecord(string authkey, int WebsiteAccountID) { ServiceDataContext db = new ServiceDataContext(); Service.CRM_Person personAccount = db.CRM_Persons.FirstOrDefault(s => s.WebsiteAccountID == WebsiteAccountID); ContextResult <Service.CRM_Person> result = new ContextResult <Service.CRM_Person>() { ReturnObject = personAccount }; result.IsSuccess = IsAuthValid(authkey); SetResponseHeaders(result.IsSuccess); return(result); }
private static Mock <IArgumentParser <MyOptions> > CreateParserMock(ParserType parserType, bool multiValued, Action <ParseContext> parseAction, ContextResult result) { var mock = new Mock <IArgumentParser <MyOptions> >(); mock.SetupGet(m => m.MultiValued).Returns(multiValued); mock.SetupGet(m => m.ParserType).Returns(parserType); mock.Setup(m => m.ProcessContext(It.IsAny <MyOptions>(), It.IsAny <ParseContext>())) .Returns <MyOptions, ParseContext>((_, ctx) => { parseAction(ctx); return(result); }) .Verifiable(); return(mock); }
// Invokes the parser on the context arguments private static ContextResult InvokeParser(TOptions options, ParseContext parseContext, ContextResult result, IArgumentParser <TOptions> parser) { while (parseContext.Ready) { var state = parseContext.Count; result |= parser.ProcessContext(options, parseContext); if (state != parseContext.Count && !parser.MultiValued) { break; } } return(result); }
public ContextResult <Service.CRM_FormFieldItem[]> GetInterests(string authkey) { ServiceDataContext db = new ServiceDataContext(); Service.CRM_FormFieldItem[] items = db.CRM_FormFieldItems.Where(f => f.CRM_FormFieldID == 24).OrderBy(o => o.OrderNo).ToArray(); ContextResult <Service.CRM_FormFieldItem[]> result = new ContextResult <Service.CRM_FormFieldItem[]>() { ReturnObject = items }; result.IsSuccess = IsAuthValid(authkey); SetResponseHeaders(result.IsSuccess); return(result); }
public SpecificationStatus Execute(Type spectorun) { var classname = spectorun.Name.Replace("Spec",""); var contexts = GetContexts(spectorun); var specobj = (BaseSpec)Activator.CreateInstance(spectorun) ; var specresults = new List<ContextResult>(); foreach (var method in contexts) { var resultsbefore = specobj.ContextResults.ToArray(); method.Invoke(specobj, null); var newresults = specobj.ContextResults.Except(resultsbefore); var specresult = new ContextResult(classname, method.Name.Replace("_", " "), newresults); specresults.Add(specresult); } return new SpecificationStatus(classname, specresults); }
/// <summary> /// [DEPENDS ON: CdnInfoContext, Mumble Link API] /// If <see cref="ContextAvailability.Available"/>, returns if the client is the /// <see cref="ClientType.Standard"/> client or the <see cref="ClientType.Chinese"/> client. /// </summary> public ContextAvailability TryGetClientType(out ContextResult <ClientType> contextResult) { int currentBuildId; if (GameService.Gw2Mumble.IsAvailable) { currentBuildId = GameService.Gw2Mumble.Info.BuildId; } else { contextResult = new ContextResult <ClientType>(ClientType.Unknown, "The Guild Wars 2 Mumble Link API was not available."); return(ContextAvailability.NotReady); } var standardClient = IsStandardClientType(currentBuildId, out var standardCdnStatus); if (standardClient.IsMatch) { contextResult = new ContextResult <ClientType>(ClientType.Standard); return(ContextAvailability.Available); } var chineseClient = IsChineseClientType(currentBuildId, out var chineseCdnStatus); if (chineseClient.IsMatch) { contextResult = new ContextResult <ClientType>(ClientType.Chinese); return(ContextAvailability.Available); } if (standardClient.CdnAvailability == ContextAvailability.Available && chineseClient.CdnAvailability == ContextAvailability.Available) { contextResult = new ContextResult <ClientType>(ClientType.Unknown, $"The build ID reported by the Mumble Link API ({currentBuildId}) could not be matched against a CDN provided build ID."); return(ContextAvailability.Failed); } contextResult = new ContextResult <ClientType>(ClientType.Unknown, $"The CDN context is either not ready or failed to load."); return(ContextAvailability.Unavailable); }
public ContextResult <InterestAnswer[]> GetCurrentInterests(string authkey, int WebsiteAccountID) { ServiceDataContext db = new ServiceDataContext(); Service.CRM_Person personAccount = db.CRM_Persons.FirstOrDefault(s => s.WebsiteAccountID == WebsiteAccountID); InterestAnswer[] items = (from a in db.CRM_FormFieldAnswers where a.CRM_FormFieldID == 24 && a.TargetReference == personAccount.Reference select new InterestAnswer { FormFieldID = a.CRM_FormFieldID, OptIn = a.Answer == "Yes" }).ToArray(); ContextResult <InterestAnswer[]> result = new ContextResult <InterestAnswer[]>() { ReturnObject = items }; result.IsSuccess = IsAuthValid(authkey); SetResponseHeaders(result.IsSuccess); return(result); }
public void TestAddContext() { var publicId = GetUniquePublicId(); var uploadParams = new ImageUploadParams() { File = new FileDescription(m_testImagePath), PublicId = publicId, Overwrite = true, Type = STORAGE_TYPE_UPLOAD, Tags = m_apiTag }; m_cloudinary.Upload(uploadParams); List <string> pIds = new List <string> { publicId }; ContextResult contextResult = m_cloudinary.Context(new ContextParams() { Command = ContextCommand.Add, PublicIds = pIds, Type = STORAGE_TYPE_UPLOAD, Context = "TestContext", ResourceType = ResourceType.Image }); Assert.True(contextResult.PublicIds.Length > 0); m_cloudinary.GetResource(new GetResourceParams(pIds[0]) { PublicId = pIds[0], Type = STORAGE_TYPE_UPLOAD, ResourceType = ResourceType.Image }); }
public override void Cancel() { CloseItem(ContextResult.Cancel()); }
protected ContextResult CreateTopReferable( ImportCellMatchContextBase context, bool actInHierarchy = false) { // access if (context?.Parent == null || _sm == null) { return(null); } // what element to create? makes this sense? var fen = FilteredElementName.Parse(context.ParentElemName); if (fen == null) { return(null); } if (fen.Name != AdminShell.Key.Submodel && fen.NameEnum != AdminShell.SubmodelElementWrapper.AdequateElementEnum.Unknown && fen.NameEnum != AdminShell.SubmodelElementWrapper.AdequateElementEnum.SubmodelElementCollection) { return(null); } // special case: directly into the (existing) Submodel ContextResult res = null; if (fen.Name == AdminShell.Key.Submodel) { // prepare the result (already) res = new ContextResult() { Elem = _sm, Wrappers = _sm.submodelElements }; // kind of manually take over data // this changes the actual data of the Submodel the plugin is associated with! AasConvertHelper.TakeOverSmeToSm(context.Parent, _sm); // ok return(res); } // ok, if not, then ordinary case: create a SME and add it (somewhere) to the SM // this ALREADY should take over the most of the data // Note: value data is not required, as fixed to SMC! var sme = AdminShell.SubmodelElementWrapper.CreateAdequateType(fen.NameEnum, context.Parent); if (!(sme is AdminShell.SubmodelElementCollection smesmc)) { return(null); } smesmc.value = new AdminShell.SubmodelElementWrapperCollection(); res = new ContextResult() { Elem = sme, Wrappers = smesmc.value }; // try to act within the hierarchy // does only search SME but no SM, however, this is not a flaw, as adding to SM is the default if (actInHierarchy && context.ParentParentName.HasContent() && context.Parent.idShort.HasContent()) { foreach (var rootsmc in _sm.submodelElements.FindDeep <AdminShell.SubmodelElementCollection>((testsmc) => { // first condition is, that the parents match! if (!testsmc.idShort.HasContent() || testsmc.parent == null) { return(false); } // try testing of allowed parent names if (!(testsmc.parent is AdminShell.Referable testsmcpar)) { return(false); } var test1 = context.ParentParentName.ToLower().Contains(testsmcpar.idShort.ToLower().Trim()); var test2 = false; if (_idShortToParentName.ContainsKey(testsmcpar.idShort)) { foreach (var pn in _idShortToParentName[testsmcpar.idShort]) { test2 = test2 || context.ParentParentName.ToLower().Contains(pn.ToLower().Trim()); } } if (!(test1 || test2)) { return(false); } // next is, that some part of of given idShort match the idShort of children // of investigated SMC var parts = context.Parent.idShort.Split(new[] { ',', ';', '|' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (var part in parts) { if (part?.Trim().ToLower() == testsmc.idShort.Trim().ToLower()) { return(true); } } // or, maybe more meaningful, if the semantic ids are the same? if (context.Parent.semanticId?.IsEmpty == false && testsmc.semanticId?.IsEmpty == false && testsmc.semanticId.Matches(context.Parent.semanticId, AdminShell.Key.MatchMode.Relaxed)) { return(true); } // not found return(false); })) { // rootsmc contains a valid SMC to the above criteria // NOTHING needs to be added; found SMC needs to be given back res.Elem = rootsmc; res.Wrappers = rootsmc.value; // this seems to be a valid ParentName, which is now "renamed" by the idShort // of the SMC _idShortToParentName.Add(rootsmc.idShort, context.Parent.idShort); // need to adopt the rootsmc further by parent information?? ; // ok return(res); } } // simply add new SMC directly to SM _sm.Add(sme); return(res); }
//Check XmlDocument for documentation on HtmlAgilityPack //XPath cheat sheet public override ContextResult ParseHtml(Instruction instruction) { ContextResult context = new ContextResult(); CrawlerResult output = null; string url = instruction.Url; HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument(); doc.LoadHtml(GetContent(url)); HtmlNodeCollection posts = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div[@id='content']//div[contains(@class,'post') and contains(@class,'status-publish')]"); HtmlNodeCollection candidateLinks = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div[@id='postnav']//a[contains(.,'Próxima')]"); if (candidateLinks != null) { foreach (var link in candidateLinks) { AddCandidateLink(context, link.Attributes["href"].Value); } } foreach (HtmlNode post in posts) { output = new CrawlerResult(); HtmlNode title = post.SelectSingleNode(".//h3[@class='storytitle']"); HtmlNode content = post.SelectSingleNode(".//div[@class='storycontent']"); HtmlNodeCollection tags = post.SelectNodes(".//div[@class='meta']//a"); if (title != null && content != null) { HtmlNode postUrl = title.SelectSingleNode(".//a"); //if (title.ChildNodes.Count > 0 && title.ChildNodes[0].Attributes["href"] != null) //output.Url = title.ChildNodes[0].Attributes["href"].Value; if (postUrl != null) output.Url = postUrl.Attributes["href"].Value; output.Title = System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(title.InnerText); output.Content = content.InnerHtml; //var aux = Sanitize.Strip(output.Content); HtmlNode date = post.SelectSingleNode(".//h3[@class='storytitle']//span[@class='date']"); if (date != null) { output.Data = (new LeitoraCompulsivaData() { Date = date.InnerText }).ToJson(); } if (tags != null) { List<string> postTags = new List<string>(); foreach (var tag in tags) { postTags.Add(tag.InnerText); } output.Tags = string.Join(", ", postTags.ToArray()); } context.Results.Add(output); } } return context; }
protected ContextResult CreateBodyCD( ImportCellMatchContextBase context, AdminShell.AdministrationShellEnv env) { // access if (context?.Sme == null || context?.CD == null || env == null || _options == null) { return(null); } // first test, if the CD already exists var test = env.FindConceptDescription(context.Sme.semanticId); if (test != null) { return new ContextResult() { Elem = test } } ; // a semanticId is required to link the Sme and the CD together if (context.Sme.semanticId == null || context.Sme.semanticId.Count < 1) { // generate a new one for SME + CD // this modifies the SME! var id = new AdminShell.Identification( AdminShell.Identification.IRI, AdminShellUtil.GenerateIdAccordingTemplate(_options.TemplateIdConceptDescription)); context.Sme.semanticId = new AdminShell.SemanticId( new AdminShell.Key(AdminShell.Key.ConceptDescription, true, id.idType,; } // create, add var cd = new AdminShell.ConceptDescription(context?.CD); env.ConceptDescriptions.Add(cd); var res = new ContextResult() { Elem = cd }; // link CD to SME var sid = context.Sme.semanticId.GetAsExactlyOneKey(); if (sid == null) { // should not happen, see above return(null); } cd.identification = new AdminShell.Identification(sid.idType, sid.value); // some further attributes if (!cd.idShort.HasContent()) { cd.idShort = context.Sme.idShort; } // ok return(res); }
protected ContextResult CreateBodySme( ImportCellMatchContextBase context, ContextResult refTop) { // access if (context?.Sme == null || refTop?.Wrappers == null) { return(null); } // make sure, there is an 'ordniary' SME to create var fen = FilteredElementName.Parse(context.SmeElemName); if (fen == null) { return(null); } if (fen.NameEnum == AdminShellV20.SubmodelElementWrapper.AdequateElementEnum.Unknown) { return(null); } // create, add var sme = AdminShell.SubmodelElementWrapper.CreateAdequateType(fen.NameEnum, context.Sme); refTop.Wrappers.Add(sme); sme.parent = refTop.Elem; // unfortunately required, ass Wrapper.Add() cannot set parent var res = new ContextResult() { Elem = sme }; // allow a selection a values if (sme is AdminShell.Property prop) { prop.value = context.SmeValue; // demux prop.valueType = fen.ValueType; if (!fen.ValueType.HasContent() && context.SmeValueType.HasContent()) { prop.valueType = context.SmeValueType; } } if (sme is AdminShell.MultiLanguageProperty mlp) { mlp.value = new AdminShell.LangStringSet(AdminShell.LangStr.LANG_DEFAULT, context.SmeValue); } if (sme is AdminShell.File file) { file.value = context.SmeValue; } if (sme is AdminShell.SubmodelElementCollection smc) { smc.value = new AdminShell.SubmodelElementWrapperCollection(); res.Wrappers = smc.value; } // ok return(res); }