Esempio n. 1
        //! Draw Conatact Windows.

         * \param ContactWindowsVector Contacts
         * \param bool Draw All if false only scheduled contacts will be drawn
         * \return Image bmp-Image
         * Creates a bmp Image and returns it
        public static Image drawContacts(ContactWindowsVector contacts, bool drawAll)
            if (contacts != null)
                //sort by Groundstations

                List <string> satNameList = contacts.getSatelliteNames();
                List <string> staNameList = contacts.getStationNames();

                int x_offset     = 100;
                int y_offset     = 20;
                int satBoxheight = 20;

                //calculate Size of Image
                double timeLength = contacts.getStopTime().getEpoch() - contacts.getStartTime().getEpoch();
                int    imWidth    = Convert.ToInt32(timeLength = 8640 * timeLength);
                int    imHeight   = satNameList.Count() * staNameList.Count() * 20;
                Image  dest       = new Bitmap(imWidth + x_offset, imHeight + y_offset);

                //Generate Front and Brusch for drawing
                System.Drawing.Graphics g;
                System.Drawing.Pen      pen = new System.Drawing.Pen(Color.Black, 1F);
                Font       drawFont         = new Font("Arial", 10);
                SolidBrush brush            = new SolidBrush(Color.Black);
                g = Graphics.FromImage(dest);
                g.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.SingleBitPerPixelGridFit;

                //Start Drawing Contact Windows
                for (int i = 0; i < contacts.Count(); i++)
                    //Draw only if scheduled unless drawAll = true
                    if (contacts.getAt(i).getSheduledInfo() || drawAll)
                        int satPosY = satNameList.IndexOf(contacts.getAt(i).getSatName());
                        int staPosY = staNameList.IndexOf(contacts.getAt(i).getStationName());

                        int y            = 0;
                        int x            = 0;
                        int satBoxhWidth = 0;

                        y = satPosY * 20 + staPosY * satNameList.Count() * 20 + y_offset;
                        double satx = 8640 * (contacts.getAt(i).getStartTime().getEpoch() - contacts.getStartTime().getEpoch());
                        x            = Convert.ToInt32(satx) + x_offset;
                        satBoxhWidth = Convert.ToInt32(contacts.getAt(i).getDuration() / 10.0);

                        //brush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(contacts.getAt(i).getHash()));
                        if (drawAll && !contacts.getAt(i).getSheduledInfo())
                            brush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(215, 215, 215));
                            g.FillRectangle(brush, new Rectangle(x, y, satBoxhWidth, satBoxheight));
                            g.DrawString(contacts.getAt(i).getSatName(), drawFont, new SolidBrush(Color.DarkGray), x, y);
                            brush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(contacts.getAt(i).getHash()));
                            g.FillRectangle(brush, new Rectangle(x, y, satBoxhWidth, satBoxheight));
                            g.DrawString(contacts.getAt(i).getSatName(), drawFont, new SolidBrush(Color.Black), x, y);

                System.Drawing.Pen stationPen;
                stationPen = new System.Drawing.Pen(Color.DarkGray, 1);

                g.DrawLine(stationPen, x_offset, 0, x_offset, imHeight);

                //Start Drawing Stations Names
                for (int i = 0; i < staNameList.Count(); i++)
                    int x1 = 0;
                    int y1 = (i + 1) * satNameList.Count() * 20;
                    int x2 = imWidth;
                    int y2 = (i + 1) * satNameList.Count() * 20;
                    g.DrawString(staNameList[i], drawFont, new SolidBrush(Color.Black), 5, y1 - ((satNameList.Count() / 2) * 20));
                    g.DrawLine(stationPen, x1, y1 + y_offset, x2, y2 + y_offset);

                One_Sgp4.EpochTime time = new One_Sgp4.EpochTime(contacts.getStartTime());
                g.DrawString(contacts.getStartTime().ToString(), drawFont, new SolidBrush(Color.Black), x_offset, 5);

                for (int i = x_offset; i < imWidth; i += 180)
                    g.DrawString(time.ToString(), drawFont, new SolidBrush(Color.Black), i, 5);
                    g.DrawLine(stationPen, i, 0, i, imHeight);
                    time.addTick(10 * 180);



                int   imWidth  = 8640;
                int   imHeight = 20;
                Image dest     = new Bitmap(imWidth, imHeight);
Esempio n. 2
        //! calculate the fitness value of ALL defined objetive values

         * \param ContactWindowsVector contact windows to check
         * \param int max number of Contacts of the Scheduling problem
         * \param int[] population representation of the Genetic scheduler default NULL
        private void calculate(ContactWindowsVector contactWindows, int priorityValue, int nrOfAllContacts = 0, int[] population = null, ContactWindowsVector allcontactWindows = null)
            //list of stations and Satellites
            List <string> stationList   = contactWindows.getStationNames();
            List <string> satelliteList = contactWindows.getSatelliteNames();

            //number of times sation and satellite is scheduled
            int nrOfStation    = contactWindows.getNumberOfStation();
            int nrOfSatellites = contactWindows.getNumberOfSatellites();

            int[] nrOfContactsPerSatellite = new int[nrOfSatellites];
            int[] nrOfContactsPerStation   = new int[nrOfStation];

            //number of Contacts Scheduled
            int nrOfScheduledContacts = 0;

            //Overall Scheduled Time
            double scheduledDuration = 0.0;
            //Complete Time of ALL contacts
            double allDuaration = 0.0;
            //Priority counts
            int priorityMax = priorityValue;
            int prio        = calcualteMaxPrioValue(contactWindows);

            for (int i = 0; i < contactWindows.Count(); i++)
                int stapo = -1;
                int satpo = -1;
                if (population != null)
                    if (population[i] == 1)
                        stapo = stationList.IndexOf(contactWindows.getAt(i).getStationName());
                        satpo = satelliteList.IndexOf(contactWindows.getAt(i).getSatName());
                        scheduledDuration += contactWindows.getAt(i).getDuration();
                    if (nrOfAllContacts == 0)
                        if (contactWindows.getAt(i).getSheduledInfo())
                            stapo              = stationList.IndexOf(contactWindows.getAt(i).getStationName());
                            satpo              = satelliteList.IndexOf(contactWindows.getAt(i).getSatName());
                            scheduledDuration += contactWindows.getAt(i).getDuration();
                        stapo              = stationList.IndexOf(contactWindows.getAt(i).getStationName());
                        satpo              = satelliteList.IndexOf(contactWindows.getAt(i).getSatName());
                        scheduledDuration += contactWindows.getAt(i).getDuration();
                if (allcontactWindows == null)
                    allDuaration += contactWindows.getAt(i).getDuration();

                if (stapo > -1)
                if (satpo > -1)

            //calculate Fairness for Stations
            double a_station = 0.0;
            double b_station = 0.0;

            for (int i = 0; i < nrOfStation; i++)
                a_station = a_station + nrOfContactsPerStation[i];
                b_station = b_station + Math.Pow(nrOfContactsPerStation[i], 2);
            val_FairStations = Math.Pow(a_station, 2) / (nrOfStation * b_station);

            //calculate Fairnes for Satellites
            double a_satellites = 0.0;
            double b_satellites = 0.0;

            for (int i = 0; i < nrOfSatellites; i++)
                a_satellites = a_satellites + nrOfContactsPerSatellite[i];
                b_satellites = b_satellites + Math.Pow(nrOfContactsPerSatellite[i], 2);
            val_FairSatellites = Math.Pow(a_satellites, 2) / (nrOfSatellites * b_satellites);

            if (nrOfAllContacts == 0)
                nrOfAllContacts = contactWindows.Count();

            val_Scheduled = nrOfScheduledContacts / (double)nrOfAllContacts;

            val_Duration = scheduledDuration / allDuaration;

            val_Priority = (double)prio / (double)priorityMax;
Esempio n. 3
        //! Starts the process of finding the best solution through genetor

         *  \param ScheduleProblemInterface definition of the problem to solve
        public void CalculateSchedule(ScheduleProblemInterface problem)
            objective = problem.getObjectiveFunction();
            set       = problem.getContactWindows();
            //Sort by time

            nrOfContacts   = set.Count();
            nrOfStation    = set.getNumberOfStation();
            nrOfSatellites = set.getNumberOfSatellites();
            satelliteList  = new List <string>(set.getSatelliteNames());
            stationList    = new List <string>(set.getStationNames());

            fitness      = new double[popSize];
            bestSolution = new int[nrOfContacts];

            if (runUnitlTime)
                startrunTime = DateTime.Now;
                double h = hours;
                startrunTime = startrunTime.AddHours(h);
            generation = 0;

            //create 5-10 random schedules from the Data
            population = new List <int[]>();
            for (int i = 0; i < popSize; i++)
                population.Add(new int[nrOfContacts]);
                fitness[i] = Constants.maxInt;
            //Randomize the starting Population
            Random rnd = new Random();

            for (int k = 0; k < popSize; k++)
                for (int i = 0; i < nrOfContacts; i++)
                    int randStart = rnd.Next(0, 100);
                    if (randStart <= genCrea)
                        population[k][i] = 1;
            bool foundSolution = false;

            while (!foundSolution)
                //Console.WriteLine("Generation: " + generation.ToString() );
                //elliminate all collsions either by using random chance or
                //by priority.
                //check fitness of each one (survival rate)
                for (int i = 0; i < popSize; i++)
                    surviveConflicts(population[i], rnd, conflictValue);
                    fitness[i] = checkFitness(population[i]);

                if (Properties.Settings.Default.global_MaxPerf == false)

                //take only the fittest
                survivalOfFittest(fitness, population);

                //Combine randomly and generate children
                createChildren(population, fitness, rnd);

                //Mutate (remove or add requests by slight change)
                for (int i = 0; i < popSize; i++)
                    mutate(population[i], rnd);

                //check if Solution has been found
                foundSolution = isComplete();

                if (generatePlotData > 0)

                if (Properties.Settings.Default.global_MaxPerf == false)

                if (f != null)
            if (solveConflict)
                surviveConflicts(bestSolution, rnd, conflictValue);

            //surviveConflicts(bestSolution, rnd);
            setSchedule(bestSolution, set);
            Console.WriteLine("Found Solution after " + generation.ToString() + " Generations");
            result = set;
            if (generatePlotData > 0)
            if (f != null)