public static void Run(string effectIdentifier, double hue = 0, double saturation = 255, double brightness = 255) { ProPhotoColor color = HsvToRgb(hue, saturation / 255, brightness / 255); SolidColor2DEffect effect = (SolidColor2DEffect)ContentObjectAccessor.GetObject(effectIdentifier); effect.Value = color; }
public static void Run(string sequenceId, int cueNum) { Sequence sequence = (Sequence)ContentObjectAccessor.GetObject(sequenceId); string cueId = String.Format("{0}.Cue_{1}", sequenceId, cueNum.ToString()); Logger.Info(String.Format("GotoCue: {0}", cueId)); Cue cue = (Cue)ContentObjectAccessor.GetObject(cueId); sequence.StartCue(cue); }
public static void Run(string sequenceId) { Sequence sequence = (Sequence)ContentObjectAccessor.GetObject(sequenceId); int playbackState = (int)sequence.PlaybackState; Logger.Info(playbackState.ToString()); if (playbackState == 0) { sequence.Start(); } else { sequence.GoToNextCue(); } }
public static void Run(string identifier, string bgColor = "#FF444444", string borderColor = "#FF888888", string textColor = "#FFFFFFFF", string text = "", bool bold = false, bool italic = false) { ProPhotoGradient RgbGradient = new ProPhotoGradient(new ProPhotoColor[1] { new ProPhotoColor(bgColor), }); ActionPadButtonControl button = (ActionPadButtonControl)ContentObjectAccessor.GetObject(identifier); button.BorderColor = new ProPhotoColor(borderColor); button.ActiveTextColor = new ProPhotoColor(textColor); button.InactiveTextColor = new ProPhotoColor(textColor); button.InactiveBackgroundColor = RgbGradient; button.ActiveBackgroundColor = RgbGradient; button.ButtonText = text; button.ItalicText = italic; button.BoldText = bold; }
public static void handleSequenceCommands(string[] commandParts) { if (commandParts.Length < 3) { Logger.Error("Invalid sequence command received.\n Format must be '/sequence/<sequence_id>/<start, stop, continue, or pause>'\n Sequence IDs are case sensitive"); return; } string sequenceId = commandParts[2]; try { Sequence sequence = (Sequence)ContentObjectAccessor.GetObject(sequenceId); switch (commandParts[3].ToLower()) { case "start": sequence.Start(); break; case "stop": sequence.Stop(); break; case "pause": sequence.Pause(); break; case "continue": sequence.Continue(); break; case "level": handleSequenceLevelCommand(sequence, commandParts); break; default: Logger.Error("Invalid sequence command received.\n Format must be '/sequence/<sequence_id>/<start, stop, continue, or pause>'\n Sequence IDs are case sensitive"); break; } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Error(string.Format("Sequence '{0}' does not exist", sequenceId)); Logger.Error(e.ToString()); } }
public static void handleGrandmasterLevelCommand(string[] commandParts) { if (commandParts.Length < 2) { Logger.Error("Grandmaster level must be specified"); return; } float level = float.Parse(commandParts[2]); // I added this to ensure opacity level is between 0 and 100. if (level < 0 || level > 100) { Logger.Error("Invalid level command received.\n Level must be between 0 and 100\n "); return; } try { ShowInformation showInformation = (ShowInformation)ContentObjectAccessor.GetObject("ShowInformation"); showInformation.Opacity = level; } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Error("Failed to set grandmaster level"); } }
public static void Run(string id) { Sequence sequence = (Sequence)ContentObjectAccessor.GetObject(id); sequence.Pause(); }
public static void Run(string id, double angle) { ColorEffect2DSequenceItem layer = (ColorEffect2DSequenceItem)ContentObjectAccessor.GetObject(id); layer.Angle = -angle / 360 * TWO_PI; }
public static void Run(string id, string text = "") { ScrollTextEffect scrollText = (ScrollTextEffect)ContentObjectAccessor.GetObject(id); scrollText.Text = text; }