private void btExpand_Click(object sender, System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs e) { int parentId = Convert.ToInt32(ddlParentList.SelectedValue); Trace.Warn("btExpand_Click and parentId = " + parentId.ToString()); if (parentId >= 0) { BuildParent(ContainerGroup.GetByKey(parentId).Childs[0].Id); } else { using (ContainerGroupList cgAll = ContainerGroup.GetAll("ContainerGroupParentId = -1")) { BuildParent(cgAll[0].Id); } } }
private void UpdateDataView() { string sSql = string.Empty; webTab.Visible = false; string filter = txtFilter.Text; if (filter != string.Empty) { string cleanFilter = filter.Replace("'", "''").ToLower(); cleanFilter = cleanFilter.Replace("[", "[[]"); cleanFilter = cleanFilter.Replace("_", "[_]"); cleanFilter = cleanFilter.Replace("%", "[%]"); sSql += " LOWER(ContainerGroup) like '%" + cleanFilter + "%'"; } using (ContainerGroupList groups = ContainerGroup.GetAll(sSql)) { if (groups != null) { if (groups.Count > 0) { dg.DataSource = groups; Utils.InitGridSort(ref dg, false); dg.DataBind(); dg.Visible = true; lbNoresults.Visible = false; } else { if (txtFilter.Text.Length > 0) { lbNoresults.Text = "No record match your search (" + txtFilter.Text + ")"; } dg.Visible = false; lbNoresults.Visible = true; } panelGrid.Visible = true; lbTitle.Text = UITools.GetTranslation("Container groups list"); } } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="parentId"></param> /// <param name="id"></param> /// Can move or change an container group even if it has children: Decision business review 09/05/06 private void BuildParent(int parentId) { Trace.Warn("BuildParent(" + parentId.ToString() + ")"); Trace.Warn(" GroupId = " + groupId.ToString()); ViewState["nbParents"] = 0; lParentName.Text = string.Empty; bool bCanMove = true; ContainerGroup cg = ContainerGroup.GetByKey(groupId); // Retrieve container based on parentId parameter ContainerGroup cgComboDisplayLevel = ContainerGroup.GetByKey(parentId); ContainerGroupList cgChildren = null; ddlParentList.Items.Clear(); if (cgComboDisplayLevel == null) { if (cg != null) { Trace.Warn(" cgComboDisplayLevel is null [#maxDepth =" + maxDepth.ToString() + ", cg.ChildDepth=" + cg.ChildDepth.ToString() + "]"); } else { Trace.Warn(" cgComboDisplayLevel is null [#maxDepth =" + maxDepth.ToString() + ", cg is null]"); } ddlParentList.Items.Clear(); ddlParentList.Items.Insert(0, new System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListItem("Root", "-1")); if (cg != null) { btExpand.Visible = maxDepth > cg.ChildDepth; } else { btExpand.Visible = maxDepth > 0; } } else { if (cg != null) { Trace.Warn("[cg.ChildDepth=" + cg.ChildDepth.ToString() + "]"); } if (cgComboDisplayLevel.Parent == null) { using (ContainerGroupList cgAll = ContainerGroup.GetAll("ContainerGroupParentId = -1 and ContainersCount=0 AND ContainerGroupId <> " + groupId.ToString())) { cgChildren = cgAll; } } else { cgChildren = cgComboDisplayLevel.Parent.Childs; } // If container group has children if (cgChildren != null && cgChildren.Count > 0) { ddlParentList.DataSource = cgChildren; ddlParentList.DataBind(); // Remove the current item from the drop down list ddlParentList.Items.Remove(ddlParentList.Items.FindByValue(txtGroupId.Text)); ddlParentList.Visible = ddlParentList.Items.Count > 0; if (cg == null) // User is creating a new container group { ddlParentList.SelectedIndex = 0; } else { // Select the current parent if (ddlParentList.Items.FindByValue(cg.ParentId.ToString()) != null) { ddlParentList.SelectedValue = cg.ParentId.ToString(); } } int nbChilds = cgChildren[0].Childs.Count; foreach (ContainerGroup cgc in cgChildren[0].Childs) { if (cgc.Id == groupId) { nbChilds--; break; } } btExpand.Visible = nbChilds > 0; } #region maxDepth // If the maxDepth < 0 impossible to add child to a container group if (maxDepth <= 0) { panelParent.Visible = false; } else { if (cgComboDisplayLevel != null) { string[] parents = cgComboDisplayLevel.Path.Split('/'); int nbParents = parents.Length - 1; ViewState["nbParents"] = nbParents; if (btExpand.Visible) { btExpand.Visible = nbParents < maxDepth; } } } #endregion #region Build Label path ContainerGroup cgParent = cgComboDisplayLevel.Parent; while (cgParent != null) { lParentName.Text = bCanMove ? "<A HREF=javascript:__doPostBack('Path','" + cgParent.Id.ToString() + "')>" + cgParent.Name + "</A>/" + lParentName.Text : cgParent.Name + "/" + lParentName.Text; if (cgParent.ParentId != -1) { cgParent = cgParent.Parent; } else { cgParent = null; } } lParentName.Text = bCanMove ? "<A HREF=javascript:__doPostBack('Path','-1')>Root</A>/" + lParentName.Text : "Root/" + lParentName.Text; if (parentId != -1) { lParentName.Visible = true; } else { lParentName.Visible = false; } #endregion } }
/// <summary> /// Export the containers List in Excel file /// </summary> /// <param name="page"></param> public static void ExportContainers(Page page) { using (CollectionView cv = new CollectionView(HyperCatalog.Business.Container.GetAll())) { cv.Sort("GroupId"); using (CollectionView cvCG = new CollectionView(ContainerGroup.GetAll())) { using (CollectionView cvCT = new CollectionView(ContainerType.GetAll())) { using (CollectionView cvDT = new CollectionView(DataType.GetAll())) { using (CollectionView cvU = new CollectionView(User.GetAll())) { using (CollectionView cvLG = new CollectionView(LookupGroup.GetAll())) { using (CollectionView cvIM = new CollectionView(InheritanceMethod.GetAll())) { // string contains html code to export System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(string.Empty); sb.Append("<html><body>"); sb.Append("<table border='1'>"); /******** Writing the User info and Current date ***********/ int ColCount = 28; sb.Append("<tr style='border: none' valign='top'><td style='font-weight:bold;font-size: 14;border: none; font-family:Arial Unicode MS' colspan=" + ColCount + ">" + "Container Report" + "</td></tr>"); sb.Append("<tr style='border: none' valign='top'><td style='font-weight:bold;border: none; font-size: 14; font-family:Arial Unicode MS'>Generated By: </td><td style='border: none; font-size: 14; font-family:Arial Unicode MS' colspan=" + (ColCount - 1).ToString() + ">" + SessionState.User.FullName + "</td></tr>"); sb.Append("<tr style='border: none' valign='top'><td style='font-weight:bold;border: none; font-size: 14;font-family:Arial Unicode MS'>Exported On: </td><td style='border: none ;font-size: 14; font-family:Arial Unicode MS' colspan=" + (ColCount - 1).ToString() + ">" + SessionState.User.FormatUtcDate(DateTime.UtcNow, true, "MM/dd/yyyy:HH:mm:ss") + "</td></tr>"); #region "Header" sb.Append("<tr style='font-size: 14; font-weight: bold;font-family:Arial Unicode MS background-color: lightgrey' wordwrap='true'>"); sb.Append("<td>Id</td>"); sb.Append("<td>Container group</td>"); sb.Append("<td>xmlname</td>"); sb.Append("<td>Name</td>"); sb.Append("<td>Label</td>"); sb.Append("<td>Definition</td>"); sb.Append("<td>Entry rule</td>"); sb.Append("<td>Sample</td>"); sb.Append("<td>Data type</td>"); sb.Append("<td>Container type</td>"); sb.Append("<td>Lookup</td>"); sb.Append("<td>Input mask</td>"); sb.Append("<td>Max length</td>"); sb.Append("<td>Translatable</td>"); sb.Append("<td>Regionalizable</td>"); sb.Append("<td>Localizable</td>"); sb.Append("<td>Publishable</td>"); sb.Append("<td>Readonly</td>"); sb.Append("<td>Keep if obsolete</td>"); sb.Append("<td>Inheritance method</td>"); sb.Append("<td>Sort</td>"); sb.Append("<td>Segment</td>"); sb.Append("<td>ValidationMask</td>"); sb.Append("<td>WWXPath</td>"); sb.Append("<td>Creator</td>"); sb.Append("<td>Create date</td>"); sb.Append("<td>Modifier</td>"); sb.Append("<td>Modifier date</td>"); sb.Append("</tr>"); #endregion string cellColor = "#D0D0D0", defaultCellColor = "#D0D0D0"; for (int i = 0; i < cv.Count; i++) { Container curContainer = ((Container)cv[i]); sb.Append("<tr valign='top' style='font-size: 14; font-family:Arial Unicode MS;background-color: " + cellColor + ";text-color: black;'>"); sb.Append("<td>" + curContainer.Id + "</td>"); //******************************************************************************************** //GADSC Code Change for displaying the Goup/Subgroup path of the container group in the report //Ezilla Bug N0:68758 //Modified By:Kanthi.J //******************************************************************************************** cvCG.ApplyFilter("Id", curContainer.GroupId, HyperCatalog.Business.CollectionView.FilterOperand.Equals); sb.Append("<td>" + ((ContainerGroup)cvCG[0]).Path + ((ContainerGroup)cvCG[0]).Name + "</td>"); sb.Append("<td>" + curContainer.Tag + "</td>"); sb.Append("<td>" + curContainer.Name + "</td>"); sb.Append("<td>" + curContainer.Label + "</td>"); sb.Append("<td>" + curContainer.Definition + "</td>"); sb.Append("<td>" + curContainer.EntryRule + "</td>"); sb.Append("<td>" + curContainer.Sample + "</td>"); cvDT.ApplyFilter("Code", curContainer.DataTypeCode, HyperCatalog.Business.CollectionView.FilterOperand.Equals); sb.Append("<td>" + ((DataType)cvDT[0]).Name + "</td>"); cvCT.ApplyFilter("Code", curContainer.ContainerTypeCode, HyperCatalog.Business.CollectionView.FilterOperand.Equals); sb.Append("<td>" + ((ContainerType)cvCT[0]).Name + "</td>"); if (curContainer.LookupId == -1) { sb.Append("<td></td>"); } else { cvLG.ApplyFilter("Id", curContainer.LookupId, HyperCatalog.Business.CollectionView.FilterOperand.Equals); sb.Append("<td>" + ((LookupGroup)cvLG[0]).Name + "</td>"); } sb.Append("<td>" + curContainer.InputMask + "</td>"); sb.Append("<td>" + curContainer.MaxLength + "</td>"); sb.Append("<td>" + curContainer.Translatable + "</td>"); sb.Append("<td>" + curContainer.Regionalizable + "</td>"); sb.Append("<td>" + curContainer.Localizable + "</td>"); sb.Append("<td>" + curContainer.Publishable + "</td>"); sb.Append("<td>" + curContainer.ReadOnly + "</td>"); sb.Append("<td>" + curContainer.KeepIfObsolete + "</td>"); cvIM.ApplyFilter("Id", curContainer.InheritanceMethodId, HyperCatalog.Business.CollectionView.FilterOperand.Equals); sb.Append("<td>" + ((InheritanceMethod)cvIM[0]).Name + "</td>"); sb.Append("<td>" + curContainer.Sort + "</td>"); sb.Append("<td>" + curContainer.SegmentId + "</td>"); sb.Append("<td>" + curContainer.ValidationMask + "</td>"); sb.Append("<td>" + curContainer.WWXPath + "</td>"); cvU.ApplyFilter("Id", curContainer.CreatorId, HyperCatalog.Business.CollectionView.FilterOperand.Equals); sb.Append("<td>" + ((User)cvU[0]).FullName + "</td>"); sb.Append("<td>" + curContainer.CreateDate + "</td>"); if (curContainer.ModifierId == -1) { sb.Append("<td></td>"); } else { cvU.ApplyFilter("Id", curContainer.ModifierId, HyperCatalog.Business.CollectionView.FilterOperand.Equals); } sb.Append("<td>" + ((User)cvU[0]).FullName + "</td>"); sb.Append("<td>" + curContainer.ModifyDate + "</td>"); sb.Append("</tr>"); if (cellColor == defaultCellColor) { cellColor = "white"; } else { cellColor = defaultCellColor; } } sb.Append("</table>"); sb.Append("</body></html>"); string fileName = string.Empty; fileName += "Containers.xls"; string exportContent = sb.ToString(); page.Response.Clear(); page.Response.ClearContent(); page.Response.ClearHeaders(); page.Response.Charset = string.Empty; page.Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=" + fileName); page.Response.ContentType = "application/;"; //Fix for CR 5109 - Prabhu R S page.Response.ContentEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8; page.EnableViewState = false; page.Response.Write(exportContent); page.Response.End(); } } } } } } } }