 // ===============================================================================================
 // performs all housekeeping when a thread record is changed (add,mod,del)
 // ===============================================================================================
 public override object Execute(Contensive.BaseClasses.CPBaseClass cp)
     //int sourceFormId = 0;
     //int formId = 0;
     //int forumId = 0;
     int threadId = 0;
     string s = "";
     string sql = "";
     CPCSBaseClass cs = cp.CSNew();
     threadId = cp.Utils.EncodeInteger( cp.Doc.GetProperty("recordId",""));
     if (threadId == 0)
         // re count 'threads' in all forums
         sql = "select ccforums.id as forumId"
             + ",(select count(ccforumthreads.id) from ccforumthreads where forumId=ccForums.id) as threadCnt"
             + ",(select count(p.id) from ccforumPosts p left join ccforumThreads t on t.id=p.threadid where t.forumId=ccforums.id) as postCnt"
             + ",(select max(p.id) from ccforumPosts p left join ccforumThreads t on t.id=p.threadid where t.forumId=ccforums.id) as lastPostId"
             + " from ccforums"
             + "";
         // update forum for thread provided
         sql = "select ccforums.id as forumId"
             + ",(select count(ccforumthreads.id) from ccforumthreads where forumId=ccForums.id) as threadCnt"
             + ",(select count(p.id) from ccforumPosts p left join ccforumThreads t on t.id=p.threadid where t.forumId=ccforums.id) as postCnt"
             + ",(select max(p.id) from ccforumPosts p left join ccforumThreads t on t.id=p.threadid where t.forumId=ccforums.id) as lastPostId"
             + " from ccforums"
             + " where ccforums.id in (select forumid from ccforumthreads where id=" + threadId + ")"
             + "";
     if (cs.OpenSQL2(sql, "", 1000, 1))
         while (cs.OK())
             sql = "update ccforums set threads=" + cs.GetInteger("threadCnt") + ",posts=" + cs.GetInteger("postCnt") + ",lastPostId=" + cs.GetInteger("lastPostId") + " where id=" + cs.GetInteger("forumId");
             cp.Db.ExecuteSQL(sql, "", "1", "1", "1");
     return s;
Esempio n. 2
 void loadForm(Contensive.BaseClasses.CPBaseClass cp)
     CPCSBaseClass cs = cp.CSNew();
     if (cs.Open("People", "ID=" + cp.User.Id, "", false, "", 1, 1))
         cp.Doc.set_Var("panelAccountFirstName", cs.GetText("firstName"));
         cp.Doc.set_Var("panelAccountLastName", cs.GetText("lastName"));
         cp.Doc.set_Var("panelAccountEmail", cs.GetText("email"));
         cp.Doc.set_Var("panelAccountUsername", cs.GetText("username"));
         cp.Doc.set_Var("panelAccountPassword", cs.GetText("password"));
Esempio n. 3
 // execute method is the only public
 public override object Execute(Contensive.BaseClasses.CPBaseClass cp)
     const string forumNotificationBody = ""
         + "<h2>Forum Notification</h2>"
         + "<p>The following forums have had changes over the past day.<p>"
         + "";
     string returnHtml = "";
     DateTime dateLastEmail;
     DateTime rightNow = DateTime.Now ;
     DateTime today = rightNow.Date;
     DateTime yesterday = today.AddDays(-1);
     CPCSBaseClass cs = cp.CSNew();
     int memberId;
     bool memberMatch;
     string sqlCriteria = "";
     string forumIdChangedList = "";
     int forumId;
     Hashtable forumNamesRef = new Hashtable();
     string emailBody = "";
     string sql;
     string testSrc;
     int testId = 0;
     string qs = "";
     string forumQs = cp.Site.GetText("forum last display qs", "");
     string sqlDateLastEmail = "";
     string emailDomain = cp.Site.DomainPrimary;
         dateLastEmail = cp.Site.GetDate("Forums Notification Last Sent", yesterday.ToString() );
         cp.Site.SetProperty("Forums Notification Last Sent", rightNow.ToString());
         sqlDateLastEmail = cp.Db.EncodeSQLDate(dateLastEmail);
         // verify Forum Notification email
         testId = cp.Content.GetRecordID("system email", "Forum Notification");
         if (testId == 0)
             if (emailDomain.IndexOf(".") < 0)
                 emailDomain = "kma.net";
             cs.Insert("system Email");
             cs.SetField("name", "Forum Notification");
             cs.SetField("subject", cp.Site.DomainPrimary + " Daily Forum Updates");
             cs.SetField("fromAddress", "ForumNotification@" + emailDomain);
             cs.SetField("copyFilename", forumNotificationBody);
         // make a list of forums with changes
         sql = "select distinct f.id as forumId,f.name as forumName"
             + " from ((ccForums f"
             + " left join ccforumThreads t on t.forumId=f.id)"
             + " left join ccforumPosts p on p.threadid=t.id)"
             + " where"
             + " (t.dateAdded>" + sqlDateLastEmail + ")"
             + " or(p.dateAdded>" + sqlDateLastEmail + ")"
             + " order by f.id";
         while (cs.OK())
             forumId = cs.GetInteger("forumId");
             testSrc = "," + forumIdChangedList + ",";
             if (testSrc.IndexOf("," + forumId.ToString() + ",") < 0)
                 forumIdChangedList += "," + forumId;
                 sqlCriteria += "or(forumId=" + forumId + ")";
                 forumNamesRef.Add(forumId, cs.GetText("forumName"));
         // check for people who want notifications for these forums
         if (sqlCriteria != "")
             sqlCriteria = "(" + sqlCriteria.Substring(2) + ")";
             if (cs.Open("forum notification rules", sqlCriteria, "memberId,forumId", true, "memberId,forumId", 999, 1))
                     // send this member a list of forums that changed and are on his list
                     memberId = cs.GetInteger("memberId");
                     emailBody = "";
                         memberMatch = (memberId == cs.GetInteger("memberId"));
                         if (memberMatch)
                             forumId = cs.GetInteger("forumId");
                             testSrc = "," + forumIdChangedList + ",";
                             if (testSrc.IndexOf("," + forumIdChangedList.ToString() + ",") >= 0)
                                 qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(forumQs, "forumId", forumId.ToString(), true);
                                 emailBody += "<li><a href=\"http://" + cp.Site.DomainPrimary + cp.Site.AppRootPath + cp.Site.PageDefault + "?" + qs + "\">" + forumNamesRef[forumId].ToString() + "</a></li>";
                     while (cs.OK() && memberMatch);
                     if (emailBody != "")
                         emailBody = "<ul>" + emailBody + "</ul>";
                         cp.Email.sendSystem("Forum Notification", emailBody, memberId);
                 while (cs.OK());
     catch (Exception ex)
         errorReport(cp, ex, "execute");
     return returnHtml;
Esempio n. 4
 public override object Execute(Contensive.BaseClasses.CPBaseClass cp)
     string s = "";
     string username = cp.Doc.get_Var("panelLoginUsername");
     string password = cp.Doc.get_Var("panelLoginPassword");
     string email = cp.Doc.get_Var("panelLoginEmail");
     bool autoLogin = cp.Utils.EncodeBoolean(cp.Doc.get_Var("panelLoginAuto"));
     string reqEmail = cp.Doc.get_Var("panelEmailEmail");
     CPCSBaseClass cs = cp.CSNew();
     string login = "";
     if (reqEmail != "")
         if (cs.Open("People", "email=" + cp.Db.EncodeSQLText(reqEmail), "", false, "", 1, 1))
             cp.Doc.set_Var("Email Flag", "1");
             cp.Doc.set_Var("Email Error Flag", "1");
         s = cp.Utils.ExecuteAddon("{37B7EDB3-7BE0-4E89-8012-16F0CDEED218}");
         if (!cp.Utils.EncodeBoolean(cp.Site.GetProperty("ALLOWEMAILLOGIN", "")))
             login = username;
             login = email;
         if (!cp.User.Login(login, password, autoLogin))
             cp.Doc.set_Var("Error Flag", "1");
             s = cp.Utils.ExecuteAddon("{37B7EDB3-7BE0-4E89-8012-16F0CDEED218}");
     return s;
Esempio n. 5
 // ===============================================================================================
 // performs all housekeeping when a post record is changed (add,mod,del)
 // ===============================================================================================
 public override object Execute(Contensive.BaseClasses.CPBaseClass cp)
     //int sourceFormId = 0;
     //int formId = 0;
     //int forumId = 0;
     int threadId = 0;
     int postId = 0;
     string s = "";
     string sql = "";
     CPCSBaseClass cs = cp.CSNew();
     postId = cp.Utils.EncodeInteger(cp.Doc.GetProperty("recordId",""));
     if ( postId==0 )
         // re count posts for all threads
         sql = "select ccforumThreads.id as threadId"
             + ",(select count(p.id) from ccforumPosts p where p.threadId=ccforumThreads.id) as postCnt"
             + ",(select max(p.id) from ccforumPosts p where p.threadId=ccforumThreads.id) as lastPostId"
             + " from ccforumThreads"
             + "";
         // recount posts for just the thread effected
         sql = "select ccforumThreads.id as threadId"
             + ",(select count(p.id) from ccforumPosts p where p.threadId=ccforumThreads.id) as postCnt"
             + ",(select max(p.id) from ccforumPosts p where p.threadId=ccforumThreads.id) as lastPostId"
             + " from ccforumThreads"
             + " where ccforumThreads.id in (select threadid from ccforumPosts where id=" + postId + ")"
             + "";
     if (cs.OpenSQL2(sql, "", 1000, 1))
         threadId = cs.GetInteger("threadId");
         while (cs.OK())
             sql = "update ccforumthreads"
                 + " set replyCnt=" + cs.GetInteger("postCnt") + ""
                 + ",lastPostId=" + cs.GetInteger("lastPostId") + ""
                 + " where id=" + cs.GetInteger("threadId");
             cp.Db.ExecuteSQL(sql, "", "1", "1", "1");
         if (postId != 0)
             // this only affected one post, so only housekeep one thread
             cp.Doc.SetProperty("recordId", threadId.ToString());
     // this effects lastPostId, so housekeep threads also
     threadHousekeepClass threadHousekeep = new threadHousekeepClass();
     return s;
Esempio n. 6
        // ===============================================================================================
        // execute method is the only public
        // ===============================================================================================
        public override object Execute(Contensive.BaseClasses.CPBaseClass cp)
            int sourceFormId = 0;
            int formId = 0;
            int forumId = 0;
            int threadId = 0;
            string interceptForm;
            string s = "";
            string email = "";
            bool isEditing = cp.User.IsEditingAnything;
            string forceInterceptForm = "";
            CPBlockBaseClass block = cp.BlockNew();
            string qs = "";
            string rqs = "";
            string copy = "";
            CPCSBaseClass cs = cp.CSNew();
            cp.Site.SetProperty("forum last display qs", cp.Doc.RefreshQueryString);
            sourceFormId = cp.Utils.EncodeInteger(cp.Doc.get_Var(rnSourceForm));
            formId = cp.Utils.EncodeInteger(cp.Doc.get_Var(rnFormId));
            forumId = cp.Utils.EncodeInteger(cp.Doc.get_Var(rnForumId));
            threadId = cp.Utils.EncodeInteger(cp.Doc.get_Var(rnThreadId));
            interceptForm = cp.Doc.GetProperty(rnIntercept, "");
            if ((forumId == 0) & (threadId != 0))
                cs.OpenSQL("select forumId from ccforumThreads where id=" + threadId);
                if (cs.OK())
                    forumId = cs.GetInteger("forumId");
                    threadId = 0;
            //cp.Doc.AddRefreshQueryString(rnFormId, formId.ToString());
            cp.Doc.AddRefreshQueryString(rnForumId, forumId.ToString());
            cp.Doc.AddRefreshQueryString(rnThreadId, threadId.ToString());
            //cp.Doc.AddRefreshQueryString(rnIntercept, interceptForm.ToString());
            rqs = cp.Doc.RefreshQueryString;
            // handle intercept forms
            if (interceptForm != "")
                switch (interceptForm)
                    case "register":
                        if (processRegister(cp))
                            cp.Response.Redirect("?" + rqs);
                    case "login":
                        if ( cp.User.Login( cp.Doc.GetProperty("username", ""), cp.Doc.GetProperty("password", ""), false) )
                            cp.Response.Redirect("?" + rqs);
                    case "logout":
                        cp.Response.Redirect("?" + rqs);
                    case "password":
                        email = cp.Doc.GetProperty("email", "");
                        if (email == "")
                            cp.UserError.Add("You must include an email address to have your username and password sent.");
            // process current form
            if (sourceFormId != 0)
                switch (sourceFormId)
                    case formIdProfile:
                        formId = processProfile(cp);
                    case formIdNewForum:
                        formId = processNewForum(cp);
                    case formIdForumList:
                        formId = processForumList(cp);
                    case formIdThreadList:
                        formId = processThreadList(cp);
                    case formIdNewThread:
                        formId = processNewThread(cp, forumId);
                    case formIdNewPost:
                        formId = processNewPost(cp, threadId);
                        formId = formIdForumList;
            // determine next form if not set
            if (formId == 0)
                if ( threadId!=0 )
                    formId = formIdPostList;
                else if ( forumId != 0 )
                    formId = formIdThreadList;
                    formId = formIdForumList ;
            // Intercept login and register - but leave the formId as-is
            forceInterceptForm = cp.Doc.GetProperty("forceInterceptForm","");
            if ( forceInterceptForm == "login" )
                s = getLogin(cp, formId, forumId, threadId);
            else if (forceInterceptForm == "register")
                s = getRegister(cp, formId, forumId, threadId);
            else if
                        (forumId != 0) & !userHasAccess(cp, forumId)
                            (formId == formIdNewThread)
                            | (formId == formIdNewPost)
                            | (formId == formIdNewForum)
                // accessing a forum that is closed and you have no permissions
                // or accessing a form that requires you to login
                if (cp.Utils.EncodeBoolean(cp.Doc.GetProperty("register", "")))
                    s = getRegister(cp, formId, forumId, threadId);
                else if ( !cp.User.IsAuthenticated )
                    s = getLogin(cp, formId, forumId, threadId);
                    block.OpenLayout("forum - not in group page");
                    s = block.GetHtml();
                    qs = rqs;
                    qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, rnFormId , formIdForumList.ToString(), false);
                    qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, rnForumId, "", false);
                    s = s.Replace("$forumList$", "?" + qs);
                    qs = rqs;
                    qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, rnIntercept, "logout", true);
                    s = s.Replace("$forumlogin$", "?" + qs);
                if ((!cp.User.IsAdmin) && (formId == formIdNewForum))
                    // you must be an administrator for these forms
                    cp.UserError.Add("You must be an administrator to create a new forum.");
                    formId = formIdForumList;
                // verify form requirements
                switch (formId)
                    case formIdPostList:
                        if (threadId == 0) formId = formIdForumList;
                    case formIdThreadList:
                        if (forumId == 0) formId = formIdForumList;
                    case formIdNewThread:
                        if (forumId == 0) formId = formIdForumList;
                    case formIdNewPost:
                        if (threadId == 0) formId = formIdForumList;
                    //    s = getForumList(cp, isEditing);
                    //    break;
                // get next form
                switch (formId)
                    case formIdProfile:
                        s = getProfile(cp);
                    case formIdNewForum:
                        s = getNewForum(cp);
                    case formIdPostList:
                        s = getPostList(cp, threadId, isEditing);
                    case formIdThreadList:
                        s = getThreadList(cp, forumId, isEditing);
                    case formIdNewThread:
                        s = getNewThread(cp, forumId);
                    case formIdNewPost:
                        s = getNewPost(cp, threadId);
                        s = getForumList(cp, isEditing);

            // update login, logout, register buttons
            rqs = cp.Doc.RefreshQueryString;
            if (!cp.User.IsAuthenticated)
                // not authenticated - block anything marked block
                qs = rqs;
                qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, "forceInterceptForm", "login", true);
                copy = "<a class=\"loginLightbox\" href=\"?" + qs + "\">Login</a>";
                block.SetOuter(".foButtonLogin", copy);
                qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, "forceInterceptForm", "register", true);
                copy = "<a href=\"?" + qs + "\">Register</a>";
                block.SetOuter(".foButtonRegister", copy);
                block.SetOuter(".foButtonLogout", "");
                block.SetOuter(".foButtonProfile", "");
                // authenticated
                qs = rqs;
                qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, rnIntercept, "logout", true);
                copy = "<a href=\"?" + qs + "\">Logout</a>";
                block.SetOuter(".foButtonLogout", copy);
                block.SetOuter(".foButtonLogin", "");
                block.SetOuter(".foButtonRegister", "");
                qs = rqs;
                qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, rnFormId, formIdProfile.ToString(), true);
                copy = "<a href=\"?" + qs + "\">Update/Edit Profile</a>";
                block.SetOuter(".foButtonProfile", copy);
            s = block.GetHtml();
            // return result
            return s;
 public override object Execute(Contensive.BaseClasses.CPBaseClass cp)
     bool errFlag = false;
     string s = "";
     string firstName = cp.Doc.GetText("panelRegistrationFirstName");
     string lastName = cp.Doc.GetText("panelRegistrationLastName");
     string email = cp.Doc.GetText("panelRegistrationEmail");
     string username = cp.Doc.GetText("panelRegistrationUsername");
     string password = cp.Doc.GetText("panelRegistrationPassword");
     bool usernameValid = !cp.Site.GetBoolean("ALLOWEMAILLOGIN", "");
     CPCSBaseClass cs = cp.CSNew();
     //  check for duplicate in username if account requires username
     if (usernameValid)
         if (cs.Open("People", "(ID<>" + cp.User.Id + ") and (username="******")", "", false, "", 1, 1))
             errFlag = true;
             cp.Doc.set_Var("errFlag", "1");
             cp.Doc.set_Var("errMessage", "The username requested is not available, please enter an alternate username.");
     if (!errFlag)
         if (cs.Open("People", "(ID<>" + cp.User.Id + ") and (email=" + cp.Db.EncodeSQLText(email) + ")", "", false, "", 1, 1))
             errFlag = true;
             cp.Doc.set_Var("errFlag", "1");
             cp.Doc.set_Var("errMessage", "The email entered is already registered. Please verify you have not already registered or enter an alternate email address.");
     if (!errFlag)
         if ((cp.User.IsRecognized )&&( !cp.User.IsAuthenticated ))
         if (cs.Open("People", "ID=" + cp.User.Id, "", false, "", 1, 1))
             cs.SetField("name", firstName + " " + lastName);
             cs.SetField("firstName", firstName);
             cs.SetField("lastName", lastName);
             cs.SetField("email", email);
             cs.SetField("password", password);
             if (usernameValid)
                 cs.SetField("username", username);
         //  authenticate the user
         cp.User.LoginByID(cp.User.Id.ToString() );
         s = "";
         s = cp.Utils.ExecuteAddon("{E31F7A5B-FE69-4CF5-BD16-7F368192D956}");
     return s;
Esempio n. 8
 // execute method is the only public
 public override object Execute(Contensive.BaseClasses.CPBaseClass cp)
     string returnHtml = "Hello World";
         // rqs defined once and passed so when we do ajax integration, the rqs will be passed from
         //      from the ajax call so it can be the rqs of the original page, not the /remoteMethod rqs
         //      you get from cp.doc.RefreshQueryString.
         // srcFormId - passed from a submitting form. Otherwise 0.
         // dstFormId - the next for to display. used for links to new pages. Will be over-ridden
         //      by the formProcessing of srcFormId if it is present.
         // appId - Forms typically save data back to the Db. The 'application' is the table
         //      when the data is saved.
         // rightNow - the date and time when the page is hit. Set once and passed as argument to
         //      enable a test-mode where the time can be hard-coded.
         int srcFormId = cp.Utils.EncodeInteger(cp.Doc.GetProperty(statics.rnSrcFormId, ""));
         int dstFormId = cp.Utils.EncodeInteger(cp.Doc.GetProperty(statics.rnDstFormId, ""));
         int appId = cp.Utils.EncodeInteger(cp.Doc.GetProperty(statics.rnAppId, ""));
         string rqs = cp.Doc.RefreshQueryString;
         DateTime rightNow = DateTime.Now;
         CPCSBaseClass cs = cp.CSNew();
         adminFramework.pageWithNavClass page = new adminFramework.pageWithNavClass();
         blankClass blank = new blankClass();
         // add common page elements
         page.title = "Manager Sample Addon";
         page.description = "This is the visual studio c# addon template called Manager Sample. A manager addon is a set of forms that together manage a feature.";
         // process submitted form
         if (srcFormId != 0)
             switch (srcFormId)
                 // add a case for each form process needed
                 case statics.formIdBlank:
                     dstFormId = blank.processForm(cp, srcFormId, rqs, rightNow, ref appId);
         // add page navigation
         page.navCaption = "Home";
         page.navLink = "?" + cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(rqs, statics.rnDstFormId, "0", true);
         page.navCaption = "Blank Form";
         page.navLink = "?" + cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(rqs, statics.rnDstFormId, statics.formIdBlank.ToString(), true);
         switch (dstFormId)
             case (statics.formIdBlank):
                 page.body = blank.getForm(cp, dstFormId, rqs, rightNow, ref appId);
                 page.body = "<p>Welcome to the default form.</p>";
         // output the page
         returnHtml = page.getHtml(cp);
     catch (Exception ex)
         errorReport(cp, ex, "execute");
     return returnHtml;
Esempio n. 9
 public override object Execute(Contensive.BaseClasses.CPBaseClass cp)
     bool errFlag = false;
     string s = "";
     string firstName = cp.Doc.get_Var("panelAccountFirstName");
     string lastName = cp.Doc.get_Var("panelAccountLastName");
     string email = cp.Doc.get_Var("panelAccountEmail");
     string username = cp.Doc.get_Var("panelAccountUsername");
     string password = cp.Doc.get_Var("panelAccountPassword");
     CPCSBaseClass cs = cp.CSNew();
     string sql = "";
     // if allowEmailLogin -- then ignore username input, it is not valid
     bool allowEmailLogin = cp.Utils.EncodeBoolean(cp.Site.GetProperty("ALLOWEMAILLOGIN", ""));
     // check input
     if ((firstName == "") | (lastName == "") | (email == "") | (password == "") | ((username == "") & (!allowEmailLogin)))
         // missing fields
         errFlag = true;
         cp.Doc.set_Var("errFlag", "1");
         cp.Doc.set_Var("errMessage", "One or more required fields were empty.");
         //  check for duplicate in username if account requires username
         if (allowEmailLogin)
             // email loging, check email provided against email and username fields
             sql = "(ID<>" + cp.User.Id + ")"
                 + "and("
                     + "(username="******")"
                     + "or(email=" + cp.Db.EncodeSQLText(email) + ")"
                 + ")"
                 + "";
             // check username and email provided against both email and username fields
             sql = "(ID<>" + cp.User.Id + ")"
                 + "and("
                     + "(username="******")"
                     + "or(email=" + cp.Db.EncodeSQLText(email) + ")"
                     + "or(username="******")"
                     + "or(email=" + cp.Db.EncodeSQLText(username) + ")"
                 + ")"
                 + "";
         if (cs.Open("People", sql, "", false, "", 1, 1))
             errFlag = true;
             cp.Doc.set_Var("errFlag", "1");
             cp.Doc.set_Var("errMessage", "The login requested is not available, please enter an alternate username.");
     if (!errFlag)
         if (cs.Open("People", "ID=" + cp.User.Id, "", false, "", 1, 1))
             cs.SetField("name", firstName + " " + lastName);
             cs.SetField("firstName", firstName);
             cs.SetField("lastName", lastName);
             cs.SetField("email", email);
             cs.SetField("password", password);
             if (!allowEmailLogin)
                 cs.SetField("username", username);
         cp.Doc.set_Var("acctUpdated", "1");
     s = cp.Utils.ExecuteAddon("{7A057715-5CDD-4D9F-A12A-5CCB61F93974}");
     return s;