public void UpdateTime(float time, bool IsAnimation = false) { // TODO: update the value of time. UITime.text = Contains.GetDisplayTime(time); if (IsAnimation) { UITime.rectTransform.DOScale( * 1.1f, 0.2f).OnComplete(() => { UITime.rectTransform.DOScale(, 0.1f); }).SetEase(Ease.OutBack); } }
public override void Show() { base.Show(); switch (GameManager.Instance.GetModeGame()) { case Enums.ModeGame.Easy: UITitleMode.text = "Easy"; break; case Enums.ModeGame.Medium: UITitleMode.text = "Medium"; break; case Enums.ModeGame.Hard: UITitleMode.text = "Hard"; break; default: UITitleMode.text = "Comming soon..."; break; } // TODO: Set the value of best score. UIBestScoreValue.text = PlayerData.BestScore.ToString(); // TODO: Set the value will be displayed on the best move. UIBestMoveValues.text = PlayerData.BestMove.ToString(); // TODO: Set the value will be displayed on the best move. UIBestTimeValues.text = Contains.GetDisplayTime(PlayerData.BestTime); // TODO: Set the value will be displayed on the total played. UITotalPlayed.text = PlayerData.TotalPlayed.ToString(); // TODO: Set the value will be displayed on the total win. UITotalWin.text = PlayerData.TotalWin.ToString(); }
private void OnEnable() { IsReadyToPress = false; Invoke("SetBool", 4f); //----- // TODO: Set the value of best score. UIScoreValue.text = Contains.Score.ToString(); UIBestScoreValue.text = PlayerData.BestScore.ToString(); UIBestScoreValue.gameObject.SetActive(PlayerData.BestScore >= Contains.Score); UIBestScoreValue.transform.parent.Find("NewBest").gameObject.SetActive(PlayerData.BestScore < Contains.Score); // TODO: Set the value will be displayed on the best move. bool newBestFlag = PlayerData.BestMove >= Contains.Moves || PlayerData.BestMove == 0; UIMoveValues.text = Contains.Moves.ToString(); UIBestMoveValues.text = PlayerData.BestMove.ToString(); UIBestMoveValues.gameObject.SetActive(!newBestFlag); UIBestMoveValues.transform.parent.Find("NewBest").gameObject.SetActive(newBestFlag); // TODO: Set the value will be displayed on the best move. newBestFlag = PlayerData.BestTime >= Contains.Time || PlayerData.BestTime == 0; UITimeValues.text = Contains.GetDisplayTime(Contains.Time); UIBestTimeValues.text = Contains.GetDisplayTime(PlayerData.BestTime); UIBestTimeValues.gameObject.SetActive(!newBestFlag); UIBestTimeValues.transform.parent.Find("NewBest").gameObject.SetActive(newBestFlag); // TODO: Set the total played. PlayerData.TotalWin++; // TODO: Save the datas. PlayerData.Save(); AnalyticsController.sendEvent("WinGame", new Dictionary <string, object> { { "Type", GameManager.Instance.GameType }, { "Mode", GameManager.Instance.GetModeGame() } }); }