public object Resolve(ContainerMember containerMember, Action<object, ContainerMember> afterObjectCreate)
            if (containerMember.ObjectLifetimeManager.ObjectFactory == null)
                containerMember.ObjectLifetimeManager.ObjectFactory = () => CreateInstanceFunction(containerMember, afterObjectCreate);

            return containerMember.ObjectLifetimeManager.GetInstance();
        private static Func<object[], object> CreateObjectFunction(ContainerMember containerMember)
            var ctor = containerMember.Constructor;
            //this method return a function that provide fast creation of a new instastance for given constructorInfo
            var dm = new DynamicMethod($"Create_{ctor.DeclaringType?.FullName.Replace('.', '_')}", typeof(object), new[] { typeof(object[]) }, true); //we create a dynamic method
            var ilgen = dm.GetILGenerator(); //we get the IL Generator from dynamic method

            var parameters = ctor.GetParameters(); //we get constructor parameters
            for (var i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++)
                ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); //first we put a correct parameter onto the stack
                EmitHelper.EmitIntOntoStack(ilgen, i); //next we put a correct index onto the stack again
                ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldelem_Ref); //then we take an index and a parameter from the stack and we put the parameter in an array in a correct index
                var paramType = parameters[i].ParameterType;
                ilgen.Emit(paramType.IsValueType ? OpCodes.Unbox_Any : OpCodes.Castclass, paramType); //finally we cast the parameter to the correct type
            ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, ctor); //at the end we create a new object that takes an array of parameters as constructor parameters
            ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ret); //we return created object

            return (Func<object[], object>)dm.CreateDelegate(typeof(Func<object[], object>));
        private object CreateInstanceFunction(ContainerMember containerMember, Action<object, ContainerMember> afterObjectCreate)
            var ctorParameters = containerMember.Parameters;
            var ctorParametersCount = ctorParameters.Count;

            var parameters = new object[ctorParametersCount];
            for (var i = 0; i < ctorParametersCount; i++) //we create as array with the parameters of the constructor and we fill it
                var parameterContainerMember = _registeredTypesCache.GetValue(ctorParameters[i].ParameterType);
                parameters[i] = Resolve(parameterContainerMember, afterObjectCreate);

            if (!_createPartialEmitFunctionForConstructorCache.ContainsKey(containerMember.ReturnType)) //if we do not have a create object function in the cache, we create it
                var factoryMethod = CreateObjectFunction(containerMember);
                _createPartialEmitFunctionForConstructorCache.Add(containerMember.ReturnType, factoryMethod);

            var obj = _createPartialEmitFunctionForConstructorCache[containerMember.ReturnType](parameters);
            afterObjectCreate(obj, containerMember); //when we have a new instance of the type, we have to resolve the properties and the methods also

            return obj;