Esempio n. 1
        private static ReferenceType CreateReferenceType()
            ReferenceType r = new ReferenceType();

            r.Comments = "Commentaar";

            r.ContactMethod = new List <ContactMethodType>();
            ContactMethodType m = CreateContactMethodType();


            var personName = new PersonNameType();

            SetName(personName, "", "Jansen", "Jan", "Jan");

            r.PersonName = personName;

            r.PositionTitle = "PositionTitle";

            //<xsd:enumeration value="Professional"/>
            //<xsd:enumeration value="Personal"/>
            //<xsd:enumeration value="Verification"/>

            r.type = "Personal";
Esempio n. 2
        private static EmpContactInfoType CreateEmpContactInfoType()
            EmpContactInfoType e = new EmpContactInfoType();

            e.ContactMethod = new List <ContactMethodType>();
            ContactMethodType m = CreateContactMethodType();


            e.contactType = "Contacttype";

            e.InternetDomainName = new List <InternetDomainNameType>();
            InternetDomainNameType i = CreateInternetDomainNameType();


            e.LocationSummary = CreateEmploymentLocationSummaryType();

            var personName = new PersonNameType();

            SetName(personName, "", "Jansen", "Jan", "Jan");
            e.PersonName = personName;

Esempio n. 3
        private static ContactMethodType CreateContactMethodType()
            ContactMethodType m = new ContactMethodType();

            m.Mobile    = CreateMobileNumber("0612312452", TelcomItemsChoiceType.FormattedNumber);
            m.Telephone = CreateNumber("0306561563", TelcomItemsChoiceType.FormattedNumber);
            m.Fax       = CreateNumber("0306561563", TelcomItemsChoiceType.FormattedNumber);

            m.InternetEmailAddress = "*****@*****.**";
            m.InternetWebAddress   = "";

            m.PostalAddress                 = new PostalAddressType();
            m.PostalAddress.CountryCode     = "NL";
            m.PostalAddress.DeliveryAddress = new PostalAddressTypeDeliveryAddress();
            m.PostalAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine.Add("straat 1");
            m.PostalAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine.Add("1111 AA");
            m.PostalAddress.DeliveryAddress.BuildingNumber = "1";
            m.PostalAddress.DeliveryAddress.PostOfficeBox  = "1234 BB";
            m.PostalAddress.DeliveryAddress.StreetName     = "Straat 1";
            m.PostalAddress.DeliveryAddress.Unit           = "Unit";
            m.PostalAddress.Municipality  = "Uden";
            m.PostalAddress.PostalCode    = "1111 AA";
            m.PostalAddress.type          = PostalAddressTypeType.streetAddress;
            m.PostalAddress.typeSpecified = true;

Esempio n. 4
        public static String Generate(ContactMethodType method)
            switch (method)
            case ContactMethodType.Email: return(Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", ""));

            case ContactMethodType.Mobile: return(GenerateMobileCode());

            default: return(null);
Esempio n. 5
        private static SEPContactInfoType CreateSEPContactInfoType()
            SEPContactInfoType c = new SEPContactInfoType();

            c.ContactMethod = new List <ContactMethodType>();
            ContactMethodType m = CreateContactMethodType();


            var personName = new PersonNameType();

            SetName(personName, "", "Jansen", "Jan", "Jan");
            c.PersonName = personName;

Esempio n. 6
 public ContactMethod(ContactMethodType contactMethodType)
     ContactMethodType = contactMethodType;
Esempio n. 7
        private static void DoHumanResource()
            HumanResourceType   humanResource;
            EntityIdType        entityIDFlex2GO;
            EntityIdTypeIdValue entityIdTypeIdFlex2GO;
            EntityIdType        entityIDNocore;
            EntityIdTypeIdValue entityIdTypeIdNocore;

            // aanmaken hoofdelement.
            humanResource = new HumanResourceType();
            // referenceInformation hebben we zo ook nodig
            humanResource.ReferenceInformation = new HumanResourceTypeReferenceInformation();
            // resourceInformation hebben we zo ook nodig.
            humanResource.ResourceInformation = new HumanResourceTypeResourceInformation();
            // profielinformatie zoals beschikbaarheden hebben we zo ook nodig
            humanResource.Profile = new HumanResourceTypeProfile();
            // userArea, die we gaan gebruiken voor eigen gegevens en setu aanvullingen
            humanResource.UserArea = new UserAreaType();
            // voorkeuren, leeg element.
            humanResource.Preferences = new HumanResourceTypePreferences();

            #region Status

            humanResource.HumanResourceStatus = new HumanResourceTypeHumanResourceStatus();
            // nieuwe medewerker
            humanResource.HumanResourceStatus.status = KnownStatusType.New;

            #region Identifier van HumanResource in Flex2GO

            // maken van eigen identifier Flex2GO
            entityIDFlex2GO = new EntityIdType();
            // wij zijn eigenaar
            entityIDFlex2GO.idOwner = "Flex2GO";
            // waardeobject
            entityIdTypeIdFlex2GO = new EntityIdTypeIdValue();
            // Flex2GO gebruikt guids
            entityIdTypeIdFlex2GO.Value = "F020D955-A2A8-4371-A57F-BB9E5012CEDD";
            // toevoegen waarde object aan entityId object
            // toevoegen van EntityId object aan de lijst met HumanResourceId's, dit is die van Flex2GO


            #region Identifier van HumanResource in Nocore
            // maken van eigen identifier Nocore
            entityIDNocore = new EntityIdType();
            // wij zijn eigenaar
            entityIDNocore.idOwner = "SEDIS";
            // waardeobject
            entityIdTypeIdNocore = new EntityIdTypeIdValue();
            // Nocore gebruikt integers, personeelsnummer
            entityIdTypeIdNocore.Value = "12345";
            // toevoegen waarde object aan entityId object
            // toevoegen van EntityId object aan de lijst met HumanResourceId's, dit is die van Nocore


            #region Identifier Bedrijf Flex2GO = StaffingSupplier indien van Flex2GO naar Nocore

            // maken van eigen identifier Flex2GO
            EntityIdType entityIDBedrijfFlex2GO = new EntityIdType();
            // waardeobject
            EntityIdTypeIdValue entityIdTypeIdBedrijfFlex2GO = new EntityIdTypeIdValue();
            // Flex2GO gebruikt guids, guid van het Bedrijf in Flex2GO
            entityIdTypeIdBedrijfFlex2GO.Value = "0F14A513-BC2A-4F44-9EBC-5EDA5CF58BDC";
            // toevoegen waarde object aan entityId object
            // toevoegen van EntityId object aan de lijst met HumanResourceId's, dit is die van Flex2GO


            #region Identifier Administratie Nocore = StaffingCustomer indien van Flex2GO naar Nocore
            // maken van eigen identifier Nocore
            EntityIdType entityIDAdministratieNocore = new EntityIdType();
            // waardeobject
            EntityIdTypeIdValue entityIdTypeIdAdministratieNocore = new EntityIdTypeIdValue();
            // Nocore gebruikt integers, administratienummer
            entityIdTypeIdAdministratieNocore.Value = "1";
            // toevoegen waarde object aan entityId object
            // toevoegen van EntityId object aan de lijst met HumanResourceId's, dit is die van Nocore


            #region PersonName structuur
            // nieuw HR-XML naam object
            PersonNameType name = new PersonNameType();
            // zet de naam op het HR-XML object in subroutine
            SetName(name, "de", "Vries", "Jan de Vries", "Jan");
            // stop de personname op de resourceInformation
            humanResource.ResourceInformation.PersonName = name;


            #region ContactInfo

            // nieuw HR-XML contactInfo object
            EntityContactInfoType entityContactInfo = new EntityContactInfoType();
            // gelijk aan formattedname bij ons
            entityContactInfo.EntityName = "Jan de Vries";

            // zet contactinformatie en voeg die toe aan contactInfo object
            ContactMethodType contactInfo = new ContactMethodType();
            contactInfo.Mobile               = CreateMobileNumber("0612332230", TelcomItemsChoiceType.FormattedNumber);
            contactInfo.Telephone            = CreateNumber("0306561563", TelcomItemsChoiceType.FormattedNumber);
            contactInfo.InternetEmailAddress = "*****@*****.**";

            humanResource.ResourceInformation.EntityContactInfo = entityContactInfo;


            #region Adres

            // nieuw HR-XML adres object
            PostalAddressType postalAddress = new PostalAddressType();
            // landcode van Nederland in ISO2
            postalAddress.CountryCode = "NL";

            // nieuw HR-XML PostalAddressTypeDeliveryAddress object

            PostalAddressTypeDeliveryAddress deliveryAddress = new PostalAddressTypeDeliveryAddress();
            // eigenschappen op object plakken
            deliveryAddress.StreetName     = "Groeneweg";
            deliveryAddress.BuildingNumber = "21";
            deliveryAddress.Unit           = "Z";
            deliveryAddress.AddressLine.Add("Groeneweg 21Z");
            postalAddress.DeliveryAddress = deliveryAddress;
            postalAddress.PostalCode      = "3981 CK";
            // type = streetAddress = Huisadres
            postalAddress.type          = PostalAddressTypeType.streetAddress;
            postalAddress.typeSpecified = true;

            // zet adres op ResourceInformation object
            humanResource.ResourceInformation.PostalAddress = postalAddress;


            #region Profile

            // reisafstand in kilometers
            HumanResourceTypePreferencesCommute commute = new HumanResourceTypePreferencesCommute();
            commute.DistanceMax = "100";
            humanResource.Preferences.Commute = commute;


            #region HumanResourceAdditionalNL

            HumanResourceAdditionalNLType humanResourceAdditionalNL = new HumanResourceAdditionalNLType();

            humanResourceAdditionalNL.Sex          = SexType.male;
            humanResourceAdditionalNL.SexSpecified = true;

            // geboortedatum
            humanResourceAdditionalNL.BirthDate          = new DateTime(1981, 07, 24);
            humanResourceAdditionalNL.BirthDateSpecified = true;

            // aanmaken idDocument en vervaldatum
            IdentificationDocumentType idDocument    = new IdentificationDocumentType();
            EffectiveDateType          effictiveDate = new EffectiveDateType();

            // vervaldatum
            effictiveDate.ValidTo          = new DateTime(2015, 01, 10);
            effictiveDate.ValidToSpecified = true;
            idDocument.EffectiveDate       = effictiveDate;

            // formaat en nummer
            idDocument.Format = "Paspoort";
            idDocument.Id     = "123456789";
            humanResourceAdditionalNL.IdentificationDocument = idDocument;

            // toewijzen humanresourceAdditionalNL deel aan de humanResource
            humanResource.UserArea.HumanResourceAdditionalNL          = humanResourceAdditionalNL;
            humanResource.UserArea.HumanResourceAdditionalNLSpecified = true;


            #region Nocore specifieke data

            NocoreHumanResourceType nocoreHumanResource = new NocoreHumanResourceType();

            // intercedent
            nocoreHumanResource.AccountManager = "Piet Intercedent";

            nocoreHumanResource.BankAccountInfo = new BankAccountInfoType();
            nocoreHumanResource.BankAccountInfo.BankAccountForeign = "569759943";

            nocoreHumanResource.Status = "Uit dienst";

            // twee fase periodes, fase 1 en fase 2A
            FasePeriodType periode1 = new FasePeriodType();
            periode1.Fase        = "1";
            periode1.From        = new DateTime(2008, 01, 01);
            periode1.To          = new DateTime(2008, 06, 30);
            periode1.ToSpecified = true;
            FasePeriodType periode2 = new FasePeriodType();
            periode2.Fase        = "2A";
            periode2.From        = new DateTime(2008, 07, 01);
            periode2.ToSpecified = false;
            // initialen, met puntjes ertussen
            nocoreHumanResource.Initials = "J.";

            // nocore vestiging
            nocoreHumanResource.Location      = new NocoreLocationType();
            nocoreHumanResource.Location.Code = "1";
            nocoreHumanResource.Location.Name = "Hoofdvestiging";

            // samenwonend
            nocoreHumanResource.MaritalStatus = "Gehuwd";

            // nationaliteit
            nocoreHumanResource.Nationality         = new NationalityType();
            nocoreHumanResource.Nationality.GBACode = "1";
            nocoreHumanResource.Nationality.Name    = "Nederlandse";

            // mutatiedatum
            nocoreHumanResource.Modified = DateTime.Now;
            humanResource.UserArea.NocoreHumanResource          = nocoreHumanResource;
            humanResource.UserArea.NocoreHumanResourceSpecified = true;


            // serializen, valideren, en opslaan in bestand. Zie EntityBase voor meer informatie van de basisklasse


            // En weer laden uit bestand.

            HumanResourceType loadedHumanResource = EntityBase <HumanResourceType> .LoadFromFile("HumanResource.xml");

            // druk naam af in de console.

Esempio n. 8
 public static ContactMethodTypeDto ToDto(this ContactMethodType entity)
     return(Mapper.Map <ContactMethodTypeDto>(entity));
Esempio n. 9
        public async Task <ResponseModel <UserModel> > VerifyContactAsync(Guid userId, ContactMethodType method, string userSubmittedVerificationCode)
            var rs = await this.QueryUser(userId, IncludeOptions.Entities);

            if (rs.Code == ResponseCode.NoData)
                return(ResponseModel <UserModel> .Error(ResponseCode.InvalidCredentials));
            if (rs.Code != ResponseCode.Ok)
                return(ResponseModel <UserModel> .Error(rs.Code, rs.Message));

            UserComposite composite = rs.Data[0];

            switch (method)
            case ContactMethodType.Email:
                if (composite.User.EmailVerification == null)
                else if (composite.User.EmailVerification.ExpiresAt < DateTime.UtcNow)
                    return(ResponseModel <UserModel> .Error(ResponseCode.EmailVerificationCodeExpired));
                else if (composite.User.EmailVerification.Code != userSubmittedVerificationCode)
                    return(ResponseModel <UserModel> .Error(ResponseCode.InvalidEmailVerificationCode));
                    // update the entity
                    // send it back to table storage with the updates
                    var rsUpdate = await this.UpdateEntity <UserEntity>(composite.UserEntity);


            return(ResponseModel <UserModel> .Success(composite.UserEntity.User));
Esempio n. 10
        private static void DoStaffingOrganization()
            StaffingOrganizationType staffingOrganization = new StaffingOrganizationType();

            // type organisatie, pattern extensie dus vrij, maar Customer, Intermediary en Supplier zijn gedefinieerd.
            staffingOrganization.typeOfOrganization = "Customer";

            #region Organization

            // nieuwe organisatie, toevoegen. Maar één per bericht, dat is wat setu aanbeveelt.
            var organization = new Organization();

            // nieuw referenceIDType

            var referenceIDType = new StaffingReferenceIdType();

            #region Identifier van StaffingOrganization in Flex2GO

            // maken van eigen identifier Flex2GO
            var entityIDFlex2GO = new EntityIdType();
            // wij zijn eigenaar
            entityIDFlex2GO.idOwner = "Flex2GO";
            // waardeobject
            var entityIdTypeIdFlex2GO = new EntityIdTypeIdValue();
            // Flex2GO gebruikt guids
            entityIdTypeIdFlex2GO.Value = "F020D955-A2A8-4371-A57F-BB9E5012CEDD";
            // toevoegen waarde object aan entityId object
            // toevoegen van EntityId object aan de lijst met HumanResourceId's, dit is die van Flex2GO


            #region Identifier van StaffingOrganization in Nocore

            // maken van eigen identifier Nocore
            var entityIDNocore = new EntityIdType();
            // wij zijn eigenaar
            entityIDNocore.idOwner = "SEDIS";
            // waardeobject
            var entityIdTypeIdNocore = new EntityIdTypeIdValue();
            // Nocore gebruikt integers, personeelsnummer
            entityIdTypeIdNocore.Value = "12345";
            // toevoegen waarde object aan entityId object
            // toevoegen van EntityId object aan de lijst met HumanResourceId's, dit is die van Nocore

            // naam organisatie
            organization.OrganizationName = "Birdseyeview B.V.";
            // omschrijving organisatie
            organization.Description = "Makers van Flex2GO, internetplatform voor de uitzend- en payrollbranche";
            // kvk
            var dunsNumber = new DunsNumberDataType();
            dunsNumber.dunsNumberType = DunsNumberDataTypeDunsNumberType.standardDuns;
            dunsNumber.Value          = "039087461";

            // SBI-code 2008 voor VPO marktmonitor
            var industryCode = new IndustryCodeType();
            industryCode.Value = "62.01";

            var internetAdres = new InternetDomainNameType();
            internetAdres.Value = "";


            #region contactpersonen

            var organizationContactInfo = new OrganizationContactType();

            // id van de contactpersoon in Flex2GO en/of NoCore

            #region Identifier van OrganizationContactType in Flex2GO

            // maken van eigen identifier Flex2GO
            EntityIdType entityIDContactFlex2GO = new EntityIdType();
            // wij zijn eigenaar
            entityIDContactFlex2GO.idOwner = "Flex2GO";
            // waardeobject
            EntityIdTypeIdValue entityIdContactTypeIdFlex2GO = new EntityIdTypeIdValue();
            // Flex2GO gebruikt guids
            entityIdContactTypeIdFlex2GO.Value = "F020D955-A2A8-4371-A57F-BB9E5012CEDD";
            // toevoegen waarde object aan entityId object
            // toevoegen van EntityId object aan de lijst met HumanResourceId's, dit is die van Flex2GO
            organizationContactInfo.ContactId = entityIDContactFlex2GO;


            // Soort contactpersoon, met x: zelf te definieren, of één van de standaardwaarden
            organizationContactInfo.purpose = "x:Ontwikkelaar";
            // Naam
            var personName = new PersonNameType();
            SetName(personName, "", "Jansen", "Jan", "Jan");
            organizationContactInfo.ContactName = personName;
            // ContactMethodes

            ContactMethodType contactInfo = new ContactMethodType();
            contactInfo.Mobile               = CreateMobileNumber("0612341234", TelcomItemsChoiceType.FormattedNumber);
            contactInfo.Telephone            = CreateNumber("0306561563", TelcomItemsChoiceType.FormattedNumber);
            contactInfo.InternetEmailAddress = "*****@*****.**";

            organizationContactInfo.ContactMethod = contactInfo;



            #region Adres

            var workSite = new WorkSiteType();

            // nieuw HR-XML adres object
            PostalAddressType postalAddress = new PostalAddressType();
            // landcode van Nederland in ISO2
            postalAddress.CountryCode = "NL";

            // nieuw HR-XML PostalAddressTypeDeliveryAddress object

            PostalAddressTypeDeliveryAddress deliveryAddress = new PostalAddressTypeDeliveryAddress();
            // eigenschappen op object plakken
            deliveryAddress.StreetName     = "Groeneweg";
            deliveryAddress.BuildingNumber = "21";
            deliveryAddress.Unit           = "G";
            deliveryAddress.AddressLine.Add("Groeneweg 21G");
            postalAddress.DeliveryAddress = deliveryAddress;
            postalAddress.PostalCode      = "3981 CK";
            // type = streetAddress = Huisadres
            postalAddress.type          = PostalAddressTypeType.streetAddress;
            postalAddress.typeSpecified = true;

            // zet adres op ResourceInformation object
            workSite.PostalAddress = postalAddress;



            #region NocoreSpecific

            staffingOrganization.UserArea = new UserAreaType();

            var nocoreStaffingOrganization = new NocoreStaffingOrganizationType();

            var cla = new CLAReferenceType();
            cla.CLAId       = "1045";
            cla.Description = "THUISZORG";
            nocoreStaffingOrganization.CLA            = cla;
            nocoreStaffingOrganization.AccountManager = "Gert Dingemans";
            nocoreStaffingOrganization.Location       = new NocoreLocationType();
            nocoreStaffingOrganization.Location.Code  = "1";
            nocoreStaffingOrganization.Location.Name  = "Hoofdvestiging";
            nocoreStaffingOrganization.Status         = "Actief";
            nocoreStaffingOrganization.Modified       = DateTime.Now;

            staffingOrganization.UserArea.NocoreStaffingOrganization          = nocoreStaffingOrganization;
            staffingOrganization.UserArea.NocoreStaffingOrganizationSpecified = true;


            var paymentInfo = new PaymentInfoType();

            paymentInfo.BankAccountInfo = new BankAccountInfoType();
            paymentInfo.BankAccountInfo.BankAccountForeign = "592177424";

            paymentInfo.PaymentCondition             = new PaymentInfoTypePaymentCondition();
            paymentInfo.PaymentCondition.Description = "14 dagen";
            // 19 voor 19%, 0 VOOR btw Verlegd
            paymentInfo.VATRate          = 19;
            paymentInfo.VATRateSpecified = true;


            // Laad weer uit bestand

            StaffingOrganizationType loadedStaffingOrganization =
                EntityBase <StaffingOrganizationType> .LoadFromFile("StaffingOrganization.xml");

            // druk naam af.
