public static void DropConstraint(this IAlterProcessor proc, ConstraintInfo cnt) { var pk = cnt as PrimaryKeyInfo; if (pk != null) { proc.DropPrimaryKey(pk); } var fk = cnt as ForeignKeyInfo; if (fk != null) { proc.DropForeignKey(fk); } var uq = cnt as UniqueInfo; if (uq != null) { proc.DropUnique(uq); } var ix = cnt as IndexInfo; if (ix != null) { proc.DropIndex(ix); } var ch = cnt as CheckInfo; if (ch != null) { proc.DropCheck(ch); } }
public AddConstraintAction(ConstraintInfo constraint) { if (constraint == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("constraint"); Constraint = constraint; }
public static ConstraintInfo[] QueryTableUniqueKeys(this ITransaction transaction, ObjectName tableName) { var t = transaction.GetTable(SystemSchema.UniqueKeyInfoTableName); var t2 = transaction.GetTable(SystemSchema.UniqueKeyColumnsTableName); // Returns the list indexes where column 3 = table name // and column 2 = schema name var objTableName = Field.String(tableName.Name); var objSchemaName = Field.String(tableName.Parent.Name); var data = t.SelectRowsEqual(3, objTableName, 2, objSchemaName).ToList(); var constraints = new ConstraintInfo[data.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < data.Count; ++i) { var id = t.GetValue(data[i], 0); // Select all records with equal id var cols = t2.SelectRowsEqual(0, id); var name = t.GetValue(data[i], 1).Value.ToString(); var columns = ToColumns(t2, cols); // the list of columns var deferred = (ConstraintDeferrability)((SqlNumber)t.GetValue(data[i], 4).Value).ToInt16(); var constraint = ConstraintInfo.Unique(name, tableName, columns); constraint.Deferred = deferred; constraints[i] = constraint; } return(constraints); }
public void ConstraintInfoTest() { IBooleanOperator trueExpression = new GreaterThanOperator(Three, Two); var trueTree = new BooleanExpressionTree("true", trueExpression); var constraintOne = new ConstraintInfo(trueTree); Console.Write("Created constraint: "); Console.WriteLine(constraintOne); Console.WriteLine("ConstraintInfoTest: testing name of anonymous constraint..."); Expect(constraintOne.Name == string.Empty); Console.WriteLine("ConstraintInfoTest: testing Predicate property (constraintOne)..."); Expect(constraintOne.Predicate == trueTree); const string constraintName = "ConstraintTwo"; IBooleanOperator falseExpression = new LessThanOperator(Three, Two); var falseTree = new BooleanExpressionTree("false", falseExpression); var constraintTwo = new ConstraintInfo(constraintName, falseTree); Console.Write("Created constraint: "); Console.WriteLine(constraintTwo); Console.WriteLine("ConstraintInfoTest: testing Name of named constraint..."); Expect(constraintTwo.Name == constraintName); Console.WriteLine("ConstraintInfoTest: testing Predicate property (constraintTwo)..."); Expect(constraintTwo.Predicate == falseTree); }
public void AddConstraint(ObjectName tableName, ConstraintInfo constraintInfo) { if (constraintInfo.ConstraintType == ConstraintType.PrimaryKey) { var columnNames = constraintInfo.ColumnNames; if (columnNames.Length > 1) { throw new ArgumentException(); } AddPrimaryKey(tableName, columnNames[0], constraintInfo.ConstraintName); } else if (constraintInfo.ConstraintType == ConstraintType.Unique) { AddUniqueKey(tableName, constraintInfo.ColumnNames, constraintInfo.ConstraintName); } else if (constraintInfo.ConstraintType == ConstraintType.Check) { AddCheck(tableName, constraintInfo.CheckExpression, constraintInfo.ConstraintName); } else if (constraintInfo.ConstraintType == ConstraintType.ForeignKey) { AddForeignKey(tableName, constraintInfo.ColumnNames, constraintInfo.ForeignTable, constraintInfo.ForeignColumnNames, constraintInfo.OnDelete, constraintInfo.OnUpdate, constraintInfo.ConstraintName); } }
public void DropConstraint(ConstraintInfo constraint, PlanPosition pos = PlanPosition.End) { ConstraintInfo cnt = Structure.FindOrCreateConstraint(constraint); AddOperation(new AlterOperation_DropConstraint { ParentTable = cnt.OwnerTable, OldObject = cnt }, pos); }
public void SetConstraintInfo(ConstraintInfo info) { m_RotateAxis = info.m_RotateAxis; m_IKRootRelDir = info.m_LimbRootRefDir; m_SkeleRootRelDir = info.m_SkeleRootRefDir; m_SkeleRootJoint = info.m_SkeleRootJoint; m_BoneAxisAngleThres = info.m_AngleThres; }
public void CreateConstraint(TableInfo table, ConstraintInfo newcnt, PlanPosition pos = PlanPosition.End) { TableInfo tbl = Structure.FindOrCreateTable(table.FullName); AddOperation(new AlterOperation_CreateConstraint { ParentTable = tbl, NewObject = newcnt.CloneConstraint() }, pos); }
public void ChangeConstraint(ConstraintInfo constraint, ConstraintInfo newconstraint) { ConstraintInfo cnt = Structure.FindOrCreateConstraint(constraint); AddOperation(new AlterOperation_ChangeConstraint { OldObject = cnt, ParentTable = cnt.OwnerTable, NewObject = newconstraint.CloneConstraint() }); }
public void RenameConstraint(ConstraintInfo constraint, string newname) { ConstraintInfo cnt = Structure.FindOrCreateConstraint(constraint); AddOperation(new AlterOperation_RenameConstraint { OldObject = cnt, ParentTable = cnt.OwnerTable, NewName = new NameWithSchema(newname) }); }
public override void RenameConstraint(ConstraintInfo cnt, string newname) { if (cnt.ObjectType == DatabaseObjectType.Index) { PutCmd("^execute sp_rename '%f.%i', '%s', 'INDEX'", cnt.OwnerTable.FullName, cnt.ConstraintName, newname); } else { PutCmd("^execute sp_rename '%f', '%s', 'OBJECT'", new NameWithSchema(cnt.OwnerTable.FullName.Schema, cnt.ConstraintName), newname); } }
public static ConstraintInfo[] QueryTableCheckExpressions(this ITransaction transaction, ObjectName tableName) { var t = transaction.GetTable(SystemSchema.CheckInfoTableName); // Returns the list indexes where column 3 = table name // and column 2 = schema name var objTableName = Field.String(tableName.Name); var objSchemaName = Field.String(tableName.Parent.Name); var data = t.SelectRowsEqual(3, objTableName, 2, objSchemaName).ToList(); var checks = new ConstraintInfo[data.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < checks.Length; ++i) { int rowIndex = data[i]; string name = t.GetValue(rowIndex, 1).Value.ToString(); var deferred = (ConstraintDeferrability)((SqlNumber)t.GetValue(rowIndex, 5).Value).ToInt16(); SqlExpression expression = null; // Is the deserialized version available? if (t.TableInfo.ColumnCount > 6) { var sexp = (SqlBinary)t.GetValue(rowIndex, 6).Value; if (!sexp.IsNull) { try { // Deserialize the expression // TODO: expression = (SqlExpression)ObjectTranslator.Deserialize(sexp); throw new NotImplementedException(); } catch (Exception) { // We weren't able to deserialize the expression so report the // error to the log // TODO: } } } // Otherwise we need to parse it from the string if (expression == null) { expression = SqlExpression.Parse(t.GetValue(rowIndex, 4).Value.ToString()); } var check = ConstraintInfo.Check(name, tableName, expression); check.Deferred = deferred; checks[i] = check; } return(checks); }
private static int CompareConstraints(ConstraintInfo lft, ConstraintInfo rgt) { var nl = lft.ConstraintName; var nr = rgt.ConstraintName; if (lft.GetType() != rgt.GetType()) { return(String.Compare(lft.GetType().FullName, rgt.GetType().FullName)); } if (nl != null && nr != null) { return(String.Compare(nl, nr)); } return(0); }
private void GetPrimarykey(TableInfo table) { string _sqltext = $@"SELECT COLUMN_NAME,CONSTRAINT_NAME FROM information_schema.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE where TABLE_SCHEMA = '{table.Schema}' and TABLE_NAME = '{table.Name}' AND CONSTRAINT_NAME = 'PRIMARY'"; dbContext.Execute.ExecuteDataReader(dr => { var constaint = new ConstraintInfo { Field = dr["COLUMN_NAME"].ToString(), Name = dr["CONSTRAINT_NAME"].ToString(), Type = ConstraintType.PK }; table.Constraints.Add(constaint); table.Fields.Where(f => f.Name == constaint.Field).First().PrimaryKey = true; }, CommandType.Text, _sqltext); }
private void GetPrimarykey(TableInfo table) { string _sqltext = $@"select a.constraint_name,b.column_name from information_schema.table_constraints a inner join information_schema.constraint_column_usage b on a.constraint_name=b.constraint_name where a.table_schema || '.' || a.table_name='{table.Schema}.{table.Name}' and a.constraint_type='PRIMARY KEY'"; dbContext.Execute.ExecuteDataReader(dr => { var constaint = new ConstraintInfo { Field = dr["column_name"].ToString(), Name = dr["constraint_name"].ToString(), Type = ConstraintType.PK }; table.Constraints.Add(constaint); table.Fields.Where(f => f.Name == constaint.Field).First().PrimaryKey = true; }, CommandType.Text, _sqltext); }
public static ConstraintInfo QueryTablePrimaryKey(this ITransaction transaction, ObjectName tableName) { var t = transaction.GetTable(SystemSchema.PrimaryKeyInfoTableName); var t2 = transaction.GetTable(SystemSchema.PrimaryKeyColumnsTableName); // Returns the list indexes where column 3 = table name // and column 2 = schema name var objTableName = Field.String(tableName.Name); var objSchemaName = Field.String(tableName.Parent.Name); var data = t.SelectRowsEqual(3, objTableName, 2, objSchemaName).ToList(); if (data.Count > 1) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Assertion failed: multiple primary key for: " + tableName); } if (data.Count == 0) { return(null); } int rowIndex = data[0]; var id = t.GetValue(rowIndex, 0); // All columns with this id var list = t2.SelectRowsEqual(0, id); // Make it in to a columns object var name = t.GetValue(rowIndex, 1).AsVarChar().Value.ToString(); string[] columns = ToColumns(t2, list); var deferred = (ConstraintDeferrability)((SqlNumber)t.GetValue(rowIndex, 4).Value).ToInt16(); var constraint = ConstraintInfo.PrimaryKey(name, tableName, columns); constraint.Deferred = deferred; return(constraint); }
public static ConstraintInfo[] QueryTableUniqueKeys(this ITransaction transaction, ObjectName tableName) { var t = transaction.GetTable(SystemSchema.UniqueKeyInfoTableName); var t2 = transaction.GetTable(SystemSchema.UniqueKeyColumnsTableName); // Returns the list indexes where column 3 = table name // and column 2 = schema name var objTableName = Field.String(tableName.Name); var objSchemaName = Field.String(tableName.Parent.Name); var data = t.SelectRowsEqual(3, objTableName, 2, objSchemaName).ToList(); var constraints = new ConstraintInfo[data.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < data.Count; ++i) { var id = t.GetValue(data[i], 0); // Select all records with equal id var cols = t2.SelectRowsEqual(0, id); var name = t.GetValue(data[i], 1).Value.ToString(); var columns = ToColumns(t2, cols); // the list of columns var deferred = (ConstraintDeferrability) ((SqlNumber) t.GetValue(data[i], 4).Value).ToInt16(); var constraint = ConstraintInfo.Unique(name, tableName, columns); constraint.Deferred = deferred; constraints[i] = constraint; } return constraints; }
public AddUniqueConstraintChange(TableInfo table, ConstraintInfo constraint) : base(table) { _constraint = constraint; }
public void RenameConstraint(ConstraintInfo constraint, string newname) { _database.FindConstraint(constraint).ConstraintName = newname; }
public static ConstraintInfo[] QueryTableImportedForeignKeys(this ITransaction transaction, ObjectName refTableName) { var t = transaction.GetTable(SystemSchema.ForeignKeyInfoTableName); var t2 = transaction.GetTable(SystemSchema.ForeignKeyColumnsTableName); // Returns the list indexes where column 5 = ref table name // and column 4 = ref schema name var objRefTableName = Field.String(refTableName.Name); var objRefSchema = Field.String(refTableName.Parent.Name); var data = t.SelectRowsEqual(5, objRefTableName, 4, objRefSchema).ToArray(); var groups = new ConstraintInfo[data.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; ++i) { int rowIndex = data[i]; // The foreign key id var id = t.GetValue(rowIndex, 0); // The referencee table var schemaNamePart = t.GetValue(rowIndex, 2).AsVarChar().Value.ToString(); var tableNamePart = t.GetValue(rowIndex, 3).AsVarChar().Value.ToString(); var tableName = new ObjectName(new ObjectName(schemaNamePart), tableNamePart); // Select all records with equal id var cols = t2.SelectRowsEqual(0, id).ToArray(); var name = t.GetValue(rowIndex, 1).AsVarChar().Value.ToString(); var updateRule = (ForeignKeyAction) ((SqlNumber) t.GetValue(rowIndex, 6).AsBigInt().Value).ToInt32(); var deleteRule = (ForeignKeyAction) ((SqlNumber) t.GetValue(rowIndex, 7).AsBigInt().Value).ToInt32(); var deferred = (ConstraintDeferrability) ((SqlNumber) t.GetValue(rowIndex, 8).AsBigInt().Value).ToInt16(); int colsSize = cols.Length; string[] keyCols = new string[colsSize]; string[] refCols = new string[colsSize]; for (int n = 0; n < colsSize; ++n) { for (int p = 0; p < colsSize; ++p) { int colsIndex = cols[p]; if (t2.GetValue(colsIndex, 3) == n) { keyCols[n] = t2.GetValue(colsIndex, 1); refCols[n] = t2.GetValue(colsIndex, 2); break; } } } var constraint = ConstraintInfo.ForeignKey(name, tableName, keyCols, refTableName, refCols); constraint.OnDelete = deleteRule; constraint.OnUpdate = updateRule; constraint.Deferred = deferred; groups[i] = constraint; } return groups; }
/// <summary> /// Gets the primary key definition string. /// </summary> /// <param name="pk"></param> /// <returns></returns> protected string GetPrimaryKeyString(ConstraintInfo pk) { return string.Format(" primary key ({0})", StringUtilities.Combine(pk.Columns, ", ")); }
protected override void ExecuteStatement(ExecutionContext context) { //if (!context.User.CanAlterTable(TableName)) // throw new InvalidAccessException(context.Request.UserName(), TableName); var table = context.Request.Access().GetTable(TableName); if (table == null) { throw new ObjectNotFoundException(TableName); } var tableInfo = table.TableInfo; var newTableInfo = new TableInfo(tableInfo.TableName); var checker = ColumnChecker.Default(context.Request, TableName); bool tableAltered = false; bool markDropped = false; for (int n = 0; n < tableInfo.ColumnCount; ++n) { var column = tableInfo[n]; string columnName = column.ColumnName; var columnType = column.ColumnType; var defaultExpression = column.DefaultExpression; if (Action.ActionType == AlterTableActionType.SetDefault && CheckColumnNamesMatch(context.Request, ((SetDefaultAction)Action).ColumnName, columnName)) { var exp = ((SetDefaultAction)Action).DefaultExpression; exp = checker.CheckExpression(exp); defaultExpression = exp; tableAltered = true; } else if (Action.ActionType == AlterTableActionType.DropDefault && CheckColumnNamesMatch(context.Request, ((DropDefaultAction)Action).ColumnName, columnName)) { defaultExpression = null; tableAltered = true; } else if (Action.ActionType == AlterTableActionType.DropColumn && CheckColumnNamesMatch(context.Request, ((DropColumnAction)Action).ColumnName, columnName)) { // Check there are no referential links to this column var refs = context.Request.Access().QueryTableImportedForeignKeys(TableName); foreach (var reference in refs) { CheckColumnConstraint(columnName, reference.ForeignColumnNames, reference.ForeignTable, reference.ConstraintName); } // Or from it refs = context.Request.Access().QueryTableForeignKeys(TableName); foreach (var reference in refs) { CheckColumnConstraint(columnName, reference.ColumnNames, reference.TableName, reference.ConstraintName); } // Or that it's part of a primary key var primaryKey = context.Request.Access().QueryTablePrimaryKey(TableName); if (primaryKey != null) { CheckColumnConstraint(columnName, primaryKey.ColumnNames, TableName, primaryKey.ConstraintName); } // Or that it's part of a unique set var uniques = context.Request.Access().QueryTableUniqueKeys(TableName); foreach (var unique in uniques) { CheckColumnConstraint(columnName, unique.ColumnNames, TableName, unique.ConstraintName); } markDropped = true; tableAltered = true; } var newColumn = new ColumnInfo(columnName, columnType); if (defaultExpression != null) { newColumn.DefaultExpression = defaultExpression; } newColumn.IndexType = column.IndexType; newColumn.IsNotNull = column.IsNotNull; // If not dropped then add to the new table definition. if (!markDropped) { newTableInfo.AddColumn(newColumn); } } if (Action.ActionType == AlterTableActionType.AddColumn) { var col = ((AddColumnAction)Action).Column; checker.CheckExpression(col.DefaultExpression); var columnName = col.ColumnName; var columnType = col.ColumnType; // If column name starts with [table_name]. then strip it off columnName = checker.StripTableName(TableName.Name, columnName); if (tableInfo.IndexOfColumn(col.ColumnName) != -1) { throw new InvalidOperationException("The column '" + col.ColumnName + "' is already in the table '" + tableInfo.TableName + "'."); } var newColumn = new ColumnInfo(columnName, columnType) { IsNotNull = col.IsNotNull, DefaultExpression = col.DefaultExpression }; newTableInfo.AddColumn(newColumn); tableAltered = true; } if (Action.ActionType == AlterTableActionType.DropConstraint) { string constraintName = ((DropConstraintAction)Action).ConstraintName; int dropCount = context.Request.Access().DropTableConstraint(TableName, constraintName); if (dropCount == 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Named constraint to drop on table " + TableName + " was not found: " + constraintName); } } else if (Action.ActionType == AlterTableActionType.DropPrimaryKey) { if (!context.Request.Access().DropTablePrimaryKey(TableName, null)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("No primary key to delete on table " + TableName); } } if (Action.ActionType == AlterTableActionType.AddConstraint) { var constraint = ((AddConstraintAction)Action).Constraint; bool foreignConstraint = (constraint.ConstraintType == ConstraintType.ForeignKey); ObjectName refTname = null; if (foreignConstraint) { refTname = context.Request.Access().ResolveTableName(constraint.ReferenceTable); } var columnNames = checker.StripColumnList(TableName.FullName, constraint.Columns); columnNames = checker.StripColumnList(constraint.ReferenceTable, columnNames); var expression = checker.CheckExpression(constraint.CheckExpression); columnNames = checker.CheckColumns(columnNames); IEnumerable <string> refCols = null; if (foreignConstraint && constraint.ReferenceColumns != null) { var referencedChecker = ColumnChecker.Default(context.Request, refTname); refCols = referencedChecker.CheckColumns(constraint.ReferenceColumns); } var newConstraint = new ConstraintInfo(constraint.ConstraintName, constraint.ConstraintType, TableName, columnNames.ToArray()); if (foreignConstraint) { if (refCols == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not create a Foreign Key constraint with no reference columns"); } newConstraint.ForeignTable = refTname; newConstraint.ForeignColumnNames = refCols.ToArray(); newConstraint.OnDelete = constraint.OnDelete; newConstraint.OnUpdate = constraint.OnUpdate; } if (constraint.ConstraintType == ConstraintType.Check) { newConstraint.CheckExpression = expression; } context.Request.Access().AddConstraint(TableName, newConstraint); } // Alter the existing table to the new format... if (tableAltered) { if (newTableInfo.ColumnCount == 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Can not ALTER table to have 0 columns."); } context.DirectAccess.AlterObject(newTableInfo); } else { // If the table wasn't physically altered, check the constraints. // Calling this method will also make the transaction check all // deferred constraints during the next commit. context.Request.Access().CheckConstraintViolations(TableName); } }
/// <summary> /// Gets the unique constraint definition string. /// </summary> /// <param name="uk"></param> /// <returns></returns> protected string GetUniqueConstraintString(ConstraintInfo uk) { return(string.Format(" unique ({0})", StringUtilities.Combine(uk.Columns, ", "))); }
protected virtual void DropConstraint(ConstraintInfo cnt) { PutCmd("^alter ^table %f ^drop ^constraint %i", cnt.OwnerTable.FullName, cnt.ConstraintName); }
private static SqlStatement MakeAlterTableAddConstraint(string tableName, ConstraintInfo constraint) { var action = new AddConstraintAction(constraint); return new AlterTableStatement(tableName, action); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the primary key definition string. /// </summary> /// <param name="pk"></param> /// <returns></returns> protected string GetPrimaryKeyString(ConstraintInfo pk) { return(string.Format(" primary key ({0})", StringUtilities.Combine(pk.Columns, ", "))); }
public DropPrimaryKeyChange(TableInfo table, ConstraintInfo pk) :base(table) { _pk = pk; }
public void AddConstraint <TEvent, TConstraint>(ConstraintInfo <TEvent, TConstraint> constraintInfo) { constraintInfo.Id = GenerateConstraintId <TEvent>(constraintInfo); }
public override void OnConstraintBreak(ConstraintInfo[] constraints) { var joint = constraints[0].ExternalReference as PhysX.Joint; BrokenJoints.Add(joint); }
public PgDatabaseDef(NpgsqlConnection connection) { try { using (var cmd = connection.CreateCommand()) { // データベース名の取得 cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM current_catalog;"; using (var dr = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { while (dr.Read()) { this.Name = dr[0] as string; } } // テーブル一覧と列の取得 var tables = new Dictionary <string, PgTableDef>(); cmd.CommandText = @" SELECT table_name ,column_name ,ordinal_position ,column_default ,udt_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_catalog=@0 AND table_schema='public' ORDER BY table_name, ordinal_position ; "; cmd.Parameters.Clear(); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@0", this.Name); using (var dr = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { while (dr.Read()) { var table_name = dr[0] as string; var column_name = dr[1] as string; var ordinal_position = dr[2] as string; var column_default = dr[3] as string; var udt_name = dr[4] as string; ColumnFlags flags = 0; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(column_default)) { if (column_default.StartsWith("nextval('")) { flags |= ColumnFlags.Serial; } if (column_default == "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP") { flags |= ColumnFlags.DefaultCurrentTimestamp; } } PgTableDef tableDef; if (!tables.TryGetValue(table_name, out tableDef)) { tables[table_name] = tableDef = new PgTableDef(table_name); } tableDef.ColumnDefs.Add(new PgColumnDef(column_name, new PgDbType(udt_name), flags)); } } // プライマリキーとインデックス、ユニークキーの取得 cmd.CommandText = @" SELECT -- t.relname, i.relname AS index_name, ix.indisprimary AS is_primary_key, ix.indisunique AS is_unique_key, ix.indkey AS combination, att.attname AS column_name, att.attnum AS attnum, a.amname AS index_type FROM pg_class t INNER JOIN pg_index ix ON ix.indrelid=t.oid INNER JOIN pg_class i ON i.oid=ix.indexrelid INNER JOIN pg_am a ON a.oid=i.relam INNER JOIN pg_attribute att ON att.attrelid=t.oid AND att.attnum=ANY(ix.indkey) WHERE t.relname=@0 AND t.relkind='r'; "; foreach (var table in tables.Values) { var indicesDic = new Dictionary <string, ConstraintInfo>(); cmd.Parameters.Clear(); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@0", table.Name); using (var dr = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { while (dr.Read()) { var index_name = dr[0] as string; var is_primary_key = (bool)dr[1]; var is_unique_key = (bool)dr[2]; var combination = dr[3] as short[]; var column_name = dr[4] as string; var attnum = Convert.ToInt32(dr[5]); var index_type = dr[6] as string; ConstraintInfo info; if (!indicesDic.TryGetValue(index_name, out info)) { indicesDic[index_name] = info = new ConstraintInfo(index_name, is_primary_key, is_unique_key, combination, index_type); } var column = (from c in table.ColumnDefs where c.Name == column_name select c).FirstOrDefault(); info.Columns[attnum] = column ?? throw new ApplicationException(); } } var indices = new List <Tuple <string, string, PgColumnDef[]> >(); var uniques = new List <Tuple <string, PgColumnDef[]> >(); foreach (var kvp in indicesDic) { var info = kvp.Value; var columns = (from i in info.Combination select info.Columns[i]).ToArray(); if (info.IsPrimaryKey) { table.PrimaryKey = new PrimaryKeyDef(kvp.Key, columns); } else if (info.IsUniqueKey) { uniques.Add(new Tuple <string, PgColumnDef[]>(kvp.Key, columns)); } else { indices.Add(new Tuple <string, string, PgColumnDef[]>(kvp.Key, info.IndexType, columns)); } } table.Indices = (from i in indices select new IndexDef(i.Item1, i.Item2 == "gin" ? IndexFlags.Gin : 0, i.Item3)).ToArray(); table.Uniques = (from u in uniques select new UniqueDef(u.Item1, u.Item2)).ToArray(); } this.Tables = (from t in tables.Values select t).ToArray(); } } catch (PostgresException ex) { throw new PgEnvironmentException(ex); } }
public AddPrimaryKeyChange(TableInfo table, ConstraintInfo pk) : base(table) { _pk = pk; }
private static void PopulateConstraints(ColumnInfo[] allColumns, ConstraintInfo[] allConstraints) { foreach (var c in allConstraints) { var column = allColumns.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Schema == c.Schema && p.TableName == c.TableName && c.ColumnName == p.ColumnName); if (column != null) { switch (c.Type) { case ConstraintType.PrimaryKey: column.IsPrimaryKey = true; break; case ConstraintType.Uniqule: column.IsUniqule = true; break; case ConstraintType.Check: column.IsCheck = true; break; } } } }
public virtual void RenameConstraint(ConstraintInfo constraint, string newname) { throw new System.NotImplementedException(); }
public void ModelInfoTest() { const string modelName = "test model"; var builder = new ModelInfo.ModelBuilder(modelName); const string constraintName = "test constraint"; const string constraintPredicateName = "constraint predicate"; var constraintExpression = new EqualToOperator(Two, Two); var constraintPredicate = new BooleanExpressionTree(constraintPredicateName, constraintExpression); var constraint = new ConstraintInfo(constraintName, constraintPredicate); builder.AddConstraint(constraint); /* * const string eventName = "test event"; * const string eventPredicateName = "event predicate"; * var eventExpression = new GreaterThanOperator(Three, Two); * var eventPredicate = new BooleanExpressionTree(eventPredicateName, eventExpression); * int eventCount = 0; * var testEvent = new EventInfo(eventName, eventPredicate, () => { eventCount++; }); * builder.AddEvent(testEvent); */ const string expressionName = "test expression"; var expression = new AddOperator(Three, Two); var expressionTree = new NumericExpressionTree(expressionName, expression); builder.AddExpression(expressionTree); const string localeName = "test locale"; var locale = new LocaleInfo(localeName); builder.AddLocale(locale); const string observableName = "test observable"; const string observableExpressionName = "observable expression"; var rootOperator = new PowerOperator(Two, Three); var observableExpressionTree = new NumericExpressionTree(observableExpressionName, rootOperator); var observable = new ObservableInfo(observableName, observableExpressionTree); builder.AddObservable(observable); const string parameterName = "test parameter"; var parameter = new ParameterInfo(parameterName, 3.14159265f); builder.AddParameter(parameter); const string predicateName = "test predicate"; var predicateExpression = new LessThanOperator(Two, Three); var predicate = new BooleanExpressionTree(predicateName, predicateExpression); builder.AddPredicate(predicate); const string speciesName = "reactant"; var reactant = new SpeciesDescription(speciesName, 2012, locale); builder.AddSpecies(reactant); const string reactionName = "test reaction"; var rBuilder = new ReactionInfo.ReactionBuilder(reactionName); rBuilder.AddReactant(reactant); var rateExpression = new MultiplyOperator(Ten, new SymbolReference(speciesName)); var reactionRate = new NumericExpressionTree(null, rateExpression); rBuilder.SetRate(reactionRate); var reaction = rBuilder.Reaction; builder.AddReaction(reaction); var modelInfo = builder.Model; Console.WriteLine("ModelInfoTests: checking model name..."); Expect(modelInfo.Name == modelName); Console.WriteLine("ModelInfoTests: checking constraint count (1)..."); Expect(modelInfo.Constraints.Count() == 1); Console.WriteLine("ModelInfoTests: checking constraint..."); Expect(modelInfo.Constraints.First() == constraint); /* * Console.WriteLine("ModelInfoTests: checking event count (1)..."); * Expect(modelInfo.Events.Count() == 1); * Console.WriteLine("ModelInfoTests: checking event..."); * Expect(modelInfo.Events.First() == testEvent); */ Console.WriteLine("ModelInfoTests: checking expression count (3)..."); Expect(modelInfo.Expressions.Count() == 3); Console.WriteLine("ModelInfoTests: checking expressions..."); var expressions = modelInfo.Expressions.Where(net => net.Name == expressionName).ToList(); Expect(expressions.Count == 1); Expect(expressions[0] == expressionTree); Console.WriteLine("ModelInfoTests: checking locale count (1)..."); Expect(modelInfo.Locales.Count() == 1); Console.WriteLine("ModelInfoTests: checking locale..."); Expect(modelInfo.Locales.First() == locale); Console.WriteLine("ModelInfoTests: checking observable count (1)..."); Expect(modelInfo.Observables.Count() == 1); Console.WriteLine("ModelInfoTests: checking observable..."); Expect(modelInfo.Observables.First() == observable); Console.WriteLine("ModelInfoTests: checking parameter count (1)..."); Expect(modelInfo.Parameters.Count() == 1); Console.WriteLine("ModelInfoTests: checking parameter..."); Expect(modelInfo.Parameters.First() == parameter); /* * Console.WriteLine("ModelInfoTests: checking predicate count (3)..."); * Expect(modelInfo.Predicates.Count() == 3); */ Console.WriteLine("ModelInfoTests: checking predicate count (2)..."); Expect(modelInfo.Predicates.Count() == 2); Console.WriteLine("ModelInfoTests: checking predicate..."); var predicates = modelInfo.Predicates.Where(pi => pi.Name == predicateName).ToList(); Expect(predicates.Count == 1); Expect(predicates[0] == predicate); Console.WriteLine("ModelInfoTests: checking reaction count (1)..."); Expect(modelInfo.Reactions.Count() == 1); Console.WriteLine("ModelInfoTests: checking reaction..."); Expect(modelInfo.Reactions.First() == reaction); Console.WriteLine("ModelInfoTests: checking species count (1)..."); Expect(modelInfo.Species.Count() == 1); Console.WriteLine("ModelInfoTests: checking species..."); Expect(modelInfo.Species.First() == reactant); }
public Constraint(ConstraintInfo info, IDictionary <string, IBoolean> bmap, IDictionary <string, IValue> nmap) { _info = info; _predicate = info.Predicate.ResolveReferences(bmap, nmap); }
public override ITable Evaluate(IQueryContext context) { if (!context.UserCanAlterTable(TableName)) throw new InvalidAccessException(TableName); var table = context.GetTable(TableName); if (table == null) throw new ObjectNotFoundException(TableName); var tableInfo = table.TableInfo; var newTableInfo = new TableInfo(tableInfo.TableName); var checker = ColumnChecker.Default(context, TableName); bool tableAltered = false; bool markDropped = false; for (int n = 0; n < tableInfo.ColumnCount; ++n) { var column = tableInfo[n]; string columnName = column.ColumnName; var columnType = column.ColumnType; var defaultExpression = column.DefaultExpression; if (Action.ActionType == AlterTableActionType.SetDefault && CheckColumnNamesMatch(context, ((SetDefaultAction) Action).ColumnName, columnName)) { var exp = ((SetDefaultAction) Action).DefaultExpression; exp = checker.CheckExpression(exp); defaultExpression = exp; tableAltered = true; } else if (Action.ActionType == AlterTableActionType.DropDefault && CheckColumnNamesMatch(context, ((DropDefaultAction) Action).ColumnName, columnName)) { defaultExpression = null; tableAltered = true; } else if (Action.ActionType == AlterTableActionType.DropColumn && CheckColumnNamesMatch(context, ((DropColumnAction) Action).ColumnName, columnName)) { // Check there are no referential links to this column var refs = context.GetTableImportedForeignKeys(TableName); foreach (var reference in refs) { CheckColumnConstraint(columnName, reference.ForeignColumnNames, reference.ForeignTable, reference.ConstraintName); } // Or from it refs = context.GetTableForeignKeys(TableName); foreach (var reference in refs) { CheckColumnConstraint(columnName, reference.ColumnNames, reference.TableName, reference.ConstraintName); } // Or that it's part of a primary key var primaryKey = context.GetTablePrimaryKey(TableName); if (primaryKey != null) CheckColumnConstraint(columnName, primaryKey.ColumnNames, TableName, primaryKey.ConstraintName); // Or that it's part of a unique set var uniques = context.GetTableUniqueKeys(TableName); foreach (var unique in uniques) { CheckColumnConstraint(columnName, unique.ColumnNames, TableName, unique.ConstraintName); } markDropped = true; tableAltered = true; } var newColumn = new ColumnInfo(columnName, columnType); if (defaultExpression != null) newColumn.DefaultExpression = defaultExpression; newColumn.IndexType = column.IndexType; newColumn.IsNotNull = column.IsNotNull; // If not dropped then add to the new table definition. if (!markDropped) { newTableInfo.AddColumn(newColumn); } } if (Action.ActionType == AlterTableActionType.AddColumn) { var col = ((AddColumnAction)Action).Column; checker.CheckExpression(col.DefaultExpression); var columnName = col.ColumnName; var columnType = col.ColumnType; // If column name starts with [table_name]. then strip it off columnName = checker.StripTableName(TableName.Name, columnName); if (tableInfo.IndexOfColumn(col.ColumnName) != -1) throw new InvalidOperationException("The column '" + col.ColumnName + "' is already in the table '" + tableInfo.TableName + "'."); var newColumn = new ColumnInfo(columnName, columnType) { IsNotNull = col.IsNotNull, DefaultExpression = col.DefaultExpression }; newTableInfo.AddColumn(newColumn); tableAltered = true; } if (Action.ActionType == AlterTableActionType.DropConstraint) { string constraintName = ((DropConstraintAction)Action).ConstraintName; int dropCount = context.DropConstraint(TableName, constraintName); if (dropCount == 0) throw new InvalidOperationException("Named constraint to drop on table " + TableName + " was not found: " + constraintName); } else if (Action.ActionType == AlterTableActionType.DropPrimaryKey) { if (!context.DropPrimaryKey(TableName)) throw new InvalidOperationException("No primary key to delete on table " + TableName); } if (Action.ActionType == AlterTableActionType.AddConstraint) { var constraint = ((AddConstraintAction)Action).Constraint; bool foreignConstraint = (constraint.ConstraintType == ConstraintType.ForeignKey); ObjectName refTname = null; if (foreignConstraint) { refTname = context.ResolveTableName(constraint.ForeignTable); } var columnNames = checker.StripColumnList(TableName.FullName, constraint.ColumnNames); columnNames = checker.StripColumnList(constraint.ForeignTable.FullName, columnNames); var expression = checker.CheckExpression(constraint.CheckExpression); columnNames = checker.CheckColumns(columnNames); IEnumerable<string> refCols = null; if (foreignConstraint && constraint.ForeignColumnNames != null) { var referencedChecker = ColumnChecker.Default(context, refTname); refCols = referencedChecker.CheckColumns(constraint.ForeignColumnNames); } var newConstraint = new ConstraintInfo(constraint.ConstraintType, constraint.TableName, columnNames.ToArray()); if (foreignConstraint) { newConstraint.ForeignTable = refTname; newConstraint.ForeignColumnNames = refCols.ToArray(); } if (constraint.ConstraintType == ConstraintType.Check) newConstraint.CheckExpression = expression; context.AddConstraint(TableName, newConstraint); } // Alter the existing table to the new format... if (tableAltered) { if (newTableInfo.ColumnCount == 0) throw new InvalidOperationException("Can not ALTER table to have 0 columns."); context.AlterTable(newTableInfo); } else { // If the table wasn't physically altered, check the constraints. // Calling this method will also make the transaction check all // deferred constraints during the next commit. context.CheckConstraints(TableName); } // Return '0' if everything successful. return FunctionTable.ResultTable(context, 0); }
public static bool EqualsConstraints(ConstraintInfo csrc, ConstraintInfo cdst, DbDiffOptions options, bool checkNames, DbObjectPairing pairing) { if (checkNames && !options.IgnoreConstraintNames) { if (!EqualNames(csrc.ConstraintName, cdst.ConstraintName, options)) { return(false); //if (csrc is PrimaryKeyInfo && cdst is PrimaryKeyInfo) // && (pairing.Source.Dialect.DialectCaps.AnonymousPrimaryKey || pairing.Target.Dialect.DialectCaps.AnonymousPrimaryKey)) //{ // // do nothing //} //else //{ // return false; //} } } if (csrc.GetType() != cdst.GetType()) { return(false); } if (csrc is IndexInfo srcIndex && cdst is IndexInfo dstIndex) { if (srcIndex.IsUnique != dstIndex.IsUnique) { return(false); } if (srcIndex.IndexType != dstIndex.IndexType) { return(false); } } if (csrc is ColumnsConstraintInfo) { TableInfo tsrc = pairing.Source.FindTable(csrc.OwnerTable.FullName); TableInfo tdst = pairing.Target.FindTable(cdst.OwnerTable.FullName); if (!EqualsColumnRefs(tsrc, tdst, ((ColumnsConstraintInfo)csrc).Columns, ((ColumnsConstraintInfo)cdst).Columns)) { return(false); } //if (!((ColumnsConstraint)csrc).Columns.EqualSequence(((ColumnsConstraint)cdst).Columns)) return false; if (csrc is ForeignKeyInfo) { var fsrc = (ForeignKeyInfo)csrc; var fdst = (ForeignKeyInfo)cdst; if (!EqualFullNames(fsrc.RefTableFullName, fdst.RefTableFullName, options)) { return(false); } TableInfo psrc = pairing.Source.FindTable(fsrc.RefTableFullName); TableInfo pdst = pairing.Target.FindTable(fdst.RefTableFullName); if (!EqualsColumnRefs(psrc, pdst, fsrc.RefColumns, fdst.RefColumns)) { return(false); } if (fsrc.OnDeleteAction != fdst.OnDeleteAction) { return(false); } if (fsrc.OnUpdateAction != fdst.OnUpdateAction) { return(false); } } //if (csrc is IIndex) //{ // var isrc = (IndexConstraint)csrc; // var idst = (IndexConstraint)cdst; // if (isrc.IsUnique != idst.IsUnique) return false; //} } //if (csrc is CheckConstraint) //{ // if (((CheckConstraint)csrc).Expression != ((CheckConstraint)cdst).Expression) return false; //} return(true); }
public static ConstraintInfo[] QueryTableCheckExpressions(this ITransaction transaction, ObjectName tableName) { var t = transaction.GetTable(SystemSchema.CheckInfoTableName); // Returns the list indexes where column 3 = table name // and column 2 = schema name var objTableName = Field.String(tableName.Name); var objSchemaName = Field.String(tableName.Parent.Name); var data = t.SelectRowsEqual(3, objTableName, 2, objSchemaName).ToList(); var checks = new ConstraintInfo[data.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < checks.Length; ++i) { int rowIndex = data[i]; string name = t.GetValue(rowIndex, 1).Value.ToString(); var deferred = (ConstraintDeferrability) ((SqlNumber) t.GetValue(rowIndex, 5).Value).ToInt16(); SqlExpression expression = null; // Is the deserialized version available? if (t.TableInfo.ColumnCount > 6) { var sexp = (SqlBinary) t.GetValue(rowIndex, 6).Value; if (!sexp.IsNull) { try { // Deserialize the expression // TODO: expression = (SqlExpression)ObjectTranslator.Deserialize(sexp); throw new NotImplementedException(); } catch (Exception) { // We weren't able to deserialize the expression so report the // error to the log // TODO: } } } // Otherwise we need to parse it from the string if (expression == null) { expression = SqlExpression.Parse(t.GetValue(rowIndex, 4).Value.ToString()); } var check = ConstraintInfo.Check(name, tableName, expression); check.Deferred = deferred; checks[i] = check; } return checks; }
private void OnGUI() { if ((ParticleComponent != null)) { GUILayout.Label("Cloth Simulation Constraints for VertID " +, EditorStyles.boldLabel); ClothSimEntity clothSimEntity = ParticleComponent.ClothSimEntity; Dictionary <string, DynamicPropertiesDef> constraintProperties = clothSimEntity.GetConstraintDefinitions(); Event currentEvent = Event.current; List <ConstraintInfo> constraintInfo = ParticleComponent.ConstraintParticles; List <ConstraintDef> defs = ParticleComponent.ParticleInfo.VertInfo.ConstraintsTable.ConstraintsDefs; Dictionary <string, DynamicPropertiesDef> dynamicProperties = clothSimEntity.GetConstraintDefinitions(); List <string> keys = dynamicProperties.Keys.ToList(); string[] options = keys.ToArray(); int defIndex = 0; foreach (ConstraintDef def in defs) { EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); m_selected[defIndex] = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(m_selected[defIndex]); int index = keys.IndexOf(def.ConstraintType); int newIndex = EditorGUILayout.Popup(index, options, EditorStyles.popup); if (newIndex != index) { def.ConstraintType = options[newIndex]; DynamicPropertiesDef newDef = constraintProperties[def.ConstraintType]; ConstraintInfo info = ParticleComponent.ConstraintParticles.FirstOrDefault(c => def.TargetVert == c.ConstraintParticle.ParticleInfo.VertInfo.VertID); info.DynamicProperties = newDef; } def.TargetVert = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Target Vert ID", def.TargetVert); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); ++defIndex; } ParticleComponent.Selected = m_selected; EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button("Delete")) { int index = 0; List <bool> isSelectedSet = new List <bool>(m_selected); foreach (bool isSelected in isSelectedSet) { if (isSelected) { ConstraintDef def = defs[index]; defs.Remove(def); constraintInfo.Remove( constraintInfo.First(i => i.ConstraintParticle.ParticleInfo.VertInfo.VertID == def.TargetVert)); m_selected.RemoveAt(index); } ++index; } } if (GUILayout.Button("Add")) { foreach (GameObject gameObject in Selection.gameObjects) { DynamicParticleComponent dynamicParticle = gameObject.GetComponent <DynamicParticleComponent>(); ConstraintDef def = new ConstraintDef { ConstraintType = options.Count() > 0 ? options[0] : "Invalid", TargetVert = dynamicParticle.ParticleInfo.VertInfo.VertID }; defs.Add(def); ConstraintInfo info = new ConstraintInfo { ConstraintParticle = dynamicParticle }; if (dynamicProperties.TryGetValue(def.ConstraintType, out DynamicPropertiesDef dynamicPropertiesDef)) { info.DynamicProperties = dynamicPropertiesDef; } constraintInfo.Add(info); m_selected.Add(false); } } if (GUILayout.Button("Change")) { int index = 0; List <bool> isSelectedSet = new List <bool>(m_selected); foreach (bool isSelected in isSelectedSet) { if (isSelected) { ConstraintDef def = defs[index]; ConstraintInfo info = constraintInfo.First(i => i.ConstraintParticle.ParticleInfo.VertInfo.VertID == def.TargetVert); GameObject gameObject = Selection.activeGameObject; DynamicParticleComponent particle = gameObject.GetComponent <DynamicParticleComponent>(); def.TargetVert = particle.ParticleInfo.VertInfo.VertID; info.ConstraintParticle = particle; } ++index; } } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } }
/// <summary> /// Gets the unique constraint definition string. /// </summary> /// <param name="uk"></param> /// <returns></returns> protected string GetUniqueConstraintString(ConstraintInfo uk) { return string.Format(" unique ({0})", StringUtilities.Combine(uk.Columns, ", ")); }
public List <ConstraintInfo> getConstraintsFromTable(string tablename) { String sqlstring = "SELECT tc.CONSTRAINT_NAME, tc.CONSTRAINT_TYPE, cc.CHECK_CLAUSE, ic.COLUMN_NAME, tc2.TABLE_NAME, ccu.COLUMN_NAME " + "FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS tc " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CHECK_CONSTRAINTS cc ON tc.CONSTRAINT_NAME = cc.CONSTRAINT_NAME " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CONSTRAINT_COLUMN_USAGE ic ON tc.CONSTRAINT_NAME = ic.CONSTRAINT_NAME " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN INFORMATION_SCHEMA.REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS rc ON tc.CONSTRAINT_NAME = rc.CONSTRAINT_NAME " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS tc2 ON rc.UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_NAME = tc2.CONSTRAINT_NAME " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CONSTRAINT_COLUMN_USAGE ccu ON tc2.CONSTRAINT_NAME = ccu.CONSTRAINT_NAME " + "WHERE tc.TABLE_NAME = '" + tablename + "' AND tc.CONSTRAINT_TYPE != 'PRIMARY KEY'; "; sqlcommand = new SqlCommand(sqlstring, conn); SqlDataReader reader = sqlcommand.ExecuteReader(); String column_name; String constraint_name; String condition; String type; List <ConstraintInfo> constraints = new List <ConstraintInfo>(); List <String> constraintscol = new List <String>(); while (reader.Read()) { try { type = reader.GetString(1); if (type.Equals("FOREIGN KEY")) { if (!constraintscol.Contains( reader.GetString(3) + reader.GetString(5) + reader.GetString(4))) { constraintscol.Add(reader.GetString(3) + reader.GetString(5) + reader.GetString(4)); try { int index = constraints.FindIndex(ConstraintInfo => ConstraintInfo.constraintName == reader.GetString(0)); ConstraintInfo ci = constraints[index]; constraints.RemoveAt(index); if (!ci.columnName.Contains(reader.GetString(3))) { ci.columnName = ci.columnName + "," + reader.GetString(3); } if (!ci.FKcolumnName.Contains(reader.GetString(5))) { ci.FKcolumnName = ci.FKcolumnName + "," + reader.GetString(5); } constraints.Add(ci); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { constraints.Add(new ConstraintInfo(ConstraintType.ForeignKey, reader.GetString(0), "", reader.GetString(3), reader.GetString(4), reader.GetString(5))); } } } else if (type.Equals("UNIQUE")) { constraints.Add(new ConstraintInfo(ConstraintType.UniqueKey, reader.GetString(0), "", reader.GetString(3), "", "")); } else if (type.Equals("CHECK")) { constraints.Add(new ConstraintInfo(ConstraintType.Check, reader.GetString(0), reader.GetString(2), reader.GetString(3), "", "")); } } catch (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlNullValueException) { //break; } } reader.Close(); return(constraints); }
public static ConstraintInfo[] QueryTableForeignKeys(this ITransaction transaction, ObjectName tableName) { var t = transaction.GetTable(SystemSchema.ForeignKeyInfoTableName); var t2 = transaction.GetTable(SystemSchema.ForeignKeyColumnsTableName); // Returns the list indexes where column 3 = table name // and column 2 = schema name var objTableName = DataObject.String(tableName.Name); var objSchema = DataObject.String(tableName.Parent.Name); var data = t.SelectRowsEqual(3, objTableName, 2, objSchema).ToList(); var groups = new ConstraintInfo[data.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < data.Count; ++i) { int rowIndex = data[i]; // The foreign key id var id = t.GetValue(rowIndex, 0); // The referenced table var refTableName = new ObjectName( new ObjectName(t.GetValue(rowIndex, 4).Value.ToString()), t.GetValue(rowIndex, 5).Value.ToString()); // Select all records with equal id var cols = t2.SelectRowsEqual(0, id).ToList(); var name = t.GetValue(rowIndex, 1).Value.ToString(); var updateRule = (ForeignKeyAction) ((SqlNumber) t.GetValue(rowIndex, 6).Value).ToInt32(); var deleteRule = (ForeignKeyAction) ((SqlNumber) t.GetValue(rowIndex, 7).Value).ToInt32(); var deferred = (ConstraintDeferrability) ((SqlNumber) t.GetValue(rowIndex, 8).Value).ToInt16(); ; int colsSize = cols.Count; string[] keyCols = new string[colsSize]; string[] refCols = new string[colsSize]; for (int n = 0; n < colsSize; ++n) { for (int p = 0; p < colsSize; ++p) { int colsIndex = cols[p]; if (t2.GetValue(colsIndex, 3) == n) { keyCols[n] = t2.GetValue(colsIndex, 1).Value.ToString(); refCols[n] = t2.GetValue(colsIndex, 2).Value.ToString(); break; } } } var constraint = ConstraintInfo.ForeignKey(name, tableName, keyCols, refTableName, refCols); constraint.OnDelete = deleteRule; constraint.OnUpdate = updateRule; constraint.Deferred = deferred; groups[i] = constraint; } return groups; }