Esempio n. 1
        public void SpringDampingTest()
            float erp = 0.3f;
            float cfm = 0.001f;

            float spring  = ConstraintHelper.ComputeSpringConstant(1 / 60f, erp, cfm);
            float damping = ConstraintHelper.ComputeDampingConstant(1 / 60f, erp, cfm);

            Assert.IsTrue(Numeric.AreEqual(erp, ConstraintHelper.ComputeErrorReduction(1 / 60f, spring, damping)));
            Assert.IsTrue(Numeric.AreEqual(cfm, ConstraintHelper.ComputeSoftness(1 / 60f, spring, damping)));
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when constraint should be set up for a new time step.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method is called by <see cref="Constraint.Setup"/>, but only if the constraint is
        /// enabled and all <see cref="Constraint"/> properties are properly initialized.
        /// </remarks>
        protected override void OnSetup()
            Debug.Assert(_wheel.HasGroundContact, "WheelConstraint must be disabled if wheel does not touch ground.");

            // The pose where the suspension is fixed on the car.
            Pose anchorPoseA = BodyA.Pose * new Pose(_wheel.Offset);

            // The ground contact position relative to the anchor pose.
            Vector3 relativePosition = anchorPoseA.ToLocalPosition(_wheel.GroundPosition);

            // Radius vectors from the centers of mass to the points where the
            // suspension forces should be applied:
            Vector3 rA = anchorPoseA.Position - BodyA.PoseCenterOfMass.Position;
            Vector3 rB = _wheel.GroundPosition - BodyB.PoseCenterOfMass.Position;

            // Get some simulation settings.
            float deltaTime                  = Simulation.Settings.Timing.FixedTimeStep;
            float allowedDeviation           = Simulation.Settings.Constraints.AllowedPenetration;
            float maxErrorCorrectionVelocity = Simulation.Settings.Constraints.MaxErrorCorrectionVelocity;

            // The position of ground contact relative to the suspension anchor pose.
            float relativePositionY = relativePosition.Y;

            // The suspension axis (= the Y axis of the chassis body).
            var suspensionAxis = BodyA.Pose.Orientation.GetColumn(1);

                // ----- Set up the suspension spring constraint:
                float deviation = -_wheel.SuspensionRestLength - _wheel.Radius - relativePositionY + allowedDeviation;

                // Compute error reduction and softness from spring and damping values.
                // Note: The wheel suspension stiffness and damping are scaled by the mass because they
                // should be scaled with different chassis masses.
                var   mass              = BodyA.MassFrame.Mass;
                var   suspensionSpring  = _wheel.SuspensionStiffness * mass;
                var   suspensionDamping = _wheel.SuspensionDamping * mass;
                float errorReduction    = ConstraintHelper.ComputeErrorReduction(deltaTime, suspensionSpring, suspensionDamping);
                float softness          = ConstraintHelper.ComputeSoftness(deltaTime, suspensionSpring, suspensionDamping);

                _suspensionSpringConstraint.TargetRelativeVelocity = MathHelper.Clamp(deviation * errorReduction / deltaTime, -maxErrorCorrectionVelocity, maxErrorCorrectionVelocity);
                _suspensionSpringConstraint.Softness = softness / deltaTime;
                _suspensionSpringConstraint.Prepare(BodyA, BodyB, -suspensionAxis, -Vector3.Cross(rA, suspensionAxis), suspensionAxis, Vector3.Cross(rB, suspensionAxis));

            // ----- Set up the hard suspension limit:
            _suspensionLimitIsActive = relativePositionY > -_wheel.MinSuspensionLength - _wheel.Radius;
            if (_suspensionLimitIsActive)
                float deviation = -_wheel.MinSuspensionLength - _wheel.Radius - relativePositionY + allowedDeviation;

                // This constraint is as "hard" as a normal contact constraint.
                float errorReduction = Simulation.Settings.Constraints.ContactErrorReduction;

                _suspensionLimitConstraint.TargetRelativeVelocity = MathHelper.Clamp(deviation * errorReduction / deltaTime, -maxErrorCorrectionVelocity, maxErrorCorrectionVelocity);
                _suspensionLimitConstraint.Prepare(BodyA, BodyB, -suspensionAxis, -Vector3.Cross(rA, suspensionAxis), suspensionAxis, Vector3.Cross(rB, suspensionAxis));
                _suspensionLimitConstraint.ConstraintImpulse = 0;

            // The forward and side constraints are applied in the ground plane. But to make the
            // car more stable we can optionally apply the impulses at a higher position (to avoid rolling).
            rA = rA - (1 - _wheel.RollReduction) * (_wheel.SuspensionLength + _wheel.Radius) * suspensionAxis;

            // ---- Set up lateral friction constraint:
            _sideConstraint.TargetRelativeVelocity = 0;
            _sideConstraint.Prepare(BodyA, BodyB, -_wheel.GroundRight, -Vector3.Cross(rA, _wheel.GroundRight), _wheel.GroundRight, Vector3.Cross(rB, _wheel.GroundRight));

            // ----- Set up forward constraint (motor, brake, friction):
            _forwardConstraint.Prepare(BodyA, BodyB, -_wheel.GroundForward, -Vector3.Cross(rA, _wheel.GroundForward), _wheel.GroundForward, Vector3.Cross(rB, _wheel.GroundForward));

            if (Math.Abs(_wheel.MotorForce) > Math.Abs(_wheel.BrakeForce))
                // The wheel is driven by the motor.
                // The constraint tries to accelerate the car as much as possible. The actual acceleration
                // is limited by the motor and brake force.
                _forwardConstraint.TargetRelativeVelocity = -Math.Sign(_wheel.MotorForce) * float.PositiveInfinity;
                _forwardImpulseLimit = (Math.Abs(_wheel.MotorForce) - Math.Abs(_wheel.BrakeForce)) * deltaTime;
                // The wheel is freely rolling or braking.
                _forwardConstraint.TargetRelativeVelocity = 0;
                _forwardImpulseLimit = Math.Max(_wheel.RollingFrictionForce, _wheel.BrakeForce - Math.Abs(_wheel.MotorForce)) * deltaTime;

            // Warmstart the suspension constraints.
            _suspensionSpringConstraint.ApplyImpulse(BodyA, BodyB, _suspensionSpringConstraint.ConstraintImpulse);
            _suspensionLimitConstraint.ApplyImpulse(BodyA, BodyB, _suspensionLimitConstraint.ConstraintImpulse);

            // Do not warmstart the tangential friction-based constraints.
            _forwardConstraint.ConstraintImpulse = 0;
            _sideConstraint.ConstraintImpulse    = 0;