private static void InitializeLocalDatabases() { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write($"InitializeLocalDatabases."); ContextMaster.Initialize(); ContextDesktop.Initialize(AffinityConfigurationDesktop.GetDatabaseConnectionStringBuilder(AffinityConfiguration.DeploymentLocation).ConnectionString); using (var contextDesktop = new ContextDesktop(AffinityConfigurationDesktop.GetDatabaseConnectionStringBuilder(AffinityConfiguration.DeploymentLocation).ConnectionString)) { } using (var contextMaster = new ContextMaster()) { var tenants = contextMaster.Tenants.ToList(); foreach (var tenant in tenants) { ContextTenant.Initialize(tenant.DatabaseConnectionString, true); using (var contextTenant = new ContextTenant(tenant.DatabaseConnectionString)) { contextTenant.Cultures.ToString(); } } } }
public static bool GetTenants(out List <Tenant> tenants, out Exception exception) { var result = false; tenants = null; exception = null; try { //if (AffinityConfiguration.IsConfigurationDebug) { Debugger.Break(); } using (var context = new ContextMaster()) { tenants = context .Tenants .AsNoTracking() .Include(t => t.TenantSubscriptions) .Where(t => (t.TenantSubscriptions.Any(ts => ts.IsActive))) .ToList() .Where(t => t.TenantSubscriptions.Any(ts => ts.NumberOfPagesRemaining > 0)) .ToList(); } result = true; } catch (Exception e) { exception = e; } return(result); }
public static bool GetTenantByDomain(string domain, out Tenant tenant, out Exception exception) { var result = false; tenant = null; exception = null; try { using (var context = new ContextMaster()) { tenant = context.Tenants.AsNoTracking().Include(t => t.TenantSubscriptions).SingleOrDefault(t => t.Domain == domain); if (tenant == null) { throw (new DomainNotFoundException()); } result = true; } } catch (Exception e) { exception = e; } return(result); }
public static bool GetTenantSubscriptionById(MasterUserSession MasterUserSession, long id, out TenantSubscription tenantsubscription, out Exception exception) { var result = false; tenantsubscription = null; exception = null; try { using (var context = new ContextMaster()) { tenantsubscription = context.TenantSubscriptions.AsNoTracking().SingleOrDefault(t => t.Id == id); if (tenantsubscription == null) { throw (new RowNotFoundException()); } result = true; } } catch (Exception e) { exception = e; } return(result); }
public static bool GetTenantSubscriptionById(MasterUserSession MasterUserSession, long id, out List <TenantSubscription> tenantsubscription, out Exception exception) { var result = false; tenantsubscription = null; exception = null; try { using (var context = new ContextMaster()) { tenantsubscription = context.TenantSubscriptions.AsNoTracking().Where(x => x.Id == id).OrderByDescending(x => x.Id).ToList(); if (tenantsubscription == null) { throw (new RowNotFoundException()); } result = true; } } catch (Exception e) { exception = e; } return(result); }
//public static bool UpdateUser(MasterUserSession masterUserSession, MasterUser masteruser, out Exception exception) //{ // bool result = false; // exception = null; // try // { // using (var context = new ContextMaster()) // { // context.Users.Attach(masteruser); // context.Entry(masteruser).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; // context.SaveChanges(); // context.Dispose(); // result = true; // } // } // catch (Exception ex) { // exception = ex; // } // return (result); //} public static bool AddUser(MasterUserSession masterUserSession, MasterUser masteruser, out Exception exception) { bool result = false; exception = null; try { using (var context = new ContextMaster()) { if (masteruser.DateTimeCreated != null) { masteruser.DateTimeCreated = DateTime.UtcNow; } context.Users.Add(masteruser); context.SaveChanges(); context.Dispose(); result = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { exception = ex; } return(result); }
public static bool UpdateUserRoles(MasterUserSession masterUserSession, long userid, List <MasterRoleType> roletypes, out Exception exception) { bool result = false; exception = null; try { var context = new ContextMaster(); List <MasterUserRole> userroles = context.UserRoles.Where(item => item.UserId == userid).ToList();//context.UserRoles.Where(item=>item.UserId==((long)Convert.ToInt16(roletypes.Any()))).ToList(); foreach (var item in userroles) { //context.UserRoles.Remove(item); context.Entry(item).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Deleted; context.SaveChanges(); } context.Dispose(); context = new ContextMaster(); foreach (var item in roletypes) { MasterUserRole userrole = new MasterUserRole(); userrole.UserId = userid; userrole.RoleId = Convert.ToInt16(item); context.UserRoles.Add(userrole); context.SaveChanges(); } context.Dispose(); result = true; } catch (Exception ex) { exception = ex; } return(result); }
public static bool SignOut(string token, out Exception exception) { var result = false; exception = null; try { using (var context = new ContextMaster()) { var session = context.Sessions.SingleOrDefault(s => s.Token == token); if (session == null) { throw (new TokenInvalidException()); } session.DateTimeExpiration = DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); context.SaveChanges(); result = true; } } catch (Exception e) { exception = e; } return(result); }
public static bool GetActiveTenantSubscriptionById(MasterUserSession MasterUserSession, long id, out TenantSubscription tenantsubscription, out Exception exception) { var result = false; tenantsubscription = null; exception = null; try { using (var context = new ContextMaster()) { tenantsubscription = context.TenantSubscriptions.AsNoTracking().Where(x => ((x.TenantId == id) && (x.IsActive == true))).FirstOrDefault(); if (tenantsubscription == null) { tenantsubscription = new TenantSubscription(); } //throw (new RowNotFoundException()); } result = true; } } catch (Exception e) { exception = e; } return(result); }
public static List <string> GetAllRole() { List <string> roles = new List <string>(); using (var context = new ContextMaster()) { var role = context.Roles.ToList(); } return(roles); }
//TOBE DELETED public static void GetAllUsers() { using (var context = new ContextMaster()) { var user = context.Users.First(); user.Email = user.Email + " LOL"; context.SaveChanges(); //return context.Users.First().Email; } }
public static bool UpdateTenantSubscription(MasterUserSession MasterUserSession, TenantSubscription tenantsubscription, out TenantSubscription outtenantsubscription, out Exception exception) { var result = false; outtenantsubscription = null; exception = null; try { using (var context = new ContextMaster()) { var temp = new TenantSubscription(); temp = context.TenantSubscriptions.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Id == tenantsubscription.Id); temp.IsDemo = tenantsubscription.IsDemo; temp.IsActive = tenantsubscription.IsActive; temp.DateTimeStart = tenantsubscription.DateTimeStart; temp.DateTimeExpires = tenantsubscription.DateTimeExpires; temp.NumberOfFormsAllowed = tenantsubscription.NumberOfFormsAllowed; temp.NumberOfUsersAllowed = tenantsubscription.NumberOfUsersAllowed; temp.NumberOfPagesAllowed = tenantsubscription.NumberOfPagesAllowed; temp.NumberOfTemplatesAllowed = tenantsubscription.NumberOfTemplatesAllowed; temp.NumberOfFormsUsed = tenantsubscription.NumberOfFormsUsed; temp.NumberOfPagesUsed = tenantsubscription.NumberOfPagesUsed; temp.NumberOfUsersUsed = tenantsubscription.NumberOfUsersUsed; temp.NumberOfTemplatesUsed = tenantsubscription.NumberOfTemplatesUsed; temp.AllowScanning = tenantsubscription.AllowScanning; temp.AllowBranding = tenantsubscription.AllowBranding; temp.AllowTemplateWorkflows = tenantsubscription.AllowTemplateWorkflows; context.TenantSubscriptions.Attach(temp); context.Entry(temp).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; context.SaveChanges(); outtenantsubscription = temp; } result = true; } catch (Exception e) { exception = e; } return(result); }
public static bool GetMasterUserByIdTemporaryFunction(out HouseOfSynergy.AffinityDms.Entities.Master.MasterUser user, out Exception exception) { user = null; exception = null; bool result = false; try { var context = new ContextMaster(); user = context.Users.First(); result = true; } catch (Exception ex) { exception = ex; } return(result); }
public static bool UpdateUser(MasterUserSession masterUserSession, MasterUser masteruser, out MasterUser outmasteruser, out Exception exception) { bool result = false; outmasteruser = null; exception = null; try { using (var context = new ContextMaster()) { MasterUser user = new MasterUser(); user = context.Users.Where(x => x.Id == masteruser.Id).FirstOrDefault(); user.Address1 = masteruser.Address1; user.Address2 = masteruser.Address2; user.City = masteruser.City; user.Country = masteruser.Country; user.Email = masteruser.Email; user.NameFamily = masteruser.NameFamily; user.NameGiven = masteruser.NameGiven; user.PasswordHash = masteruser.PasswordHash; user.PasswordSalt = masteruser.PasswordSalt; user.PhoneMobile = masteruser.PhoneMobile; user.PhoneWork = masteruser.PhoneWork; user.ActiveDirectoryId = masteruser.ActiveDirectoryId; // user.UserName = masteruser.UserName; user.AuthenticationType = masteruser.AuthenticationType; user.ZipOrPostCode = masteruser.ZipOrPostCode; context.Users.Attach(user); context.Entry(user).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; context.SaveChanges(); context.Dispose(); outmasteruser = user; result = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { exception = ex; } return(result); }
public static bool GetAllUsers(MasterUserSession masterUserSession, out List <MasterUser> masteruser, out Exception exception) { masteruser = null; bool result = false; exception = null; try { using (var context = new ContextMaster()) { masteruser = context.Users.Include("UserRoles").Include("Roles").Select(x => x).ToList(); context.Dispose(); result = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { exception = ex; } return(result); }
public static bool GetUserUserById(MasterUserSession masterUserSession, long id, out MasterUser masteruser, out Exception exception) { masteruser = null; bool result = false; exception = null; try { using (var context = new ContextMaster()) { masteruser = context.Users.Where(x => x.Id == id).Select(x => x).FirstOrDefault(); context.Dispose(); result = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { exception = ex; } return(result); }
public static bool CreateSubscription(MasterUserSession MasterUserSession, Subscription subscription, out Subscription outsubscription, out Exception exception) { var result = false; //tenant = null; outsubscription = null; exception = null; try { using (var context = new ContextMaster()) { using (var transaction = context.Database.BeginTransaction()) { try { outsubscription = context.Subscriptions.Add(subscription); context.SaveChanges(); subscription.MasterSubscriptionId = subscription.Id; context.SaveChanges(); transaction.Commit(); result = true; } catch (Exception e) { exception = e; transaction.Rollback(); } } } } catch (Exception e) { exception = e; } return(result); }
public static bool GetSubcriptions(MasterUserSession MasterUserSession, out List <Subscription> subscriptions, out Exception exception) { var result = false; subscriptions = null; exception = null; try { using (var context = new ContextMaster()) { subscriptions = context.Subscriptions.AsNoTracking().ToList(); result = true; } } catch (Exception e) { exception = e; } return(result); }
public static bool GetTenants(out List <Tenant> tenants, out Exception exception) { var result = false; tenants = null; exception = null; try { using (var context = new ContextMaster()) { tenants = context.Tenants.AsNoTracking().Include(t => t.TenantSubscriptions).ToList(); result = true; } } catch (Exception e) { exception = e; } return(result); }
public static bool GetTenantSubcriptionsByTenantId(MasterUserSession MasterUserSession, long tenantid, out List <TenantSubscription> tenantsubscriptions, out Exception exception) { var result = false; tenantsubscriptions = null; exception = null; try { using (var context = new ContextMaster()) { //todo tenantsubscriptions = context.TenantSubscriptions.AsNoTracking().ToArray().Where(t => t.TenantId == tenantid).OrderByDescending(x => x.Id).ToList(); result = true; } } catch (Exception e) { exception = e; } return(result); }
public static bool CreateTenant(MasterUserSession tenantUserSession, Tenant tenant, out Tenant tenantMaster, out Exception exception) { var result = false; Tenant tenantMasterTemp = null; exception = null; tenantMaster = null; try { using (var context = new ContextMaster()) { using (var transaction = context.Database.BeginTransaction()) { try { var count = context.Tenants.Count(t => t.Domain.ToLower() == tenant.Domain.ToLower()); if (count == 1) { throw (new Exception("The provided domain already exists in the system.")); } else if (count > 1) { throw (new Exception("The provided domain exists multiple times in the system.")); } tenant.DatabaseConnectionString = AzureDBConnectionStringBuilder(tenant.DatabaseConnectionString); tenantMasterTemp = context.Tenants.Add(tenant); context.SaveChanges(); tenantMasterTemp.MasterTenantId = tenantMasterTemp.Id; context.Entry(tenantMasterTemp).State = EntityState.Modified; context.SaveChanges(); if (tenantMasterTemp != null) { var tenantTenant = tenantMasterTemp.Clone(); tenantTenant.Id = 0; tenantTenant.MasterTenantId = tenant.Id; tenantTenant.TenantType = EntityMasterTenantType.Tenant; tenantTenant.AuthenticationType = AuthenticationType.None; ContextTenant.Initialize(tenantTenant.DatabaseConnectionString); // Commented out by Raheel to find a better way to automate the process. //using (var contexttenant = new ContextTenant (tenantTenant.DatabaseConnectionString)) //{ // bool seederresult = DataLayer.Seeders.SeederTenant.Seed (contexttenant, tenantTenant, out exception); // if (seederresult) // { // transaction.Commit (); // tenantMaster = tenantMasterTemp; // } // else // { // transaction.Rollback (); // } //} } } catch (Exception ex) { exception = ex; transaction.Rollback(); tenantMaster = tenant; } } } result = true; } catch (Exception e) { exception = e; tenantMaster = tenant; } return(result); }
public static bool CreateTenantSubscriptionAndDeactivateExistingTenantSubscription(MasterUserSession MasterUserSession, long existingtenantsubscriptionid, Subscription subscriptionMaster, TenantSubscription tenantsubscriptionMaster, out Exception exception) { var result = false; exception = null; //System.Data.Common.DbTransaction Tran = null; //ContextMaster context = new ContextMaster(); //context.ObjectContext.Connection.Open(); //Tran = context.ObjectContext.Connection.BeginTransaction(); DbContextTransaction masterTrans = null; DbContextTransaction tenantTrans = null; using (var contextMaster = new ContextMaster()) { try { using (masterTrans = contextMaster.Database.BeginTransaction()) { try { var existingSubscriptions = contextMaster.TenantSubscriptions.Where(x => (x.TenantId == existingtenantsubscriptionid) && (x.IsActive == true)).ToList(); foreach (var existingSubnscription in existingSubscriptions) { existingSubnscription.IsActive = false; contextMaster.SaveChanges(); } contextMaster.TenantSubscriptions.Add(tenantsubscriptionMaster); contextMaster.SaveChanges(); tenantsubscriptionMaster.MasterTenantSubscriptionId = tenantsubscriptionMaster.Id; contextMaster.Entry(tenantsubscriptionMaster).State = EntityState.Modified; contextMaster.SaveChanges(); var tenant = contextMaster.Tenants.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Id == tenantsubscriptionMaster.TenantId); if (tenant == null) { throw (new Exception("Unable to Find Tenant in the Master DB.")); } using (var contextTenant = new ContextTenant(tenant.DatabaseConnectionString)) { try { using (tenantTrans = contextTenant.Database.BeginTransaction()) { var existingtenantsubscriptionstenant = contextTenant.TenantSubscriptions.Where(x => (x.IsActive == true)).ToList(); foreach (var existingSubscriptionTenant in existingtenantsubscriptionstenant) { existingSubscriptionTenant.IsActive = false; contextTenant.SaveChanges(); } var subscriptionTenant = contextTenant.Subscriptions.SingleOrDefault(s => s.MasterSubscriptionId == subscriptionMaster.Id); if (subscriptionTenant == null) { subscriptionTenant = subscriptionMaster.Clone(); subscriptionTenant.Id = 0; subscriptionTenant.MasterSubscriptionId = subscriptionMaster.Id; subscriptionTenant.SubscriptionType = EntityMasterTenantType.Tenant; contextTenant.Subscriptions.Add(subscriptionTenant); contextTenant.SaveChanges(); } else { //subscriptionTenant = subscription.Clone(); //subscriptionTenant.MasterTenantId = subscription.Id;//Yeh Maam Nay kerwaya hai. //contextTenant.Entry(subscriptionTenant).State = EntityState.Modified; //contextTenant.SaveChanges(); } var count = contextTenant.Tenants.Count(); if (count != 1) { throw (new Exception($"The number of tenant entries found in the Tenant database was {count} instead of 1.")); } var tenantTenant = contextTenant.Tenants.Single(); var tenantsubscriptionTenant = tenantsubscriptionMaster; var masterTenantSubscriptionId = contextMaster.TenantSubscriptions.AsNoTracking().Where(x => x.IsActive == true).FirstOrDefault().Id; tenantsubscriptionTenant.MasterTenantSubscriptionId = tenantsubscriptionMaster.Id; tenantsubscriptionTenant.Id = 0; tenantsubscriptionTenant.SubscriptionId = subscriptionTenant.Id; tenantsubscriptionTenant.Tenant = null; tenantsubscriptionTenant.TenantId = tenantTenant.Id; tenantsubscriptionTenant.TenantSubscriptionType = EntityMasterTenantType.Tenant; contextTenant.TenantSubscriptions.Add(tenantsubscriptionTenant); contextTenant.SaveChanges(); try { tenantTrans.Commit(); masterTrans.Commit(); } catch { tenantTrans.Rollback(); masterTrans.Rollback(); } result = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { exception = ex; throw; } } } catch (Exception ex) { exception = ex; throw; //Tran.Rollback(); //Tran.Dispose(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { exception = ex; masterTrans.Rollback(); tenantTrans.Rollback(); masterTrans.Dispose(); tenantTrans.Dispose(); } } return(result); }
public static bool UpdateTenant(MasterUserSession tenantUserSession, Tenant tenant, out Tenant outtenant, out Exception exception) { var result = false; outtenant = null; exception = null; try { using (var context = new ContextMaster()) { var count = context.Tenants.Count(t => t.Id == tenant.Id); if (count == 0) { throw (new Exception("The provided tenant Id was not found.")); } count = context.Tenants.Count(t => ((t.Id != tenant.Id) && (t.Domain.ToLower() == tenant.Domain.ToLower()))); if (count == 1) { throw (new Exception("The provided domain already exists in the system.")); } else if (count > 1) { throw (new Exception("The provided domain exists multiple times in the system.")); } var tempTenant = context.Tenants.Single(t => t.Id == tenant.Id); tempTenant.CompanyName = tenant.CompanyName; tempTenant.Domain = tenant.Domain; tempTenant.ContactOwnerNameGiven = tenant.ContactOwnerNameGiven; tempTenant.ContactOwnerNameFamily = tenant.ContactOwnerNameFamily; tempTenant.ContactOwnerAddress = tenant.ContactOwnerAddress; tempTenant.ContactOwnerCity = tenant.ContactOwnerCity; tempTenant.ContactOwnerState = tenant.ContactOwnerState; tempTenant.ContactOwnerZipCode = tenant.ContactOwnerZipCode; tempTenant.ContactOwnerCountry = tenant.ContactOwnerCountry; tempTenant.ContactOwnerPhone = tenant.ContactOwnerPhone; tempTenant.ContactOwnerFax = tenant.ContactOwnerFax; tempTenant.ContactOwnerEmail = tenant.ContactOwnerEmail; tempTenant.ContactAdministratorNameGiven = tenant.ContactAdministratorNameGiven; tempTenant.ContactAdministratorNameFamily = tenant.ContactAdministratorNameFamily; tempTenant.ContactAdministratorAddress = tenant.ContactAdministratorAddress; tempTenant.ContactAdministratorCity = tenant.ContactAdministratorCity; tempTenant.ContactAdministratorState = tenant.ContactAdministratorState; tempTenant.ContactAdministratorZipCode = tenant.ContactAdministratorZipCode; tempTenant.ContactAdministratorCountry = tenant.ContactAdministratorCountry; tempTenant.ContactAdministratorPhone = tenant.ContactAdministratorPhone; tempTenant.ContactAdministratorFax = tenant.ContactAdministratorFax; tempTenant.ContactAdministratorEmail = tenant.ContactAdministratorEmail; tempTenant.ContactBillingNameGiven = tenant.ContactBillingNameGiven; tempTenant.ContactBillingNameFamily = tenant.ContactBillingNameFamily; tempTenant.ContactBillingAddress = tenant.ContactBillingAddress; tempTenant.ContactBillingCity = tenant.ContactBillingCity; tempTenant.ContactBillingState = tenant.ContactBillingState; tempTenant.ContactBillingZipCode = tenant.ContactBillingZipCode; tempTenant.ContactBillingCountry = tenant.ContactBillingCountry; tempTenant.ContactBillingPhone = tenant.ContactBillingPhone; tempTenant.ContactBillingFax = tenant.ContactBillingFax; tempTenant.ContactBillingEmail = tenant.ContactBillingEmail; tempTenant.ContactTechnicalNameGiven = tenant.ContactTechnicalNameGiven; tempTenant.ContactTechnicalNameFamily = tenant.ContactTechnicalNameFamily; tempTenant.ContactTechnicalAddress = tenant.ContactTechnicalAddress; tempTenant.ContactTechnicalCity = tenant.ContactTechnicalCity; tempTenant.ContactTechnicalState = tenant.ContactTechnicalState; tempTenant.ContactTechnicalZipCode = tenant.ContactTechnicalZipCode; tempTenant.ContactTechnicalCountry = tenant.ContactTechnicalCountry; tempTenant.ContactTechnicalPhone = tenant.ContactTechnicalPhone; tempTenant.ContactTechnicalFax = tenant.ContactTechnicalFax; tempTenant.ContactTechnicalEmail = tenant.ContactTechnicalEmail; context.Tenants.Attach(tempTenant); //context.Entry(tempTenant).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; context.SaveChanges(); outtenant = tempTenant; } result = true; } catch (Exception e) { exception = e; outtenant = tenant; } return(result); }
public static bool CreateTenantSubscription(MasterUserSession MasterUserSession, TenantSubscription tenantsubscription, out TenantSubscription outtenantsubscription, out Exception exception) { var result = false; //tenant = null; outtenantsubscription = null; exception = null; try { using (var context = new ContextMaster()) { DbContextTransaction mastertrans = null; DbContextTransaction tenanttrans = null; try { using (mastertrans = context.Database.BeginTransaction()) { outtenantsubscription = context.TenantSubscriptions.Add(tenantsubscription); context.SaveChanges(); var tenant = context.Tenants.Where(x => x.Id == tenantsubscription.TenantId).FirstOrDefault(); var subscription = context.Subscriptions.Where(x => x.Id == tenantsubscription.SubscriptionId).FirstOrDefault(); using (var contexttenant = new ContextTenant(tenant.DatabaseConnectionString)) { try { using (tenanttrans = contexttenant.Database.BeginTransaction()) { var mastersubscriptionid = subscription.Id; subscription.Id = 0; contexttenant.Subscriptions.Add(subscription); contexttenant.SaveChanges(); tenantsubscription.SubscriptionId = subscription.Id; contexttenant.TenantSubscriptions.Add(tenantsubscription); contexttenant.SaveChanges(); } } catch (Exception ex) { exception = ex; throw ex; } } tenanttrans.Commit(); mastertrans.Commit(); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (mastertrans != null) { mastertrans.Rollback(); mastertrans.Dispose(); } if (tenanttrans != null) { tenanttrans.Rollback(); tenanttrans.Dispose(); } exception = ex; throw ex; } } result = true; } catch (Exception ex) { exception = ex; } return(result); }
private static void GenerateDocuments() { Tenant tenant = null; var random = new System.Random(); try { using (var contextMaster = new ContextMaster()) { tenant = contextMaster .Tenants .AsNoTracking() .Include(t => t.Users) .First(); } using (var context = new ContextTenant(tenant.DatabaseConnectionString)) { using (var transaction = context.Database.BeginTransaction()) { try { //var countTemplates = 10; //for (int i = 0; i < countTemplates; i++) //{ // var elements = new List<TemplateElement> (); // var template = new Template () { Title = "", Description = "", }; // context.Templates.Add (template); // context.SaveChanges (); // template.Title = "Template " + template.Id.ToString ().PadLeft (long.MaxValue.ToString ().Length, '0'); // context.SaveChanges (); // var file = PathUtilities.GetTempFile (".png", false); // using (var bitmap = new Bitmap (random.Next (500, 1000), random.Next (500, 1000), PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb)) // { // using (var graphics = Graphics.FromImage (bitmap)) // { // graphics.SetQualityHighest (); // graphics.Clear (Color.White); // var size = SizeF.Empty; // TemplateElement element = null; // var font = new Font (FontFamily.GenericMonospace, 12F); // element = new TemplateElement () { Name = "", Description = "", X = 0, Y = 0, X2 = 0, Y2 = 0, Width = "", Height = "", TemplateId = template.Id, }; // template.Elements.Add (element); // context.SaveChanges (); // element.Name = "Element " + element.Id.ToString ().PadLeft (long.MaxValue.ToString ().Length, '0'); // context.SaveChanges (); // element.Value = "INVOICE"; // element.ElementIndexType = 1; // element.ElementType = (int) ElementType.Label; // size = graphics.MeasureString (element.Value, font); // element.X = 10; // element.Y = 10; // element.X2 = element.X + size.Width; // element.Y2 = element.X + size.Height; // //element.Width // context.SaveChanges (); // elements.Add (element); // graphics.DrawRectangle (Pens.Black, RectangleF.FromLTRB (element.X, element.Y, element.X2, element.Y2)); // graphics.DrawString (element.Value, font, Brushes.Black, element.X, element.Y); // element = new TemplateElement () { Name = "", Description = "", X = 0, Y = 0, X2 = 0, Y2 = 0, Width = "", Height = "", TemplateId = template.Id, }; // template.Elements.Add (element); // context.SaveChanges (); // element.Name = "Element " + element.Id.ToString ().PadLeft (long.MaxValue.ToString ().Length, '0'); // context.SaveChanges (); // element.Value = "INV #:"; // element.ElementIndexType = 1; // element.ElementType = (int) ElementType.Label; // size = graphics.MeasureString (element.Value, font); // element.X = 100; // element.Y = 50; // element.X2 = element.X + size.Width; // element.Y2 = element.X + size.Height; // //element.Width // context.SaveChanges (); // elements.Add (element); // graphics.DrawRectangle (Pens.Black, RectangleF.FromLTRB (element.X, element.Y, element.X2, element.Y2)); // graphics.DrawString (element.Value, font, Brushes.Black, element.X, element.Y); // } // bitmap.Save (file.FullName, ImageFormat.Png); // Program.TemplateUpload (tenant, template, file); // //OcrTest.CreateTemplateFiles (tenant, template, file, elements); // } //} context.SaveChanges(); transaction.Commit(); } catch (Exception exception) { transaction.Rollback(); Debug.Write(exception); Debugger.Break(); } } } } catch (Exception exception) { Debug.Write(exception); Debugger.Break(); } }
private static void TestDocumentAcl() { Exception exception = null; List <Document> documentsRaheel = null; List <Document> documentsJunaid = null; TenantUserSession tenantUserSessionRaheel = null; TenantUserSession tenantUserSessionJunaid = null; ContextMaster.Initialize(); using (var context = new ContextMaster()) { context.Tenants.ToList(); } AuthenticationManagement.SignIn(SessionType.Mvc, "", "raheel.khan", Sha.GenerateHash("audience", GlobalConstants.EncodingCryptography, GlobalConstants.AlgorithmHashShaKind), IPAddress.Loopback.ToString(), "User Agent", 0, "Session Id", out tenantUserSessionRaheel, out exception); AuthenticationManagement.SignIn(SessionType.Mvc, "", "junaid.sayed", Sha.GenerateHash("audience", GlobalConstants.EncodingCryptography, GlobalConstants.AlgorithmHashShaKind), IPAddress.Loopback.ToString(), "User Agent", 0, "Session Id", out tenantUserSessionJunaid, out exception); documentsRaheel = DocumentManagement.GetDocuments ( tenantUserSession: tenantUserSessionRaheel, documentId: 23, documentIdType: DocumentIdType.Id, folderId: 3, documentResultVersionType: DocumentResultVersionType.All, includeDiscourse: false, includeDocumentElements: false, includeDocumentFragments: false, includeCreatorUser: false, includeCheckedOutUser: false, includeDocumentUsers: false, includeDocumentIndexes: false, includeDocumentTags: false, includeDocumentTagUsers: false, includeDocumentTemplates: false, includeDocumentCorrectiveIndexValues: false, isFinalized: null, skipRows: null, takeRows: null ); documentsJunaid = DocumentManagement.GetDocuments ( tenantUserSession: tenantUserSessionJunaid, documentId: 23, documentIdType: DocumentIdType.Id, folderId: 3, documentResultVersionType: DocumentResultVersionType.All, includeDiscourse: false, includeDocumentElements: false, includeDocumentFragments: false, includeCreatorUser: false, includeCheckedOutUser: false, includeDocumentUsers: false, includeDocumentIndexes: false, includeDocumentTags: false, includeDocumentTagUsers: false, includeDocumentTemplates: false, includeDocumentCorrectiveIndexValues: false, isFinalized: null, skipRows: null, takeRows: null ); Console.Write($"User: {tenantUserSessionRaheel.User.NameFull}:"); foreach (var document in documentsRaheel) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write($" - Name: {document.Name}"); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write($"User: {tenantUserSessionJunaid.User.NameFull}:"); foreach (var document in documentsJunaid) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write($" - Name: {document.Name}"); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("Press any key to continue..."); Console.ReadKey(true); }
private static void UpdateLiveTenantDatabases(IEnumerable <string> productionDomainsToBeUpdated) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write($"----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write($"UpdateLiveTenantDatabases."); Uri uri; var encoding = Encoding.UTF8; var tenantsMasterLive = new List <Tenant>(); var tenantsMasterLocal = new List <Tenant>(); // var builderTenantLive = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(); var builderTenantLocal = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(); //var builderMasterLive = AffinityConfigurationMaster.GetDatabaseConnectionStringBuilder(DeploymentLocation.Live); var builderMasterLocal = AffinityConfigurationMaster.GetDatabaseConnectionStringBuilder(AffinityConfiguration.DeploymentLocation); if ( (productionDomainsToBeUpdated.Any()) && ( productionDomainsToBeUpdated.All ( d => (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(d)) && (Uri.CheckHostName(d) == UriHostNameType.Dns) && (Uri.TryCreate(d, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute, out uri)) && (!uri.IsAbsoluteUri) && (!uri.UserEscaped) ) ) ) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write($"Domains selected to be updated:"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, productionDomainsToBeUpdated.Select(d => $" - {d}"))); } else { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write($"Either no domains were passed in, or at least one of the domains"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write($"was empty, null or invalid. Domains should be in the form of: []."); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write($"The utility will now return."); return; } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write($"WARNING: This action cannot be undone!"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write($"Press [Y] to run the action, any other key to cancel: "); var consoleKeyInfo = Console.ReadKey(intercept: true); if (consoleKeyInfo.Key == ConsoleKey.Y) { Console.Write("Y"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write($"WARNING: Once again, this action cannot be undone!"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write($"Press [Y] to run the action, any other key to cancel: "); consoleKeyInfo = Console.ReadKey(intercept: true); if (consoleKeyInfo.Key == ConsoleKey.Y) { Console.Write("Y"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write($"Well, you WERE warned! Continuing script execution..."); } else { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write($"Script execution cancelled. Phew!!!"); return; } } else { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write($"Script execution cancelled. Phew!!!"); return; } Program.InitializeLocalDatabases(); var fileScript = new FileInfo(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location); fileScript = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(fileScript.Directory.FullName, @"..\..\..\HouseOfSynergy.AffinityDms.Library\Database\Script Schema Drop Create Data Insert.sql")); if (!fileScript.Exists) { throw (new FileNotFoundException($"File not found: {fileScript.FullName}.", fileScript.FullName)); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write($"Getting live tenants from master..."); using (var contextMasterLive = new ContextMaster(deploymentLocation: DeploymentLocation.Live)) { tenantsMasterLive = contextMasterLive.Tenants.ToList(); } var validDomains = tenantsMasterLive.ConvertAll(t => t.Domain); var invalidDomains = productionDomainsToBeUpdated.Where(d => !validDomains.Contains(d)); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write($"Domains found in the master database:"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, validDomains.Select(d => $" - {d}"))); if (invalidDomains.Any()) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write($"The following domains do not exist in the master database:"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, invalidDomains.Select(d => $" - {d}"))); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write($"The utility will now return."); return; } tenantsMasterLive = tenantsMasterLive.Where(t => productionDomainsToBeUpdated.Contains(t.Domain)).ToList(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write($"Updating live tenants..."); foreach (var tenantMasterLive in tenantsMasterLive) { var tenantTenantLive = tenantMasterLive.Clone(); var databaseNameTenantLive = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(tenantMasterLive.DatabaseConnectionString).InitialCatalog; Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write($"Tenant: [{tenantMasterLive.Domain}]."); using (var contextMasterLocal = new ContextMaster()) { var tenantMasterLocal = contextMasterLocal.Tenants.SingleOrDefault(t => t.Domain.ToLower() == tenantMasterLive.Domain.ToLower()); builderTenantLocal = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(tenantMasterLocal.DatabaseConnectionString); } // Generate Drop, Create & Seed Script. //builderTenantLocal = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder() //{ // DataSource = @"BENZFARAZ-PC\SQLEXPRESS", // InitialCatalog = "AffinityDmsTenant_0000000000000000002", // IntegratedSecurity = true, // UserID = @"sa", // Password = @"123456", // MultipleActiveResultSets = false, // PersistSecurityInfo = true //}; // Generate Drop, Create & Seed Script. builderTenantLocal = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder() { DataSource = @"Lenovo", //DataSource = @"HOSLAPTOPHP\MSSQLS2016EXP", InitialCatalog = "AffinityDmsTenant_0000000000000000001", IntegratedSecurity = true, //UserID = @"", //Password = @"", //MultipleActiveResultSets = false, PersistSecurityInfo = true }; Program.GenerateScript(builderTenantLocal, databaseNameTenantLive, fileScript, encoding); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write($"Execute script against the respective live tenant."); using (var contextTenantLive = new ContextTenant(tenantTenantLive.DatabaseConnectionString)) { var script = File.ReadAllText(fileScript.FullName, encoding); var t = contextTenantLive.Tenants.ToList(); contextTenantLive.Database.CommandTimeout = 30 * 60; contextTenantLive.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(script); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write($"Correcting script parameters."); using (var contextTenantLive = new ContextTenant(tenantTenantLive.DatabaseConnectionString)) { tenantTenantLive.Id = 1; // To update the single tenant row. tenantTenantLive.TenantType = EntityMasterTenantType.Tenant; contextTenantLive.Tenants.Attach(tenantTenantLive); contextTenantLive.SaveChanges(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Authentication using: [Salted password hashing with PBKDF2-SHA1]. /// Implementation available at: [HouseOfSynergy.PowerTools.Library.Security.Cryptography.PasswordHash]. /// The password should never reach here in plain text. It should b encrypted using Sha512 in TypeScript or JavaScript. /// A C# implementation of Sha512 is available at: [HouseOfSynergy.PowerTools.Library.Security.Cryptography.Sha]. /// </summary> /// <param name="sessionType">The origin of the request.</param> /// <param name="username">Username in plain text.</param> /// <param name="passwordHash">Password from client hashed using Sha512.</param> /// <param name="token">The user object fetched.</param> /// <param name="exception">Populates an exception where applicable.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool SignIn ( SessionType sessionType, string username, string passwordHash, string clientIpAddress, string userAgent, long ticks, string sessionId, out MasterUserSession masterUserSession, out Exception exception ) { var result = false; var now = DateTime.UtcNow; MasterUser userDatabase = null; MasterSession sessionDatabase = null; exception = null; masterUserSession = null; try { using (var context = new ContextMaster()) { userDatabase = context.Users.SingleOrDefault(u => (u.UserName == username)); if (userDatabase == null) { throw (new UserNotFoundException()); } if (!PasswordHash.ValidatePassword(passwordHash, userDatabase.PasswordHash)) { throw (new AuthenticationException()); } var token = userDatabase.Id.ToString() + EntityConstants.TokenDelimiter + userDatabase.UserName + EntityConstants.TokenDelimiter + userDatabase.AuthenticationType.ToString() + EntityConstants.TokenDelimiter + (userDatabase.ActiveDirectoryId ?? "").Trim() + EntityConstants.TokenDelimiter + "" + EntityConstants.TokenDelimiter + sessionType.ToString() + EntityConstants.TokenDelimiter + EntityConstants.TokenDelimiter + EntityConstants.TokenDelimiter; // TODO: Remove for production. if (AffinityConfiguration.DeploymentLocation == DeploymentLocation.BtsSaleem) { now = now.Add(TimeSpan.FromHours(1)); } sessionDatabase = userDatabase.Sessions.SingleOrDefault ( s => ( (s.DateTimeCreated < now) && (s.DateTimeExpiration > now) && (s.SessionId == sessionId) && (s.Token == token) && (s.UserAgent == userAgent) && (s.IPAddressString == clientIpAddress) && (s.SessionType == sessionType) ) ); var lines = new List <string>(); lines.Add($"--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); lines.Add($"SIGNIN"); lines.Add($"Session Found: {sessionDatabase != null}"); lines.Add($"now: {now}"); lines.Add($"SessionId: {sessionId}"); lines.Add($"token: {token}"); lines.Add($"useragent: {userAgent}"); lines.Add($"ipAddressString: {clientIpAddress}"); lines.Add($"sessionType: {sessionType}"); lines.Add($"--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); AffinityConfiguration.Messages.Add(string.Join("<br />", lines)); if (sessionDatabase == null) { var guid = Guid.NewGuid(); var rijndaelKey = new byte [GlobalConstants.AlgorithmSymmetricKeySize]; var rijndaelInitializationVector = new byte [GlobalConstants.AlgorithmSymmetricInitializationVectorSize]; var rsaKeyPair = Rsa.GenerateKeyPair(GlobalConstants.AlgorithmAsymmetricKeySize); using (var randomNumberGenerator = RandomNumberGenerator.Create()) { randomNumberGenerator.GetBytes(rijndaelKey); randomNumberGenerator.GetBytes(rijndaelInitializationVector); } do { guid = Guid.NewGuid(); } while (context.Sessions.Any(s => s.Guid == guid)); sessionDatabase = new MasterSession(); sessionDatabase.Guid = guid; sessionDatabase.CultureName = "en"; sessionDatabase.Token = token; sessionDatabase.SessionId = sessionId; sessionDatabase.SessionType = sessionType; sessionDatabase.UserAgent = userAgent; sessionDatabase.IPAddressString = clientIpAddress; sessionDatabase.DeviceType = DeviceType.Unknown; sessionDatabase.DateTimeCreated = now; sessionDatabase.DateTimeExpiration = sessionDatabase.DateTimeCreated.Add(TimeSpan.FromDays(1)); sessionDatabase.RijndaelKey = Convert.ToBase64String(rijndaelKey); sessionDatabase.RijndaelInitializationVector = Convert.ToBase64String(rijndaelInitializationVector); sessionDatabase.RsaKeyPublic = rsaKeyPair.KeyPublic.KeyToString(); sessionDatabase.RsaKeyPrivate = rsaKeyPair.KeyPrivate.KeyToString(); sessionDatabase.User = userDatabase; sessionDatabase.UserId = userDatabase.Id; context.Sessions.Add(sessionDatabase); context.SaveChanges(); } else { sessionDatabase.DateTimeExpiration = DateTime.UtcNow.Add(TimeSpan.FromDays(1)); context.SaveChanges(); } var sessions = userDatabase.Sessions.Where(s => s.DateTimeExpiration < DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromDays(30))); foreach (var s in sessions) { context.Sessions.Remove(s); } context.SaveChanges(); sessionDatabase = context.Sessions.AsNoTracking().Single(s => s.Id == sessionDatabase.Id); userDatabase = context.Users.AsNoTracking().Include(p => p.Roles).AsNoTracking().Single(u => u.Id == userDatabase.Id); userDatabase.PasswordHash = ""; userDatabase.PasswordSalt = ""; sessionDatabase.RijndaelKey = ""; sessionDatabase.RijndaelInitializationVector = ""; sessionDatabase.RsaKeyPrivate = ""; sessionDatabase.RsaKeyPublic = (sessionType == SessionType.Api) ? sessionDatabase.RsaKeyPublic : ""; masterUserSession = new MasterUserSession(userDatabase, sessionDatabase); result = true; } } catch (Exception e) { exception = e; } return(result); }
public static void ThrowOnInvalidToken ( string token, SessionType sessionType, string username, string clientIpAddress, string userAgent, long ticks, string sessionId, out MasterUserSession masterUserSession ) { MasterUser userDatabase = null; MasterSession sessionDatabase = null; masterUserSession = null; if (clientIpAddress != null) { if (clientIpAddress.Contains(":")) { clientIpAddress = clientIpAddress.Split(new string[] { ":" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[0]; } } using (var context = new ContextMaster()) { var now = DateTime.UtcNow; var sessionsDatabase = context .Sessions .Include(p => p.User) .Where ( s => ( // TODO: Add checks. (s.DateTimeCreated < now) && (s.DateTimeExpiration > now) && (s.SessionId == sessionId) && (s.Token == token) && (s.UserAgent == userAgent) && (s.IPAddressString == clientIpAddress) && (s.SessionType == sessionType) ) ) .ToList(); var lines = new List <string>(); lines.Add($"--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); lines.Add($"VALIDATE TOKEN"); lines.Add($"Session Found: {sessionsDatabase != null}"); lines.Add($"now: {now}"); lines.Add($"SessionId: {sessionId}"); lines.Add($"token: {token}"); lines.Add($"useragent: {userAgent}"); lines.Add($"ipAddressString: {clientIpAddress}"); lines.Add($"sessionType: {sessionType}"); lines.Add($"--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); AffinityConfiguration.Messages.Add(string.Join("<br />", lines)); if (sessionsDatabase.Count > 1) { // Order by Id (descending). sessionsDatabase.Sort((x, y) => x.Id.CompareTo(y.Id)); do { context.Sessions.Remove(sessionsDatabase.First()); context.SaveChanges(); sessionsDatabase.Remove(sessionsDatabase.First()); }while (sessionsDatabase.Count > 1); context.SaveChanges(); } if (sessionsDatabase.Count < 1) { throw (new TokenInvalidException()); } else if (sessionsDatabase.Count > 1) { throw (new Exception("Multiple session matches were found. This is a dev bug!")); } sessionDatabase = sessionsDatabase.Single(); sessionDatabase = context.Sessions.AsNoTracking().Include(s => s.User).Single(s => s.Id == sessionDatabase.Id); userDatabase = context.Users.AsNoTracking().Include(u => u.Roles).Single(u => u.Id == sessionDatabase.User.Id); masterUserSession = new MasterUserSession(userDatabase, sessionDatabase); } }