public void TestConsumer_OnlyOneConsumerGroup()
            var mocks    = InitCluster();
            var consumer = new ConsumeRouter(mocks.Cluster.Object,
                                             new Configuration {
                TaskScheduler = new CurrentThreadTaskScheduler(), ConsumeBatchSize = 1
            }, 1);

            consumer.StartConsumeSubscription(mocks.Group.Object, new[] { "the topic" });
            Assert.That(() => consumer.StartConsumeSubscription(mocks.Group.Object, new[] { "the topic" }), Throws.ArgumentException);
        public async Task TestConsumer_RaisesPartitionsRevokedOnRebalance()
            var mocks = InitCluster();

            mocks.Group.Setup(g => g.Heartbeat()).ReturnsAsync(ErrorCode.RebalanceInProgress);

            mocks.Group.SetupGet(g => g.Configuration).Returns(
                new ConsumerGroupConfiguration {
                AutoCommitEveryMs = -1, SessionTimeoutMs = 10

            var consumer = new ConsumeRouter(
                cluster: mocks.Cluster.Object,
                configuration: new Configuration
                TaskScheduler    = new CurrentThreadTaskScheduler(),
                ConsumeBatchSize = 1
                resolution: 1);

            var partitionsRevokedEventIsCalled = false;

            consumer.PartitionsRevoked += () => partitionsRevokedEventIsCalled = true;

            consumer.StartConsumeSubscription(mocks.Group.Object, new[] { "the topic" });

            Assert.That(partitionsRevokedEventIsCalled, Is.True);

            await consumer.Stop();
        public async Task TestConsumer_ConsumerGroupLeaveWhenStop()
            var mocks = InitCluster();

            mocks.Group.SetupGet(g => g.Configuration)
            .Returns(new ConsumerGroupConfiguration {
                AutoCommitEveryMs = -1, SessionTimeoutMs = 10
            var consumer = new ConsumeRouter(mocks.Cluster.Object,
                                             new Configuration {
                TaskScheduler = new CurrentThreadTaskScheduler(), ConsumeBatchSize = 1
            }, 1);

            mocks.Group.Setup(g => g.Heartbeat()).ReturnsAsync(ErrorCode.RebalanceInProgress);

            consumer.StartConsumeSubscription(mocks.Group.Object, new[] { "the topic" });

            var partitionsRevokedEventIsCalled = false;

            consumer.PartitionsRevoked += () => partitionsRevokedEventIsCalled = true;

            await consumer.Stop();

            mocks.Group.Verify(g => g.LeaveGroup(), Times.Once);
            mocks.Group.Verify(g => g.Commit(It.IsAny <IEnumerable <TopicData <OffsetCommitPartitionData> > >()));

            Assert.That(partitionsRevokedEventIsCalled, Is.True);
        public async Task TestConsumer_ConsumerGroupCommitAsync()
            var mocks = InitCluster();

            mocks.Group.SetupGet(g => g.Configuration)
            .Returns(new ConsumerGroupConfiguration {
                AutoCommitEveryMs = -1, SessionTimeoutMs = 10
            var consumer = new ConsumeRouter(mocks.Cluster.Object,
                                             new Configuration {
                TaskScheduler = new CurrentThreadTaskScheduler(), ConsumeBatchSize = 1
            }, 1);

            consumer.StartConsumeSubscription(mocks.Group.Object, new[] { "the topic" });

            await consumer.CommitAsync("the topic", 1, 42);

            mocks.Group.Verify(g => g.Commit(It.Is <IEnumerable <TopicData <OffsetCommitPartitionData> > >(l =>
                                                                                                           l.Count() == 1 && l.First().TopicName == "the topic" &&
                                                                                                           l.First().PartitionsData.Count() == 1 &&
                                                                                                           l.First().PartitionsData.First().Partition == 1 &&
                                                                                                           l.First().PartitionsData.First().Metadata == "" &&
                                                                                                           l.First().PartitionsData.First().Offset == 42)), // Offset saved should be next expected offset

            mocks.Group.Setup(g => g.Commit(It.IsAny <IEnumerable <TopicData <OffsetCommitPartitionData> > >()))
            .ThrowsAsync(new InvalidOperationException());

            // NUnit 3 (used for .Net Core build) requires to use ThrowsAsync which doesn't exist in 2.6
            Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(consumer.CommitAsync("the topic", 1, 42).GetAwaiter().GetResult);
        public void TestConsumer_ConsumerGroupStartConsume()
            var mocks    = InitCluster();
            var consumer = new ConsumeRouter(mocks.Cluster.Object,
                                             new Configuration {
                TaskScheduler = new CurrentThreadTaskScheduler(), ConsumeBatchSize = 1
            }, 1);

            consumer.StartConsumeSubscription(mocks.Group.Object, new[] { "the topic" });

            mocks.Group.Verify(g => g.Join(It.IsAny <IEnumerable <string> >()), Times.Once);
            mocks.Node.Verify(n => n.Fetch(It.IsAny <FetchMessage>()), Times.Once);   // 1 partition with specific offset
            mocks.Node.Verify(n => n.Offset(It.IsAny <OffsetMessage>()), Times.Once); // 1 partition with offset -1

            Thread.Sleep(20);                                                         // wait for at least one heartbeat to be sent

            mocks.Group.Verify(g => g.Heartbeat());

            consumer.Acknowledge(new CommonAcknowledgement <FetchResponse>
                ReceivedDate = DateTime.UtcNow,
                Response     = new FetchResponse {
                    FetchPartitionResponse =
                        new CommonResponse <FetchPartitionResponse>
                        TopicsResponse =
                            new TopicData <FetchPartitionResponse>
                                TopicName      = "the topic",
                                PartitionsData =
                                    new FetchPartitionResponse
                                        Partition = 1,
                                        Messages  =
                                            new List <ResponseMessage>
                                            new ResponseMessage {
                                                Offset = 28, Message = new Message()

            mocks.Node.Verify(n => n.Fetch(It.IsAny <FetchMessage>()), Times.Exactly(2));                          // response should have triggered one more fetch
            mocks.Group.Verify(g => g.Commit(It.IsAny <IEnumerable <TopicData <OffsetCommitPartitionData> > >())); // should have auto commited

Esempio n. 6
        public async Task TestConsumer_ConsumerGroupHeartbeatErrors()
            var mocks = InitCluster();

            mocks.Group.SetupGet(g => g.Configuration)
            .Returns(new ConsumerGroupConfiguration {
                AutoCommitEveryMs = -1, SessionTimeoutMs = 10
            var consumer = new ConsumeRouter(mocks.Cluster.Object,
                                             new Configuration {
                TaskScheduler = new CurrentThreadTaskScheduler(), ConsumeBatchSize = 1
            }, 1);

            mocks.Group.Setup(g => g.Heartbeat()).ReturnsAsync(ErrorCode.RebalanceInProgress)
            .Callback(() => mocks.HeartbeatCalled.Set());

            consumer.StartConsumeSubscription(mocks.Group.Object, new[] { "the topic" });

            await HeartbeatFinishedProcessing(mocks, consumer);

            // At least 2 Join (one on start, one on next heartbeat)
            mocks.Group.Verify(g => g.Join(It.IsAny <IEnumerable <string> >()), Times.AtLeast(2));
            // Commit should have been called due to RebalanceInProgressError
            mocks.Group.Verify(g => g.Commit(It.IsAny <IEnumerable <TopicData <OffsetCommitPartitionData> > >()));

            mocks = InitCluster();
            mocks.Group.SetupGet(g => g.Configuration)
            .Returns(new ConsumerGroupConfiguration {
                AutoCommitEveryMs = -1, SessionTimeoutMs = 10
            mocks.Group.Setup(g => g.Heartbeat()).ThrowsAsync(new Exception())
            .Callback(() => mocks.HeartbeatCalled.Set());
            consumer = new ConsumeRouter(mocks.Cluster.Object,
                                         new Configuration {
                TaskScheduler = new CurrentThreadTaskScheduler(), ConsumeBatchSize = 1
            }, 1);

            consumer.StartConsumeSubscription(mocks.Group.Object, new[] { "the topic" });

            await HeartbeatFinishedProcessing(mocks, consumer);

            mocks.Group.Verify(g => g.Join(It.IsAny <IEnumerable <string> >()), Times.AtLeast(2));
            // No Commit tried in case of ""hard" heartbeat errors
            mocks.Group.Verify(g => g.Commit(It.IsAny <IEnumerable <TopicData <OffsetCommitPartitionData> > >()), Times.Never);
        public async Task TestConsumer_RaisesPartitionsAssignedEventOnJoin()
            var mocks = InitCluster();

            var consumer = new ConsumeRouter(
                cluster: mocks.Cluster.Object,
                configuration: new Configuration
                TaskScheduler    = new CurrentThreadTaskScheduler(),
                ConsumeBatchSize = 1
                resolution: 1);

            var partitionsAssignedEventIsCalled = false;

            consumer.PartitionsAssigned += _ => partitionsAssignedEventIsCalled = true;

            consumer.StartConsumeSubscription(mocks.Group.Object, new[] { "the topic" });

            await consumer.Stop();

            Assert.That(partitionsAssignedEventIsCalled, Is.True);
        public void TestConsumer_ConsumerGroupCommit()
            var mocks = InitCluster();

            mocks.Group.SetupGet(g => g.Configuration)
            .Returns(new ConsumerGroupConfiguration {
                AutoCommitEveryMs = -1, SessionTimeoutMs = 10
            var consumer = new ConsumeRouter(mocks.Cluster.Object,
                                             new Configuration {
                TaskScheduler = new CurrentThreadTaskScheduler(), ConsumeBatchSize = 1
            }, 1);

            consumer.StartConsumeSubscription(mocks.Group.Object, new[] { "the topic" });

            Thread.Sleep(10); // wait for at least one heartbeat to be sent

            consumer.Acknowledge(new CommonAcknowledgement <FetchResponse>
                ReceivedDate = DateTime.UtcNow,
                Response     = new FetchResponse {
                    FetchPartitionResponse =
                        new CommonResponse <FetchPartitionResponse>
                        TopicsResponse =
                            new TopicData <FetchPartitionResponse>
                                TopicName      = "the topic",
                                PartitionsData =
                                    new FetchPartitionResponse
                                        Partition = 1,
                                        Messages  =
                                            new List <ResponseMessage>
                                            new ResponseMessage {
                                                Offset = 28, Message = new Message()

            mocks.Group.Verify(g => g.Commit(It.IsAny <IEnumerable <TopicData <OffsetCommitPartitionData> > >()), Times.Never); // no auto commit

            mocks.Group.Verify(g => g.Commit(It.Is <IEnumerable <TopicData <OffsetCommitPartitionData> > >(l =>
                                                                                                           l.Count() == 1 && l.First().TopicName == "the topic" &&
                                                                                                           l.First().PartitionsData.Count() == 2 &&
                                                                                                           l.First().PartitionsData.First().Partition == 1 &&
                                                                                                           l.First().PartitionsData.First().Metadata == "" &&
                                                                                                           l.First().PartitionsData.First().Offset == 29)), // Offset saved should be next expected offset
Esempio n. 9
        public async Task TestConsumer_ConsumerGroupRestartConsume()
            var mocks    = InitCluster();
            var consumer = new ConsumeRouter(mocks.Cluster.Object,
                                             new Configuration {
                TaskScheduler = new CurrentThreadTaskScheduler(), ConsumeBatchSize = 1
            }, 1);

            var consumerStartEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);
            var consumerStopEvent  = new AutoResetEvent(false);

            consumer.ConsumerStopped += () => { consumerStopEvent.Set(); };

            consumer.StartConsumeSubscription(mocks.Group.Object, new[] { "the topic" });

            mocks.Group.Verify(g => g.Join(It.IsAny <IEnumerable <string> >()), Times.Once);
            mocks.Node.Verify(n => n.Fetch(It.IsAny <FetchMessage>()), Times.Once);   // 1 partition with specific offset
            mocks.Node.Verify(n => n.Offset(It.IsAny <OffsetMessage>()), Times.Once); // 1 partition with offset -1

            WaitOneSecondMaxForEvent("heatbeat", mocks.HeartbeatCalled);

            mocks.Group.Verify(g => g.Heartbeat());

            consumer.Acknowledge(new CommonAcknowledgement <FetchResponse>
                ReceivedDate = DateTime.UtcNow,
                Response     = new FetchResponse {
                    FetchPartitionResponse =
                        new CommonResponse <FetchPartitionResponse>
                        TopicsResponse =
                            new TopicData <FetchPartitionResponse>
                                TopicName      = "the topic",
                                PartitionsData =
                                    new FetchPartitionResponse
                                        Partition = 1,
                                        Messages  =
                                            new List <ResponseMessage>
                                            new ResponseMessage {
                                                Offset = 28, Message = new Message()

            consumer.StopConsume("the topic", Partitions.All, Offsets.Now);
            WaitOneSecondMaxForEvent("stop", consumerStopEvent);
            mocks.Node.Verify(n => n.Fetch(It.IsAny <FetchMessage>()),
                              Times.Exactly(2)); // response should have triggered one more fetch

            consumer.Acknowledge(new CommonAcknowledgement <FetchResponse>
                ReceivedDate = DateTime.UtcNow,
                Response     = new FetchResponse {
                    FetchPartitionResponse =
                        new CommonResponse <FetchPartitionResponse>
                        TopicsResponse =
                            new TopicData <FetchPartitionResponse>
                                TopicName      = "the topic",
                                PartitionsData =
                                    new FetchPartitionResponse
                                        Partition = 1,
                                        Messages  =
                                            new List <ResponseMessage>
                                            new ResponseMessage {
                                                Offset = 29, Message = new Message()

            consumer.ConsumerStarted += () => { consumerStartEvent.Set(); };
            consumer.StartConsume("the topic", Partitions.All, Offsets.Now);

            WaitOneSecondMaxForEvent("start", consumerStartEvent);
            mocks.Node.Verify(n => n.Fetch(It.IsAny <FetchMessage>()), Times.Exactly(3));
