public async Task <IEnumerable <ContactServiceModel> > AllAsync(int page, ContactFilter filter) { var query = this.db .Contacts .AsQueryable(); if (filter == ContactFilter.All) { return(await query .OrderByDescending(c => c.AddedOn) .Skip((page - 1) * ContactsPerPage) .Take(ContactsPerPage) .To <ContactServiceModel>() .ToListAsync()); } return(await this.db .Contacts .Where(c => c.IsAnswered == (filter == ContactFilter.Answered)) .OrderByDescending(c => c.AddedOn) .Skip((page - 1) * ContactsPerPage) .Take(ContactsPerPage) .To <ContactServiceModel>() .ToListAsync()); }
public ResultDataPaged <Contact> SearchContacts(string token, ContactFilter filter, int offset = -1, int limit = -1) { try { // Validate RequestValidator.ValidateToken(token); StringBuilder url = new StringBuilder(apiUrl).Append(ConfigurationReader.GetValue("SearchContact")).Replace("{limit}", limit.ToString()).Replace("{offset}", offset.ToString());; if (this.language != null) { url.Append("&lang=").Append(this.language); } RESTResponse response = HttpHelper.SendPostRequest(url.ToString(), filter, token, this.appId); PaginationInfo paginationInfo = null; // create response List <Contact> contacts = new List <Contact>(); contacts = (List <Contact>)HttpHelper.ConvertToSDKResponse(contacts, response, ref paginationInfo); ResultDataPaged <Contact> results = new ResultDataPaged <Contact> { Data = contacts, PageInfo = paginationInfo }; return(results); } catch (WebException webException) { throw new Exception(HttpHelper.HandleWebException(webException, "Error in Search Record Contacts :")); } catch (Exception exception) { throw new Exception(HttpHelper.HandleException(exception, "Error in Search Record Contacts :")); } }
private GetContactsResult Reuqest( Func <long, Pagination, ContactFilter, Tuple <List <Business.DataAccess.Public.Entities.Profile>, int> > reuqest, string name, long currentId, int?sexId, int?sexWhoId, int?alcoholId, int?animalId, int?smokeId, int?activityId, int?cityId, int page, IEnumerable <int> interests) { var filter = new ContactFilter(sexId, sexWhoId, alcoholId, animalId, smokeId, activityId, cityId, interests); var getContactsResult = reuqest( currentId, new Pagination() { Page = page, PageSize = GetPageSize() }, filter); var pagingInfo = new PagingInfo { CurrentPage = page, ItemsPerPage = GetPageSize(), TotalItems = getContactsResult.Item2 }; return(new GetContactsResult { PagingInfo = pagingInfo, Profiles = getContactsResult.Item1, AvalibleFilters = GetAvalibleFilters(), SelectedFilters = filter, Action = name }); }
/// <summary> /// Updates the UI element values with the specified contact filter values. /// </summary> /// <param name="filter">A contact filter.</param> private void SetFilter(ContactFilter filter) { FirstNameTextBox.Text = filter.FirstName; LastNameTextBox.Text = filter.LastName; EmailTextBox.Text = filter.Email; CompanyNameTextBox.Text = filter.CompanyName; }
public async Task <ActionResult <List <Contract_ContactDTO> > > SingleListContact([FromBody] Contract_ContactFilterDTO Contract_ContactFilterDTO) { if (UnAuthorization) { return(Forbid()); } if (!ModelState.IsValid) { throw new BindException(ModelState); } ContactFilter ContactFilter = new ContactFilter(); ContactFilter.Skip = 0; ContactFilter.Take = 20; ContactFilter.OrderBy = ContactOrder.Id; ContactFilter.OrderType = OrderType.ASC; ContactFilter.Selects = ContactSelect.ALL; ContactFilter.Id = Contract_ContactFilterDTO.Id; ContactFilter.Name = Contract_ContactFilterDTO.Name; ContactFilter.ProfessionId = Contract_ContactFilterDTO.ProfessionId; ContactFilter.CompanyId = Contract_ContactFilterDTO.CompanyId; List <Contact> Contacts = await ContactService.List(ContactFilter); List <Contract_ContactDTO> Contract_ContactDTOs = Contacts .Select(x => new Contract_ContactDTO(x)).ToList(); return(Contract_ContactDTOs); }
public async Task <bool> ValidatePhone(CustomerLead CustomerLead) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CustomerLead.Contact.Phone)) { CustomerLead.Contact.AddError(nameof(CustomerLeadValidator), nameof(CustomerLead.Contact.Phone), ErrorCode.PhoneEmpty); } else if (CustomerLead.Contact.Phone.Length > 20) { CustomerLead.Contact.AddError(nameof(CustomerLeadValidator), nameof(CustomerLead.Contact.Phone), ErrorCode.PhoneOverLength); } else { ContactFilter ContactFilter = new ContactFilter { Skip = 0, Take = 10, Id = new IdFilter { NotEqual = CustomerLead.Contact.Id }, Phone = new StringFilter { Equal = CustomerLead.Contact.Phone } }; int count = await UOW.ContactRepository.Count(ContactFilter); if (count != 0) { CustomerLead.Contact.AddError(nameof(CustomerLeadValidator), nameof(CustomerLead.Contact.Phone), ErrorCode.PhoneExisted); } } return(CustomerLead.IsValidated); }
private ContactFilter ConvertFilterContact(Contract_ContactFilterDTO Contract_ContactFilterDTO) { ContactFilter ContactFilter = new ContactFilter(); ContactFilter.Selects = ContactSelect.ALL; ContactFilter.Skip = Contract_ContactFilterDTO.Skip; ContactFilter.Take = Contract_ContactFilterDTO.Take; ContactFilter.OrderBy = Contract_ContactFilterDTO.OrderBy; ContactFilter.OrderType = Contract_ContactFilterDTO.OrderType; ContactFilter.Id = Contract_ContactFilterDTO.Id; ContactFilter.Name = Contract_ContactFilterDTO.Name; ContactFilter.ProfessionId = Contract_ContactFilterDTO.ProfessionId; ContactFilter.CompanyId = Contract_ContactFilterDTO.CompanyId; ContactFilter.ProvinceId = Contract_ContactFilterDTO.ProvinceId; ContactFilter.DistrictId = Contract_ContactFilterDTO.DistrictId; ContactFilter.NationId = Contract_ContactFilterDTO.NationId; ContactFilter.CustomerLeadId = Contract_ContactFilterDTO.CustomerLeadId; ContactFilter.ImageId = Contract_ContactFilterDTO.ImageId; ContactFilter.Description = Contract_ContactFilterDTO.Description; ContactFilter.Address = Contract_ContactFilterDTO.Address; ContactFilter.EmailOther = Contract_ContactFilterDTO.EmailOther; ContactFilter.DateOfBirth = Contract_ContactFilterDTO.DateOfBirth; ContactFilter.Phone = Contract_ContactFilterDTO.Phone; ContactFilter.PhoneHome = Contract_ContactFilterDTO.PhoneHome; ContactFilter.FAX = Contract_ContactFilterDTO.FAX; ContactFilter.Email = Contract_ContactFilterDTO.Email; ContactFilter.ZIPCode = Contract_ContactFilterDTO.ZIPCode; ContactFilter.SexId = Contract_ContactFilterDTO.SexId; ContactFilter.AppUserId = Contract_ContactFilterDTO.AppUserId; ContactFilter.PositionId = Contract_ContactFilterDTO.PositionId; ContactFilter.Department = Contract_ContactFilterDTO.Department; ContactFilter.ContactStatusId = Contract_ContactFilterDTO.ContactStatusId; return(ContactFilter); }
public void Filter_Supplier_Returns_OwnNHSD() { var orgId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); var org = Creator.GetOrganisation(id: orgId, primaryRoleId: PrimaryRole.ApplicationServiceProvider); _organisationDatastore.Setup(x => x.ById(orgId)).Returns(org); var otherOrgId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); var otherOrg = Creator.GetOrganisation(id: otherOrgId, primaryRoleId: PrimaryRole.ApplicationServiceProvider); _organisationDatastore.Setup(x => x.ById(otherOrgId)).Returns(otherOrg); var nhsdOrgId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); var nhsd = Creator.GetOrganisation(id: nhsdOrgId, primaryRoleId: PrimaryRole.GovernmentDepartment); _organisationDatastore.Setup(x => x.ById(nhsdOrgId)).Returns(nhsd); var ctx = Creator.GetContext(orgId: orgId, role: Roles.Supplier); _context.Setup(c => c.HttpContext).Returns(ctx); var filter = new ContactFilter(_context.Object, _organisationDatastore.Object); var cont1 = GetContact(orgId: orgId); var cont2 = GetContact(orgId: orgId); var cont3 = GetContact(orgId: otherOrgId); var cont4 = GetContact(orgId: nhsdOrgId); var contacts = new[] { cont1, cont2, cont3, cont4 }; var res = filter.Filter(contacts.AsQueryable()); res.Should().BeEquivalentTo(new[] { cont1, cont2, cont4 }); }
/// <summary> /// Restores parameters that were passed on to this dialog. /// </summary> private void RestoreParameters() { // Validate parameters if (!QueryHelper.ValidateHash("hash")) { throw new Exception("[DataComSelectContactPage.RestoreParameters]: Invalid query hash."); } Hashtable parameters = WindowHelper.GetItem(QueryHelper.GetString("pid", null)) as Hashtable; if (parameters == null) { throw new Exception("[DataComSelectContactPage.RestoreParameters]: The dialog page parameters are missing, the session might have been lost."); } // Restore filter string content = parameters["Filter"] as string; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(content)) { FilterParameter = new ContactFilter(); } else { JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer(); FilterParameter = serializer.Unserialize <ContactFilter>(content); } // Restore site identifier SiteIdentifierParameter = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(parameters["SiteID"], 0); }
public ActionResult PredictiveFirst(ContactFilter filt) { List <User> users = new List <User>(); JsonResult json = new JsonResult(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filt.First)) { PredictiveFilter filter = new PredictiveFilter { First = filt.First }; if (filt.CountryId != null) { var couId = Guid.Parse(filt.CountryId); filter.CountryId = couId; } if (filt.ProvinceId != null) { var prId = Guid.Parse(filt.ProvinceId); filter.ProvinceId = prId; } if (filt.CityId != null) { var ciId = Guid.Parse(filt.CityId); filter.CityId = ciId; } using (var api = new HttpClient()) { api.BaseAddress = new Uri("https://localhost:44343/api/user/"); api.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json")); var get_user = api.PostAsJsonAsync <PredictiveFilter>("search/name", filter); get_user.Wait(); var result = get_user.Result; if (result.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK) { var s = result.Content.ReadAsAsync <List <User> >(); s.Wait(); users = s.Result; } else if (result.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound) { var s = result.Content.ReadAsAsync <List <User> >(); s.Wait(); users = s.Result; } } } json.Data = users; json.MaxJsonLength = int.MaxValue; json.JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.DenyGet; json.ContentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8"; json.ContentEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; return(json); //json. //return Json(users, "application/json; charset=utf-8", Encoding.UTF8, JsonRequestBehavior.DenyGet); }
internal ContactManager() { m_contactList = null; m_contactCount = 0; m_contactFilter = new ContactFilter(); m_contactListener = null; m_broadPhase = new BroadPhase(); }
public ContactManager(World argPool) { ContactList = null; ContactCount = 0; ContactFilter = new ContactFilter(); ContactListener = null; BroadPhase = new BroadPhase(); pool = argPool; }
public ContactManager(World argPool, BroadPhaseStrategy strategy) { m_contactList = null; m_contactCount = 0; m_contactFilter = new ContactFilter(); m_contactListener = null; m_broadPhase = new BroadPhase(strategy); pool = argPool; }
public OutgoingCallDialog( BotSettings settings, BotServices services, ResponseManager responseManager, ConversationState conversationState, IServiceManager serviceManager, IBotTelemetryClient telemetryClient) : base(nameof(OutgoingCallDialog), settings, services, responseManager, conversationState, serviceManager, telemetryClient) { TelemetryClient = telemetryClient; var outgoingCall = new List <WaterfallStep> { GetAuthToken, AfterGetAuthToken, }; var outgoingCallNoAuth = new List <WaterfallStep> { PromptForRecipient, AskToSelectContact, ConfirmChangeOfPhoneNumberType, AskToSelectPhoneNumber, ExecuteCall, }; foreach (var step in outgoingCallNoAuth) { outgoingCall.Add(step); } AddDialog(new WaterfallDialog(nameof(OutgoingCallDialog), outgoingCall)); AddDialog(new WaterfallDialog(DialogIds.OutgoingCallNoAuth, outgoingCallNoAuth)); AddDialog(new TextPrompt(DialogIds.RecipientPrompt, ValidateRecipient)); AddDialog(new ChoicePrompt(DialogIds.ContactSelection, ValidateContactChoice) { Style = ListStyle.List, }); AddDialog(new ConfirmPrompt(DialogIds.PhoneNumberTypeConfirmation, ValidatePhoneNumberTypeConfirmation) { Style = ListStyle.None, }); AddDialog(new ChoicePrompt(DialogIds.PhoneNumberSelection, ValidatePhoneNumberChoice) { Style = ListStyle.List, }); InitialDialogId = nameof(OutgoingCallDialog); contactFilter = new ContactFilter(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //var authCredentials = new AuthorizationCodeAuth("client_id", "client_secret", "code", "http://localhost:3432"); //var url = AuthorizationCodeAuth.GetClientAuthenticationUrl("client_id", "http://localhost:3432"); // choose authorization flow var clientCred = new ClientCredentialAuth("client_id", "client_secret"); // initialise context with configuration var apiContext = new ApiContext(clientCred) { AppName = "Application name" }; // initialise api explorer var api = new ApiExplorer(apiContext); // get template for new contact var template = api.Contacts.Default(); // cast to insert model var contact = (ContactCreate)template; // fill new contact contact.CompanyName = "New Company"; // insert var addedContact = api.Contacts.Create(contact); // delete bool isDeleted = api.Contacts.Delete(addedContact.Id); // get all var allContacts = api.Contacts.Contacts(new ApiFilter().WithPaging(1, int.MaxValue)); // prepare custom filter for querying var contactFilter = new ContactFilter(); contactFilter.DateLastChange.IsEqualOrGreatherThan(new DateTime(2016, 1, 1)); // query data using custom filter var contacts = api.Contacts.ContactsExpand( new ApiFilter(contactFilter, FilterType.And).AddOrderDesc("Id").WithPaging(1, 5)); List <ValidationMessage> errors; bool isValid = ApiValidator.ValidateObject(contact, out errors); if (isValid) { var result = api.Contacts.Create(new ContactCreate()); } }
/// <summary> /// Get an array of contacts within the specified filters. /// Note that the 'contactFilter' will control the 'page' and 'quantity'. /// </summary> /// <param name="filter"></param> /// <returns></returns> public IEnumerable <PimsContactMgrVw> Get(ContactFilter filter) { this.User.ThrowIfNotAuthorized(Permissions.ContactView); filter.ThrowIfNull(nameof(filter)); if (!filter.IsValid()) { throw new ArgumentException("Argument must have a valid filter", nameof(filter)); } IEnumerable <PimsContactMgrVw> contacts = this.Context.GenerateContactQuery(filter).ToArray(); return(contacts); }
public List <Contact> this[string number, ContactFilter filter] { get { //TODO: Search by Number //TODO: Search by Email //Use ContactFilter enum to make a decision if (filter == ContactFilter.Number) { return(this.cList.FindAll(x => x.Number.StartsWith(number))); } return(new List <Contact>()); } }
public OutgoingCallDialog( IServiceProvider serviceProvider) : base(nameof(OutgoingCallDialog), serviceProvider) { var outgoingCall = new List <WaterfallStep> { GetAuthTokenAsync, AfterGetAuthTokenAsync, }; var outgoingCallNoAuth = new List <WaterfallStep> { PromptForRecipientAsync, AskToSelectContactAsync, ConfirmChangeOfPhoneNumberTypeAsync, AskToSelectPhoneNumberAsync, ExecuteCallAsync, }; foreach (var step in outgoingCallNoAuth) { outgoingCall.Add(step); } AddDialog(new WaterfallDialog(nameof(OutgoingCallDialog), outgoingCall)); AddDialog(new WaterfallDialog(DialogIds.OutgoingCallNoAuth, outgoingCallNoAuth)); AddDialog(new TextPrompt(DialogIds.RecipientPrompt, ValidateRecipientAsync)); AddDialog(new ChoicePrompt(DialogIds.ContactSelection, ValidateContactChoiceAsync) { Style = ListStyle.List, }); AddDialog(new ConfirmPrompt(DialogIds.PhoneNumberTypeConfirmation, ValidatePhoneNumberTypeConfirmationAsync) { Style = ListStyle.None, }); AddDialog(new ChoicePrompt(DialogIds.PhoneNumberSelection, ValidatePhoneNumberChoiceAsync) { Style = ListStyle.List, }); InitialDialogId = nameof(OutgoingCallDialog); contactFilter = new ContactFilter(); }
public ContactFilter Update(int contactListId, ContactFilter filter) { if (filter.Id == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("Filter ID is missing."); } if (filter.GroupId == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("Filter group ID is missing."); } int accountId = filter.AccountId > 0 ? filter.AccountId : CurrentAccount; return(Update(accountId, contactListId, filter.GroupId, filter.Id, filter)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> All(int id = 1, ContactFilter filter = ContactFilter.All) { var contacts = await this.contacts.AllAsync(id, filter); var contactsCount = await this.contacts.CountAsync(); var model = new ContactsListingViewModel { Contacts = contacts, CurrentPage = id, ContactsCount = contactsCount, PagesCount = (int)Math.Ceiling(contactsCount / (decimal)WebConstants.ContactsPerPage) }; return(View(model)); }
public void Filter_NonSupplier_Returns_All(string role) { var ctx = Creator.GetContext(role: role); _context.Setup(c => c.HttpContext).Returns(ctx); var filter = new ContactFilter(_context.Object, _organisationDatastore.Object); var contacts = new[] { GetContact(), GetContact(), GetContact() }; var res = filter.Filter(contacts.AsQueryable()); res.Should().BeEquivalentTo(contacts); }
public async Task <ContactFilter> ToFilter(ContactFilter filter) { if (filter.OrFilter == null) { filter.OrFilter = new List <ContactFilter>(); } if (CurrentContext.Filters == null || CurrentContext.Filters.Count == 0) { return(filter); } List <Organization> Organizations = await OrganizationService.List(new OrganizationFilter { Skip = 0, Take = int.MaxValue, Selects = OrganizationSelect.ALL, OrderBy = OrganizationOrder.Id, OrderType = OrderType.ASC }); foreach (var currentFilter in CurrentContext.Filters) { ContactFilter subFilter = new ContactFilter(); filter.OrFilter.Add(subFilter); List <FilterPermissionDefinition> FilterPermissionDefinitions = currentFilter.Value; foreach (FilterPermissionDefinition FilterPermissionDefinition in FilterPermissionDefinitions) { if (FilterPermissionDefinition.Name == nameof(subFilter.AppUserId)) { subFilter.AppUserId = FilterBuilder.Merge(subFilter.AppUserId, FilterPermissionDefinition.IdFilter); } if (FilterPermissionDefinition.Name == nameof(CurrentContext.UserId) && FilterPermissionDefinition.IdFilter != null) { //if (FilterPermissionDefinition.IdFilter.Equal.HasValue && FilterPermissionDefinition.IdFilter.Equal.Value == CurrentUserEnum.IS.Id) //{ // if (subFilter.UserId == null) subFilter.UserId = new IdFilter { }; // subFilter.UserId.Equal = CurrentContext.UserId; //} //if (FilterPermissionDefinition.IdFilter.Equal.HasValue && FilterPermissionDefinition.IdFilter.Equal.Value == CurrentUserEnum.ISNT.Id) //{ // if (subFilter.UserId == null) subFilter.UserId = new IdFilter { }; // subFilter.UserId.NotEqual = CurrentContext.UserId; //} } } } return(filter); }
public async Task <IEnumerable <Contact> > GetList(ContactFilter filter, ContextSession session) { var context = GetContext(session); var query = context.Contacts.AsQueryable(); if (filter?.SearchText != null) { query = query.Where(x => x.FirstName.StartsWith(filter.SearchText) || x.LastName.StartsWith(filter.SearchText)); } return(await query .AsNoTracking() .OrderBy(x => x.FirstName) .Skip(filter.PageSize * (filter.PageNumber - 1)) .Take(filter.PageSize) .ToArrayAsync()); }
public PagedList <Contact> Search(ContactFilter filter, PagingFilter paging) { // set query criteria var query = _dbContext.Contacts.AsQueryable(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filter.FirstName)) { query = query.Where(p => p.FirstName.Contains(filter.FirstName)); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filter.LastName)) { query = query.Where(p => p.LastName.Contains(filter.LastName)); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filter.PhoneNumber)) { query = query.Where(p => p.PhoneNumber.Contains(filter.PhoneNumber)); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filter.Address)) { query = query.Where(p => p.Address.Contains(filter.Address)); } // count all records var allRecordsCount = query.Count(); // offset apply query = query.Skip(paging.Offset); // get records var records = query.Take(paging.PageRecords).ToList(); // return data var pagedList = new PagedList <Contact> { List = records, Paging = new Paging { AllRecords = allRecordsCount, Offset = paging.Offset, PageRecords = paging.PageRecords } }; return(pagedList); }
/// <summary> /// Get a page with an array of contacts within the specified filters. /// Note that the 'contactFilter' will control the 'page' and 'quantity'. /// </summary> /// <param name="filter"></param> /// <returns></returns> public Paged <PimsContactMgrVw> GetPage(ContactFilter filter) { this.User.ThrowIfNotAuthorized(Permissions.ContactView); filter.ThrowIfNull(nameof(filter)); if (!filter.IsValid()) { throw new ArgumentException("Argument must have a valid filter", nameof(filter)); } var skip = (filter.Page - 1) * filter.Quantity; var query = this.Context.GenerateContactQuery(filter); var items = query .Skip(skip) .Take(filter.Quantity) .ToArray(); return(new Paged <PimsContactMgrVw>(items, filter.Page, filter.Quantity, query.Count())); }
public async Task <ActionResult <int> > CountContact([FromBody] Company_ContactFilterDTO Company_ContactFilterDTO) { if (UnAuthorization) { return(Forbid()); } if (!ModelState.IsValid) { throw new BindException(ModelState); } ContactFilter ContactFilter = ConvertFilterContact(Company_ContactFilterDTO); ContactFilter = await ContactService.ToFilter(ContactFilter); int count = await ContactService.Count(ContactFilter); return(count); }
public async Task <bool> ValidateId(Contact Contact) { ContactFilter ContactFilter = new ContactFilter { Skip = 0, Take = 10, Id = new IdFilter { Equal = Contact.Id }, Selects = ContactSelect.Id }; int count = await UOW.ContactRepository.Count(ContactFilter); if (count == 0) { Contact.AddError(nameof(ContactValidator), nameof(Contact.Id), ErrorCode.IdNotExisted); } return(count == 1); }
public async Task <ActionResult <List <Company_ContactDTO> > > ListContact([FromBody] Company_ContactFilterDTO Company_ContactFilterDTO) { if (UnAuthorization) { return(Forbid()); } if (!ModelState.IsValid) { throw new BindException(ModelState); } ContactFilter ContactFilter = ConvertFilterContact(Company_ContactFilterDTO); ContactFilter = await ContactService.ToFilter(ContactFilter); List <Contact> Contacts = await ContactService.List(ContactFilter); List <Company_ContactDTO> Company_ContactDTOs = Contacts .Select(c => new Company_ContactDTO(c)).ToList(); return(Company_ContactDTOs); }
public async Task <List <Contact> > List(ContactFilter ContactFilter) { try { List <Contact> Contacts = await UOW.ContactRepository.List(ContactFilter); return(Contacts); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.InnerException == null) { await Logging.CreateSystemLog(ex, nameof(ContactService)); throw new MessageException(ex); } else { await Logging.CreateSystemLog(ex.InnerException, nameof(ContactService)); throw new MessageException(ex.InnerException); } } }
public async Task <bool> ValidateContact(CustomerLead CustomerLead) { if (CustomerLead.ContactId.HasValue == false) { CustomerLead.AddError(nameof(CustomerLeadValidator), nameof(CustomerLead.Contact), ErrorCode.ContactEmpty); } else { ContactFilter ContactFilter = new ContactFilter { Id = new IdFilter { Equal = CustomerLead.ContactId } }; var count = await UOW.ContactRepository.Count(ContactFilter); if (count == 0) { CustomerLead.AddError(nameof(CustomerLeadValidator), nameof(CustomerLead.Contact), ErrorCode.ContactNotExisted); } } return(CustomerLead.IsValidated); }
/// <summary> /// Restores parameters that were passed on to this dialog. /// </summary> private void RestoreParameters() { // Validate parameters if (!QueryHelper.ValidateHash("hash")) { throw new Exception("[DataComSelectContactPage.RestoreParameters]: Invalid query hash."); } Hashtable parameters = WindowHelper.GetItem(QueryHelper.GetString("pid", null)) as Hashtable; if (parameters == null) { throw new Exception("[DataComSelectContactPage.RestoreParameters]: The dialog page parameters are missing, the session might have been lost."); } // Restore filter string content = parameters["Filter"] as string; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(content)) { FilterParameter = new ContactFilter(); } else { JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer(); FilterParameter = serializer.Unserialize<ContactFilter>(content); } // Restore site identifier SiteIdentifierParameter = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(parameters["SiteID"], 0); }