Esempio n. 1
 /* Adds the next symbol to the current block type and context. When the
 *  current block reaches the target size, decides on merging the block. */
 private static unsafe void ContextBlockSplitterAddSymbol(
     ContextBlockSplitter *self, ref MemoryManager m,
     size_t symbol, size_t context)
     HistogramLiteral.HistogramAdd(&self->histograms_[self->curr_histogram_ix_ + context],
     if (self->block_size_ == self->target_block_size_)
         ContextBlockSplitterFinishBlock(self, ref m, /* is_final = */ false);
Esempio n. 2
        private static unsafe void InitContextBlockSplitter(
            ref MemoryManager m, ContextBlockSplitter *self, size_t alphabet_size,
            size_t num_contexts, size_t min_block_size, double split_threshold,
            size_t num_symbols, BlockSplit *split, HistogramLiteral **histograms,
            size_t *histograms_size)
            size_t max_num_blocks = num_symbols / min_block_size + 1;
            size_t max_num_types;

            self->alphabet_size_     = alphabet_size;
            self->num_contexts_      = num_contexts;
            self->max_block_types_   = BROTLI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_BLOCK_TYPES / num_contexts;
            self->min_block_size_    = min_block_size;
            self->split_threshold_   = split_threshold;
            self->num_blocks_        = 0;
            self->split_             = split;
            self->histograms_size_   = histograms_size;
            self->target_block_size_ = min_block_size;
            self->block_size_        = 0;
            self->curr_histogram_ix_ = 0;
            self->merge_last_count_  = 0;

            /* We have to allocate one more histogram than the maximum number of block
             * types for the current histogram when the meta-block is too big. */
            max_num_types =
                Math.Min(max_num_blocks, self->max_block_types_ + 1);
            BrotliEnsureCapacity(ref m, sizeof(byte), (void **)&split->types, &split->types_alloc_size, max_num_blocks);
            BrotliEnsureCapacity(ref m, sizeof(uint), (void **)&split->lengths, &split->lengths_alloc_size, max_num_blocks);
            split->num_blocks = max_num_blocks;
            *histograms_size = max_num_types * num_contexts;
            *histograms      = (HistogramLiteral *)BrotliAllocate(ref m, *histograms_size * sizeof(HistogramLiteral));
            self->histograms_ = *histograms;
            /* Clear only current histogram. */
            HistogramLiteral.ClearHistograms(&self->histograms_[0], num_contexts);
            self->last_histogram_ix_0 = self->last_histogram_ix_1 = 0;
Esempio n. 3
        /* Does either of three things:
         *   (1) emits the current block with a new block type;
         *   (2) emits the current block with the type of the second last block;
         *   (3) merges the current block with the last block. */
        private static unsafe void ContextBlockSplitterFinishBlock(
            ContextBlockSplitter *self, ref MemoryManager m, bool is_final)
            BlockSplit *      split        = self->split_;
            size_t            num_contexts = self->num_contexts_;
            double *          last_entropy = self->last_entropy_;
            HistogramLiteral *histograms   = self->histograms_;

            if (self->block_size_ < self->min_block_size_)
                self->block_size_ = self->min_block_size_;
            if (self->num_blocks_ == 0)
                size_t i;
                /* Create first block. */
                split->lengths[0] = (uint)self->block_size_;
                split->types[0]   = 0;

                for (i = 0; i < num_contexts; ++i)
                    last_entropy[i] =
                        BitsEntropy(histograms[i].data_, self->alphabet_size_);
                    last_entropy[num_contexts + i] = last_entropy[i];
                self->curr_histogram_ix_ += num_contexts;
                if (self->curr_histogram_ix_ < *self->histograms_size_)
                        &self->histograms_[self->curr_histogram_ix_], self->num_contexts_);
                self->block_size_ = 0;
            else if (self->block_size_ > 0)
                /* Try merging the set of histograms for the current block type with the
                 * respective set of histograms for the last and second last block types.
                 * Decide over the split based on the total reduction of entropy across
                 * all contexts. */
                double *          entropy        = stackalloc double[BROTLI_MAX_STATIC_CONTEXTS];
                HistogramLiteral *combined_histo =
                    (HistogramLiteral *)BrotliAllocate(ref m, 2 * num_contexts * sizeof(HistogramLiteral));
                double[] combined_entropy = new double[2 * BROTLI_MAX_STATIC_CONTEXTS];
                double[] diff             = { 0.0, 0.0 };
                size_t   i;
                for (i = 0; i < num_contexts; ++i)
                    size_t curr_histo_ix = self->curr_histogram_ix_ + i;
                    size_t j;
                    entropy[i] = BitsEntropy(histograms[curr_histo_ix].data_,
                    for (j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
                        size_t jx = j * num_contexts + i;
                        size_t last_histogram_ix = (j == 0 ? self->last_histogram_ix_0 : self->last_histogram_ix_1) + i;
                        combined_histo[jx] = histograms[curr_histo_ix];
                        combined_entropy[jx] = BitsEntropy(
                            &combined_histo[jx].data_[0], self->alphabet_size_);
                        diff[j] += combined_entropy[jx] - entropy[i] - last_entropy[jx];

                if (split->num_types < self->max_block_types_ &&
                    diff[0] > self->split_threshold_ &&
                    diff[1] > self->split_threshold_)
                    /* Create new block. */
                    split->lengths[self->num_blocks_] = (uint)self->block_size_;
                    split->types[self->num_blocks_]   = (byte)split->num_types;
                    self->last_histogram_ix_1         = self->last_histogram_ix_0;
                    self->last_histogram_ix_0         = split->num_types * num_contexts;
                    for (i = 0; i < num_contexts; ++i)
                        last_entropy[num_contexts + i] = last_entropy[i];
                        last_entropy[i] = entropy[i];
                    self->curr_histogram_ix_ += num_contexts;
                    if (self->curr_histogram_ix_ < *self->histograms_size_)
                            &self->histograms_[self->curr_histogram_ix_], self->num_contexts_);
                    self->block_size_        = 0;
                    self->merge_last_count_  = 0;
                    self->target_block_size_ = self->min_block_size_;
                else if (diff[1] < diff[0] - 20.0)
                    /* Combine this block with second last block. */
                    split->lengths[self->num_blocks_] = (uint)self->block_size_;
                    split->types[self->num_blocks_]   = split->types[self->num_blocks_ - 2];
                    size_t tmp = self->last_histogram_ix_0;
                    self->last_histogram_ix_0 = self->last_histogram_ix_1;
                    self->last_histogram_ix_1 = tmp;
                    for (i = 0; i < num_contexts; ++i)
                        histograms[self->last_histogram_ix_0 + i] =
                            combined_histo[num_contexts + i];
                        last_entropy[num_contexts + i] = last_entropy[i];
                        last_entropy[i] = combined_entropy[num_contexts + i];
                        HistogramLiteral.HistogramClear(&histograms[self->curr_histogram_ix_ + i]);
                    self->block_size_        = 0;
                    self->merge_last_count_  = 0;
                    self->target_block_size_ = self->min_block_size_;
                    /* Combine this block with last block. */
                    split->lengths[self->num_blocks_ - 1] += (uint)self->block_size_;
                    for (i = 0; i < num_contexts; ++i)
                        histograms[self->last_histogram_ix_0 + i] = combined_histo[i];
                        last_entropy[i] = combined_entropy[i];
                        if (split->num_types == 1)
                            last_entropy[num_contexts + i] = last_entropy[i];
                        HistogramLiteral.HistogramClear(&histograms[self->curr_histogram_ix_ + i]);
                    self->block_size_ = 0;
                    if (++self->merge_last_count_ > 1)
                        self->target_block_size_ += self->min_block_size_;
                BrotliFree(ref m, combined_histo);
            if (is_final)
                *self->histograms_size_ = split->num_types * num_contexts;
                split->num_blocks = self->num_blocks_;