Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the sort order for an artist in an artist string.
        /// Determines the order the artist appear in the list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="artistLink">Artist link. Cannot be null.</param>
        /// <param name="focus">Album focus.</param>
        /// <returns>Sort order, 0-based.</returns>
        private int GetSortOrderForArtistString(IArtistLinkWithRoles artistLink, ContentFocus focus)
            var categories = ArtistHelper.GetCategories(artistLink);

            // Animator appears first for animation discs.
            if (focus == ContentFocus.Video && categories.HasFlag(ArtistCategories.Animator))

            if (focus == ContentFocus.Illustration && categories.HasFlag(ArtistCategories.Illustrator))

            // Composer role always appears first
            if (categories.HasFlag(ArtistCategories.Producer) && artistLink.Roles.HasFlag(ArtistRoles.Composer))

            // Other producers appear after composers
            if (categories.HasFlag(ArtistCategories.Producer))

            if (categories.HasFlag(ArtistCategories.Circle) || categories.HasFlag(ArtistCategories.Band))

Esempio n. 2
 private static bool IsProducerRole(ArtistCategories categories, ContentFocus focus)
     return(categories.HasFlag(ArtistCategories.Producer) ||
            categories.HasFlag(ArtistCategories.Circle) ||
            categories.HasFlag(ArtistCategories.Band) ||
            (focus == ContentFocus.Video && categories.HasFlag(ArtistCategories.Animator)) ||
            (focus == ContentFocus.Illustration && categories.HasFlag(ArtistCategories.Illustrator)));
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the main circle from a group of artists, or null if there is no main circle.
        /// Here main circle is defined as the circle in which all the producers of the album belong to.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="artists">List of artists. Cannot be null.</param>
        /// <param name="focus">Determines types of producers to consider.</param>
        /// <returns>The main circle, or null if there is none.</returns>
        public static Artist GetMainCircle(IList <IArtistLinkWithRoles> artists, ContentFocus focus)
            var producers = GetProducers(artists.Where(a => !a.IsSupport), focus).ToArray();

            // Find the circle in which all the producers belong to
            var circle = artists.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Artist != null &&
                                                GetCategories(a).HasFlag(ArtistCategories.Circle) &&
                                                producers.All(p => p.Artist != null && (p.Artist.Equals(a.Artist) || p.Artist.HasGroup(a.Artist))));

            return(circle != null ? circle.Artist : null);
Esempio n. 4
        public TranslatedStringWithDefault GetArtistString(IEnumerable <IArtistLinkWithRoles> artists, ContentFocus focus)
            ParamIs.NotNull(() => artists);

            var matched = artists.Where(ArtistHelper.IsValidCreditableArtist).ToArray();

            var producers = matched
                            .Where(a => ArtistHelper.IsProducerRole(a, focus))
                            .OrderBy(a => GetSortOrderForArtistString(a, focus))

            var performers = matched
                             .Where(a => ArtistHelper.GetCategories(a).HasFlag(ArtistCategories.Vocalist) &&
                                    (!producers.Contains(a) || allowRepeatingProducerAsPerformer)).ToArray();

            const string various = ArtistHelper.VariousArtists;

            if (producers.Length >= 4 || (!producers.Any() && performers.Length >= 4))
                return(new TranslatedStringWithDefault(various, various, various, various));

            var performerNames = performers.Select(ArtistHelper.GetTranslatedName);
            var producerNames  = producers.Select(ArtistHelper.GetTranslatedName);

            if (producers.Any() && performers.Length > 2 && producers.Length + performers.Length >= 5)
                return(TranslatedStringWithDefault.Create(lang => string.Format("{0} feat. various",
                                                                                string.Join(", ", producerNames.Select(p => p[lang])))));
            else if (producers.Any() && performers.Any())
                return(TranslatedStringWithDefault.Create(lang => string.Format("{0} feat. {1}",
                                                                                string.Join(", ", producerNames.Select(p => p[lang])),
                                                                                string.Join(", ", performerNames.Select(p => p[lang])))));
                return(TranslatedStringWithDefault.Create(lang => string.Join(", ", (producers.Any() ? producers : performers).Select(a => ArtistHelper.GetTranslatedName(a)[lang]))));
Esempio n. 5
 public static bool IsProducerRole(IArtistLinkWithRoles link, ContentFocus focus)
     return(IsProducerRole(GetCategories(link), focus));
Esempio n. 6
 private void ChildFocusInEvent(object sender, EventArgs args)
     ContentFocus?.Invoke(sender, args);
Esempio n. 7
        public static string[] GetProducerNames(IEnumerable <IArtistLinkWithRoles> artists, ContentFocus focus, ContentLanguagePreference languagePreference)
            var matched   = artists.Where(IsValidCreditableArtist).ToArray();
            var producers = matched.Where(a => IsProducerRole(a, focus)).ToArray();
            var names     = producers.Select(p => GetTranslatedName(p).GetBestMatch(languagePreference)).ToArray();

Esempio n. 8
 public static IEnumerable <IArtistLinkWithRoles> GetProducers(IEnumerable <IArtistLinkWithRoles> artists, ContentFocus focus)
     return(artists.Where(a => IsProducerRole(a, focus)));
Esempio n. 9
 public static TranslatedStringWithDefault GetArtistString(IEnumerable <IArtistLinkWithRoles> artists, ContentFocus focus)
     return(new ArtistStringFactory().GetArtistString(artists, focus));